The Power of Love

We are emotional beings. Love is personal to each of us and cannot be defined or explained in simple terms.  In 1763, Emanuel Swedenborg said In Love and Wisdom, “Man knows that there is such a thing as love, but he does not know what love is. He knows that there is such a thing as love from common speech, as when it is said, he loves me, a king loves his subjects, and subjects love their king, a husband loves his wife, a mother her children, and conversely; also, this or that one loves his country, his fellow citizens, his neighbor; and likewise of things abstracted from person, as when it is said, one loves this or that thing. But although the word love is so universally used, hardly anybody knows what love is.”

Do we know any more today about love? In 1763, there were 700 million people in the world with libraries and horses with cobblestone streets in sparsely populated areas, taking days to get information from one place to another.

Today we have  11 times more people with instant information on our cell phones, iPads, and laptops. Just google it and you get instant answers; you just have to check the images (28)validity. What we have learned is that the heart electromagnetic field can be measured several feet from our bodies. Our emotions are constantly up and down, positive and negative, always present and affecting our energy field. Love is a powerful emotion that we have felt in our relationships with families, friends, co-workers, lovers and former lovers, school mates, casual acquaintances and strangers. Our emotions dominate us, the way we think, sleep, eat, our moods and how we perceive life.

Consider, 7.7 billion people on earth radiating either positive or negative vibrations, nonstop; affecting our homes, jobs, cities, countries and our world. Our emotions are affected by everything we do, hear and see.

 Jesus said “love your neighbor as yourself.

Lao Tzu said in the Tao Te Ching, “nothing but good comes to him who loves others as he loves himself.”

“As a mother would protect her only child with her life … cultivate a boundless love towards all beings.” Buddha

Imagine 7.7 billion people radiating love and positive vibrations and how that would change our world …. Just food for thought.

16 thoughts on “The Power of Love”

    1. Thank you for your comment. Wouldn’t it be great if it was not just a thought, but reality.

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