Our Essence/Spirit/Soul

Our essence, the spirit and soul, is pure energy, a source from Infinite Intelligence that encompasses the universe that forever has been a mystery for the human race.  Our higher selfessence is much like a baby, trying to learn to see, sit up, crawl,  walk, and talk while developing the 6th sense.  It is drawn to the beauty of nature, the thriving life of seen and unseen worlds. It looks at others and sees itself with feelings of compassion, love and discernment.  It feels sorrow as it sees the world being ravaged, polluted and destroyed; the pain and suffering of the people, plants, animals and mother earth. It understands we are one community with different cultures, ideas, and beliefs, all different, but all spiritually connected.

But our essence is just an infant, beginning to realize the infinite possibilities. Telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, discernment, remote viewing and psychic abilities are just some beginning to be understood and practiced.  Mankind  even has Global Consciousness project uses binary codes to measure levels of global conscious.   Even ourB135RbXCcAIZp5p thoughts create reality by negative or positive emotions causing action and reaction. Over 7 billion people have unknowingly created our world of today simply by thought.

Our essence  has been elusive of our understanding since the beginning of time. Humanity has been fascinated the concept of spirit/soul through religion and belief systems. Our essence , also known as spirit, soul, rul, chi, prana, chakras, divine spark or consciousness  is in every culture.  Each culture has a belief system, established rituals, rules, explanations and concepts based on their understanding how our essence guides us through this life into the next. We go to churches, synagogues, temples, monasteries, mosques and other places of worship to understand our spirit. Others do not attend organized religion but practice spirituality daily.

Our essence is communicating with us, all we have to do is pay attention.  Daily meditation, contemplation, prayer and thanksgiving brings our essence  closer to the source, our Creator.

Call it mystical and elusive; it has been debated, discussed, and revered, by every Religion and belief system in the world. Science cannot explain or prove the energy exist, encourages those to be non-believers. Description of near death experience excites those who believe. It is free-will, all part of this grand game, we call life.

14 thoughts on “Our Essence/Spirit/Soul”

      1. Much wisdom in few words Life, more than existence is an inspiration. Thank you for your kinds words.

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