Do You Remember the Light?

Remember a time long ago, when we were children. As we were being born we were probably asking ourselves, “do I really want to do this?”  I have a 935350_10151618620533781_1528067472_ndear friend with a PhD in Linguistics,  who told me about his birth. He was very serious , remembers the day he was born,  recalling he did not want to come out.  He resisted but he was pushed out against his will.   We talk and laugh about that moment often.

According to the Law of One,  we actually had a choice to come here, even pick our parents and our condition. We came here to learn,   and by design,  we simply do not remember.   One thing for certain, we are here now,  in this crazy mixed up world full of distortions and fabrications of truths.  The Law of One also provided insight about us being graded on our 5448b568955661f1df02bb93ad6bc254performance during our lifetime with a positive/negative grading system. 51% positive you have your ticket home. Less than that,  it is a do over, reincarnation and not just here, but anywhere in the Universe. Once again we do not remember anything from our past experiences. This concept is basically in line with eastern belief systems.

Jesus said, “The man old in days will not hesitate to ask a small child seven days old about the place of life, and he will live. For many who are first will become last, and they will become one and the same.”  (Saying 4 Gospel of Thomas)

983790_10152768735973781_3222843208763816826_nAs infants, we learn to sit up,  crawl, stand and then our first step. By the time we are able to communicate effectively, we have forgotten who we really are and our purpose.  Then the programming begins. We have continuous media noise, our education , political and religious systems all work against us. We have families, children and most of us have to work. Life gets hectic, and before you realize it, we are emerged so deeply in the material world that it is difficult to think clearly, much less remember who we are and our purpose in life.

Yeshua said, If they say to you, “Where have you come from?”say to them, “We have come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself, established itself, and appeared in their image.” (Saying 50 Gospel of Thomas) 

Then at some point, realization sets in and we start to believe there is something more than the material world.  We  go to churches, synagogues, temples, monasteries, mosques420484_10151229660328781_426202221_n and other places of worship to seek the truth. We either get comfortable in that  belief system  or continue seeking the truth.  According to the Law of One, all religions have some truth, but no religion  has all the truth. The passing criteria does not require you to be a member of a religion,  or you can be a member of any religion as long as you are 51% positive. The key is love, and along with wisdom, something we are to learn during this lifetime.  Love the One Infinite Creator with all your heart, love your neighbor, nature and all of God’s creation and be of service to others.  Love is a very positive energy and is essentially who we are,  the divine spark of God.  Jesus said we were Gods in  John 10:34. Our thoughts, emotions and actions  manifest our reality, but like babies,  we do not know how to use the divine power within and have to learned one step at a time.  Every thought, every emotion and action is energy with positive or negative consequences,  all computed in our 51% positive goal.

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 Jesus said, As I have loved you, so also you must love one another. John 13:34

The journey begins with a single step. We have been given divine gifts to help us find our way. Discernment is one of those gifts.  The more you trust yourself and your judgement over what others tell you,  the more you will see the light within.

Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. The eye is the lamp  of the body. If your vision is clear, your whole body will be full of light.”  Matthew 6:22

Understanding your thoughts,  emotions and actions are paramount to your spiritual 558146-Buddha-Quote-Mind-is-everything-What-we-think-we-becomepath manifesting your reality. Affirmations are a powerful tool, a reminder of your beliefs and goals.  Meditation is our gateway to find our way home. Starting a daily practice can be one most beneficial endeavors to look within and discover your divinity.   All of us are divine sparks of infinite worth trying to find our way home. Good luck on your journey and Love and Light to all.

6 thoughts on “Do You Remember the Light?”

  1. Another wonderful post dear friend! 51% positive does not sound too hard to achieve, but it demands constant work and monitoring of our thoughts and emotions…living in a total state of mindfulness and awareness, and seeing the world through our hearts. We have our work cut out for us, we have to become the light and love we seek.

    1. Thank you for your comment and I see much work, especially loving your neighbor and enemies as you love yourself. But I am working on that aspect and I agree living in a total state of awareness and seeing the world as One does help. Another thing in The Law of One, look in the mirror see the Creator, look at your companion, see the Creator, see the Creator in all things. That seem to help me on my journey. Thank you again.

  2. This was a spot on post. I find myself grateful to comprehend and understand the message you are being. 51% not a high hurdle but if this is measured in quality of life that would equate to 95%.

    1. Thank you for your comment. Your calculations of 95% quality of life could be correct and consider you may be the one making the determination. At least this gives us some idea of a grading system and our abilities to manifest our reality.

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