Our Ability to Heal

The placebo effect has been proven. Our mind, our belief system, actually controls our pain and can heal many ailments we suffer. In short, the placebo images (6)effect relies on your body’s own chemicals, released in response to or in accordance with your mental or emotional expectations or beliefs.  You  have the ability to heal yourself,  all you have to do is sincerely believe and engage and energize the power within.  Our thoughts, emotions and actions have a huge impact on our lives more than any of us ever imagined. We live in the material world, not realizing the unseen forces of metaphysical world undetected by the five senses.  Our unruly mind does not help. Most of us realize we are energetic beings who do not comprehend the power within. Much like newborn babies, we are just discovering there may be something much more to ourselves than just a physical body.  Jesus even said  ” Truly, truly, I tell You, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I am doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. He was telling us to believe and understand his true message and we could perform the same good deeds.  

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We have the ability but where do we start?  Mystical and psychic abilities have been depressed and discouraged for centuries and most are reluctant to even discuss. We have been made to believe psychic ability was something from the dark ages, something negative.

Witches were burned at the stake for practicing so-called magic and of spells of invocation of spirits, all psychic abilities.  Channeling, another psychic ability  has been going on since biblical days. Parts of the Old Testament says kill the messenger and the New Testament says do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God.    This list of psychic abilities  have been attributed to real-world people and there are different types.    World governments have been recruiting operatives with psychic abilities for years.

We all have some degree of psychic ability.  One ability most have and may not realize it is knowing something and your not sure how you know;  known as discernment. Call it  instinct or intuition we have the ability if we pay attention.   A  psychic has the ee2c9aa37eb3dda8e3d572006e469858--chakra-meditation-chakra-healing the ability to perceive information hidden from the normal senses through extrasensory perception (ESP). To me,  it is the development of our  third eye, our sixth sense. The sixth sense  is the 6th Chakra of the 7 energy centers, running from the base of our spine to the top of our head.  Another message  Jesus  left us was he said   “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your   vision is clear, your whole body will be full of light.”  Light is energy and once your vision is clear, you understand the power within,  the kind that can heal not only yourself but others.


Andrew Newberg, MD Director of Research, Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital has being doing research and suggest that Human beings appear to have spiritual brains; brains that are capable of feeling deeply connected to something greater than themselves and that we can develop intense beliefs about God. His research reveals the fascinating relationship aa4e14dac3ffc117d01edb7a55496384--buddha-quote-buddha-buddha between the universal spiritual urge and the intricate workings of the human brain. He did brain scans of Franciscan Nuns while they were engaged in a type of meditative prayer called centering prayer. The brain scans showed many different changes, including changes in he parts of the brain that are involved in the sense of self, providing evidence that meditative prayer has a measurable effect on the brain.

Other research also suggests meditation may physically change the brain and body and could potentially help to improve many health problems and promote healthy behaviors. Science has established 12 science-based benefits of meditation that can be easily obtainsdownload (3) with daily practice.

Buddha said “Meditation brings wisdom; lack of mediation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.”

We all have the potential to heal ourselves and develop  our God-given abilities.  With positive and loving thoughts, emotions and actions, we  create our reality. Daily meditation provides wisdom. A great start to understanding our true selves.

Changing old habits that do not serves us in our endeavor is probably the most difficult task to overcome, so one should begin  gradually.  This is about transformation, changing bad habits that have been ingrained for years into beneficial ones. Your thoughts, emotions and actions create your reality. Media can be your friend or foe, so you should realize what you watch or read, affects you.  Adding more positivity in your life is a plus.   Qigong, yoga, Tai Chi exercises may increase your positive energy and your overall well-being.

A daily meditation practice is probably the single most important aspect of any spiritual 829a51cb669f43bc4f0468bd90de3a77--walking-paths-into-the-woodsjourney.  It is just you and One Infinite Intelligence or God.  Daily meditation turns your attention away from distracting thoughts and unhealthy habits and focuses on the present moment,  the power within each of us, that divine spark.

Healing is not just about the body,  but the mind and spirit.  It about our connection to God and how to make positive life changes in order to connect.  It is a journey, and as humans we make mistakes. We simply learn and find our way back to our path.  Eventually you will look back and be glad you took that first step. With wisdom and compassion, we love others unconditionally, be of service to others, nurture and care for all of nature  and becoming one with our Infinite Creator, developing that true power within.






6 thoughts on “Our Ability to Heal”

    1. Thank you for your comment. Siddhi, as I understand it, is complete understanding and enlightenment possessed by a siddha, a person who has achieved spiritual realization and supernatural/psychic abilities. Thank you again

  1. It is interesting to note that England recruited witches to help fight the Germans during WWII. One Golden Dawn witch, Dion Fortune, wrote a book about it it called The Magical Battle of Britain.

    1. Thank you for providing such an insightful comment. Dion also said “Great is Truth and shall prevail, and no one who is sincere need fear her.”

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