Spiritual Healing and Our Health

As we go through life, sooner or later we will face disturbing effects of illness, diseases and failing health.  The medical system is failing, ran by the pharmaceutical  corporations; our food supply is being replaced by nutrient  deficient food;  genetically modified foods and, glyphosate has been found in the water supply.  Even the air we breathe is questionable. When we are  focused on all the obstacles we face daily, it is difficult to stay committed to a healthy lifestyle.  Sometimes it helps to remember we are here for a purpose; to discover our true selves. 

With falling health, our human bodies become frail, our minds become confused with fear and anger, feeling defeated.  But our spirit, our higher self,  tells us to keep going, to not give up. Most do not realize that we have been programmed since birth. Our education, media, political and religious systems play an integral part of who we have become and how we think. Our lives are connected to family, friends, work, school and the material world, all affecting our health;  positively and negatively. 

As we begin to discover our true selves,  spiritual healing begins with the realization there is a Source,  Universal Intelligence of pure sacred energy,  that connects us all.  We begin to think and believe we can heal ourselves.  Controlling the mind is key, not only for our health be for our spiritual journey. 

Buddha said, “Hard it is to train the mind, which goes where it likes and does what it wants. But a trained mind brings health and happiness. The wise can direct their thoughts, subtle and elusive, whenever they choose: a trained mind brings health and happiness.”  

We have to deprogram ourselves, so to speak, and perhaps think differently.  There is another world that is inseparable from our physical world that cannot be detected with the five senses; our metaphysical  world.  It is the world of the Source, pure energy simply beyond our understanding. It is the energy generated by our  hearts and minds. Science is beginning to study what we already know.  One  study makes a striking correlation between heart rate and the electromagnetic energy from the sun and earth.  Even  health care providers are understanding the correlation between spirituality, religion and mental health. 

The Source is our life line.   In Chinese cultures, this is known as  chi or qi and other cultures ki, prana, chakras and kundalini.  Our  body, mind, and spirit have a life force  we call electromagnetic energy or energy that cannot even be measured or thoroughly understood.   Sunlight  is something we cannot live without. Light is the food for all life on earth. The human body, according to the doctrine of chromotherapy, is basically composed of colors.  Isn’t that what Jesus said, We are from the Light?  We know insufficient sunlight will result in low Vitamin D deficiencies, leading to the development of prostate and breast cancer, memory loss, and an increased risk for developing dementia and schizophrenia.  We have been told to wear sunscreen to protect ourselves but what is really happening?    We are light beings with chakras and the energy of the sun has the colors of the rainbow. Every creature and plant on earth is engulfed in light that affects its health conditions.

Grounding, as we all know when we go to the beach, improves sleep and reduces stress.  Grounding is bare skin to the earth, perhaps walking or performing Qigong or chi gong,   or any meditative practice outside barefoot. It is an excellent way to cultivate energy. We all wear shoes and that prevents us from getting the benefits from the earth. Grounding is a simple way to prevent and help inflammation with these techniques.

Emotions control who we are and what be become. Paracelsus, Father of Modern Medicine  said “The spirit is the master, imagination the tool, and the body the plastic material . . . The power of the imagination is a great factor in medicine. It may produce diseases in man and in animals, and it may cure them . .. Ills of the body may be cured by remedies or by the power of the spirit acting through the soul.” Thoughts and emotions control our destiny, so think what you want to become and do it in love, the strongest of all emotions.  

Meditation and prayer  are our connection to the Source but also essential in controlling the overactive mind. According  to Dr. Andrew Newberg,   meditation and prayer positively changes our brains. He also said that the brain has two primary functions that can be considered from either a biological or evolutionary perspective. Essentially,  we are hard-wired  for God, the Source. 

  A 12 minute exercise, called the Kirtan Kriya is a type of meditation, practiced daily for 8 weeks, will improve cognition and activate parts of the brain that are central to memory. 

The power of visualization is a tool we can use for healing.  Your brain is constantly using visualization in the process of simulating future experiences.   This happens so naturally we generally aren’t even aware it is happening, much like we are unaware of our breathing or heart beating.  If you are not aware  of it then you are not actively directing the process. You can learn to use visualization to actively create future simulations that can help you improve goals that you set for yourself, such as healing.  The same thing may apply to the lost mode of prayer.  Visualizing your prayer  as if it has already happened instead of  asking for it. 

We live in a world of distractions. Fear, anger, stress and greed will wear the body down, but love is the one emotion that will overcome all.  In your own way, try to cultivate love in everything you do.  Jesus said love your neighbor as you love yourself. According to the Law of One, our purpose on earth is to learn to balance  love and wisdom and be of services to others.    Healing  starts with the mind and the realization of the power within, a change from traditional thinking.   It is  just you, your higher self with help from the Source. All the same divine energy connecting as one.  All waiting on you.         





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