The Science and Spirituality Connection

We live in a time with so much information; from the discoveries of the Codices from the Nag Hammadi Library discovered in 1945 , the Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in 1946, and  the Law of One in 1981; just to name a few. Now science is confirming what the ancient Scrolls and Codices  texts, Buddha, and many other ancient texts.   According to science we live in an energy field, a mental and spiritual  Universe,  with our thoughts and emotions creating our reality , with love being  the absolute.

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD,  is a  former medical school professor and research scientist and author of ” The Biology of Belief. ”  It is groundbreaking work in the field of New Biology. The implications of this research radically change our understanding of life. It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts. His work was a major breakthrough showing that our bodies can be changed as we retrain our thinking.

Dr. Joe Dispenza, another researcher and international lecturer,  author, and educator has been invited to speak in more than 33 countries on six continents. Dr Dispenza healed himself after breaking 6 vertebrae in his back and being told he would never walk again. Through meditation, visualizations and his belief system, after  nine and a half weeks after the accident, he got up and walked, without having any body cast or any surgeries.

Gregg Braden is a spiritual pioneer, and his discoveries provides much insight in connecting the lost secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls with today’s  beliefs  how our thoughts and emotions can change our world. The ancient Mode of Prayer   involves thoughts and emotions that has no words or outward expression. You think and visualize your prayer has already been answered.  He learned from the Dead Sea Scrolls that the Essenes teachers taught the role of thought and feeling is the prayer.

Science has now concluded and confirmed the same message as Jesus and Buddha, to know yourself. For followers of  Emanuel Swedenborg,  Dr. Jonathan Rose responds to a viewer question about the most effective method of prayer. And again the answer points to a person’s thoughts and way of life rather than outer ritual.

Science has studied interactions of electric and magnetic fields  in our bodies. They have discovered our bodies generate an electromagnetic field several feet  from our body.  Our  beating heart, breathing and thinking involve physiological and mental activity creates our electromagnetic field.  We have lost sight of the relationship between ourselves, our thoughts, feelings and emotions  and the energy field or the spirit. Scholars believe many ancient and sacred texts were omitted from the Bible in the 4th century, including the texts of the Nag Hammadi Library and The Dead Sea Scrolls. 

The spirit could be defined as the Holy Spirit, encompassing all of us all the time, providing a connection to God or Infinite Intelligence. Jesus said in saying 48 in Gospel of Thomas , omitted from the Bible, “If two make peace with each other in this one house, they will say to the mountain, ‘Move Away,’ and it will move away.” The two being thought and emotion in the body.  He also said in saying (70), “That which you have will save you if you bring it forth from yourselves. That which you do not have within you will destroy kill you if you do not have it within you.”

We are just beginning to understand the power within. The world is at our fingertips to explore and seek the truth.  Our thoughts,  emotions and actions are the power system that drives us forward in the energy field,  each and everyday.  The energy field is guided by  the  thoughts,  emotions and actions of   7.7 billion people living on the planet.

We are positively changing our world  by providing the energy field with  loving and compassionate thoughts.  Are you doing your part?

Don’t believe you can change your destiny? This video could help you change your mind Dr Joe Dispenza. .

One thought on “The Science and Spirituality Connection”

  1. Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “the world at our fingertips”. Alone we can make our world better but together we can make the world better for all!!

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