Are you a free spirit?

We are all spirits, with a body and mind living in a physical world.  We were born into this world, bound to what we have been taught but then something happens.  We  i-am-free-spirit-1-638want to know the truth and begin seeking.  The more we seek, the more free we become from the programing.

A free spirit chooses not to be bound or conform to the norms of society or their belief systems. They have a unique understanding about how our society and cultures have indoctrinated and programmed us since birth. A free spirit is seeking the truth, in their own way and their own time.

Jesus was a free spirit. He did not belong to any group and he certainly did not conform to any  belief system. His message was of love and enlightenment.

Another free spirit, Buddha was a prince that could have been king. He left the comforts of a palace life to seek enlightenment for the next 7 years. .

 A modern day free spirit is Bruce H. Lipton, PhD, a former atheist. He did  coolnsmart-16361groundbreaking work in the field of New Biology; radically changing our understanding of life. It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts. Dr. Bruce Lipton delivers one of the most important messages you will ever hear in this video. 

Free spirits pave the way so others may follow. With love and compassion they serve humanity. Free spirits look within to know their true-selves. We are all spirits, but only those that choose to set themselves free are truly free spirits.

2 thoughts on “Are you a free spirit?”

  1. Your post resonates and sounds very similar to my own as I am awakened. Finally. This holds so much truth I love reading your posts 🕉 We need to share this unconditional love

    1. Your right, we need to raise the vibration by sharing unconditional love and compassion the best way we can and in our own way. It is a tough journey but the more of us that share, like you, the more will awaken. Spiritual marriage and oneness resonates. Thank you for your comment and spread the love !!!!

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