Balancing our Lives

Our lives have limited time with limited energy; being in balance is very important. Our focus is on the material aspect of our world; providing for our families, trying to stay healthy, and trying to find our way spiritually. We all have problems and troubles. 72127554_1397073520458136_1438555366869696512_nHowever, how we handle those situations are entirely in our control. The wonderful thing about our lives is we have free-will and the ability to choose. Keep in mind energy flows where your attention goes.

Balancing involves the body, mind and spirit which includes diet, movement of the body, dealing with negative and positive emotions, and reconnecting to the source of creation. When you reconnect, you will realize the oneness of the creation. God, Tao, Infinite Creator, Universal Mind are one in the same, and is the Source of our existence.

Consider the sun or the earth as spiritual energy, or divine force. The energy that nourishes our body, mind and spirit. Sunlight is something we cannot live without. Light is the food for all life. The human body, according to the images11doctrine of chromotherapy, is basically composed of colors. Insufficient sunlight will result in low Vitamin D deficiencies, leading to the development of prostate and breast cancer, memory loss, and an increased risk for developing dementia and schizophrenia. Every creature and plant on earth is engulfed in light that affects its health conditions. It is interesting to note the energy of the sun has the colors of the rainbow, like the chakras of the human body.

Grounding, as we all know when we go to the beach, improves sleep and reduces stress. When I go barefoot, I am more relaxed and have a feeling of connection to the earth. Grounding is bare skin to the earth. Performing Chi gong or any meditative practice outside barefoot is an excellent way to cultivate energy as well as connect to mother nature. Grounding is a simple way to prevent and help inflammation with these techniques.

Movement of the body to help the flow of energy can be anything from gardening to y2019m06d22_workshop_01walking in nature, if possible, as well as Tai-chi or Chi-gong. Any kind of strenuous workout or exercise is helpful.

Meditation and prayer have been proven to be beneficial. Dr. Andrew Newberg’s research showed how meditative prayer changes our brain by using a 12 minute exercise, called the Kirtan Kriya. It is a type of meditative prayer when practiced daily for 8 weeks will improve cognition and activate parts of the brain that are central to memory.

Food is the fuel for the body so a diet should limit processed foods and sugar. Be thankful for the food that you put into your body. Intermittent fasting is very helpful and can be How-The-Body-Regenerates-Itselfdone by not eating in a 10–24 hours period. Drink plenty of water. Fasting will assist your body’s immune system in fighting off disease and illness.

Our thoughts and Emotions control who we are and what be become. Paracelsus, Father of Modern Medicine said “The spirit is the master, imagination the tool, and the body the plastic material . . . The power of the imagination is a great factor in medicine. It may produce diseases in man and in animals, and it may cure them . .. Ills of the body may be cured by remedies or by the power of the spirit acting through the soul.”

Being in balance means looking within and discovering your true self in your own way images1as Buddha did. Evaluate your life, determine how you would like to live. Write an affirmation and get in a daily meditation practice. Realize your thoughts, emotions and and actions help create your reality as well as those around you.

In your own way, be of service to others, finds ways that cultivates the expression and love of the Divine, and learn the ways of love and wisdom. Love is the one emotion that can overcome all. It is also the most difficult to understand fully, and certainly the most difficult to achieve. A world where everyone loves one another, as Jesus said, would not only bring balance to the body, but the world.

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