COVID19 and the Greatest Spiritual Awakening

The coronavirus has brought the greatest spiritual awakening the world has ever known and we are all part of it. It has affected people of all walks of life, every religion, every 8b323dadc3cd5677789005f8f71a3187country and every person in some way. The awakening is unique to each individual. We begin to realize the world is not as it seems and the physical and metaphysical worlds are inseparable.

We are faced with a barrage of information trying to decipher the truth affecting each of us emotionally. We are in a battle between positive and negative energy. Our emotions generate energy creating our reality and the world we live in. COVID19 has created negative energy around the world. Neighbors turning in neighbors for not complying with the quarantine, others harassing those for not wearing a mask, mandatory vaccines vs free will, people are not allowed to gather in their religious practices, number of COVID 19 main-qimg-5823f89bd39090a67efa65d6bf63ba51deaths being skewed or inflated to instill fear in the population. This is just some of the examples taking place creating a world of control, fear, anger, stress and greed.

On the other hand, the shutdown of industries across the world has shown how the earth is healing herself. Beginning on 25 March, 2020 the level of particle pollution considered most harmful to human health fell by nearly 60 per cent in New Delhi, India’s capital, according to an analysis by experts at the nonprofit Centre for Science and Environment. In other parts of India, the Himalayan mountain range is visible from a distance for the first time in years. Waterways choked by industrial pollution, such as Delhi’s Yamuna River, full of grey foam just months ago, are flowing unimpeded. CBS news reported on April, 11, 2020, “Just as suddenly as it first Quotes-About-Planting-Seeds-For-Life-02formed, a record-breaking ozone hole has healed. The largest ozone hole to ever open up over the Arctic is now closed, after first opening up earlier this spring”. Other cities around the world air quality has improved with the shutdown. The great realization tells us how we have treated our home, mother earth in the past and now is the time to evaluate how we live in the future.

The great awakening knows that love is the one emotion that will overcome all. It is about cultivating love in everything you do. Jesus said love your neighbor as you love yourself. According to the Law of One, our purpose on earth is to learn to balance love and 68418190_2375674929385148_1647311436247990272_n electricitywisdom and be of service to others. Within us all is a divine spark, some may refer to it as the Christ Consciousness and together it will be a collective consciousness. The awakening starts with the mind and the realization of the power within, a change from traditional thinking. It is just you, your higher self with help from Infinite Intelligence. The more divine energy of Love you generate, the more the awakening takes place not only you but collectively we can heal mother earth and we become one. It is time for people of all religions to understand the only thing that will save us is ourselves. It is a global event that you do not want to miss. In your own way, from your heart, pray, meditate and contemplate and bring God back into your life. You have free-will to choose by loving others as you love yourself, treat others as you would like to be treated, help those who need help. This is a wonderful start. Know the divine power within and be part of the great awakening.

“Think feelingly only of the state you desire to realize. Feeling the reality of the state sought and living and acting on that conviction is the way of all seeming miracles. All changes of expression are brought about through a change of feeling. A change of feeling is a change of destiny.” One of the great metaphysical teachers of the 20th century, Neville Goddard showed people how they could attain their goals simply by refining their imagination. The Video below by  Brian Scott is a wonderful example how the feeling is the secret.


“If, then, I were asked for the most important advice I could give, that which I considered to be the most useful to the men of our century, I should simply say: in the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you.” LEO TOLSTOY

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