Criminals of US Government; The Spiritual Significance of an Eclipse

How the Criminals of US Government Work

What is the meaning and impact of a Solar or Lunar Eclipse?

The next lunar eclipse is on 7-8th November, 2022. Did you know that solar and lunar eclipses have harmful spiritual side effects ? This article elucidates about the negative effects eclipses can have on you and your loved ones and what you can do for your protection.

What is an eclipse ? : An eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs when one object in the sky moves into the shadow of another. The term is most often used to describe either a solar eclipse, i.e. when the Moon’s shadow crosses Earth’s surface, or a lunar eclipse, i.e. when the Moon moves into the shadow of Earth.

Abstract : Solar and lunar eclipses are significant events at a spiritual level. There is an increase in Raja-Tama which has negative effects on humanity. Ghosts take advantage of the heightened Raja-Tama to create a variety of issues that have global negative repercussions. Regular spiritual practice ensures that we are insulated from its subtle (intangible) harmful effects.

Please note : To understand this article you need to be familiar with the article on Sattva, Raja and Tama – the three subtle basic components of the Universe.

You can watch a video summarising the spiritual meaning of an eclipse here:

1. Introduction

Every year we witness a number of solar and lunar eclipses that are either partial or total. The visibility of any given eclipse is usually limited to some geographic area on Earth. Viewing an eclipse generates much interest in the wider community and this prompted us to also understand if there is a spiritual or subtle intangible significance to it. We conducted spiritual research to understand the spiritual meaning and the effect of eclipses on mankind.

2. Type of eclipses

The first thing that came to light through spiritual research is that physical (apparent to our eyes) eclipses as mentioned above are not the only type of eclipses. There are subtle (intangible) eclipses too. These subtle eclipses are caused by the powerful ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) called subtle-sorcerers (māntriks) from the 5th to 7th region of hell by the use of their supernatural powers and are only apparent to those with an advanced and active sixth sense.

Powerful ghosts create subtle eclipses by creating a barrier of subtle black negative energy between either the gross, physical Sun and the Earth or between the subtle Sun and the Earth.

Every heavenly body that we can see such as the Earth or Sun also has a subtle body. This is akin to the subtle body that a human has that envelops the physical body. Refer to the section on subtle body and what we are comprised of.

Solar eclipse and meaning of Sun deity


The physical and subtle Sun are governed by the Sun Deity. The Sun Deity is that aspect of God that controls the functioning of all the Suns and other stars in the Universe. The Sun Deity in its source form is unmanifest. The Sun Deity manifests through the Absolute Cosmic Fire Principle (Tējtattva) and materialises as the Sun we see in the sky, lightning and fire on Earth. All living beings are dependent on the Sun as one of the Sun Deity’s main functions in the Universe is to provide light and radiance in the Universe.

There are subtle eclipses on the moon too but their impact on the Universe is much less as compared to that of the solar eclipse.

By creating a barrier between the Sun and the Earth in a subtle eclipse, powerful subtle-sorcerers interfere with the function of the Sun and hence increase the Raja-Tama on Earth.

Cause of eclipseOut of all the eclipses that take place 70% are subtle eclipses and 30% are physical eclipses. Humankind (including the best astronomers) is only aware of the 30% physical eclipses. Thus humankind is in total ignorance about the subtle eclipses.

Only people who are above the 50% spiritual level and with an advanced and active sixth sense can perceive the presence and the subtle effect of the subtle eclipse. The average person cannot perceive the subtle intangible effects of a subtle eclipse.

The negative impact of a subtle eclipse on humankind is 9 times more powerful than that of a normal physical solar or lunar eclipse.

3. Spiritual significance and meaning of a Solar or Lunar eclipse

Spiritual research has shown that in the case of all eclipses there is a rise in the Raja-Tama and a reduction in the Sattva component. This rise in Raja-Tama has many detrimental side-effects at a subtle (intangible) level which may not be noticeable in the physical plane initially. However these Raja-Tama laden conditions are made use of by ghosts to harm society.

Due to the Sun being obscured by a subtle barrier in front of the gross or subtle Sun during an eclipse, there are two significant spiritual impacts:

  • The environment becomes conducive for negative energies to amass black energy. Black energy is a type of spiritual energy that is the primary weapon of attack of ghosts.
  • The environment is most conducive for negative energies to utilise their black energy to harm humankind during the period of the eclipse as well as to sow the seeds of destruction of humankind. Refer to section 4.4

3.1 Why is there an increase in Raja-Tama with a solar or lunar eclipse?

The increased Raja-Tama happens due to two reasons:

  • In the case of physical eclipses, the reason for increased Raja-Tama is due to the fact that during an eclipse the light from the Sun or the Moon is obstructed even before it reaches the Earth. This darkness is an anomaly in the general cycle of day and night wherein a period that should have been in light is now in darkness. In fact, the spiritually detrimental effect of the phenomenon of night is equivalent to just 2% as that of an eclipse. This is insofar as the negative energies’ ability to use the darkness and its resulting increase in Raja-Tama to harm society.
  • In the case of a subtle eclipse, a higher order of ghosts creates a black negative energy barrier between the Sun and the Earth and also directly attacks the subtle Sun. This obstruction again causes an increase in Raja-Tama.

3.2 Why do solar eclipses cause more Raja-Tama?

The Sun is far more important to life on Earth than the Moon. By obstructing it at a subtle or physical level, the environment on Earth becomes far more vulnerable at a subtle intangible level and thereby more conducive for ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.)

3.3 What is the relative increase in Raja-Tama from an eclipse?

The following table gives the difference in the proportion of the three subtle basic components on average in the current era of the Universe (i.e. Kaliyug) and in the event of an eclipse. The figures are indicative of Raja-Tama generated in event of a partial eclipse of 30% severity and which occurs at a physical level.


Solar and Lunar Eclipse and meaning of 3 basic subtle components


The percentage increase in Raja-Tama varies depending on the type of eclipse i.e. partial or total, whether it is a solar eclipse or a lunar eclipse and whether it is a physical or subtle eclipse. The following chart gives the increase in Raja and Tama components as a physical eclipse goes towards being a total eclipse.


Lunar and solar eclipses - increase in raja-rama

In the case of subtle eclipses the Raja-Tama will be about 5% more.

3.4 How long does the effect of the increased Raja-Tama from a solar or lunar eclipse last?

The Raja-Tama increase during an eclipse has a residual effect that subsides over many months. In the chart below, we have shown how long the excess Raja-Tama generated by a partial eclipse of 30% takes to subside.

Reduction of raja tama effect from Solar and Lunar eclipse


4. Repercussions of a solar or lunar eclipse

4.1 Where is the subtle impact of the eclipse maximum?

The maximum subtle impact of an eclipse on humans depends on where it is most visible. The more visible it is, the greater the subtle impact on people in that region.

Thus if an eclipse were to be most visible in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, it would have least subtle impact as it is a minimally populated area.

4.2 Raja-Tama increase assists activities of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies etc.)

During an eclipse period, the power of distressing energies increases by 1000 times as compared to other times. This is because ghosts harness the excess Raja-Tama generated by the eclipse to amass black energy either by utilising the conditions to do more spiritual practice to gain negative spiritual black energy or by stealing the spiritual energy of seekers of God. Black energy is spiritual energy which is used to harm society. The following is a drawing based on subtle-knowledge that shows how black energy is collected.


What happens during solar or lunar eclipses

Refer to the section on ‘why we have protective borders’.

The above subtle vision explains what happens at a subtle intangible level during an eclipse. In the subtle negative regions of Hell (Pātāl), higher order ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies etc.) called subtle-sorcerers (i.e. from the 2nd region of Hell downwards) make use of the increased Raja-Tama during the eclipse to do spiritual practice like sacrificial fires (yadnyas) or meditation to harness spiritual black energy. The black energy generated by various subtle-sorcerers flows towards the 7th region of Hell where it is stored. These flows of black energy are all interconnected.

In the subtle positive regions, the subtle bodies of Sages are engaged in meditation. Divine consciousness (Chaitanya) flows from the higher positive regions to combat the increased Raja-Tama on Earth. Thus a subtle battle between the forces of good and evil ensues on the Earth plane.

4.3 Impact of Solar and Lunar eclipses at an individual level

At the time of an eclipse, people are more likely to be affected by their departed ancestors. In many cases, departed ancestors create problems in their descendants’ lives. To do this departed ancestors take advantage of the excess Raja-Tama and the heightened black energy created by ghosts at the time of an eclipse.

Refer to the article on ‘Why would my departed ancestors want to trouble me?

It is for this reason people may experience lethargy, tiredness, sickness etc. at a physical level. At the psychological level, there are excess emotional and negative thoughts, especially about spiritual practice. The moon is known to affect the mind. During a full moon, the effect is even more pronounced. This is further accentuated when there is a lunar eclipse. Thus the combination of the full moon and lunar eclipse is severe. However it happens at a subtle intangible level, i.e. people suffer distress by negative energies.

There is a general decline in decision-making capacity and people are more likely to make incorrect decisions as the intellect is also affected.

4.4 Impact of eclipses at the level of humankind

As mentioned earlier, ghosts use the excess Raja-Tama generated from an eclipse to collect black energy. They use this black energy to harm humankind in various ways. They do this by sowing seeds of destruction and harm at a subtle intangible level that only manifest in the physical plane after a gestation period. This gestation period can be anywhere from a few days to several years. Examples of this would be sowing seeds of pandemics of contagious diseases like Bird Flu and the Ebola Virus or sowing seeds of the third World War.

Eclipses contribute in a large way by providing circumstances conducive to amassing the black energy that ghosts have. In our article on World War 3 Predictions, we mentioned that the world will go through a World War and major natural disasters between the years 2018 and 2023. It will be accompanied by an unprecedented loss of human life. The main catalyst at a subtle intangible level for World War III will be higher-level ghosts. They will orchestrate these events through their black energy influencing man to wage war against his fellowmen. Up to 30% of all their black energy will be gathered at the time of eclipses. The following table shows a breakdown of the factors that will help make the environment conducive for ghosts to create their black energy.

Ghosts and eclipses


  1. By present era we mean the present times of the Era of Strife (Kaliyug). The Universe goes through cyclical stages of destruction caused primarily due to excess Raja-Tama. The Raja-Tama on Earth having reached a peak between the years 2002 to 2012 has primed Earth for a spiritual cleansing period.
  2. By humanity’s actions we mean the Raja-Tama predominant evil deeds of humankind. Refer to the section ‘The three subtle basic components and our lifestyle’.

5. Practical do’s and don’ts to counteract or minimise the negative effect of an eclipse

During an eclipse there is a heightened amount of black energy flowing around and hence an excess of Raja-Tama. Even if we do not have the sixth sense to perceive it, it is best that we modify our actions during an eclipse to counteract the subtle (intangible) harmful effects.

Natural disasters and Eclipse: Earthquakes, floods, epidemics, famines, etc. take place when the collective sin increases, to punish the ones responsible (for the increase in sin) and the ones who do not take any measures to overcome the situation. These disasters come suddenly. As a result one does not get the time to think of saving oneself from such disasters. On the contrary, for known events such as an eclipse we can save ourselves from its ill-effects by doing spiritual practice. For this it is necessary that during the period of the eclipse (i.e., from the start to end of the eclipse) one should do spiritual practice.

– H.H. Dr Athavale (Inspiration to SSRF)


  • Doing spiritual practice helps to nullify the effect of the increased Raja-Tama and black energy in the environment due to an eclipse.So if a person is doing intense spiritual practice (as per the six basic principles of spiritual practice) during an eclipse:
    • He will still be affected by the adverse spiritual effect of the eclipse up to 20%.
    • However, to counteract the rise in Raja-Tama and black energy, the amount of divine energy from God that can be accessed by him is 50% more.
    • Thus the net total is a positive 30%.

Accordingly, people who make the effort to do intense spiritual practice during the time of an eclipse will benefit up to 30 % more spiritually.


  • Don’t plan important functions: All actions and thoughts come under the purview of the subtle basic components, i.e. they are either sāttvik, rājasik, tāmasik or a combination of them, e.g. rajasik-tamasik. All good and auspicious actions are predominantly sattvik or rajasik-sattvik. As a lot of Raja-Tama frequencies are transmitted during the eclipse period, good actions done during this period do not yield expected results. Hence it is advisable to avoid all important actions like inaugurations, important business deals etc. during an eclipse period.
  • Reduce Raja-Tama activities: Avoid doing things like sleeping, going to the toilet, having a meal or sexual intercourse as they are Raja-Tama predominant and only leave us more vulnerable to getting affected by departed ancestors and ghosts.
  • Avoid Eating: The increase in the subtle basic Raja-Tama in the atmosphere during the period of an eclipse affects food as well as the digestive processes. Hence it is advisable to avoid meals during the period of the eclipse.The time period when we should avoid meals depends on the type of eclipse. This is because the amount of sunlight or moonlight reaching Earth depends on the percentage area of the Sun or Moon covered during the eclipse.

The amount of time one should avoid meals during an eclipse:

    • Total eclipse                12 hours prior to the onset of eclipse
    • If it is ¾ covered           9 hours
    • If ½ covered                  6 hours
    • If ¼                                3 hours

If during moonrise, the moon is going to be eclipsed then one should not have food in the previous 12 hours. So also, if the sunrise is going to be in a state of eclipse (irrespective of the type of eclipse), then the period of fasting should start 12 hours earlier. This is because various subtle processes are set into motion approximately 12 hours before an eclipse. If the sun or moon sets in a state of eclipse, then one should have meals only on the next day after taking a bath. Small children, elderly and ill people can observe this period for just 4 and 1/2 hours.

6. In summary

  • An eclipse is an important spiritual event that has lasting adverse effects that are capitalised upon by ghosts.
  • One needs to take all spiritual precautions especially if the eclipse is visible over where one lives.
  • Regular spiritual practice done throughout the year, helps to reduce the adverse effect of an eclipse. In addition if one does intense spiritual practice during the eclipse it can even be positive, so far as individual spiritual growth goes.


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Democrats Receives Thousands for Midterm Campaigns From China; Dr Peter McCullough fighting the Corrupt Medical Board

Huawei Lobbyist Gives Thousands to Democrats’ Midterm Campaigns

By Andrew Thornebrooke
November 3, 2022 Updated: November 4, 2022

A lobbyist for a Chinese company deemed a national security threat has donated thousands of dollars to at least eight Democratic congressional campaigns.

Thomas Green, senior counsel at multinational law firm Sidley Austin and top lobbyist for Chinese telecom giant Huawei, personally contributed more than $10,000 across eight Democratic campaigns in the last month, according to data from OpenSecrets, a nonprofit group that tracks political spending.

The contributions were made primarily to Democratic campaigns in battleground states or where the Democratic contender was otherwise struggling.

The contributions included payments of $2,000 to Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.); $2,000 to Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.); $1,000 to North Carolina Supreme Court Chief Justice Cheri Beasley, who is running for a Senate seat; $1,000 to Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes, who is running for the Senate; $1,500 to Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio), $500 to Glenn Ivey, who is running to represent Maryland in the House; $1,500 to Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, who is running for a Senate seat; and $1,000 to Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.).

Green has helped to lead Huawei’s lobbying team since 2019, when the company hired Sidley Austin to lobby for its interests in matters of export controls, trade, sanctions, and national security.

At that time, the Trump administration had restricted the company’s ability to do business with the U.S. government due to the company’s ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and apparent efforts to undermine U.S. foreign policy efforts.

Huawei was then charged in 2020 for conspiring to steal trade secrets from numerous U.S. technology firms and was ultimately declared a national security threat by the Federal Communications Commission in 2020.

The Biden administration launched another investigation into Huawei earlier this year, following reports that the company illegally used cell phone towers to collect information about U.S. military facilities in order to transmit that data to the CCP.

Additionally, the Justice Department announced several new cases last month alleging that CCP intelligence officers attempted to interfere with the case against Huawei on behalf of the Chinese regime and for the benefit of the company.

According to court documents (pdf), the Chinese agents attempted to illegally torpedo the case against Huawei by bribing a U.S. government employee to steal top secret documents including witness lists, details on employees associated with the case, and prosecutors’ notes, which, according to court documents, were “expected to cause serious damage to the national security of the United States.”

Green also defended former Trump aide Rick Gates, who pleaded guilty in 2019 to evading taxes and violating federal lobbying laws by concealing millions of dollars from business dealings in Ukraine.

The news is just the latest in a growing list of accusations against prominent Democrats with alleged ties to the CCP.

Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.) was forced to fire a congressional aide last month after an investigation found the employee had attempted to set up meetings with members of Congress at the request of the Chinese embassy in Washington.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, meanwhile, was accused last month of delivering $715 million in taxpayer monies to the U.S. subsidiary of a Chinese company with deep links to the CCP. Whitmer defended the move as “economic development.”

The Epoch Times has requested comment from Green and all Democratic campaigns that received the funds.

Dr Peter McCullough fighting the Corrupt medical board who wants to suspend his license for speaking out against the Vaccine
And We Know

FBI Whistleblower Speaks; FBI Misconduct

FBI Whistleblower Speaks Out Amid Concerns the Agency Has Become Politicized

Suspended FBI special agent Steve Friend discusses why he came forward as a whistleblower, and what’s unfolded since. In September, Friend asserted that the FBI was violating policies and constitutional rights. He alleged that the FBI was deceptively handling Jan. 6 cases and cooking the books on domestic terrorism numbers, among other violations. He said his concerns were ignored by supervisors. Friend was later suspended pending an investigation.


MSM US station OAN drops red pill about NAZI WAR CRIMES in Ukraine

Neurologic Devastation after COVID-19 Vaccination; The Real Fauci Documentary; ABC News Investigative Journalist Disappears

Neurologic Devastation after COVID-19 Vaccination

The cruelest stroke of all

On March 3, 2021, Barbara Orandello received her second Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, the next day she had a severe headache, nausea, vomiting, and ultimately required neurosurgical evacuation of a large blood clot from her brain.  Here is what she and her daughter, Kerry Quinlan reported to FOX News Laura Ingraham on the Ingraham Angle in 2021[i]:

“Orandello recounted receiving her second dose of vaccine that day, and subsequently waking up March 4th with “horrific pain in [her] right eye” that sent her off her bed and onto the floor.

Courageous Discourse with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Her husband was unable to help her stand up, and she was rushed first to a hospital in Loudoun County, Va., and next to another hospital in neighboring Fairfax County, as doctors sought a way to diagnose and treat her urgent medical crisis.

Virginia woman recounts ‘massive brain bleed’ from COVID vaccine, as Fauci tells hesitant folks ‘Get over it’ Fox News Jul 9, 2021

“They took me by helicopter, and they were letting me die, I’m going to tell you, they were letting me die,” she said, asserting that her condition was very grave. “They said to my son, “There’s nothing we can do,” and “She’s comfortable, just let her go,” and my son went ballistic, and he got yelling at them to get a brain doctor … they got the brain surgeon in,” she said.

“My husband who was en route, had to give permission over the telephone to operate, and I had an emergency craniotomy. – Thank God– I had a massive brain bleed,” she continued.

“[It was] massive. One-third of my brain was filled with blood,” Orandello recounted.

The daughter Quinlan, a biologist by trade, told Ingraham that she is “pro-science” like many, adding that she predicts the inflammation from the vaccine caused an artery to rupture.”

“Like my mom said, you know, a third of her brain was filled with blood and she suffered from a hemorrhagic stroke,” Quinlan said.

In addition, Ingraham played a clip of Orandello and her husband last Christmas excitedly cooking and celebrating the holiday – and she asked her if she could do that same kind of work at this point.

Both Mrs. Orandello and Ms Quinlan called me weeks after their appearance on national television and recounted the events.   I told them that I believe one of several mechanisms can be at play for neurologically devasting events after mRNA vaccination:

1) a surge in blood pressure causing hemorrhage in the zone of Spike protein mediated inflammation within the brain,

2) triggered atherosclerotic stroke with hemorrhagic conversation,

3) atrial fibrillation with cerebral thromboembolism,

4) a blood condition called vaccine induced thrombocytopenic purpura with hemorrhage and clotting occurred in the brain.

Ms. Quinlan sent me a picture from the back of her long arduous days in stroke rehabilitation serving as a reminder of what Moderna did to her with its liability shield and lack of sympathy for any of its victims.

Epoch Times Photo
Mrs. Barbara Orandello after COVID-19 vaccine induced intracranial hemorrhage and neurologically devastating stroke requiring extensive rehabilitation.

Jacob Dag Berild, MD, et al, reported in JAMA on 7757 neurologic events after COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca) in three Nordic countries (Norway, Finland, and Denmark) between January 1, 2020, and May 16, 2021.[ii]  These four mechanisms are highlighted in the Table.

Epoch Times Photo

Dag Berild J, Bergstad Larsen V, Myrup Thiesson E, Lehtonen T, Grøsland M, Helgeland J, Wolhlfahrt J, Vinsløv Hansen J, Palmu AA, Hviid A. Analysis of Thromboembolic and Thrombocytopenic Events After the AZD1222, BNT162b2, and MRNA-1273 COVID-19 Vaccines in 3 Nordic Countries. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Jun 1;5(6):e2217375. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.17375. PMID: 35699955; PMCID: PMC9198750.

Separately Dag Berild et al reported on 1295 hip fractures resulting in 1085 deaths after vaccination during the same time period.   The Berild report is disturbing because these are large numbers occurring in those ostensibly healthy enough to undergo vaccination and then like Ms. Orandello, suffer a catastrophic event within 28 days of taking the shot.   Among the seniors in your circle, how many have suffered a devastating stroke or fall with hip fracture or both shortly after taking the vaccine?  Did any doctor attribute the event(s) to vaccination?  Did the family raise the issue?  What was recorded on the hospital records and death certificate?   These are important questions as epidemiologists and investigators study the calamitous impact of indiscriminate COVID-19 vaccination on our senior citizens.

Reposted from the author’s Substack

Dr. McCullough is a practicing internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist managing the cardiovascular complications of both the viral infection and the injuries developing after the COVID-19 vaccine in Dallas TX, USA. He has dozens of peer-reviewed publications on the infection, multiple US and State Senate testimonies, and has commented extensively on the medical response to the COVID-19 crisis in TheHill, America Out Loud, NewsMax, and on FOX NEWS Channel.
John Leake studied history and philosophy with Roger Scruton at Boston University. He then went to Vienna, Austria on a graduate school scholarship and ended up living in the city for over a decade, working as a freelance writer and translator. He is a true crime writer with a lifelong interest in medical history and forensic medicine.

22 Oct, 2022 12:13

An ABC News investigative journalist disappeared six months ago. He seems to have known a lot about American aims in Ukraine

Has a potential whistleblower been ‘disappeared’ or is there another explanation?
An ABC News investigative journalist disappeared six months ago. He seems to have known a lot about American aims in Ukraine

On 27 April, ABC News reporter James Meek tweeted a single word – “facts” – above another Twitter post from a retired CIA officer, who stated that the 2014-2022 Ukrainian civil war was an eight-year “lab experiment” on Russia’s military “tactics, techniques, and procedures.” It added that US intelligence and “unconventional warfare” experts had “learned a shit ton.”

It was the last time, to date, Meek posted on the social network. In fact, it seems it was the last time he did anything in public at all, both online and in-real-life. Rolling Stone has published an investigation into the veteran journalist’s vanishing act in the months since, revealing how just hours after that tweet was posted, a number of menacing vehicles blocked off roads around Meek’s apartment in Arlington, Virginia, then proceeded to raid the premises.

Neighbors interviewed by the magazine recall a collection of police cruisers, official-looking cars with blacked-out windows, and even armored tactical vehicles frequently used by the FBI, which resemble tanks. Quick as a flash, their occupants exited and rushed into Meek’s apartment complex, “at least 10” of them being “heavily armed.”

The raid was reportedly over very quickly, and Meek apparently didn’t leave the scene with the authorities. To this day, there is no indication of what if anything was seized or why it was conducted, and all records related to the case remain sealed, including the search warrant approved a day prior. While no charges have officially been filed, Meek has dropped off the face of the Earth, and his apartment has remained vacant ever since.


At precisely this time, Meek is said to have resigned “very abruptly” from his ABC News post without warning or explanation, with even close coworkers unaware of the reasons for his departure.

He is also said to have telephoned Lieutenant Colonel Scott Mann, a retired Green Beret, with whom he was collaborating on an almost completed book, “Operation Pineapple Express: The Incredible Story of a Group of Americans Who Undertook One Last Mission and Honored a Promise in Afghanistan,” to tell him he needed to withdraw from the project due to “serious personal issues.” Meek was apparently “really distraught” during the call.

Almost immediately, Meek’s name was scrubbed from the work’s entry on US publishing giant Simon & Schuster’s website, and its cover on various e-commerce sites listing it for pre-order. Several tweets from Meek promoting his involvement in the project have also been deleted.

Tell no tales

It’s remarkable that it has taken six months for anyone to publicly raise the alarm over Meek’s disappearance, and raise questions as to his whereabouts. One might think that a relatively high-profile veteran mainstream US journalist suddenly going missing would stoke concerns among his employers, if not fellow reporters, particularly given Meek’s history of reporting on contentious topics.

He has previously broken stories on foiled terrorist attacks, and military cover-ups surrounding the fatal ambush of four Green Berets by ISIS in 2017, and the accidental death by friendly fire of US private James Sherrett II in 2008. The latter exposure resulted in Meek meeting personally with President Barack Obama.

To source such scoops would have necessitated maintaining close high-level contacts within Washington’s national security apparatus – and there are clear indications Meek could himself have experience in that very sphere. As a 2013 ABC press release announcing the creation of a new investigative unit stated, since 2011 he’d “served as Senior Counterterrorism Advisor and Investigator for the House Committee on Homeland Security, grappling with some of the top threats to our country, including the bombing at the Boston Marathon.”

What this grappling entailed isn’t explained, although Rolling Stone interviews with his ABC peers indicate that despite his background being “shrouded in mystery,” Meek was in close quarters at various times with military and intelligence professionals. One of his coworkers mentioned a photo in his office taken in a desert, featuring Meek posing with a number of people who had had their faces retrospectively blacked out.


These nuggets might suggest not only that Meek had a background in military and/or intelligence work, but that these professional exploits could have overlapped with his journalism career, perhaps up to the present day.

This interpretation is greatly reinforced by an underexplored disclosure in Rolling Stone’s article. It is noted that unnamed sources had said “federal agents allegedly found classified information on Meek’s laptop during their raid.” One of Meek’s ABC coworkers further told the magazine: “it would be highly unusual for a reporter or producer to keep any classified information on a computer.” Which is true – but was he simply a “reporter or producer,” or something else too?

Even stranger, Rolling Stone fails to put two and two together when discussing how it would be unusual and unprecedented for the FBI to seize a reporter’s documents, as US laws make it illegal for journalistic material to be captured by federal prosecutors without special prior authorization from the US Attorney General’s office, and there is no evidence in the public domain that such an agreement was officially reached.

Again though, such restrictions only apply to documents held by journalists – not regular citizens, or individuals involved in national security work. As such, Meek’s final tweet – despite being posted after a warrant to search his home was secured – might be a highly incisive clue as to the rationale for the mysterious and completely unpublicized FBI raid.

Meek’s tweeting about the situation in Ukraine since 24 February was fairly sparse, but on 4 March, he revealed that America’s Germany-based 10th Special Forces Group had “spent a decade training Ukraine’s special operations forces in unconventional warfare, almost exclusively. They are seeing those tactics being used very effectively against the Russian Bear.”

In exposing this secret schooling, Meek was notably ahead of the curve – it is only since late September that Western news outlets have acknowledged the decade-long 10th Special Forces Group training provided to Kiev. This indicates he knew something the rest of the media didn’t, or maybe wasn’t allowed to mention at the time.



Meek’s other posts on Ukraine suggest that while far from a Russian apologist, he was very critical of US policy in the region, particularly plans to ship endless weapons to Ukraine, believing it would be difficult for the cargo to reach the frontline, let alone be used very effectively by local troops. Both obvious outcomes have been subsequently admitted, leading to online backlash, and official denials.

The ABC journalist’s knowledge of that covert training, and the US intelligence community exploiting the post-Maidan regime’s brutal war on the Donbass civilian population as a petri dish for prepping war with Russia, strongly suggests insider access. Combined with public skepticism over Washington’s war effort, could it be that Meek planned an expose of inconvenient hidden truths about the Western proxy war in Ukraine, or alternatively knew too much, and was dangerously well-positioned to publicize it?

Secret societies: Harmless members-only clubs or dire threats to democracy?

Read more Secret societies: Harmless members-only clubs or dire threats to democracy?

Declassified documents reveal that the rule change protecting a journalist’s possessions from seizure contain massive loopholes. If the FBI is trying to identify an individual who leaked documents to a reporter, or attempting to surveil someone they believe to be an intelligence operative, those protections evaporate, and the bureau can monitor privileged private communications without the Attorney General office’s approval.

Were it the case that Meek was both a journalist and intelligence professional, by receiving sensitive briefings on US involvement in the war in Ukraine, he could have walked into a series of traps of his dual career’s own making, with no legal protections, and no need for official sign-off on a massive spying and raid operation targeting him.

It is unknown quite what information he could have possessed that the US government wanted to suppress, although the White House is so desperate to maintain official narratives on the Russia/Ukraine conflict that it’s giving direct briefings to Tik-Tok stars on the subject.

Of course, it’s entirely conceivable that someone who could blow the whistle on how Russia’s intervention was provoked, or what the US is trying to get out of prolonging the fighting, would need to be silenced as a matter of urgency.

Reiner Fuellmich speaks out;RFK Explains Why COVID Jabs Would Be Added to the Pediatric Immunization Schedule;

Reiner Fuellmich speaks out… 2022-10-20

RFK Explains Why COVID Jabs Would Be Added to the Pediatric Immunization Schedule


How Cancer Deaths From the COVID Jabs Are Being Hidden; Collapse of Deep State’s COVID Vaccine Propaganda Goes Mainstream

Oct 14 2022


The fact that tumor sizes have become dramatically larger since 2021, patients are younger, and recurrence and metastasis are increasing should be front-page news, but you’re hearing nothing about it. Why is that? This former intelligence officer and strategist believes he knows why.


  • Analysis of U.S. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) data suggests the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been filtering and redesignating cancer deaths as COVID deaths since April 2021 to eliminate the cancer signal
  • The signal is being hidden by swapping the underlying cause of death with main cause of death
  • Uncontrollable turbo-charged cancers the medical establishment had never seen before only started to occur after the rollout of the COVID jabs
  • Before it was manipulated to eliminate the safety signal, data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) showed cancer rates among military personnel and their families tripled after the rollout of the shots
  • After the rollout of the COVID jabs in 2021, cancer patients have gotten younger, with the largest increase occurring among 30- to 50-year-olds, tumor sizes are dramatically larger, multiple tumors in multiple organs are becoming more common, and recurrence and metastasis are increasing

In a series of Twitter posts, The Ethical Skeptic — self-described as a former intelligence officer and strategist — has laid out a series of charts illustrating how cancer deaths are being mislabeled as COVID deaths.

The suspicion is that this is an effort to hide the fact that the COVID shots have resulted in soaring cancer rates. The Ethical Skeptic also takes a deep dive into the data in “Houston, We Have a Problem, Part 1,” on

As noted in his article, seven out of the 11 International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes tracked by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics — including cancer — saw sharp upticks starting in the first week of April 2021.

“This date of inception is no coincidence, in that it also happens to coincide with a key inflection point regarding a specific body-system intervention in most of the U.S. population,” The Ethical Skeptic notes.2 In other words, April 2021 was when large swaths of the American population were getting their first COVID jabs.

Cancer Diagnoses on the Rise

The following graph, highlighted on Dr. Jennifer Brown’s Substack,3 illustrates the cyclical wave pattern of cancer diagnoses, from January 2015 and October 1, 2022. As noted in the top-right text box:

“We should be at or near a seasonal nadir. Instead we are at an all-time CA [cancer] excess, and heading up. Keep in mind there is substantial lag to CA reporting, so this likely under-represents true excess.”

At no point during the past seven years have we seen this rate of new cancer diagnoses. Are the COVID shots to blame? Probably, unless we can identify another widespread environmental factor or exposure that was introduced to the population, en masse, in early 2021, that didn’t exist before.

Epoch Times Photo

CDC Fudging Death Records to Eliminate Cancer Signal

According to The Ethical Skeptic’s analysis of U.S. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) data, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been filtering and redesignating cancer deaths as COVID deaths since Week 14 of 2021 to eliminate the cancer signal.4

The following two charts, posted on Twitter October 1 and 2, 2022, illustrates how cancer mortality is being artificially suppressed. As explained by The Ethical Skeptic:5,6

“The set dynamics are complex, but the principle is straightforward. When a death cert lists Cancer as the UCoD [underlying cause of death] and COVID as MCoD [main cause of death] — the UCoD & MCoD are being swapped, and COVID is being listed as the UCoD 100% (425/wk).

Epoch Times Photo

“This results in 20% of all COVID deaths each week, also happening to be persons dying of Cancer — which is egregiously higher than it should be. This is clear over-attribution = equates to exactly the difference between the Cancer and All Other ICD-10 code lag curves.”

The problem facing the CDC, is … What does one do when COVID Mortality is no longer substantial enough to conceal the excess Cancer Mortality?”

Epoch Times Photo

So, to rephrase, what The Ethical Skeptic is saying is that 20% of the weekly so-called COVID deaths are actually cancer deaths, which is rather astounding. But swapping the underlying and main causes of death, listing COVID as the main cause, hides (to some degree) the fact that cancer deaths are going through the roof.

According to his analysis, the COVID shot is killing 7,300 Americans per week. COVID, meanwhile, is killing 1,740 people.7 So, what will the CDC blame when COVID disappears and they can no longer swap the underlying and main cause of death designations?

Department of Defense Data Showed Massive Cancer Rise

Uncontrollable turbo-charged cancers the medical establishment had never seen before only started to occur after the rollout of the COVID jabs.8 Data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), exposed by attorney Tom Renz and Sen. Ron Johnson (above), showed cancer rates among military personnel and their families basically tripled after the rollout of the shots.9

As you may recall, within days of the DMED data being revealed, the database was taken offline, allegedly to “identify and correct” a supposed data corruption problem, and when it came back, the data had been altered to hide these glaringly obvious safety signals.10

‘Turbo-Cancers’ Emerged After COVID Jab Rollout

In the video above, Swedish pathologist, researcher and senior physician at Lund’s University, Dr. Ute Kruger, describes the changes she has personally observed in the wake of the COVID shots. For example, she’s noticed:11,12

  • Cancer patients are getting younger — The largest increase is among 30- to 50-year-olds
  • Tumor sizes are dramatically larger — Historically, 3-centimeter tumors were commonly found at the time of cancer diagnosis. Now, the tumors they’re finding are regularly 4 to 12 centimeters, which suggests they’re growing at a much faster rate than normal
  • Multiple tumors in multiple organs are becoming more common
  • Recurrence and metastasis are increasing — Kruger points out that many of the cancer patients she’s seeing have been in remission for years, only to suddenly be beset with uncontrollable cancer growth and metastasis shortly after their COVID jab

These “turbo-cancers,” as Kruger calls them, cannot be explained by delayed cancer screenings due to lockdowns and other COVID restrictions, as those days are long gone. Patients, despite having access to medical screenings as in years past, are showing up with grossly exacerbated tumor growths, and she believes this is because the cancers are being “turbo-charged” by the mRNA jabs.

Dr. Ryan Cole has also discussed the explosion of cancer (see video below). He believes the shots are primarily accelerating already existing cancers, by way of immune dysregulation.13 He noticed that cancers that could normally be controlled and kept in check, giving the patient several years of quality life, once they got the COVID jab, the cancer would suddenly grow out of control and rapidly lead to death.

Data Are so Corrupted, Will We Ever Get to the Truth?

The sad reality is that most data sources have at this point been so corrupted, it’s unlikely we’ll ever be able to get the whole truth. The CDC started manipulating the data in 2020 and hasn’t stopped. DMED, which has historically been one of the best and most pristine, has now been modified. Other data sources have suffered the same fate.

It’s beyond egregious, and data modelers like The Ethical Skeptic show just how bad the situation is. The idea that the CDC is massaging statistics to hide clear danger signals is appalling and unethical in the extreme, yet that’s what we’re seeing. The question is, why do they go to such lengths to protect such a lethal product? Your guess is as good as mine.

Originally published October 14, 2022 on

Sources and References

Joseph Mercola

Joseph Mercola  is the founder of An osteopathic physician, best-selling author, and recipient of multiple awards in the field of natural health, his primary vision is to change the modern health paradigm by providing people with a valuable resource to help them take control of their health.

Why Did Dr. Malhotra Attack COVID “Vaccine Hesitancy” When There Was No Evidence of Long-Term Safety or Reduced Viral Transmission?

Collapse of Deep State’s COVID Vaccine Propaganda Goes Mainstream

“The collapse of the Covid injection narrative is accelerating and has now burst through the censorship into mainstream consciousness in Europe and the U.S., explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. The house of cards underpinning the Deep State’s fraudulent campaign is collapsing. One key milestone in that process was Florida State Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo ( highlighting data showing that young men injected with the experimental mRNA concoction faced an 84% increase in fatal cardiac events. Older people also saw drastic increases in fatal heart issues following the injection. Then, a major scandal broke in Europe as a senior Pfizer executive admitted ( to the European Parliament that the company had never even tested whether the injection prevented transmission prior to pushing the shot, claiming the Big Pharma behemoth had to move at the ‘speed of science’

May be an image of text that says 'You must always be willing to truly consider evidence that contradicts your beliefs, and admit the possibility that you may be wrong. Intelligence isn't knowing everything it's the ability to challenge everything you know.'

COVID-19 Vaccine Injury and How to Treat It; Safety of Millions of Americans Hinge on Data From 8 Mice

COVID-19 Vaccine Injury, Syndrome Not a Disease: FLCCC Conference Shares How to Treat It

By Marina Zhang
October 17, 2022 Updated: October 18, 2022


The complex myriad of symptoms in people suspecting of COVID-19 vaccine injury has been given a new name and an extensive treatment protocol:

“Post-COVID-19 vaccines syndrome,” said Dr. Paul Marik, co-founder and Chief Science Officer of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), on Oct. 15 at a conference in Orlando, Florida, aimed at education and sharing information on treating spike protein-induced health issues.

Marik and 15 other experts including pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole, FLCCC co-founder Dr. Pierre Kory, and Steve Kirsch, founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, presented their research and findings.

Intended as an educational conference for health practitioners, the event attracted health providers cross-country, including Florida, New York, Texas, Washington, Virginia, and many more.

Several international doctors were also in attendance, including physicians from Australia and the Philippines.

Endocrinologist Dr. Flavio Cadegiani from Brazil, was both an attendee and a presenter. The conference was preceded by a sold-out networking dinner the night before, and was met with fervent enthusiasm by the attendees.

Post-vaccine injury syndrome is “a multi-system syndrome … it’s not a disease,” Marik said. The condition does not fit a disease model, and therefore rather than targeting the symptoms, the entire body must be treated holistically.

Epoch Times Photo
Expression of spike protein in shoulder muscle after vaccine injection (Michael Palmer, MD, Sucharit Bhakdi, MD)

Spike Injury: A Multi-System Disease

Spike protein-induced diseases are diseases driven by a prolonged exposure to spike proteins. Patients can be exposed to these spike proteins through infection (long COVID) or COVID-19 vaccination (post-vaccination injury syndrome).

Since the two conditions are both driven by the same stimulus, there is a high degree of overlap in mechanism and symptoms, often affecting multiple tissues and organs.

The spike proteins are small enough to travel in blood vessels. They are highly inflammatory, with strong evidence of autoimmunity and crossing the blood-brain barrier, and therefore can trigger disease in a host of systems and organs.

Cole presented biopsies that showed spike protein presence and inflammation in small blood vessels, muscles, heart muscles, brain tissue, lungs, spleen, and many more.

Most of the biopsies presented damaged cells that expressed only spike protein, rather than other SARS-CoV-2 proteins. This suggests spike injuries are caused by vaccination and not natural infection, because in infection other SARS-CoV-2 proteins including nucleocapsid proteins are present in addition to the spike protein.

Cole’s findings fed into Marik’s lecture on symptoms and treatment options for long COVID and post-vaccine injury syndrome.

Evaluating React19 survey data from people suspecting vaccine injuries, Marik found the most common symptoms of spike protein-induced diseases.

This included fatigue, exercise intolerance, brain fog, heart palpitations, muscle weakness, tingling, dizziness, muscle aches, sleep disturbances, and joint pain.

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Dr. Paul Marik’s slides presented at the FLCCC Conference in Orlando Florida (Courtesy of the FLCCC)

“Believe it or not … the average number of symptoms reported is 23,” said Marik.

However, because most patients complain of an extensive list of symptoms not found in any disease, “[patients] will go to the doctor with all these complaints … and the doctor will say it’s all in your head,” said Marik.

Marik said that many patients are thus referred to psychiatric specialties rather than physicians who understand and can treat their disease.

“The vaccine-injured are vast,” said Kory, “the numbers are massive … they are underserved and their needs are not being met.”

Treatment Options

Apart from ivermectin and spermidine, Marik recommended low-dose naltrexone, a common drug for overdose in narcotic users.

While some medical practitioners have complained to The Epoch Times about having ivermectin prescriptions monitored, naltrexone is a drug not on the radar.

Research has shown that in low doses naltrexone could reduce inflammation, which is a main driver of spike protein disease, and also reduce common symptoms including brain fog and neuropathic symptoms.

Though these drugs are highly effective, Marik, Kory, and many doctors encouraged personalized and patient-focused medicine where dosage and regimen are adjusted based on the patient’s symptoms and needs.

Kory listed six different treatment strategies for spike protein-induced diseases.

The six strategies are: expelling spike protein, reducing inflammation, reducing micro-clotting, reducing mast cell activation, reducing viral persistence or activation, and recovery of the mitochondria.

Epoch Times Photo
Dr. Pierre Kory’s slides presented at the FLCCC conference in Orlando, Florida (Courtesy of the FLCCC)

Each strategy implemented combinations of different drugs and treatments. Based on the patient’s symptoms, he would prescribe different treatments. For example, a patient complaining of blood clotting would be given anticoagulants, and one complaining of chronic disease may be prescribed drugs to improve mitochondrial action.

Clearing Out Spike Protein

To clear out spike protein, FLCCC doctors recommended drug and lifestyle implementations to improve autophagy.

Autophagy is a natural cellular process where old cell parts are broken down and reused, which could help to clear out spike protein from the body.

Recommended lifestyle changes include intermittent fasting, where a person fasts for at least 16 consecutive hours, and sleep.

Drugs that stimulated or increased autophagy included spermidine, resveratrol, and ivermectin.

Alternative Treatments

Many alternative treatments were also discussed to improve cell repair and reduce inflammation.

Dr. Paul Harch focused on hyperbaric oxygen therapy, a repair treatment where a person is exposed to pressurized air that contains a higher concentration of oxygen.

Harch has been using this therapy to treat chronic wounds, including long-time brain injuries, by reducing inflammation.

In 2017, Harch co-authored a paper on reversing brain injury in a drowned toddler. After 40 sessions of hyperbaric oxygen treatment with Harch, her brain injury made a near-reversal.

Research has shown that increases in oxygen concentration reduces inflammation, and an increase in pressure increases inflammation. A balance between oxygen and pressure can reduce the action of inflammatory cytokines and boost wound repair.
Harch added in Q&A that oxygen therapy can help with brain damage from lack of oxygen at birth.

“It’s still an old wound that’s there, and all of this treatment we’ve done is on chronic wounding,” said Harch.

“I totally do this, but I wrote a book years ago … the conclusion of the book is that you cannot trust the medical profession at the institutional level to do what’s right for you.”

Dr. Asher Milgrom, CEO of AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare Inc., through a pre-recorded video offered options of ozone therapy to improve mitochondrial dysfunction—a common driver of fatigue.

Ozone, which is usually not found at normal atmospheric level, improves energy production as it carries three oxygen atoms rather than two, which is what is typically found in oxygen molecules. Since the mitochondria uses oxygen to make energy, having an extra oxygen atom can improve energy production and fatigue.

Epoch Times Photo
Cancer treatments are becoming more personalized. (Shutterstock)

Rebuilding to Personalized Patient-Focused Medicine

Marik said that the FLCCC’s first conference is a first step in their mission to rebuild the healthcare system back to personalized, patient-focused medicine—which is also the center of their treatment approach when it comes to spike protein-induced diseases.

“What we started is a new approach to medicine that is an alternative healthcare system,” said Marik, “The current one is a complete and utter failure. They’ve been lying to us; they’re corrupted they’re not interested in your health.”

“We’ve now recognized we have to do this ourselves; we can build something better, and I think this is the first step of our mission.”

Marik and Kory expect future conferences will be held, with the earliest expected in 6 months.

Epoch Health will publish a series of articles detailing several of the treatments discussed at the conference.

A recording of the conference will be made available for purchase on the FLCCC website.

Marina Zhang

Marina Zhang is based in New York and covers health and science. Contact her at
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'We learn from history that we do not learn from history. Friedrich Hegel'
Safety of Millions of Americans Hinge on Data From 8 Mice: Pfizer’s New Formulation Had No Human Trials Prior to Approval

Drug regulators over at the FDA ( granted a new Emergency Use Authorization ( to both Moderna and Pfizer ( for their updated COVID vaccine booster shots despite having no human clinical trial data for the modified formulations.

May be an image of text that says 'Many people believe the most frequently washed bodypart in 2021 was the hands, But in FACT it was the BRAIN!'

They Can Design A Cell to Do Anything; The Perfect Poison; Death by Remdesivir; War Crimes are Happening 

Concealed Crime: The Perfect Poison – Vaccine-Induced Murder… 5 Months Later

Dr. Ryan Cole: “Instead of like a wildfire, where we see people pass away quickly … we’re seeing more of a smoldering wildfire until the burden of disease … finally adds up to incompatibility of life.”

Death by Remdesivir: Under Fauci, We Had the Highest Body Count in the World

RFK Jr: “It [Remdesivir] was Tony Fauci’s pet drug. We were the only ones that had it for a year. And we – in our country – we have 4.2% of the global population; we had almost 20% of global deaths from COVID. How is that a success story?

“Dr. Francis Boyle is an international lawyer and biowarfare expert of over 30 years.

He confirms both Australian and United States legislation and documentation proving planned gain-of-function bioweapon releases that work hand-in-hand with what the globalists are doing through the WHO Treaty takeover.

Boyle says this will land dissidents in prison if the globalists are successful with their plans.”

15 Oct, 2022 16:44

Pro-Ukrainian NAFO troll chief outed as ‘Nazi’

The account behind the pro-Western meme also denied the Holocaust
Pro-Ukrainian NAFO troll chief outed as ‘Nazi’

The Polish Twitter user behind the ‘NAFO’ phenomenon locked his account on Saturday after critics discovered his lengthy record of posts praising Nazi Germany, insulting Jews and denying the Holocaust. The troll-in-chief insists he posted the controversial material “to fit in.”

Kamil Dyszewski has received glowing praise in Western media for posting a crudely-edited Shiba Inu avatar to Twitter earlier this summer. The cartoon dog soon caught on, and pro-Ukrainian accounts began to display their own Shiba avatars and refer to themselves as ‘NAFO’, or the ‘North Atlantic Fellas Organization.’

Since then, the ‘Fellas’ can be found spreading Kiev’s talking points, ganging up to swarm polls and report pro-Moscow accounts, and soliciting donations for the Ukrainian military.

Questioned by some within his own ranks, Dyszewski locked his Twitter account on Saturday, but not before posting an explanation. Describing the controversial posts as “overly edgy and incredibly inappropriate ‘jokes,’” Dyszewski said that he made them “to fit in,” without explaining with whom he was attempting to fit in. He added that these posts, all made around 2020, “do not represent me as a person.”

While NAFO may have started with an offhand internet post by a Polish gamer, it has since grown into a internet-wide phenomenon, counting US Congressman Adam Kinzinger, Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov, and a host of Western analysts, spies, and other members of the intelligence community as ‘Fellas.’

This member roll has led some critics to argue that NAFO is a creation of Western intelligence agencies. Similar pro-Ukrainian social media campaigns have previously been identified as relying on masses of ‘bot’ accounts.

War Crimes are happening

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'APoCALyPSE Very few people know that the original Greek translation of "Apocalypse" means "lifting of the veil" or "revelation"... A disclosure fsomething hidden from the majority of mankind in an era domained by falsehood and misconception. Far from being a horrible experience, Apocalypse represents the revealing of the true nature of things. It ushers in an era fforgotten freedoms and unprecedented clarity. This "lifting of the veil" will set us free from the misery that has been the result fignorance.'

There is no such thing as a bad meditation; We Have Been Lied to About the Vaccine, Does More Harm Than Good; Let Nuremburg 2.0 Begin

What does meditation really means? Dr. Joe Dispenza explains.

“There is no such thing as a bad meditation.”
I like that POV. As long as you attempt to control the immature ego, it’s better than not attempting at all.

In a COVID hearing, #Pfizer director admits: #vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission.

“Get vaccinated for others” was always a lie.

The only purpose of the #COVID passport: forcing people to get vaccinated.

The world needs to know. Share this video!

Pfizer Exec Concedes COVID-19 Vaccine Was Not Tested on Preventing Transmission Before Release

By Jack Phillips
October 11, 2022 Updated: October 11, 2022

Pfizer executive said Monday that neither she nor other Pfizer officials knew whether its COVID-19 vaccine would stop transmission before entering the market last year.

Member of the European Parliament, Rob Roos, asked during a session: “Was the Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market? Did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market?”

Pfizer’s Janine Small, president of international developed markets, said in response: “No … You know, we had to … really move at the speed of science to know what is taking place in the market.”

Roos, of the Netherlands, argued in a Twitter video Monday that following Small’s comments to him, millions of people around the world were duped by pharmaceutical companies and governments.

“Millions of people worldwide felt forced to get vaccinated because of the myth that ‘you do it for others,’” Roos said. “Now, this turned out to be a cheap lie” and “should be exposed,” he added.

The Epoch Times has contacted Pfizer for comment.

What Was Said

The Food and Drug Administration wrote in late 2020 that there was no data available to determine whether the vaccine would prevent transmission and for how long it would protect against transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.

“At this time, data are not available to make a determination about how long the vaccine will provide protection, nor is there evidence that the vaccine prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from person to person,” the agency specifically noted.

Meanwhile, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, around the same time, said his firm was “not certain” if those who receive its mRNA vaccine will be able to transmit COVID-19 to other people.

”I think this is something that needs to be examined. We are not certain about that right now,” Bourla told NBC News in December 2020 in response to a question about transmissibility.

Former White House medical adviser Dr. Deborah Birx in June revealed that there was evidence in December 2020 that individuals who received COVID-19 vaccines, including Pfizer’s, could still transmit the virus.

“We knew early on in January of 2021, in late December of 2020, that reinfection was occurring after natural infection,” Birx, the White House COVID-19 response coordinator during the Trump administration, told members of Congress this year.

‘Not Going to Get COVID’

A number of officials in the United States and around the world had claimed COVID-19 vaccines could prevent transmission. Among them, President Joe Biden in July 2021 remarked that “you’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

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President Joe Biden speaks, flanked by White House Chief Medical Adviser on COVID-19 Dr. Anthony Fauci, during a visit to the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md., on Feb. 11, 2021. (Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images)

Chief Biden administration medical adviser Anthony Fauci in May 2021 said in a CBS interview that vaccinated people are “dead ends” for COVID-19, suggesting they cannot transmit the virus. “When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community,” Fauci said.

Two months later, in late July of that year, Fauci said that vaccinated people are capable of transmitting the virus.

In the coming months, Fauci, Biden, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, and others pivoted to say the vaccine prevents severe disease, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19.

Jack Phillips

Jack Phillips is a breaking news reporter at The Epoch Times based in New York.

Major Scientific Publisher Retracts More Than 500 Papers


One of the world’s largest open-access journal publishers is retracting more than 500 papers, based on the discovery of unethical actions.

London-based Hindawi, which publishes more than 200 peer-reviewed journals across multiple disciplines, stated that its research team identified in June “irregularities” in the peer review process in some of the journals.

“All Hindawi journals employ a series of substantial integrity checks before articles are accepted for publication. Following thorough investigation, we identified that these irregularities in the peer review process were the result of suspicious and unethical activities. Since identifying this unethical activity and breach of our processes, we began proactively adding further checks and improving our processes and continue to do so,” Liz Ferguson, a senior vice president for John Wiley & Sons, Hindawi’s U.S.-based parent company, said in a Sept. 28 statement.

As a result of the investigation, 511 papers will be retracted.

The papers have all been published since August 2020.

Sixteen journals published the papers that are being retracted.

Some of the authors and editors who contributed to the articles may have been “unwitting participants” in the unethical scheme, according to Ferguson. She said the scheme involved “manipulation of the peer review process and the infrastructure that supports it.”

Richard Bennett, vice president of researcher and publishing services for Hindawi, told the Retraction Watch blog that the review uncovered “coordinated peer review rings,” which featured reviewers and editors coordinating to get papers through peer review.

Neither Ferguson nor Bennett identified any of the suspects.

Bennett said the investigation started after an editor flagged some suspicious papers. He also said the individuals identified by the review as “compromised” will be banned from Hindawi journals. Other people were described as “potentially compromised.”

“These efforts, and the individuals who participate in them, impede scientific discovery and impact the validity of scholarly research and will not be tolerated,” Ferguson said.

She also said the company has been in touch with other publishers and industry bodies.

Further retractions are expected as the investigation proceeds.

Hindawi journals include Advances in Agriculture, the Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology, and the Journal of Nanotechnology.

Zelensky’s Trying to Start WWIII; They Will Have No Place to Hide; Plandemic was intentional

Biden Promises Ukraine’s Zelenskyy Advanced Air Defense Systems After Russian Missile Attacks

By Katabella Roberts
October 11, 2022 Updated: October 11, 2022

President Joe Biden on Monday promised President Volodymyr Zelenskyy that Washington will supply Ukraine with advanced air defense systems amid Russia’s ongoing invasion.

The two leaders spoke on the phone shortly after Russia launched its largest air strike yet on Ukraine following the destruction of a bridge linking Russia to the annexed Crimean peninsula over the weekend. Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Ukraine’s security services of perpetuating the attack.

Russia’s strikes killed at least 11 civilians, Ukrainian officials said, and knocked out Ukraine’s power grid, leaving parts of the country with no electricity, water, or heat.

Thousands of residents were forced to shelter in bomb shelters throughout the day as missiles rained down on multiple cities, with explosions reported in Kyiv, Lviv, Ternopil, and Zhytomyr in western Ukraine, Dnipro, and Kremenchuk in the center, Zaporizhzhia in the south and Kharkiv in the east.

During Monday’s call, Biden “expressed his condemnation of Russia’s missile strikes across Ukraine, including in Kyiv, and conveyed his condolences to the loved ones of those killed and injured in these senseless attacks” according to a White House readout of the call.

“President Biden pledged to continue providing Ukraine with the support needed to defend itself, including advanced air defense systems,” the readout said.

Smoke rises over the city after a Russian missile strike, in Kyiv, Ukraine, on Oct. 10, 2022. (Oleksandr Klymenko/Reuters)

“He also underscored his ongoing engagement with allies and partners to continue imposing costs on Russia, holding Russia accountable for its war crimes and atrocities, and providing Ukraine with security, economic, and humanitarian assistance,” the statement added.

The White House did not state exactly which air defense systems Biden said he will supply to Zelenskyy during their call but earlier this year, Washington committed to provide Ukraine with National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS)

Those anti-aircraft systems are manufactured by the Norwegian company Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace and used to protect the airspace around the White House and Capitol in Washington. They can be used to strike Russian cruise missiles.

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv on Sept. 8, 2022. (Genya Savilov/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

‘Sign’ of Russian Weakness

Zelenskyy’s office also issued a statement on Monday detailing his phone call with Biden which stated that the Ukrainian president informed Washington about the “consequences of the massive missile strikes against civilian infrastructure perpetrated today by the Russian aggressor.”

Zelenskyy said the “strikes against civilian targets throughout Ukraine are a sign of weakness of the Russian army which is losing on the battlefield. It is pure terror” but that Ukraine “will not succumb to the Russian missile blackmail,” according to the statement.

Biden and Zelenskyy also discussed the “importance of air defense, and continued U.S. contributions to increase this capability” the statement adds.

Cars are seen on fire after Russian missile strikes in Kyiv, Ukraine, on Oct. 10, 2022. (Valentyn Ogirenko/Reuters)

Russia-Ukraine Conflict Escalates

The two leaders also discussed the “upcoming extraordinary meeting of the Group of Seven Leaders (G7) dedicated to Ukraine and most pressing measures of support for Ukraine which can be adopted by the international community,” according to Zelenskyy’s office.

In total, the Biden administration has committed a total of $15.8 billion in military aid to Ukraine since Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24.

The latest promise of advanced air defense systems to Ukraine comes as its conflict with Russia continues to escalate.

On Monday, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, one of Vladimir Putin’s closest allies, said that some of his country’s 60,000-strong army will deploy with Russian forces near Ukraine.

Lukashenko said the decision was made because Ukraine had been preparing to attack Belarus with help from allies Poland and Lithuania, although he did not provide any evidence relating to such claims.

“Strikes on the territory of Belarus are not just being discussed in Ukraine today, but are also being planned,” Lukashenko said at a meeting on security. “Their owners are pushing them to start a war against Belarus to drag us there.”

Following Lukashenko’s announcement, Polish citizens in Belarus were being advised by the government to leave the country as relations between the two countries increasingly turned sour.

Reuters contributed to this report.

Katabella Roberts

Katabella Roberts  is a news writer for The Epoch Times, focusing primarily on the United States, world, and business news.



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