X22 Report Fall of the Cabal

Marker [KC] 11.3, The Elite’s System Is In The Process Of Being Exposed – Ep. 2391 (x22report.com)

The economic system is now being exposed to the people. The people are learning that the system is rigged and the corrupt politicians are protecting those on Wall Street not the people.  This is not an open an free market, it is a controlled market by the [CB]. Is this going to bring down the entire system?  [KC] had his sentencing today, no jail time for changing an email to get a FISA warrant, instead he received probation, market 11.3. Is this just the beginning. The people are waking up to system that the [DS] created, it is being exposed for all to see.

Fall of the Cabal

This documentary was by researcher and author Janet Ossebaard from the Netherlands and with the aid of countless  ‘Anons’ across the world. ” It contains thousands of hours of research.  I urge you to accept nothing as the truth. Please do your own research and double check everything presented to accept nothing as the truth. Please do your own and double-check everything present to you. That is the only way to truly wake up and become an independent thinker”

Fall of the Cabal (Full Feature 10 Part Documentary) – Unshackled Minds

Suicides, NESARA, Flynn and the X22 Report

The World Is Watching, “We Haven’t Finished Yet”: Trump, Think Mirror – Ep. 2390 (x22report.com)

The economic system is rigged. The [CB]/[DS] is currently being exposed. The Biden administration is implicated in this. This is not about an election, it is about bringing down the system. The system is rigged and people are now understanding. The people are now watching the Biden administration, everything that was promised the people see the opposite happening. Think mirror, everything the [DS] threw at Trump is coming back to them. Covid is mysteriously disappearing, cases are dropping like a rock. Trump was seen a golf course and he said we are not finished yet.

Charlie Discusses Latest Updates with Nicholas Veniamin

Biden Lifts Ban on US Funding for Foreign Pro-Abortion Nonprofits

January 28, 2021 Updated: January 28, 2021

President Joe Biden signed a presidential memorandum on Jan. 28 rescinding the ban on U.S. funding for international nonprofits that provide counseling or referrals for abortion.

President Donald Trump reinstated and expanded the ban, known as the Mexico City Policy, during his first days in office in 2017. It was previously rescinded by Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

The policy was first announced in 1984 during the Reagan administration and has been rescinded and reinstated along party lines since. The policy requires non-governmental organizations to certify that they will not “perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning” in order to receive U.S. taxpayer money for global health initiatives.

White House Press Secretary Jan Psaki, when asked if Biden would take this and other pro-abortion steps, responded that the president is a “devout Catholic.”

“Across the country and around the world, people—particularly women, Black, Indigenous and other people of color, LGBTQ+ people, and those with low incomes—have been denied access to reproductive health care,” the White House press release announcing the rescission of the Mexico City Policy states.

“The memorandum reflects the policy of the Biden-Harris Administration to support women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health and rights in the United States, as well as globally.”

Trump’s expanded ban affected approximately $7.3 billion in U.S. global health aid, according to an estimate by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci told the World Health Organization’s executive board on Jan. 21 that Biden would rescind the Mexico City Policy in the coming days. Fauci said the move would signal a “broader commitment to protect women’s health and advance gender equality at home and around the world.”

Biden’s memorandum also directs the Department of Health and Human Services to consider rescinding regulations under its Title X family planning program. Trump had prohibited taxpayer dollars from Title X from going to abortion providers.

“Another day, another partisan Executive Order from the unity president,” Rep. Dan Bishop (R-N.C.) wrote on Twitter on Jan. 28. “What’s unifying about sending Americans’ hard-earned tax dollars overseas to pay for abortions?”

Americans overwhelmingly oppose using taxpayer dollars to fund abortions abroad. A January 2017 Marist Poll found that 83 percent opposed or strongly opposed “using tax dollars to support abortion in other countries.” That figure reflects overall opposition among Americans to unrestricted abortion. Only 16 percent said abortion should be “available to a woman any time during her entire pregnancy.”

More than 73 million unborn children were killed in abortions every year between 2015 and 2019, according to the World Health Organization.

Follow Ivan on Twitter: @ivanpentchoukov

It is Time to Wake up and Save America

The Decision On Timing Was Left To Trump, Decision Was Made, Message Sent – Ep. 2388 (x22report.com)

The [DS]/[CB] are doing exactly what they always do, they are showing the people exactly what they have planned.  The MSM is now letting everyone know the market is ok, put your money into, this is how they end it with a crash. Yellen is now confirmed. McCarthy is letting everyone know JB just killed millions of jobs. Sometime the people must be shown the truth. The [DS]/MSM are now pushing forward with the impeachment. They did not get the votes for the conviction. Trump sent some messages and Flynn is confirming that their is a plan in place. Trump was given the decision on timing and he made the decision during the rally. Buckle up because we are about to see fireworks.

The Act of 1871: The “United States” Is a Corporation – There are Two Constitutions – Federal Jack

THE TWO US CONSTITUTIONS | National Liberty Alliance

Dr. Bruce Lipton Explains HOW WE ARE PROGRAMMED AT BIRTH (an eye opening video)




The Cabal is showing their plan X22 Report

We Won’t Know The Date We Will Attack Our Enemies, Attack We Will – Ep. 2387 (x22report.com)

The [CB] is now showing the world their plan, their plan is to bring back globalization, move forward with the great reset. The world is watching, the people are watching. If America falls the world falls, this is part of the operation redpill.  The [DS]/MSM are now red pilling America, people are seeing the truth, the boomerang is coming back to hit the [DS].  All the treasons criminals are in one place. The public must believe and accept, the MSM will try to fight back. The plan is in motion, the countdown has started, the patriots are preparing to make their move.

Thought of the Day

In the Gospel of Thomas Saying 70 Jesus said “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”

There is a Divine Plan and the Light of God within us. If we bring forth the light and love within, it will transform us. More light and more love will return to us on the Cosmic  return. If we do not become one with the light and love of God within our hearts but instead turn to darker emotions then that negativity will become an anathema to the Christ within. To put it another way, nearly every person who goes through the near death experience and is able to remember, finds out that God and the Spiritual Hierarchies do not judge them. They themselves are their own judge. The Christ within and their own conscience are their judges. The Cosmic Beings showing the souls the karmic record radiate pure love. The Light of God encompassing our souls has an innate intelligence. It cannot be fooled.

The Great Awakening, See The Difference, How Do You Inject Legal Evidence?

The Great Awakening, See The Difference, How Do You Inject Legal Evidence? Optics – Ep. 2386 (x22report.com)

Trump and the patriots have prepared the US for the transition, the power has been removed from the [CB], Trump sent the last 4 years preparing for this, the restructuring will be complete once Trump is back, the next phase will be pushed. The [DS]/MSM are falling right into the Trump’s trap, we are  still in the great awakening and people are now starting to notice the difference. People are now seeing the 16 year plan continue, jobs being lost and rights being violated. The [DS] are now making a push for war. Optics are very important, how do you make the [DS] push out all the evidence of their crimes, Impeachment. Durham is waiting for the right moment to strike. Election fraud evidence and every legally counted vote is on deck.

The-Presidents-Advisory-1776-Commission-Final-Report.pdf (archives.gov)

See the source image

Connecting to God

War is the teacher, soldiers its students. Faith and Knowledge the greatest weapons of war. Through stories, we reshape the narratives to strengthen our resolve, awaken the truth, expand our vision beyond the limits of the Matrix and bring us closer to God. In the end, God wins. Listen to Fishers of Men – 20210123 (bards.fm) on ‎BardsFM on Apple Podcasts

Connection to God is our purpose, a lifelong journey of seeking the truth and discovering who we are. Sometimes we have to be shaken to  emotionally and physically to wake up.  The past year the present and the future has and will be our awakening. We are starting See the source imagerealize there is something greater, something more  than we could ever imagine.   The world is not as it seems and we live in two inseparable worlds, the metaphysical as well as the physical. We are not humans living a spiritual life but spiritual beings living a physicals life in this human form.  There are so many aspects regarding the spiritual and human condition and seeking the truth. It  can be an arduous and difficult journey, and as we are learning,  very disturbing emotionally.    Humanity as a whole, have See the source imageexperienced indoctrination and programming  since birth.  Our culture, education, religion and political systems have conditioned us in our belief and thought processes. This  spiritual awakening is get our attention and  help us remember who we really are, why we are here because. We have been distracted by the material world with confusion and distortions for so long.

Each of us have a an emotional connection to words and phrases, and they See the source imageare different from person to person.  Each of us speaks, listens, and thinks in our own special language; we have been shaped by our culture, experiences, profession, personality, morals and attitudes, but one thing we do have in common;  we are here to evolve spiritually in our own way. We are spiritual beings lost in the material world with free will to chose our path, positive or negative.

The positive path, is one whose highest priority is to love others as they love themselves; cares and helps people, animals and the planet; knows that we are all One, consciously attempts to honor this Oneness; and meditates, contemplates and prays to stay connected, and goes deeper in understanding the self.

A person on the negative path is someone who loves and cares only about the self; controlling others by any means possible. We are now seeing that for ourselves.   See the source image

We have choices everyday, positive or negative, also known as  good and evil. Our thoughts, emotions and actions are part of these choices. Positive thinking generates positive emotions resulting in positive actions.  Negative thinking works the same way. We all have these thoughts, we are human.

See the source image


Thoughts on Happiness, a very contagious positive emotion

Consider happiness is love, a spiritual experience of living in the moment with appreciation, gratitude, compassion and service to others.

A wider perspective of happiness is possible by stepping back from our situation to see the bigger picture. Scientist call this practice “self distancing” which allows us to think more clearly about our problems as well as to reduce our stress response and our negative emotions. This broader perspective also allows us to get beyond our own limited immediate self interest into a perspective that takes into account the interest of others.

Humility helps helps us remember our common bond with each other and to avoid isolation, judgment and indifference and to remember that we are all in this world together.

Laughing at ourselves helps develop humor. Humor seems like something that is spontaneous and natural that cannot be cultivated, but the ability to laugh at ourselves and see the rich ironies and funny realities in our life is See the source imageactually, like perspective, something that we can learn with practice over time.

Certainly, laughter unites people, and social support has been shown in studies to improve mental and physical health. Indeed, the presumed health benefits of laughter may be coincidental consequences of its primary goal: bringing people together.

Happiness is an electrifying and elusive state. Philosophers, theologians, psychologists, and even economists have long sought to define it. Every person has unique life experiences, and therefore unique experiences of happiness and their own definition .See the source image

Perhaps any possibility of happiness requires an acceptance of reality. This is the only place from which one can start to work for personal or global change. That is our goal and journey, what is our reality.   Meditation is a place that allows us to accept our life moment by moment without judgment or the expectation for life to be other than what it is.


Jaun O Savin Message to all


We are all involved in a battle of light and dark forces, realizing we are experiencing events we have never seen before. It really hard to realize we are living in the land of  the free and home of the brave. Perhaps it is time to release materialistic, atheistic and totalitarian beliefs and take back our freedom, democracy and faith and allow that to be core of our beliefs. We have allowed fear that has been falsely dictated by mainstream  and social media. The media is just another arm of the elites to control the masses. They think they have their puppets in power.

We all have the God given gifts of discernment that will differentiate light from darkness, Unlike our emotions, God’s love is not limited. It is infinite and it is already flowing through us. We just have to realize it. Consequently, we have only to hold the frequency of love. Hold our heart open, let our mind and emotions be at peace, and feel the love flow through us and out into the world. As we feel the love flowing through us, bless it. Set our intention to serve and we all can serve beyond our wildest dreams. We are awakening the Christ Consciousness that lies within each of us. Where we go one, we go all.



We are in unprecedented times.  Never before has there been such a time that has affected the entire world.  Using your discernment, watch ” The MOVIE…the FINAL ACT! Satanic STRONGHOLDS are being DEMOLISHED! PRAY! by Castle Rock. Open your mind as it  discusses the final act and how we are involved and  participating in the battle of good and evil.

This is not about Biden or Trump, it is about us, who we are as individuals, as a nation and most importantly,   spiritually. We come from all walks of life, different cultures, beliefs and religions.  One thing we all have in common is we started as a miracle.  Scientist have discovered at the moment of conception, there is a literal flash of light. At death they have discovered something  leaves our body based on this video and  article. 

In the Gospel of Thomas, saying 83Jesus said: The images are revealed to man, and the light which is in them is hidden in the image of the light of the Father. He will reveal himself, and his image is hidden by his light.

Spiritual evolution is happening around the world and your spiritual path is  unique to you. There is wonder and frustration, disbelief and believing. We are being put to the test, realizing the world is not as it seems and the physical and metaphysical worlds are inseparable. We have been keep in the dark.  What we thought was true no longer applies. There is this  realization that our thoughts, emotions and actions not only create our reality,  but the world. Look how COVID19 has created fear and doubt around the world.

We have not been told the truth for decades by MSM, our governments, religions and now we are being openingly reality-from-thoughtscensored. We have been in the Dark Night of the Soul.  It is time to seek the truth and this video may be the first step to expand your mind. 

Do not believe anything simply because you have heard or read it somewhere  especially on MSM and social media. They are trying to control you.  You have a gift. It is time to use it. Call it discernment or intuition but it is God’s  gift to us to be used at this time and space.

Do not believe in anything simply  because it is found written in some sacred text or books based on the specific authority of certain spiritual teachers or elders. Do not believe in anything just  because it has been traditionally handed down from many generations.

After great observation, contemplation, and analysis,  go to the place where you have a special wisdom. Call it meditation and prayer, connect to our Source in your own way. Open your heart and mind and allow God to illuminate your innermost spirit. When you realize the power within,  accept it,  train it and embody its teachings for the benefits of yourself and others.

Jesus said is the Gospel of Thomas in saying 2  “Let one who seeks not stop seeking until that person finds; and upon finding, the person will be disturbed; and being disturbed, will be astounded; and will reign over the entirety.”

Kim Clements “Two Presidents” Prophecy

Kim Clements “Two Presidents” Prophecy

Amos 3:7 7 Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.

1.21.21: Our PLANS are NOT God’s PLANS! The END won’t be for everyone! PRAY!  Published January 21, an uplifting video at the following link. https://rumble.com/vd3kcr-1.21.21-our-plans-are-not-gods-plans-the-end-wont-be-for-everyone-pray.html

The Great Reversal

Military Control, 11.3 Verifies As 1st Marker, Think Illegitimate – Ep. 2383 (x22report.com)

The patriots have set a plan in motion to take back this country, but before that happens the [DS] system need to be brought down, the entire system. Trump need to sacrifice himself for optic reason. He needs to be completely out of the picture, which means he is not President. Trump and the patriots planned this from the begging, the [DS] players believe they won, they used their ammunition, they believe they can’t be stopped. With all the distractions there is one man who was left behind. Think mirror

In the Bible, the book of Esther, is referred to as the great reversal.  As you know, Haman, an officer of the King, convinced him to kill all Jews, especially Mordecai, and put their heads on poles. Queen Esther tells the king Haman’s plan and the king stops it. In fact, his punishment for Haman and his crew is what he had planned for the Jews.  Hence the great reversal.

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