Satanism Demystified; Tips for Improving Your Spiritual Well-Being; Know What Is In Front of You Face


Published June 4, 2022

The gifts given to us by God must not be relinquished to those who speak ill of them and who are moved by envy or ignorance. Filippo Brunelleschi


5 Tips for Improving Your Spiritual Well-Being

Life offers us endless opportunities to elevate our character, if we have the wish

“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” — Albert Einstein

In today’s fast-paced world, with so many things to distract us, it’s easy to focus on the outside world and neglect what’s on the inside. In our quest for more, it often seems like we’re trying to fill some sort of void that we can’t quite identify; perhaps the void is a spiritual one, which is why it never seems to be filled by material pursuits or empty distractions.

While spirituality varies among cultures and among individuals, there are some basic truths connecting those with upright intentions, and these principles can guide us in living as good people.

When we work on fostering our spiritual sides, studies show that memory and cognition improve, immunity is boosted, blood pressure improves, things like depression, stress, and anxiety lessen, anger and resentment decrease, and the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions also decreases.

Strengthening our spiritual sides increases our overall levels of happiness, hope, optimism, and internal calm. We may find a deeper meaning and purpose for our lives. An analysis of research studies revealed that those who are more spiritual have stronger marital relationships, commit fewer crimes, have significantly lower rates of substance abuse, perform better in school, and thus have an overall positive impact on those around them and society as a whole.

With so many great benefits, let’s take a look at a few simple things we can do to strengthen our spiritual well-being.

Cultivate Integrity

According to the American Heritage dictionary, integrity is “steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code,” or “the quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness.”

Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is looking. Of course, looking at it from a spiritual perspective, nothing truly goes unseen.

Integrity requires being honest with oneself and others, self-discipline and willpower, and a commitment to upholding our values and principles, even if it means we lose out as a result. It means not taking the easy way out, and not choosing our self-interest over what’s right.

There is a proverb that says, “There’s no pillow as soft as a clear conscience.” A clean conscience comes only through living a life of integrity, and its importance was well-known to older generations, who were often heard saying, “The reason I sleep well is because I have a clean conscience.”  Unfortunately, the value of integrity has been largely lost in modern times, and in its place, a focus on money and a desire to get ahead have taken its place. Coincidentally, problems sleeping are common.

To live with integrity, it’s important that we identify our values to help determine the kind of person we are and who we want to be. This brightens our moral compass. As we strive to live this way, our character becomes more grounded in goodness, while our negative aspects are weakened and eliminated.

Forgive and Let Go

Forgiveness is an integral part of all upright spiritual teachings. For example, Jesus said, “But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.” Luke 6:27–28

When we are treated unkindly or in a way we view as unfair, we may feel justified in our anger or resentment toward another person. But when we carry these things in our hearts, as the saying goes, it’s like drinking poison and thinking it will harm the other person. 

Several years ago, I had a co-worker who regularly disagreed with me. It created a lot of tension, and over time, I developed resentment toward her for being controlling and trying to tell me how to do my job. I found myself increasingly disliking going to work, and even considered looking for another job.

Then one day, a light bulb went off. I thought: “This is my job. I can either go to work and be miserable, or I can go to work and be happy. It’s up to me.”

With this realization, I went to work the next day with a different attitude. I forgave what I viewed as my co-worker’s transgressions, and began to let go of the resentment I’d had. I kept a pleasant demeanor and didn’t let little things get to me, and as a result, I somehow felt lighter. The things that had bothered me now seemed so insignificant that I often didn’t even notice them unless someone pointed them out.

The amazing thing was, as I changed myself, my surroundings changed. My co-worker stopped trying to tell me how to do my job all the time, and the situation between us became harmonious. This unintended consequence of practicing forgiveness and working on changing myself benefitted not just me, but the environment around me.

Act Selflessly

Altruism, or selflessness, is another universal teaching in upright spiritual practices. As Buddha said, “A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.”

To act with selflessness is to let go of one’s own desires for the benefit of others. It means helping another person out of the goodness of your heart, without any expectation of reward. It is putting yourself in another person’s shoes and having true compassion.

Unfortunately, in today’s society, the opposite isn’t only promoted, but often applauded and even rewarded. But the good news is, with some introspection and awareness, selflessness can be learned and gradually become a part of our daily lives.

Little acts of kindness, such as listening to another person without thinking of what we’re going to say next, bringing a cup of coffee to a coworker, or mowing our elderly neighbor’s lawn, are simple ways we can put others before ourselves.

As we go about our day, it’s a good idea to pause and ask ourselves, “Why am I doing this?” In other words, what’s our true motivation behind our actions? Are we taking our ill friend a bowl of soup because we know how miserable it is to have the flu and want to help her feel better, or because we want to hear we’re such a great friend or what a good cook we are? Examining our thoughts is key.

Helping for the sake of helping, with a pure and genuine heart, benefits others, and inadvertently ourselves as well. Studies have shown that altruistic behaviors lead to more peace of mind, lowered cortisol levels, and even decreased risk of heart disease, to name a few.

Practice Gratitude

In a world where we can have almost anything we want whenever we want it, it’s easy to take things for granted and lose sight of the importance of gratitude.

Recently, an incident occurred when I was teaching my son about being grateful for what he had and not expecting more and more. My husband overheard our conversation and joined in to stress what I was saying. He surprised me when he told our son: “Every day when I wake up, I say a prayer. I don’t ask for anything. I only say ‘thank you,’ even if it’s just for my two arms and legs that allow me to go to work, or for the roof over my head.”

Being grateful for what we have, without desiring or asking for more, even in the face of difficulties and struggles, is most certainly a worthwhile endeavor.

Studies have shown that gratitude can be cultivated. By doing things like keeping a gratitude journal, or reflecting on three things we’re grateful for at the end of every day, we strengthen our gratitude muscle. We can even learn to be grateful for the hard times.

Leonardo da Vinci said: “Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind.” Our difficulties help steel our resolve to achieve our goals and strengthen who we are. And without the hard times, how would we know what we’re capable of?

Look for the Lesson

Not a day goes by that we don’t encounter multiple opportunities to improve ourselves. Everything happens for a reason. While we may not understand why things occur, what we can come to understand is the lesson contained within.

While working with my co-worker, I had another realization: The things that annoyed me about her were actually things that existed in me—she was just a mirror reflecting what was in me. At first, this wasn’t something I even wanted to admit to myself, let alone anyone else, and wondered if I really had such a controlling way about myself.

As I paid attention to my thoughts and behaviors, sure enough, I saw the hard truth: I, too, had my own way of wanting to control things. As I reflected on the situation more later, I discovered that the situation was an opportunity to look at myself and learn some valuable lessons.


I also realized that when a certain type of situation kept repeating itself, though it might take different forms, it was trying to teach me a lesson. As I began to watch for patterns in the things that happened in my life, I also learned that if something about another person annoyed me, it was a sure sign that I had that thing in me in some form or another.

Over the years, I’ve seen that my most valuable lessons have actually come out of my most difficult situations. Though I didn’t relish having those painful or hard times, I saw that they did, in fact, serve an important purpose—self-growth. And if I didn’t work on improving that part of myself, the situation would keep recurring in different scenarios.

When my son entered elementary school, I began having regular talks with him that we dubbed “life lessons.” I tried to teach him the importance of being kind to others, no matter how he was treated, to be honest, thoughtful, patient, and to share with others. I also made up “what if” scenarios to get him to think about how he might handle different types of difficult situations, and then we would discuss possible solutions.

One day, when a little boy treated him unkindly in second grade, he came home and told me that he wasn’t mean back to him, and said, “I think his momma must not teach him about life lessons.” When my son did do something wrong, I tried to get him to understand why it was wrong and to think about how he could do better next time.

My hope is that these lessons laid the groundwork for my son to learn how to reflect upon his own actions, see what he could learn from them, and continually strive to be a better person.

In my view, what happens in our lives is meant to teach us to rectify our wrongs and change ourselves for the better by improving our patience, honesty, kindness, empathy, and other good qualities.

In Conclusion

Research has borne out what common sense tells us: Strengthening our spiritual well-being is good for both our mental and physical health. It elevates our moral character, strengthens our relationships, improves our performance in school and at work—and is an essential underpinning of a good society.

As Rumi said: “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” By employing some of these techniques in our everyday lives, we can improve ourselves, and naturally have a positive influence on the world around us.

the universe is infiniteIn an Infinite Creator there is only unity.  In truth there is no right or wrong. You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One. 1.7

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson

Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you. Jesus

People Who Pushed Idea of Universal Vaccination Are ‘Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity’; 2000 Mules and More

People Who Pushed Idea of Universal Vaccination Are ‘Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity’: Former Pfizer VP

By Enrico Trigoso
May 14, 2022 Updated: May 14, 2022


Former Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon maintains that since the infection fatality ratio of COVID-19 has not been high, the vaccines should not have been mandated.

Moreover, he heavily blasted the corporate media mantras that designate these as safe, effective, and necessary to end the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic.

Yeadon is a big pharma veteran with 32 years in the industry. He worked as the head of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer from 1995 to 2011 and is the former founder and CEO of Ziarco, a biotech company acquired by Novartis. Furthermore, he has a doctorate in respiratory pharmacology and holds a Double First Class Honors degree in biochemistry and toxicology.

A shocking 1,223 deaths and 42,086 adverse events were reported to Pfizer from the first day of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine rollout on Dec. 1, 2020, to Feb. 28, 2021.

“The worst flu season over the last decade is worse than [the threat] posed by this new virus,” Yeadon told The Epoch Times via email.

“And what do we do in response to seasonal influenza? Well, nothing really, beyond offering—and not mandating—vaccines which aren’t much use.”

Of important note is that the exact number of fatalities in China, where the virus originated, has been suppressed by the communist regime and could be 366 times the official figure.

Bill Gates, Dr Fauci And Big Pharma Accused Of Crimes Against Humanity In Complaint To International Court

Yeadon said that being sure the vaccines would cause no harm in the long run should have been imperative.

“It was never appropriate to attempt to ‘end the pandemic’ with a novel technology vaccine. In a public health mass intervention, safety is the top priority, more so even than effectiveness, because so many people will receive it,” Yeadon states in a document he sent to The Epoch Times.

“It’s simply not possible to obtain data demonstrating adequate longitudinal safety in the time period any pandemic can last. Those who pushed this line of argument and enabled the gene-based agents to be injected needlessly into billions of innocent people are guilty of crimes against humanity.”

Yeadon argues that natural immunity was obviously stronger than any protection from the jabs, and cited an article by Dr. Paul Alexander that has over 150 studies attesting to naturally acquired immunity to COVID-19.

Yeadon feels that the novel vaccines should have not been given emergency use authorization (EUA) and that if he were directing the pandemic response, children, pregnant women, and people who already had contracted the virus would have been given a red light on the jabs.

“I would have outright denied their use in children, in pregnancy, and in the infected/recovered. Point blank. I’d need years of safe use before contemplating an alteration of this stance.”

10 biggest crimes against humanity: Genocide, massacre, civil wars 

He further argues that the vaccines were sure to be toxic and it was only a matter of degree of toxicity.

“Having selected spike protein to be expressed, a protein which causes blood clotting to be initiated, a risk of thromboembolic adverse events was burned into the design. Nothing at all limits the amount of spike protein to be made in response to a given dose. Some individuals make a little and only briefly. The other end of a normal range results in synthesis of copious amounts of spike protein for a prolonged period. The locations in which this pathological event occurred, as well as where on the spectrum, in my view played a pivotal role in whether the victim experienced adverse events including death,” Yeadon said.

“There are many other pathologies flowing from the design of these agents, including for the mRNA ‘vaccines’ that lipid nanoparticle formulations leave the injection site and home to liver and ovaries, among other organs, but this evidence is enough to get started.”

Kiev Has Killed 14,000 Civilians Since 2014, Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity, Morales Says

Earlier this month, a physician said that he has been seeing an unusual amount of fetal death and miscarriages linked to the COVID-19 vaccines—according to his observations—and noted that mRNA products, contained in nanoparticles, accumulate in the ovaries.

“From data that we have, there appears to be a concentration of the lipid nanoparticles, which are very, very small particles, which are in the vaccine that are injected into the arm,” Dr. James Thorp told The Epoch Times, “and then the vast majority of those are dispersed throughout the entire body.”

A lipid nanoparticle is a fat-soluble membrane that is the cargo of the messenger RNA.

“They appear to concentrate in the ovaries, and they appear to cross all God-made barriers in the human body, the blood-brain barrier, the placental barrier during pregnancy, into the fetal bloodstream, and all the fetal tissues inside the womb, crossing the blood-brain barrier in the fetus, the baby in the womb, which is very concerning,” he noted, since the eggs produced by women are limited in number, and they would be “exposed to a potentially disastrous toxic lipid nanoparticle.”

Another concern that Yeadon had not noticed during his initial study was that “the mRNA products (Pfizer & Moderna) would accumulate in ovaries.”

“An FOI request to the Japanese Medicines Agency revealed that product accumulation in ovaries occurred in experiments in rodents,” Yeadon said. “I searched the literature based on these specific concerns and found a 2012 review, explicitly drawing attention to the evidence that the lipid nanoparticle formulations as a class do, in fact, accumulate in ovaries and may represent an unappreciated reproductive risk to humans. This was ‘a well known problem’ to experts in that field.”

A 2012 study says that after testing with different mouse species and Wistar rats, “a high local accumulation of nanoparticles, nanocapsules, and nanoemulsions in specific locations of the ovaries was found in all animals.”

Referring to the study, Yeadon told The Epoch Times that “the authors tell untruths. They say something like ‘there was no increase in anti-syncytin-1 antibodies.’”

“No, that’s wrong. Their data is clearly 2.5X increased after vaccination and obviously statistically significant (functional significance is looking confirmed by the miscarriage rate),” Yeadon noted.

“What they’ve done is cute. They’ve chosen a completely arbitrary level they scribed on the figure below which they claim nothing matters. No evidence whatsoever for that claim. In fact, in the discussion, they confess we don’t know the relationship between antibodies and the impact on function.”

Yeadon believes that the pharmaceutical industry “definitely knew,” since 2012, that the lipid nanoparticles would accumulate in the ovaries of women that took the vaccines.

“No one in the industry or in leading media could claim ‘they didn’t know about these risks to successful pregnancy.’”

Another recent study found that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine goes into liver cells and is converted to DNA, a process called reverse-transcription.

Enrico Trigoso is an Epoch Times reporter focusing on the NYC area.
Attorney Thomas Renz


Hemp and Cannabis were put on this planet to meet all of our needs for food, medical,  textile, paper, construction. etc.

The elites  got rid of one of the most versatile crop to replace it with inferior ones  and gave us plastics.

This was done intentionally so they can profit, make the planet suffer and cause harm to us.

Support businesses selling hemp materials in order to help save our planet.

BREAKING: Evidence of Biden Payments from China Support Tony Bobulinski and Show the Bidens Made Millions Swindling America

Ballot Stuffing in Georgia; Archbishop Vigano Speaks Truth About Everything; Saudi Princess’ Tell-All Includes Bangladeshi Children Traded As Sex Slaves

In France they have one day in person voting with no mail-in ballots. If they can do it in France, and practically every other country, why not in what is supposed to be the beacon of democracy? We all know why

Archbishop Carlo Maria  Vigano SPOKE TRUTH about EVERYTHING!
Putin fighting NATO in Ukraine!
Biden corruption!
Trump is the legitimate President!
Bioweapon Vaccines!
Biolabs co-financed by Soros!
WEF Enslavement Reset!
Jan 6 had Azov Battalion!
Leaders worship demons!

He held nothing back! Here’s the transcript…

The deep state with its servants now infiltrated into all institutions want war in order to extend its dominion of the whole world under the pretext of “exporting democracy,” while in reality it is thinking only of selling weapons, enriching itself, and appropriating resources of the invaded countries, so in destruction and death.

Saudi Princess’ tell-all includes Bangladeshi children traded as sex slaves

The Pandemic Was The Cover,MI & No Such Agency Are The Key,POTUS & Patriots Are The Stone

The Pandemic Was The Cover, MI & No Such Agency Are The Key, POTUS & Patriots Are The Stone- Ep. 2407

As more and more states and business open we are seeing exactly what Trump said we would see, a V recovery. Retail is up, manufacturing is up. The [CB] and Wall Street are feeling the pressure, the people are pushing something they don’t want because they will lose control. The [CB] is being pushed to the edge of extinction. The patriots are in complete control. Trump used the pandemic as cover to put everything in place. He knew once the truth start to come out the [DS] will react, optics are important, he has now delegated control the military as soon as this happens. MI and No Such Agency is the key, they have the information, POTUS and the people are the stone.

Watch The X22 Report On Video


David Vaughan Icke is an English writer, author  and a former footballer and sports broadcaster. He has written over 20 books and spoken in over 25 countries.  Icke believes the universe to consist of “vibrational” energy and infinite dimensions sharing the same space and speaks about the mask and plandemic.

Juan O. Savin (P) Update of 13 February 2021 Including Satanic Pedophilia Aspect

Juan O. Savin (P) Update of 13 February 2021 Including Satanic Pedophilia Aspect

Juan O. Savin (P) is working closely with key people documenting the treason and conspiracy surrounding the massive election fraud committed by the Deep State and its agents inclusive of both Democratic and Republican governors, and media co-conspirators notably Associated Press and the New York Times. In this short video, under 20 minutes, he addresses foreign interference by the United Kingdom, available forensics, the compromise of the courts, confused legislators, and what may or may not happen from 6 January. Most significantly he states that the President is ready to used Martial Law and the Insurrection Act — the #1 Wood in the President’s golf bag, and that inauguration may be delayed. He has previously stated that it is an impossibility for Biden-Harris to ever be inaugurated.

We have a long road ahead and I don’t think Washington, D.C., can really be cleaned up. It can’t be fixed because it’s already FIXED—as a rigged game. My advice to President (That has a pleasant and reverent ring to it, right?) Trump is that he hire all his contractor buddies and have them get together as much fencing materials and heavy equipment as they can possibly muster. Then bring it all to DC. Under the protection of Marine guards utilizing close-in air support, they should proceed to surround D.C. with multiple layers of chain-link fence and concertina wire, like we did at the city of Fallujah in Iraq. Simultaneously, we need to have all available military, and armored national guard units, surround the city at the beltway.

His next move is to have military aircraft bomb the area with pamphlets, just as warnings are blasted out on megaphones in every needed language, advising those in DC to immediately get out of the city. Exit checkpoints can be manned by military guards utilizing metal detectors. They should strip search and identify, as well as process and interrogate, every seditious and
treasonous conspirator they find. We are not letting any incriminating evidence, national security secrets, or treasures get out!  Kid by the side of the Road

The [DS] Is Projecting Their Crimes Onto Trump, Slings And Arrows, Boomerang Coming

The [DS] Is Projecting Their Crimes Onto Trump, Slings And Arrows, Boomerang Coming – Ep. 2401

The people are now seeing that [JB] has lied about the economy and what he was going to do. He said that there was a plan to stop covid, get people back to work, get the children back into school, it’s not happening, he is waiting for the payoff. The [CB] need an event to push the Great Reset, they have begun the narrative. The impeachment trial is a trap for the [DS]/MSM. If [JB] won buy millions of votes what are they worried about. Why are they impeaching someone who they cannot remove from office because he doesn’t hold and office. They are panicking. Everything they are talking about will boomerang back at them. The [DS]/Corrupt Politicians opened the door to impeach anyone, election fraud and insurrection. Trump must prove his innocence, he must inject evidence legally.

Unmasked: Have we uncovered the truth about the 2020 election?


Juan O Savin Provides Updates With Michael Jaco

Juan O Savin Provides Updates With Michael Jaco

As a country, one thing people forget in this modern era is that we’ve been in a national crisis numerous times; far more than people care to recall. We do remember 9/11 and some of us were around during President Kennedy’s assassination. Then there was Abraham Lincoln’s assassination 150 years ago. But there’s a common theme that’s been going on through all of those crises that I think we need to revisit today. And that is about
who is actually behind the scene orchestrating these events that we are continually put into. Is it always unique players in new situations, or is there an underlying theme and a common group of perpetrators with these crimes against America and the world? Is there an organization of people trying to keep us enslaved?

Now, if you go back to the origins of our country, there were people who came to this continent and set up colonies, growing the population until it was eventually large enough that local jurisdictions were needed to manage and maintain the organization of streets, taxes, tariffs, property ownership, et cetera. Then came the creation of a constitutional government from groups of states aligned and working together.

But immediately upon signing the Declaration of Independence, that federal system we established, called the United States of America, essentially needed to declare war against its motherland of England and the ruler, King George. We decided we were no longer going to be ruled from afar by foreign masters; we were not going to be their slaves here, helping to keep them prosperous there.

So, we declared our independence and had the Revolutionary War that went on for a very long time; much longer than most people realize. Through the course of many battles, people were forced to pick a side. The willingness to go against England and King George was not universal from the outset. On numerous occasions, strategies and tactics were compromised by infiltrators and turn coats on both sides. But over time people’s true nature and alliances were revealed; just as is playing out once again before us today. Even some of those closest to President Washington became traitors
against him (and our newly formed country), for the gains they would earn from their British partners.

And even after we won the Revolutionary War, when the Brits had retreated, we then needed to win a second war against England. The War of 1812 was foisted upon us by people trying to get control of America again through our money and banking systems. That was a very extensive battle and bad situation that we had to again fight our way out of. By most accounts, it was a banker’s war to gain control of our banking and monetary systems. They wanted to control our currency, even though the constitution would only
allow for our own government to create our money.

As we move forward in time, what happened during Abraham Lincoln’s presidency? Early on in his administration, and instigated by monarchy agents out of Europe, a rift was accentuated between the Northern and Southern U.S. With that, another variation of the same old bankers’ wars was created. In order to get money to fight that war, Lincoln needed loans from the European banks that held monarchy money; the bloodline families’ money. Those thirteen bloodline families were repursue funds to fight this war against the South.  The kid by the Side of the Road by Juan O Savin

Absolute proof of election fraud and foreign interference the video was  Absolute Proof ( 

or this link

2020 Presidential Election Lawsuits — the Facts

BardsFM, By and For the People – 20210119

BardsFM, By and For the People – 20210119

A must watch to understand what is happening around the world


Global Spiritual Evolution

Spiritual evolution is happening around the world and your spiritual path is unique to you. There is not one size fits all. There is wonder and frustration, unbelievable to accepting. You will beginning to realize the world is not as it seems and the physical and metaphysical worlds are inseparable. What we thought was true no longer applies. You begin to realize  how thoughts, emotions and actions not only create your reality but the world. Look how COVID19 has created fear and doubt around the world.

Perhaps is time to accept and realize  humanity is not alone in the universe and our purpose is to learn how to balance love and wisdom. Love is the most powerful energy in the universe. The signs are all around , we just be mindful of the moment and know that and God, Infinite Intelligence is with you always.

We all are experiencing a global spiritual awakening. There are no steps or stages that can be measure, no degree can be earned, the only thing man can do is guide you. Looking back at mans track record, makes one ponder and realize how we have been enslaved in concepts and belief systems.

“A provocative, mind-opening experience that awakens us to new realities and levels of awareness that were once known and understood by the ancients.”  Dr. James Hurtak, Academy for Future Science, Palo Alto, USA

There is a wonderful source of information and could be one of the most important books ever written. The Only Planet of Choice, has many themes covered in detail are the existence of ET civilisations and their interactions with earth, the nature of the Source of the Universe, God or Infinite Intelligence, the ancient history of humanity and so much more. Above all, for those who are prepared to read and heed its message, it explains what we are going through with the COVID19 dilemma and what we must do to have a positive outcome for earth’s future. The Law of One is another excellent source for the seeker. Both are available free.

We are all on a spiritual journey and obviously the first step to bring God, Infinite Intelligence, back into our lives. As we progress spiritually, there will be signs if you pay attention. Just trust yourself. The Only Planet of Choice and The Law of One provides the information and tools to find  your way.

Click to access OnlyPlanetChoice.pdf

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