The Plot to Steal America

This is the most complete synopsis of what is happening in our country and what we can to do about it.  Please watch it, and challenge your family, friends and coworkers to watch it.  This is our spiritual awakening, the battle of good versus evil and we are all in this battle like it or not.  By the Grace of God  and unity,  we can and will prevail.

The Plot to Steal America 

Spiritual  awakening is happening around the world and many still do not even realize it.   It was considered a lifelong process, simply reconnection to the source,  God by many names. It is much like waking from a deep state of prolonged unconsciousness with our own unique experiences and perspectives, a paradigm shift that reconfigures the way we experience everything.  The year 2020 is a condensed version of our lifelong process of awakening to our Creator. World wide, we are 7.7 billion strong, as our  positive and negative thoughts, emotions 72321039_3706910186001498_493345640407891968_nand actions  created the world we live in today.  The energy pulsating from our hearts  vibrates into world.  We have been divided by politics and  religion, with continuous messaging programming  from the media.  We have been medicated and vaccinated by the pharmaceutical corporations, believing it will heal us, while unknowingly, we each have the ability to heal ourselves.

It is up to us to raise the collective  consciousness of the planet. Collective consciousness is our thoughts, emotions and actions which operates as a unifying force.  Whatever you think, feel and do is felt by everyone, creating not only your reality, but the world.   Our society as a whole is a culmination and reflection of our attitudes and how we display them internally and externally. Each one of us is playing a role in collectively creating our own reality as well as the reality of those around us.  Our beliefs and intentions are very powerful and the proof is right before your eyes; the world we have today. We can change our world together!



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