2021 has  begun revealing the corruption, greed and satanic groups will be exposed at the highest levels. It has been reported the Pope has been arrested for child trafficking and how our political system is changing. The political system as we know it will change by the people for the people that will be known as  the National / Global Economic Security & Reformation Act (NESARA).

It will help the people by zeroing out all credit card, mortgage, and other   bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. Income tax will be abolished along with the IRS. IRS employees will be transferred into the Image result for Ne Sara CurrencyUS Treasury national sales tax. A flat rate non-essential tax of 14% to 17% will be created for revenue for the government. Constitutional Law will return to all courts and legal matters and retrains all judges and attorneys on constitutional law. We are witnessing the implementation of Constitutional Law through the Presidential Election process.

After NESARA announcement, new Presidential and Congressional elections will be established within 120 days while the interim government will cancel all national emergencies and return us back to constitutional law. Elections will be monitored and will prevent illegal election activities of special interest groups. The Federal Reserve System will be eliminated. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.See the source image

There will be release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.

All aggressive action by the U.S. government military worldwide will cease and peace will be established throughout the world. There will be releases of enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes. Finally, COVID19 will be exposed and will end.  But first, the job of draining the swamp has to be completed.

Draining  the swamp is being finalized as thousands of Military Troops have been deployed in and around Washington DC as well throughout the United States. US Naval Fleets are deployed in the Atlantic and Pacific to guard against any further foreign interference.

During the break in at the Capital on 6 January  by Antifi, or whoever you want to believe, special forces went in and took Nancy Pelosi and other  laptops exposing their treasonous acts again the American People.  Many  Democrats and Republicans have sold out America to foreign powers. There was massive election fraud. The evidence is overwhelming.  Biden as well as many others received money from China and other countries,  democrats and republicans. The corruption runs deep, from city mayors, elected state and federal Officials, governors,judges and yes, even supreme court Justices,  both conservative and liberal. Chief Justice John Roberts is one.

COVID19 was used to put fear into the American people so they would not vote in person. They used  the fraudulent mail in ballots  Nancy Pelosi incorporated in the first stimulus package. Mainstream media kept the American people in fear with their hype of the deadly coronavirus. Cities mayors and Governors continued the  charade with their lockdowns, mandatory mask, and social distancing.  Masks represent suppression to a Communist regime and can even be considered  a satanic ritual to the globalist.   Most people complied and when they started to question, corrupt mainstream media, facebook, twitter and google applied even more lies, instilling fear of the deadly coronavirus to the masses. When they did not get the death toll they were looking for, the elderly were put into nursing homes to raise the death toll, especially in New York and other democratic ran cities.   The media outlets doubled down on President Trump, calling him a racist bigot and he was not handling the crisis properly.   In the minds of many they believed it and many still do. Those people have lost the ability to think for themselves and have allowed others to think for them.

This is called Operation Mockingbird, a CIA program to See the source imagecontrol the masses. It has been implement in our country for years. Under the Obama administration it was raised to a new level.  Globalist used corrupt deep state and CIA Operatives to keep us divided using MSM, facebook,  twitter and google providing false narratives. The attacks on President Trump happened as soon as he took office. MSM has been covering up, lying  and attacking Trump for four years and for one reason; The Globalist wanted  to keep us enslaved. They want to stop him from See the source imageexposing what they have been doing to America and the world. Against all odds Trump still accomplished more than any president including the soon to be revealed NESARA/GESARA.

Image what they can do to us if they can censor the most powerful man in the world. The corrupt media, which goes around the world has divided humanity.

There will be a peaceful transition on January 20th. The transition will be from the corrupt politicians to we the people. Perhaps we should sit back, reflect and watch what unfolds in the coming days,weeks and months. We will be shown how evil has dominated our world, how they used our children  through child and human trafficking and their satanic rituals.  Pedophila runs deeps.  If you have not already realized it, our world was and is not as it seems. We cannot separate and the physical and metaphysical worlds because we are spiritual beings having a human experience. We are here to learn the ways of love and wisdom.

We are in a Spiritual battle and the battle is within ourselves. It is time to check our  moral compass.  A very wise man once said, love your neighbor as you love yourself.  It is time  to  consider why all this is happening  and realize it is time to bring God back into our lives, not just once day a week,  but everyday, every moment.