We have been fooled and deceived  far to long. We are a product of our  culture,  influenced by our medical, education, media, political and religious and belief systems. We have been spoon-fed information by the media and bureaucrats that follows a narrative prescribed by the elites.  But their plan is not working and  the masses are waking up. Little did we know that we have programmed since birth as Dr.  Bruce Lipton explains in this video and the Government continued the programming  through  Operation Mockingbird. We have been guided daily through a world wide messaging system, to believe vaccinations, GMO foods, pesticides and chemicals are needed to heal and feed the world. In reality, even global warming is part of the scam and plan to depopulate the world as they geoengineer the air we breath.







It is time to break free from the matric and we do that through knowledge.  Knowledge is power. Wisdom is deciding how to use that power. Insight is developed when you consistently make use of wisdom. To gain knowledge, you have to read, listen, see, experience, and get familiar with certain things. To gain wisdom, you first need to have the knowledge and that consist of seeking the truth. David Straight in the video  below is a very informative explaining our true rights involving the government.

Trump restoring the republic while people were asleep. Now he’s taking down western medicine (aka pharma cartel).

David Lester Straight  is a former Intelligence Officer, Former County Sherriff Deputy, Former Presidential Task Force Agent, and has also been helping people succeed in court for over 30 years.


David Straight: Making these United States of America Great Again (

They don’t just teach us what to believe. They teach us who we are. They give us the frameworks upon which we cast our ambitions and evaluate our success, and we build psychological identities out of those constructs. I am a businessman. I am unemployed. My life is about making money. My life is about disappointing people. I am a success. I am a failure. They invent the test of our adequacy, and they invent the system by which we are graded.

These artificial constructs take up such vast portions of our personal psychology that people will live their entire lives completely enslaved to them, making them their entire focus. This enslavement is so pervasive that people will often even take their own lives based on what those made-up constructs tell them about who they are and what they’re worth.

And it’s all a lie. A dream world, made entirely of narrative, constructed by the powerful for the benefit of the powerful. Things as intimate as the thoughts in our heads and the movement of our interest and attention are controlled and dominated with iron-fisted force, all for the benefit of some stupid made-up games about imaginary money and fictional authority.

Reading by Tim Foley.

They Don’t Just Lie To Us About Wars. They Lie To Us About Everything