Science, consciousness and healing practices

There are groups that are working on consciousness and healing practices. One such group is called Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI). It is an international group oflogo1 scientists, health practitioners, innovators, educators, and artists, who forward the transdisciplinary science and real-world application of consciousness and healing practices. Unfortunately you will see it in the mainstream media any time soon, but it is the new medical frontier; self healing.

Another pioneer was the late Dr. Valerie V. Hunt, scientist, author, lecturer and Professor Emeritus of Physiological Science at the University of California. She confirmed 71348940_2379695572358068_1075573971149127680_nelectromagnetic energy is the most plentiful constant energy of our universe. It is a part of all structures living and dead, including the atmosphere. We create electromagnetic energies in the atoms of our living cells, which we enhance by the reaction with the atmospheric energy field. We know this expanded energy field as the human aura. Without this biofield life would not exist and there would be only an inner biochemical mix. Dr. Hunt was involved in research that is uncovering the various dimensions involved in the bioenergetic transactions between humans and the environment as they relate to human behaviors, emotions, health, illness, and disease, as well as scientifically quantifying the human aura and the levels of consciousness it contains.

Dr Joe Dispenza, is another researcher who healed himself after breaking 6 vertebrae in his back after being told he would never walk again. Through meditation, visualizations main-qimg-870c72f211d98b257e0d813911b8f9daand his belief system, after nine and a half weeks after the accident, he got up and walked, without having any body cast or any surgeries.

Self healing is available to all.  It is a process of bringing balance to the body, mind and spirit. It starts being aware of our thoughts, emotions and actions. Over time negative thoughts adversely affects  our relationships; our spiritual evolution; and  our health.   Excessive negative thoughts can lead to severe anxiety or clinical depression, rebellion, and in extreme cases lead to self-harm or even harming others. We are all human but just by being mindful and aware of your thought will begin to bring you into balance.  Consider Dr. Hunt’s discover of the Bio field and how that interacts with your emotions and health, perhaps called the Holy spirit by religions.   Think and focus your intention  on healing during meditation and study Dr Dispenza programs that are available on youtube.  Integrate food in your diet that will help your body heal.

Until funding is allocated to mainstream research you will find small groups like CHI working with and understanding energy healing. It starts with you by balancing the entire body, mind and spirit until energy healing becomes mainstream.