Does the world suffer from a Stockholm Syndrome Epidemic?

Someone asked me if I thought there was a Worldwide Epidemic of Stockholm Syndrome.  Not really understanding the full concept of the question I did some research.  I  found  Stockholm syndrome is a condition that causes hostages to develop a psychological alliance with their captors as a survival strategy during captivity.

6a068de29f56dea798a077ca8c6954237eda9c2b_hq stochholm syndrone There are four key components that lead to the development. But to understand Stockholm Syndrome and clarify if humanity is an Epidemic,  I had to reframe the 4 components to fit the situation.

  1. Humanity’s development of positive feelings towards their government, corporations and the elites, our captors.
  2. Humanity has no previous humanity-captor relationship,
  3. Refusal by humanity to cooperate with conspiracy theorist, whistle blowers, and truth seekers, etc.,
  4. Humanity’s belief in the humanity of their captor, for the reason that when a victim holds the same values as the aggressor, they cease to be perceived as a threat.

As an overview, consider we have been indoctrinated since birth, programmed by our education, media, political and religious systems . We have gently been guided daily with images (54) drugssubliminal messages through ads to sell products, from the mainstream media brainwashing to altering our genes through vaccinations. Big Pharma commercials on mainstream TV are ramping up advertising, saying if you suffer from X ask your doctor for this drug for relief. We are medicated to the point that U.S.

Consumes 75 Percent of the World’s Prescriptions Drugs.

We are made to believe this is to our benefit, to help us healthy and from disease even though drug overdose of prescription drugs and misdiagnosis are an all time high. You do not hear it from mainstream media because they are part of the problem.  Another issue no one is hearing about is the deaths of  Holistic Doctors.  

Dane Wigington has a background in solar energy. He is a former employee of Bechtel Power Corp. and was a licensed contractor in California and Arizona. He made thedownload (11)chemtrails decision to focus all of his efforts and energy on full-time investigation of the geoengineering. He has been label as a conspiracy theorist, but today geo-engineering has been admitted by a Harvard Professor who admits many thousands will die from Harvard Solar Geoengineering Program in 2018.  This video provides troubling evidence of  it happening today.

GMOs were going to feed the world by genetically modify corn, soy, sugar and the list goes on . Glyphosate, or roundup, when sprayed on the genetically modify plant will not kill the plant but the weeds in the fields . Glyphosate, also known as roundup is not only believed to cause cancer but has contaminated our eco systems and has been found in mothers breast milk.  A California jury even awarded  $289 million to man who claimed Monsanto’s Roundup pesticide gave him cancer.

Politics in the US is a two-party system, although not intended to be, republican or images (54) politicsdemocrat, some trusting our elected officials. Years ago people would support our elected officials regardless of their beliefs but today the media manipulates the news to the point of what is the truth. This divides us instead of unites us.

Religion is one of the basis many of us have learned and know God. But we are made to believe one religion is the right way and others are wrong. Again, pitting us against each other instead of uniting us.

Most of us have to work in order to feed our families and have shelter over our heads. We eat unhealthy food, pay taxes, utilities and drink fluoridated water,breathe polluted air, go to doctors to get our medication and

Using the four components, most of humanity has developed a positive feeling towards our captors, but more are doubting daily. We have had no previous relationship with those that govern us. Humanity refuses to listen or believe those who are trying to get the truth out. And finally, we believe our captor would never take such action against us, therefore they are not perceived as a threat. So have we developed a psychological alliance in order to survive? That is for each person to decide.

But why would they do this? The answer is so unbelievable most will simply disregard. In 1981 through 1984 a documented contact with a higher dimensional entity consisted of 2360 questions and answers with three members L&L Research. Don Elkins, a former Physics Professor and Airline pilot, Carla Rueckert, a devoted Christian; and James McCarty, the sole survivor today. The contact was known as the Law of One. In Session 8 of the contact addresses the reason, and remember this occurred in 1981.

Scott Mandelker PhD, states this material is “One of the most important spiritual documents since Jesus”. In this YouTube video on session 8, he will  provide his commentary and explanation why it is happening.



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