Prayer and Intention can Alter Water Structure

We have a special relationship with water. Water is the principal thing that make up our world and our very bodies! The brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are 31%. It is even in the air we breathe called humidity. Approximately 70 percent of our world is covered in water. About 95 percent of the world water is in our oceans. So why is water so comforting and soothing?

Rain is a gift, an essential source of all life that we take for granted. We can detect rain by all five senses. We can hear, smell, see, taste and feel it. It provides comfort and raises our vibration, unless your in a flood. maxresdefault (9)

We know how water affects us, but how does our thoughts, emotions and actions affect water? Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered sound as well as our thoughts, emotions and action provide very interesting hidden messages within water. His experiments demonstrates how water exposed to loving, kind, and compassionate human intention results in beautiful physical molecular formations in the water. On the other hand, the water exposed to fear and threatening human intentions results in disconnected, disfigured, and “unpleasant” physical molecular formations. He did this through Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology and high speed photographs. His research even shows how polluted and toxic water, when exposed to to prayer and intention can be altered and restored to beautifully formed geometric crystals found in clean, healthy water. We all have the ability to bless water ourselves with loving intentions.

His work just substantiates what many already knew, our thoughts, emotions and actions create our reality. His work demonstrates that in the field of consciousness, there is a powerful link between human thought and how reality manifests. This video link focuses on his work.  Dr Masaru Emoto Hado Water Crystals (Full Documentary 2020)

YouTube Banned this video so it must be true.

Our every expression through our thoughts, emotion and sounds holds a specific frequency which influences everything around us. Carrying certain emotions in our hearts and minds shows that we are literally carrying those shapes in our bodies. By keeping our minds positive with love and compassion, the structure of our body will follow.


Imagine a world  with love, compassion,  peace, and tranquility.  A world with no sickness, fear or hate and  in tune with nature. Sounds like a song.    We are learning our thoughts, emotions and actions affect not only us but the world around us.

Zoroastrianism, one of the oldest religions in the world,  believed all events of the world are based on cause and effects, teaching the three principles,  good reflection, good word, and good deed.  Science now tells us that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts.  We live in an energy field, a mental and spiritual Universe, with our thoughts and emotions creating our reality.

With that in mind, Buddha teachings become more clear when he said “Guard your thoughts, words and deeds . These three disciplines will speed you along the path of wisdom.” and “The wise can direct their thoughts, subtle and elusive, wherever they choose: a trained mind brings health and happiness”. Just two of many teachings.

Pure positive thoughts are not only  good for us, but for everyone and everything including nature. It is the only way to create balance within ourselves, in all people and nature.  Imagine people of all faiths,  religions and belief systems,  dedicating  15 minutes each day, a time of their own choosing  to radiating positive and loving thoughts using the following intention.

Our love and light illuminates the darkest corners and hearts of humanity and the world in which we live. Our love radiates from  our very core,  filling our world with love and compassion, people helping  each other, our rivers and waters are sparkling clean, our planet is clean from pollution and our air is fresh and clean .  There is no sickness, starvation, greed or anger, only love and compassion.

Our goal is to positively change our world with the tools we have been given through daily meditation. Meditation Warriors are group working on that purpose. Through a daily meditation practice, and focusing on the daily attentions we can change our world through love, the absolute power.

Sitting in a comfortable position, breathe naturally and place the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth, creating an energy circuit. Slowly take deep breaths, focusing on clearing your mind. As the mind slows down, clearing all thoughts, begin visualizing love not only from the mind but the heart making the two one. You’re connecting with the source, feeling the love and compassion.  Your mind is not in or outside your body, it is unlimited.  You become aware of the light within your chest, our life source, radiating from the center of our body, shining brightly. It is the life to our heart beat, our breath, and our essence.   Each person should go at their own pace  and method remembering,  meditation is God’s gift and gateway to find our way home.