The Takedown of The Cabal

This video will explain what has and is happening in our world and many will find it For+there+is+nothing+hidden+that+will+not+be+disclosed,+and+nothing+concealed+that+will+not+be+known+or+brought+out+into+the+open.hard to comprehend and simply will not believe. Our lives have been so connected to families, friends and our jobs, living and enslaved  in the physical world of media, religion, governments, corporations, banks and education. We are living it everyday, all day, week after week, month after month, year after year until  COVID-19.  Many believed and feel  “this is it, and have been engulfed with fear because censorship and mainstream media making it difficult to “know the truth”. The world is not as it seems until now.  This is the Long-awaited companion was censored by YouTube ,  the Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z  can be seen on  Bitchute at

The the full documentary can be found at the following link. FALL OF THE CABAL – PART 1-10 FULL DOCUMENTARY – HD



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Why did the Church Murder the Cathars?

The Cathars are among the great burn victims of history. Their beliefs were an early History-of-Catharism-and-the-Albigensian-Crusade (2)form of Christianity originating in the East, and opposed a dogmatic, coercive Catholic Church.  They were exterminated by burning at the stake on huge pyres. Catharism designates a religious movement of Christian origin dating from the late 12th century. Its followers were particularly numerous in Occitania, southern France. The Cathar vision of the universe was dualist: light and the spirit, good,  confronting matter and darkness,  evil. This belief led them to follow an ascetic way of life. Considered as heretics, the Cathars were decimated  by the the Albigensian crusade, initiated by Pope Innocent III. The most well-known burnings were those of Minerve in 1208 and Montségur in 1244. So why so much brutality by the Catholic Church?

The Cathar theology was essentially Gnostic in nature. The gnostics were religious cathars_origmystics who proclaimed gnosis, knowledge, as the way of salvation. To know oneself truly allowed gnostic men and women to know god directly, without any need for the mediation of rabbis, priests, bishops,  or other religious officials.

Cathar practices were often in direct contradiction to how the Catholic Church conducted business, especially with regards to the issues of poverty and the moral character of priests. The so-called Cathar heretic-1heresy was a major challenge to the Roman Catholic Church in the 12th century. Heresy is a belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious doctrine in the Christian religion. The English word heresy comes from the Greek word hairesis,  which meant “school of thought,” “sect,” or “faction.” It originally did not have negative connotation. I would be considered a heretic today because my beliefs are contrary to the Christians beliefs.

Cathar beliefs included recognition of the feminine principle of the divine. God was both man and woman with the female aspect of God was Sophia, “wisdom” encouraged 4ed2d18b64d10ea71b4366313a42f49c--santa-sophia-triple-goddessequality of the sexes in Cathar communities.  Gnostics also sought knowledge and wisdom from many different sources, and they accepted insight wherever it could be found. Like those who came before them, they embraced a personified wisdom, Sophia, understood variously and taken as the manifestation of divine insight.

Cathars also believed in Reincarnation. A soul would be continually reborn until it renounced the world completely and escaped incarnation. 

The also believed in Cosmic Duality,   meaning the the existence of two powerful deities in the universe, one good and one evil,  positive and negative, who were in a constant in conflict. The purpose of life was to serve 33a935279924723a667cdc080ca2ea6athe good by serving others and escape from the cycle of rebirth and death to return home to God, much like the Gnostics. 

The cathars were also vegetarians and everyone worked and believed in manual labor including their priest. Celibacy was also encouraged generally since it was thought that every person born was just another poor soul trapped by the devil in a body. Marriage overall was discouraged. 

The only books of the New Testament they accepted were the gospels, completely rejecting the epistles of Paul and the others, with a special emphasis on the Gospel According to John.

The Cathars lived in communities which varied in size from 60 to 600 individuals. They f.76.rappear in small numbers in records from the 1140’s CE in France, but by 1167 CE, there were enough communities in the region to require an assembly to set rules and boundaries. They were non-violence, forbidden to kill, to make war, to lie and to swear. Life was purely spiritual and the body was totally despised. Within the church, a hierarchy existed between two categories of the faithful. The had followers or believers.  The priests or preaching brothers were  known as Parfaits, Perfecti, the perfect ones, or “bonshommes”, good men, good women. They wore a hooded black robe girded at the waist and the men were often bearded. They preached disobedience to the Roman clergy.

Robert-Bougre-Heretics-800x445Because of this and their doctrines,  Cathars were regarded as heretics. Methods of execution according to the situation and the crime. Robbers were punished by hanging, while noblemen were beheaded by the sword and the common people by the axe. Death by stoning was the punishment for adultery.  Punishment by fire could also take the form of roasting to death and burning on a gridiron.  But death by burning at the stake, an ancient tradition, was reserved for heretics. Punishment by fire was already used in earlier times, before Jesus Christ, and ranked high among the violent methods of execution. But it was in the Middleimage018 Ages, with the Inquisition, that widespread use was made of the great bonfires which made it possible to eliminate the Cathars “en masse”.

Because the Cathars were heretics,  they had to be burnt. The smallest trace of “sin” had to be extirpated, the corrupt body had to be destroyed and evil exorcised in the flames. Even corpses were disinterred and burnt if the deceased were suspected of being a heretics. Burning inflicted a double punishment, both temporal and spiritual, since the Cathar church considered that burial of a body was a necessary condition for resurrection.

In 1208 CE, Pope Innocent III sent the lawyer-monk Pierre de Castelnau to Southern France to enlist the aid of Raymond VI, Count of Toulouse  in suppressing the heresy by murder. According to Church documents, 20,000 heretics were slaughtered in and arnaud-amalric-a4c9ee59-adc0-4087-bcec-21b230a930f-resize-750around Beziers and the town burned to the ground, majority  being  women and children.

Reformation was fuelled by the preserved ideas of the Cathars and their fellow “heretics.  As an organized religious sect, Catharism was eliminated during the churches purge of heretics in Southern France but continued as a living faith. There are even Cathars alive today, or at least people claiming to be modern Cathars. Reformers seem to have known things that the Cathars knew, and even today, some Protestant Churches claim a Cathar heritage.

Catharism may have been the survival of Gnosticism, the most fascinating and perplexing phenomena in Western religious history.  Orthodox Christianity also tried to 6271-lec8-1536x865eliminate the Gnostics as heretics as well. Because scholars had to depend on writings of opponents of the Gnostics and other so-called heretical groups, there was no real understanding of their beliefs.  However in 1945, one of the greatest discoveries of the century was made when a collection of thirteen ancient books, called “codices”, containing over fifty texts was found in caves. A large number Gnostic texts were found and thought to have been entirely destroyed during the early Christian struggle to define “orthodoxy” in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. 

One discovery was the Gospel of Thomas, 114  Secret sayings of Jesus. Many of the saying can be found in the New testament and many others are very Gnostic in nature. The first saying Jesus tells us,  “Whoever finds the meaning of these words will not taste death.”

Perhaps this is what the church was concerned about. To truly find God we do not need the church but look within as Jesus was trying to tell  us in Saying three: If those who lead you say to you: See, the kingdom is in heaven, then the birds of the heaven will go before you; if they say to you: It is in the sea, then the fish will go before you. But the kingdom is within you, and it is outside of you. When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will know that you are the sons of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty, and you are poverty.


Paul said I have become all things to all people

What did the apostle Paul mean when he said I have become all things to all people. Perhaps first we should consider the question, “Who was Paul” We believe he was the author of 1st and 2nd Corinthians, letters he wrote to his Churches.

pharisees_7Prior to Paul’s conversion, he was involved in persecuting Christians affirmed in the Book of Acts and in his own letters. Paul, or Saul, was a loyal Pharisee, the ones many believe responsible for Jesus’ crucifixion. In Galatians 1: 13,  Paul said you have heard of my former life in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God violently and tried to destroy it. In verse 14,  And I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people, so extremely zealous was I for the traditions of my fathers.”

A Pharisees is a member of an ancient Jewish sect, distinguished by strict observance of the traditional and written law, and commonly held to have pretensions to superior sanctity. Jesus was a thorn in their side. He was talking to the Jewish people in John 8 Bible-Verses-About-the-Essence-of-the-PhariseesWoe-to-PhariseesJesus speaks of the light of the world and how the truth will set you free. He also speaks of Children of the Devil when talking to the Jewish people when he said (v44) ,”You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies”.

Again in Matthew 23, Jesus was talking to the crowds warning against hypocrisy and the seven woes on the teachers of the law and Pharisees. Matthew 23 is a interesting read for those who are interested and may provide insight on understanding Paul.

Acts 9 tells us as Saul drew near to Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from paul-vision-road-to-damascus-505810-mobileheaven flashed around him. (4) He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?”5“Who are You, Lord?” Saul asked. “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” He replied. 6“Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”

Paul was a pharisee loyal to the traditions of Yahweh the Jewish God which Jesus accused as the Devil in John 8:44. Jesus sevens woes were about the Pharisees and in Matthew 23:15 Jesus says “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have main-qimg-2f1393df9996cd762c91ff7c776f9e66succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are..”

Paul said in verse 22 “To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.”

Did Paul go against Jesus message in Matthew 23:15 as well as the Church of today?  I Each person should come to their own conclusion. I think it is important to see Paul as a human with all the traits we all possess. According to Psychology Today our memories are fallible, our perceptions are unreliable and ourinspirational-bible-quotes-2-600x600 world view, regardless how strongly believed, may well be contrary to the facts and even physical law. The Bible is a wonderful tool but to truly find God one should look within, Jesus true message. It is about love and helping one another, regardless of religion or belief system. It is about getting up in the morning and being thankful for the day and knowing that you have the power of God with you each minute of everyday. Simply let Love be your guide.

Stumbling in the Silence



Nirvana, enlightenment, Christ Consciousness, many words used to describe a state of higher consciousness a state of loving all.  Becoming one with all, stepping beyond our own human limits and rising to our spiritual level which has no boundaries.  Measly words created by man can barely describe that of which we know and understand,  trying to use those same words to describe that of which exists only in faith, only within ones self can never convey it to a level of understanding that will come on an intellectual level.  That however is where the fun begins.


It’s called the “veil”.  Such as the bride who hides behind the veil to only be exposed at the time of unity – the uniting of two to become one.  Same holds true with the “veil” that each of us live behind as a spiritual being living a human experience.  The “veil” only to be dropped when we have reached the unity of oneness with our One Creator.   When we reach the acceptance of Love, that it is not just what we do or how we feel, it is who we are.  Love is all, it’s oneness;  it is the very reason for our existence.

Spirituality has been described as that of which is revealed in the silence when looking within ones self to understand the true message given to mankind throughout the ages in sacred texts. Silence…., who hears anything in the silence, isn’t that in itself contradictory?  Silence is defined as having no audible sound, to hear nothing according to the dictionary.


Therein lies the challenge, how does one find the silence within?  There’s so much noise today, not just on the outside but within us.  We worry about finances, love, family, health,  politics, we worry about worrying.  Our minds don’t stop long enough to hear silence, we  are constantly thinking about whats next, family, friends, chores, trips,  health and life.  Most of us can’t even hear ourselves speak.

In Greek during biblical days, the word silence meant to keep peace.  Therefore; when one keeps peace within themselves – within the silence, the truth is revealed. Much like the varying definitions of the word silence, each of us will also have varying definitions as it applies to us.  Silence doesn’t always mean a clear, empty mind, sometimes it may just be observed as a peacefulness within.  There is no right or wrong way to reflect upon ones own image, peeling back the layers of what we not only hide from others but hide from ourselves.


The search within is a catalyst for most, if not all along the spiritual path.  Searching and listening for the silence, waiting for that noticeable change within.  The change begins the minute we opt to pursue the path of spirituality, the minute our mind accepts things aren’t as they seem.  We notice subtle changes in our thought process.  However; for some this is the point that seems to lead to frustration, and for some a hesitation to continue along the path.  A feeling of inferiority, a feeling of failure, these feelings are normal, they are a part of the path.  That is the voice we hear in the silence, its not telling us to condemn and judge ourselves its showing us the areas we must focus on and bring into balance.  We all struggle and stumble within the silence.  Struggle to understand the message, and stumbling by judging our self.   The silence can become stronger when we have no level of expectation, but simply an acceptance and love for our self.  Loving and accepting of ones self is the ultimate catalyst for spiritual growth, without the love of our self how do we love our neighbors as our self?


Was Reincarnation Removed From the Bible?

Have you ever considered why the doctrine of reincarnation was not in the bible?  Based on the Catholic church, doctrines are infallible teachings of the Church on matters of faith and morals and are connected to Dogmas. Dogmas are opinions believed to be true. Doctrines can develop over time as the Church comes to better understand them. It is said that even the Pope does not have the authority to change Doctrine.   This short video may provide answers to that question that many ask today.

According to a 2018 Pew Research survey, 33% of Americans say they believe in reincarnation.  There is even credible research on reincarnation conducted by Ian Stevenson, chairman of the psychiatry department at the University of Virginia Medical School.  He began investigating the phenomenon of young children who say they recall a 69989273_10221493792753868_171143352845074432_npast life. Hundreds of such cases were looked into with the aim of validating if the person they remembered being actually existed. Stevenson traveled the world  examining children’s memories and matching them to specific individuals. Not only were many validated, but some children even bore physical signs of injuries sustained when their previous incarnation. After Stevenson’s death in 2010, the research was continued by another U. of V. psychiatrist, Jim Tucker, who presents some fascinating statistics in two books.  This online article  summarizes some of the more startling numbers.

It is important to keep in mind man has created dogmas, doctrines and disciplines. We are continually being indoctrinated and programmed, not only governing our physical world, but our metaphysical world. The two worlds are inseparable. Perhaps one should be aware that Dogmas or Doctrines may entrench a person in a belief system and possibly stifling their spiritual growth and evolution. We each have God given gifts of free-will and discernment, to keep what helps us and let which does not drop away.

Tribe of One

My friend Tom and I keep having a discussion about people and tribalism. Tom has his PHD in Linguistics so he has some knowledge about people, language and its structure.  He insist68404423_2368486500103991_6739274845336371200_n that it is most people’s’ instinct to belong to a tribe. In the past, the Native Americans lived in tribes and for the most part still do. It is said Jesus belonged to the tribe of Judah. Others go to churches, synagogues, temples, monasteries, and mosques. We have families and jobs so that could also be considered tribal.

So I started to ask myself what is a tribe. I really do not have one, other than family and friends. But, then as I was writing this, I started thinking about you. Is spirituality tribal? What does tribal mean?  In the Biblical sense, which was the original one in English, the Latin word translates Greek phyle “race or tribe of men, body of men united by ties of blood and descent, a clan”. Tribal in Latin can be interpreted as Generalis which means general, universal, tribal.  Isn’t humanity a tribe united by body, mind and spirit?  In the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus said, “If they say to you, ‘Where have you come from?’ say to them, ‘We have come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself, established [itself], and appeared in their image.’ We are all part of  Infinite Intelligence and we are spiritual, so perhaps we could call it the Tribe of One.   

Consider humanity as a tribe formed long ago with the potential of over  7 billion wisdom-quotes-kindnesscompassioncharitytruth-and-lovepotential members.  Individually they have created their own reality by their thoughts, emotions and actions but collectively, have unknowingly created our world. The Tribe of One requirements would simply be you have to be awake.  Everyone is included, regardless of race or beliefs. The initiation is to know your true-self, be of service to others while learning the ways of love and wisdom. 

As member of the Tribe of One, I find it liberating to break away from the status quo and bring collaboration and community into the world with no dogmas or doctrines.  Love is the divine power.  The Tribe of One purpose to spread and share love, compassion, gratitude, 67636273_2369209166503744_6291097606453985280_nappreciation and be of  service to others. It is not about judging,  condemning  or controlling others by instilling negative beliefs such as “burning in hell” “sin and repentance” ; even if you don’t believe or belong to the same group, as I do.

Divine Universal Infinite Intelligence radiating pure energy of love is our source. Within each of us is that divine spark or light waiting to be awaken. The spiritual path is unique for each person. The Law of One is a wonderful guide that has very deep spiritual teachings and has been said to be one of the most important spiritual documents since Jesus. Each tribal member is responsible for their own initiation by whatever means they deem appropriate.

We have been given special gifts to discover and apply them in our world today. Our job is to positively raise the planet vibration by applying these seven steps in our daily lives.

b9130b54e7d521fa35dea495cb539e7f (1)1. Love Infinite Intelligence

2. Love yourself

3. Love others as you love yourself

4. Love mother earth and nature.

5. Be of Service to others in your own way.

6. Meditation/Contemplation and pray to further your understanding and connection to the Infinite Intelligence.

7. Realize we are co-creators, and we create our lives with our thoughts, emotions and actions.

Know yourself, accept yourself and realize we are all one tribe with Infinite Intelligence. Our Journey will be different paths, different understandings but the progression is one. Our job is simple, to be the light, to spread love and compassion wherever we go.  This short video provides some amazing facts about the human body.  Hope you enjoy and welcome to the Tribe of One.

Jesus Hidden Sayings 28-32

The Gospel of Thomas, 114 sayings of Jesus, was believed by different scholars to have been written anywhere from 40 CE to 140 CE.  Its theological perspective is markedly different from the biblical gospels in that the resurrection of Jesus plays no part in it, and it ScissioniENemphasizes a mystical understanding of Jesus’ teachings, rather than the sacraments of baptism and the Eucharist.  During this time, there was a wide range of theoretical beliefs in “early christianity”, but it was so diverse in its beliefs,  it would be better served to be called as “early christianities”.  Early believers of Jesus held a wide view of beliefs. Some believed there were two or more gods, others insisted the world was created by  an evil deity,  while others argued that Jesus was not really human or not really divine;  many maintained that Jesus was not really divine; some maintained that Jesus death had nothing to do with salvation and others claimed that he  never actually died.

By the mid-2nd century the struggle for Christianity’s self-definition continued involving a battle between two differences.  On one side  were those seeking a Dah9drOXUAAiY56fundamentally exoteric understanding of the religion, defined in terms of a closed canon of Scripture, a creed, and institutional authority. On the other side were those
categorized or labeled as Gnostics, later called heretics;  understanding Jesus and his message in terms of a saving knowledge or gnosis, through meditation and enlightened teachers, mythical narratives, and spiritual advancement.

A heretic is a person who differs in opinion from established religious dogma

Orthodox  means  conforming to what is generally or traditionally accepted as right or true.   

The Gospel of Thomas can be understood mystically such as saying 28.  Jesus said, “I took my place in the midst of the world, and I appeared to them in flesh. I found all of them intoxicated; I found none of them thirsty. And my soul became afflicted for the sons of 20-of-the-funniest-photos-of-drunk-peoplemen, because they are blind in their hearts and do not have sight; for empty they came into the world, and empty too they seek to leave the world. But for the moment they are intoxicated. When they shake off their wine, then they will repent.”

Jesus may be saying he appeared in this world as human and the center of attention. But he found  people asleep, blind and none were thirsty for the truth.  The spiritual state of humanity, according to numerous gnostic texts, is stupefied with passion and drunkenness, blind to any spiritual understanding.  Humanity  came empty with their awareness and understanding of their consciousness, and who they really are. They can be saved if they seek the truth and and discover their true selves. Parallel sayings can be found in Luke 21:34-36 and John 1:14 and drunkenness is likened to ignorance of God in 1 Corinthians 15:34.

DNA(29) Jesus said, “If the flesh came into being because of spirit, it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty.”

Perhaps Jesus meant it is very difficult for us to let go of  the negative and destructive nature of the physical and material world and realize our  true selves. Most of us do not realize the power within and simply disregard because of the material world. Perhaps because of our programing,  it is difficult to understand our true nature and believe the material world is the real world.   We all have a body,  mind and spirit and according to the Gnostics we are divine sparks trapped in the body.  Similar sayings can be found in  Rom 8:1-8 and  Gal 5:16-26.66718af744cb687d02811dec8d6d8168

In saying (30) Jesus said, “Where there are three gods, they are gods. Where there are two or one, I am with him.”  

This is a complex saying with a similar saying found in  Matthew 18:20.  Consider that when three people are discussing the ways of the world, each believe they are right, leaving no room to discuss the true meaning of life because no one is listening. When there is only one or two, the heart is more open and accepting of Christ consciousness within each of us.

In saying (31) Jesus said, “No prophet is accepted in his own village; no physician heals those who know him.”

031_blind_600_ic (1)Two metaphors that are seen in everyday life.  When we know someone, grow up with them as a child, watched their  actions and perhaps indiscretions in immaturity,  we normally will not put any credence in them as a prophet or physician. Only someone to whom we do not know and is a  a mystery can we really believe they know what they are doing much like the blind leading the blind.  We tend to look at what we identify as wisdom; successful people with money and the benchmark. Similar sayings can be found in  Luke 4:16-30, Matt 13:53-58John 4:43-45, and  Mark 6:1-6.

(32) Jesus said, “A city being built on a high mountain and fortified cannot fall, nor can it a3189ffa67ba5e64abc0efd139a580cabe hidden.”

Enlightened ones tell us of the ways of the world such as Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu Kristina. Many more have left behind a treasure of wisdom to inform us of the physical and metaphysical world. Today the wisdom is available for anyone and cannot be hidden.   A parallel saying can be found in Matt 5:14-16.

The four Gospels, Mark, Matthew, Luke and John were anonymously written and only later did Christians claim that they have been produced by the apostles.  The Gospel of Mark probably dates from  66–70 CE, Matthew and Luke around 85–90 CE , and John 90–110 CE.  Like the rest of the New Testament, they were written in Greek.  One should consider that many of Gospels may have been taken from the Gospel of Thomas to create the New Testament and the church’s story of Jesus.

Connection to Our Source

Connection to our source means a lifelong journey of seeking the truth and blind-leading-the-blinddiscovering who we are.  Many go to churches, synagogues, temples, monasteries, mosques and other places of worship to seek the truth. The realization is all religions have some truth, but no religion  has all the truth.  If blindly followed, religion will simply put you in a box;  providing their teachings, belief systems and rituals.  Religion may contain hidden truths,  a higher truth that can be used as stepping stones for our spiritual journey .   Perhaps that is why people are leaving religion, because they want to know the truth, they want to know God.  

give-yourself-permission-to-walk-away-from-anything-that-gives-2353180Being controlled by a particular belief system or religion appears to be negative energy. “Thou shall not” found in the 10 commandments in the Book of Exodus is dictating what we should or should not do.   If humanity is inherently good, why do we have to be told not to kill or steal, doesn’t that take away our free will?  There are even questions where did the Old Testament originated? We’ve all heard of the flood story in Genesis 6-8 and scholars believe that story was taken from  the Gilgamesh Epic, the great literary classic of ancient Mesopotamia.  There are many contradictions and questions regarding the content of the  Old Testament, much like the New Testament.

English translations of the bible began in the Middle ages and there were two efforts  where the Church insisted only using their translations.

John Wycliffe, 1320-1384, translated the Bible into english but the Church condemned him for this action and ordered his books be burned.

William Tyndale, 1484-1536, also translated the Bible into english. He was particularly disturbed by the fact that the common man was unable to read the Bible for himself.   He was also condemned as a heretic, both by the Catholic Church and the newly established Church of England. Tyndale was forced to leave England for Germany, but eventually authorities caught up with him and he was burned at the stake in Belgium.

Our connection to God,  the source, divine matrix or Infinite Intelligence, and many 0a9b9a69447b265abd17d51c39eabe50other descriptive names,  is something most strive to understand and define.  Personally, God is pure divine energy,  love being the dominant source of vibration.  The vibration that we are here to learn and balance with wisdom. Each of us are a spark of pure divine energy.  As we learn how our thoughts, emotions and actions are part of our grand spiritual evolution, we are creating the world around us.  Within each of us, exist a higher power waiting to be awakened.  We all have the divine gift of discernment,  the act or process of exhibiting keen insight and good judgment.  In its broadest sense, discernment is closely related to wisdom as an expression of God. Discernment alone can bring about a sense of balance between the worldly and the spiritual. 

 If only the world lived by one simple message our teachers were trying to tell us, we divine-love-quotes-8-17-best-images-about-love-on-pinterestcould change our world. Jesus told us to  “Love your neighbor as yourself.” The Buddha said, ” the only way you can become free is to love those who hate you”.  Krishna said, “to me, all beings are the same. I hate none, and no one is more dear to me than another,  and The Taoist Sage Lao Tzu said, “Nothing but good comes to him who loves others as he loves himself”. By honoring and respecting others’ beliefs and religions,  not only will it bring us closer together, but closer to our Creator. 

With each new day, you can be the light of the world. Look within and know you are that divine spark waiting to be awakened.  Realize you have God given gifts and can learn to master them.  Above all,  6bbbfcbd9acce4ee927fffa96fae17ccbelieve in yourself and your relationship with God through meditation, contemplation, prayer and being mindful during the day.  Connecting and understanding ourselves and the Divine is a lifelong process with many obstacles. With love and compassion, believe in yourself and your ability to know and learn the truth.





The Gnostics, the True Christians?

Gnosticism is one of the most fascinating and perplexing phenomena in western  theological history.   At the heart was the Greek word gnosis meaning,  “Knowledge or Direct knowledge of God”.  Existing far before its Christian descendants, Gnosis in Classical Greek meant true knowledge or wisdom depending on which ancient slide_3philosopher one reads. According to Plato, reality as perceived by the five senses is merely the surface of a highly complex and structured system. The act of seeing and recognizing this system Plato calls “ideas.” A key element in his philosophy, which would later transfer to Gnosticism and Gnostic, is the  concept that every human had a previous and thorough understanding of the structures of reality. Unfortunately, this knowledge was somehow lost. The reclaiming of this knowledge through the comprehension of reality underlying structures is Gnosis.

Gnosis in the first century was a quiet movement, adapting to the situations and locations of the societies it encountered. From early Christian literature, there is an impression that Gnosis was a threat to subvert Christianity, even though there seems to be no unified front of Gnosis during this time. The Gnostics were just a variety of independent, small sects that on the whole seem very different from each other. However, these different sects even debated the same metaphysical,  cosmologic, soteriological, and ethical themes as their more mainstream Christian counterparts.  Gnostics were the early movement of Christianity and lost the early E9F625CB-1D92-43E3-A3FC-33CC72001CE7Christian struggle to define orthodoxy.  

So who were the Gnostics?  Irenaeus of Lyon, a bishop in the late 2nd century was an enemy of the Gnostics whom he called heretics.  Irenaeus claimed that a single true Christianity originated with Jesus  and the apostles. In his view other groups, such as the Gnostics, may claim to be Christians, but they were false deviations for the one true Christianity, and all competing Christians were heretics.  Today we know Christianity was diverse from the very beginning.  Even the original apostles did not agree on a single Christian message.

One of the most striking features of the Gnostic myth as Irenaeus tells it is that the God of Genesis is  lower than the ultimate God and is arrogant, ignorant and evil. He is hostile to humans beings because humans beings have a share of the divine spirit that belongs to the  higher God.  The real name of the god who created this world is Ialdabaoth, a spiritual being who runs this universe like a tyrant.

This biblical father god of the Old Testament, also known as Yahweh or Jehovah, was hostile to human beings when he AdamEve-600x397commanded Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, preventing them from knowing the spiritual truth.

When Adam and Eve eat from the tree, they gain gnosis, knowledge of the true God.  Eve was  encouraged to eat the fruit from a female deity  known as Sophea, (Wisdom).   As human beings continue to see true spiritual knowledge,  Yahweh grows jealous of their devotion to the higher God and causes a flood to wipe out humanity.  The higher God,  Universal Intelligence, saves Noah and his family from the Yahweh evil plot.

Finally, human beings begin to lose the knowledge that Adam and Eve gain when they ate from the tree, but Universal Intelligence sends Jesus to restore this lost gnosis and rescue them from Yahweh and his fellow rulers. 5a4da62576d47c9081ee29e510cd504e

The Gnostic Version of the Garden of Eden is much like the Sumerian Tablets and  the Law of One Yahweh is mentioned 19 times and agrees with much of what the Gnostics said about the God of the Old Testament.

Orthodox Christianity created the idea of heresy to condemn the Gnostics quest for higher knowledge because of the different belief system. Early Christians wanted a single harmonious system and considered themselves as a single body of Christ and did not want any division. Overtime, people who followed the Gnostics were considered godless and imperious members of a school of thought and therefore heretics. Some in the Christian religion still believe that today. The destruction of their sacred texts was inevitable, so some hid them in caves and various other places so they could not be found.

In 1945, one of the most important archaeological discoveries in the 20th century occurred. Thirteen ancient codices containing over 50 texts of Gnostic works were found in caves in Upper Egypt untouched by scribes. All of these can be found in the Nag Hammadi Library.

The discovery in 1945 provides a new and refreshing school of thought about spiritualitygnostic-christ-1024x791 and Jesus message. The discovery also came at a time when it could be shared with the world and not suppressed as it was for the last twenty centuries. Jesus is a teacher of wisdom and understanding, speaking in metaphors and parables of love and enlightenment. Much different from the sin and repentance as the Church teaches. Since the discovery and publications, the Gospel of Thomas has been the most celebrated of the 50 ancient texts discovered in 1945.

 Jesus said in saying 5 of the Gospel of Thomas,  “Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you . For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest.”  Have we come to a time when all the secrets of the world are manifesting?  Gnosticism was not confined to the Christians but is part of the belief systems of Sufism and the Saints of India and other eastern mystics. Gnosticism is not only alive but reemerging in a world that needs much love and wisdom.

What is God?

What is God,  the age-old question and it certainly has been mine.  Since the beginning of time,  as we understand it, man has struggled with the God concept. Most of us have chemistryour core beliefs from our childhood;  others seek to understand through contemplation, reflection, meditation and prayer; all have a  desire to have  a personal relationship with God.  

God is  known by many names and according to religions of the world, in order to know God,  we should follow their beliefs, rules and rituals.  Based on my childhood and how I was taught about the Bible, God would be on a throne judging us for our behavior and our purpose was to worship God.  Each of us have our own imaginations and beliefs about God, mostly from our childhood.  

Through the centuries, different religions with  different Gods making our 10635869_10152764748543781_2989172388846140521_nunderstanding of  God even more confusing.  I always believed there was only one God, just called by many different names.  Furthermore, in Judaism and Christianity alone,  there is much confusion for me.  Yahweh, is the God of the Old testament and Jewish Tanakh, is known as the God of the Israelites.  The name was revealed to Moses as four Hebrew consonants (YHWH) called the Tetragrammaton.   Consistent with Old Testament narratives,  Yahweh or Jehovah was regarded as the stern creator God who justly punishes humanity for disobedience. 

The Gnostics referenced Yaldabaoth, the old testament god as a  ‘false god of this world’ and was known for his evil  deeds.  They believed the god of the Jews was the true devil who claimed for himself the title of ‘creator god’ and inverted the roles of good and evil through deception, presenting himself as the ‘benevolent father’ of mankind and slandering the Chakra symbolSerpent of wisdom as ‘the devil’ and ‘enemy of man’. This accusatory inversion began with the creation of the Christian Bible at the end of the 1st century and has deceive many generations throughout the millennia.  It should be noted our medical  community uses a staff medical imaginesor rod with a snake curled around it, call the Rod of Asclepius, the ancient mythical god of medicine . 

In the Law of One, Yahweh is mentioned 19 times  and provides quite an  in-depth detail about Yahweh’s involvement on earth. The Orion Group, the negative entities of our universe also plays a role in what happened in the old testament as well as today. Perhaps In Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness”  Was that God,  Yahweh or Yaldabaoth?   Who was Jesus talking about when the Jews said  Abraham was their father.   Jesus said in John 8:44   “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father The-Ra-Material-The-Law-of-One-quote-love-service-to-others-heart-chakra-spirituality-consciousness-3of lies.” 

Some Gnostic groups saw Jesus as being sent by the supreme being, to bring gnosis or knowledge to the Earth. The Law of One referenced Jesus  22 times  and said  “This entity was desirous of entering this planetary sphere in order to share the love vibration in as pure a manner as possible.” 

Now let’s look at the New testament and how the church leaders constructed the concept of God. The Trinity  a formal doctrine and foundation of the Christian faith, the father, Jesus and the Holy Ghost, meaning one God in three.   The term trinity is not found in the Bible. The only reference of the three in the bible is  Matthew 28:19 after Jesus resurrection.  “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Of course we all know how easily this could have been added by a church father or scribe.   

The formal doctrine of the Trinity was the result of early church fathers attempts to explain the Christian God. It was first used by Tertullian at the close of the 2nd century. It was discussed, debated and finally clarified as divinity of the spirit and  affirmed at the Council of Constantinople  in 381.  However scholars today  generally agree that there is no doctrine of the Trinity as such in either the Old or New Testaments.  The Trinity was a way church fathers could cff285a056c19538eb9d01c42865898cexplain Jesus as the son of God if not God. A search of the Nag Hammadi Library  of the Father, son and the holy spirit did not come up with any results.  With the possibility of the corruption of the message of  two major religions, perhaps it is time to pause,  and seek the truth in our own way.  Jesus was the messenger of love and in the message he was telling us what the church fathers have failed to teach.

In John 10:34, Jesus tells the Pharisees that it is written in the Law that “you are gods”. He is quoting from Psalm 82:6 where it says, “I said you are gods, sons of the Most High. All of you.” 

In John 14:12  Jesus said , “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” 

bring forth what is in youIn the Gospel of Thomas Jesus said in saying 3,   If your leaders tell you, “Look, the kingdom is in heaven,” then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you, “It’s in the sea,”  then the fish will precede you.  But the kingdom is inside you and it is outside you. When you know yourselves,  then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living father. But if you do not know yourselves,
then you dwell in poverty and you are poverty.

The Gnostics believe that within each of us is a divine spark, a part of God.  Some may  call it soul or spirit.  Regardless of what label man uses, God is a Divine Universal Energy within each of us waiting to be awakened by our acknowledgement  by seeking the truth.   

According to the Law of One , we are on earth to learn the ways of love, compassion, wisdom and be of service to others. We get as many opportunities as we need to learn the required lessons. If not, we die and do it again until we get it right. The big problem for us when we do it again, we do not remember anything from our previous lives, unless you’re a child,   and then you may remember for a short period before Lao-Tzu-3.jpgforgetfulness sets in. 

 Regardless of the number of past lives, God, or the Great Universal Energy never leaves and is just waiting for us to discover the power within. I cannot emphasise the importance of the  a recent discovery in 1945, 114 secret sayings of Jesus known as the Gospel of Thomas and 50 other Gnostic texts.  According to scholars, the discovery provided striking differences from orthodox beliefs. Instead of being separate from God, we are One with God. Instead of sin and repentance, Jesus speaks of illusion and enlightenment. And finally, Instead of Jesus being Lord and God, we are all from the same source, and Jesus is our spiritual guide.

Another saying of Jesus,  “I shall give you what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has never occurred to the human mind.” (Saying 17 Gospel of Thomas). This saying is for each of us to ponder and consider as each of Jesus wisdom sayings in the Gospel of Thomas. 

Buddha, another master teacher said before you set foot on the path master yourself; DfEgwEEWkAAQ2jIand Lao Tzu said, ” The Way (God) is complete in itself. All blessings come from it and it holds nothing back from anyone.” Krishna said in the Bhagavad Gita, “Those who seek to find the One without ceasing, will find the Lord dwelling in their own hearts.”

With love and compassion in your  heart,  thoughts, emotions and actions, look within; through meditation, contemplation, prayer and study, you will find that Great Universal Energy that we call God.    

  “The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you plant there?”
