The Essence of Evil, Time to Wake Up

The Essence of Evil: Sex with Children Has Become Big Business in America. Children, young girls, some as young as 9 years old, are being bought and sold for sex in America. The average age for a young woman being sold for sex is now 13 years old. This is America’s dirty little secret and it is time to wake up and be part of saving the children. You can read a commentary from the Rutherford Institute here. 

Impeachment, COVID19, Black Lives Matter , mainstream and social media are part of the coverup.  President Trump discusses the Trafficking of Women and Children in this video

Full Episode: Sex Trafficking Survivors Reveal They Were Hunted Like Animals | The Mel Robbins Show


Jesus said“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”


Need to watch and share, Saving our Children

2100 caged children were found and saved by US Marines and Navy Seals from deep state owned Underground Bases in California. You did not hear it on mainstream media and you have to ask yourself why. The article is found here  


This is humanities Dark Night of The Soul. We are in spiritual crisis unaware of what is happening right before our eyes.  It is going to be painful and arduous  journey toward union with the Divine. We are going through a painful suffering as we venture through a long spiritual darkness as we realize what has been happening before our very eyes. We have become complacent.   We have to resolve and release the old before we can transfer into the new.  During the dark night of the soul, many may experience disbelief, confusion and reinterpretation of the boundaries we have established for ourselves. Jesus-with-Children

Jesus tells us in Matthew 18:5-7,  ” And whoever welcomes one child like this in my name welcomes me. But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to fall away;  ​it would be better for him if a heavy millstone were hung around his neck and he were drowned in the depths of the sea.  

It is time to wake up and realize the world is not as it seems! Please share



We Are All Mystics

In truth, we are all mystics on a spiritual journey seeking unity with Intelligent Infinity, or the Divine. I always believed and felt there is something greater that cannot not be secret-travel-quotefully explained by world religions. From a religious perspective, we are told what and how to think about the divine, each religion having their own perspective. After studying various religions and belief systems  I found commonality helping me in finding my own way. The discovery of Law of One and having mystical experiences were the major events that changed my life, realizing I was a mystic.

Jewish mysticism pre-dates Christian monks by six to eight centuries. Mysticism is prevalent in christianity, Islam,  Buddhism, Zen, Taoism, Hinduism, Sant Mat and throughout many other cultures. In some cultures, mystics are called shamans or even soothsayers. The Nagi or three Kings associated with the birth of Jesus were astrologers unnamed (4)or mystics.

Mystics have been responsible for some of the most impressive literature produced by their respective religions. Many have  offered interpretations of Scripture, theological treatises, sermons, meditations, letters, stories, and poems. They  have a passionate intensity of love for the divine and are aware of the Oneness of all. Some believe you cannot be a mystic unless you have mystical experience while others believe it begins with seeking the truth and devotion. 64c4159794d1a0c909e6c457a806c457As I said, we are all mystics to some degree and it is up to each person to pursue the greatest human ambition,  to seek God or Infinite Intelligence in their own way.

A mystic can use a bridge to the metaphysical and physical worlds in many ways. We all receive signs from the divine via our guides, unique to each person. These signs can be given through our thoughts, nature, dreams, psychic abilities, numerology, discernments and many others. It is important to recognize the polarity of entities, either positive or negative, providing the message. The key is to pay attention and use your gift of discernment.

Meditation is the gateway to Intelligent Infinity which can be attained by aligning your heart and mind. Perhaps that is what Jesus meant when he said in saying 48 of the Gospel of Thomas, “Jesus said, “If two make peace with each there is a lot of misunderstanding  about mysticism and  varies from person to person.  It is other in this one house, they will say to the mountain, ‘Move Away,’ and it will move away.”


United We Stand, Divided We Fall

The phrase “United we stand, divided we fall” has been traced back to the Greek storyteller Aesop, who lived during the 6th Century B.C.  It perhaps applies today more images - 2020-06-19T085111.686than anytime in our history.

In any conquest, you divide your adversary so they may be conquered. As long as COVID-19, the unruly riots staged by paid actors that have penetrated the peaceful protest,  and the untruthful and censored media continues,  humanity will remain divided, making it easier for us to be conquered. The weapon is not bombs, guns and swords but a psychological and propaganda war and many do not even realize it. People rights are being taken away based on a fabricated fear orchestrated by social and mainstream media. We have seen censorship by YouTube, Google and facebook like never before hiding the truth claiming download (40)it does not meet community standards. People of all religions are just now being allowed to practice their faith as long as the rules of social distancing and are followed.   We have seen elective surgery not being allowed while  abortion clinics  remained opened.

Family businesses have been destroyed while large corporations continue to profit. There are more Doctors coming out telling the truth while other hover in the shadows afraid to lose their license. Neighbors reporting neighbors to the COVID19 police for allowing their children to play with the child next door or business owners arrested for opening their businesses trying to feed their families. Some Governors and mayors continue locked downs in their cities and you maxresdefault (12)have to ask for what? COVID-19 is a real disease that sickens some, proves fatal to others, mostly the elderly and does not affect the vast majority but that does not seem to matter to many. We see a mad dash to get the first vaccine. Follow the money and see who owns the patients and you will not be surprised.

It is time for the masses to wake up and apply critical and rational thinking. Perhaps one of the reasons many have difficulty understanding what is happening is as Dr. Bruce Lipton explains, we have been programmed since birth. Our education, media, political and religious systems play an integral part of who we are and become. In addition there is a secret campaign by the United States Central Intelligence Agency that began in the 1950’s that continue today called Operation Mockingbird.

8c9f5eed7b7a8715e379b9b47ee3fe61 (1)The division is what the ancients have referred to as good and evil and in more modern times, positive and negative energy. Our thoughts, emotions and actions generate positive and negative energy into the world. Are your thoughts of fear and control based by turning in your neighbor for not comply with an unjust law, criticizing those who do not think like you or is love and compassion, being kind and helping others? That is the division. United we stand, divided we fall. It is up to you.

Creating Our Reality

We all feel it and know there is something far greater than ourselves, a divine presents urging us to move forward, to know our true-selves, to explore all the possibilities.

Individually, we can discover our true-selves by releasing the old ways and allowing the divine energy to be our guide. According to the Law of One we all have several guides available. Two of these guides are the polarity of male and female and the third is god-often-moves-in-mysterious-waysandrogynous representing a more unified mental power. The signs are unique to each person. It is important to recognize the polarity, positive and negative entities providing the signs or messages. For those who are seeking the truth, the signs may be more noticeable such as thoughts, emotions, dreams, numerology, music, sensations of the body and nature just to name a few. It is not about recognition of their powers, but a reminder of our divine power. Free will of the individual is paramount, and any guidance may be seen in either the positive or negative polarity depending upon the choice of the individual. The power  is available to all and it starts with realizing the power within.  We are creating  our reality with imagination, visualization and the power of our thoughts, emotions and actions. 

Imagine the power of  Meditation.  It has been proven from a scientific perspective, 72127554_1397073520458136_1438555366869696512_ngroup meditation called “Maharishi Effect,” reduces crime.  So much so that Merseyside, England, went from being third highest recorded crime rate to the lowest-ranked city in England during the time of group meditation. Other cities around the world had similar effects when groups of people meditated at the same time each day. In physics that affect is referred to the unified field theory (UFT), waves of vibration flow from everything in the universe affecting the collective consciousness. It should be noted the Maharishi Effect was the only meditation method that was studied. There is no right or wrong way to meditate, only your way. 

Whatever method of mediation method used, the late Dr. Valerie V. Hunt, scientist, author, lecturer and Professor Emeritus of Physiological Science at the University of placeboCalifornia confirmed electromagnetic energy is the most plentiful constant energy of our universe. It is a part of all structures living and dead, including the atmosphere. We create electromagnetic energies in the atoms of our living cells, which we enhance by the reaction with the atmospheric energy field. We know this expanded energy field as the human aura. Without this biofield life would not exist and there would be only an inner biochemical mix. Dr. Hunt was involved in research that is uncovering the various dimensions involved in the bioenergetic transactions between humans and the environment as they relate to human behaviors, emotions, health, illness, and disease, as well as scientifically quantifying the human aura and the levels of consciousness it contains.

Consider the possibility of  humanity joining together for a world wide meditation once a week on designated day, at your own time and in your own way ie,  group meditations, your religious affiliation or simply going to your sacred space.   When we allow God’s 95581344_137027724593315_8226649378882846720_nlove and light shine through us, we are allowing divine energy to work  and raise the global consciousness so we will create the change we wish to see in our world. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” Are we the meek? Is it our time to inherit the earth? Or, have we always inherited the earth and just now awakening? 

Get in the meditation habit and get in touch with the Divine. Rekindle the wisdom that has been lost through the ages. By just taking 5-20 minutes of meditative prayer, you will learn of the divine presence and be able to generate positives waves of vibration that can change our world. Meditation Warriors  is a group that provides guidance. 

We already know in our hearts there is a power within us, but lack of  wisdom or knowledge to understand. Our Ancient teachers provide some insight. According to the Parallel Sayings by Richard Hooper:

“Wisdom and Knowledge find those with a pure heart,” Jesus, Dialogue of the Savior.

“I abide in hearts out of compassion replacing ignorance and darkness with a shining lamp.” Krishna, Bhagavad Gita.

“Choosing the path of wisdom, become aware of those things which lead you forward, and those things which hold you back.” Buddha

“Perfect wisdom comes spontaneously to those who seek it.” Lao Tzu, Chang Tzu



The Power Of Awareness

This is a very powerful video reading from the Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard.  Neville Lancelot Goddard (1905-1972) was a prophet, profoundly influential teacher, and author. . Goddard was sent to illustrate the teachings of psychological truth intended in the Biblical teachings, and restore awareness of meaning to what the ancients intended to tell the world.

This is audiobook read by Brian Scott, a writer, entrepreneur, epiphany addict, inner space astronaut, life coach, and  transformation engineer. Brian tells us that since life is infinite, the concept of an ultimate destiny is inconceivable. When we understand that consciousness is the only reality, we know that it is the only creator. This means that your consciousness is the creator of your destiny. The fact is, you are creating your destiny every moment, whether you know it or not. Much that is good and even wonderful has come into your life without your having any inkling that you were the creator of it.

Self awareness is being aware of your thoughts, emotions and actions moment by moment and understanding the world around you. Realizing we live in the inseparable 79129951_10219260512159354_4070859377123262464_nphysical and metaphysical worlds and the world is not as it seems can be helpful. There is a vibrating constant energetic motion within all things, we can call Universal Intelligence, or God.

According to theLaw of One, the mind must be known to itself and this  is perhaps the most demanding part of self awareness.  If the mind knows itself then the most important aspect of of self awareness has occurred as consciousness is the microcosm of the Oneness.  In other words, the macrocosmic intelligence which guides the birth and processes of the universe is reflected on a microcosmic scale in each individual being.  As energetic beings, we are radiating positive and negative energy by our thoughts, emotions and actions, creating our reality with all its distortions and confusion.  Our goal is to learn and have balance between love and wisdom. 

Jesus said in the Gospel of Thomas “When you (plur.) make the two one and make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside and the above like the below, and that you might make the male and the female be one and the same, so that the male might not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye and a hand in place of a hand and a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image – then you will enter [the kingdom].”

Saying 22 of the Gospel states most vividly and fully the recurrent theme. Jesus sees infants being suckled. He tells his disciples that these infants are like those who enter the kingdom. “Shall we then,” they ask, “as children, enter the kingdom?” This prologue calls to mind, of course, the familiar saying from the canon: “Suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

To know yourself is the same message Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Krishna and many others 76769654_10156516563441566_544743934945918976_ohave been trying to tell us through the centuries. Lao Tzu tells us “Wisdom come from knowing oneself. He who knows himself is enlightened”. In the dialogue of the Savior Jesus said “Those who have truly found the Self within recognized that it exists everywhere.” Buddha added, “Everyone has recognized the self-ones essential nature. But few have realized it.”

We all have the divine gift of discernment, the act or process of exhibiting keen insight and good judgment. In its broadest sense, discernment is closely related to wisdom as an expression of God. Discernment alone can bring about a sense of balance between the worldly and the spiritual.  All things are possible.

As children of the Creator, we release all negativity and chords from ourselves and our planet. Our world is  filled with abundant love,  light and happiness. May our love flow like water, blessing all those that come within. May we remove old patterns that no longer serve us and all those that enter the light may truly see and receive blessings that are abundant for all. May all negative energies that are trying to bring us down be removed, and each thought, emotion and action allow the love and light to flow. We are listening to our  angels to guide us,   and to heal our bodies, mind and spirits, to feel the love and light, happiness and gratitude it deserves. May our  love and light radiate from each of us into the world to create a world of love, light,  wisdom, and Joy. 

It Is All About Love

This Digital Freedom Platform has already live streamed the following incredible episodes using independent technology to ensure LIVE, UNCENSORED, UNINTERRUPTED access you can find here. Join the one million strong.


We are emotional beings. Love is personal to each of us and cannot be defined or explained in simple terms.  In 1763, Emanuel Swedenborg said In Love and Wisdom, “Man knows that there is such a thing as love, but he does not know what love is. He knows that there is such a thing as love from common speech, as when it is said, he loves me, a king loves his subjects, and subjects love their king, a husband loves his wife, a mother her children, and conversely; also, this or that one loves his country, his fellow citizens, his neighbor; and likewise of things abstracted from person, as when it is said, one loves this or that thing. But although the word love is so universally used, hardly anybody knows what love is.”

Do we know any more today about love? In 1763, there were 700 million people in the world with libraries and horses with cobblestone streets in sparsely populated areas, taking days to get information from one place to another.

Today we have  11 times more people with instant information on our cell phones, iPads, and laptops. Just google it and you get instant answers, if it is not censored and then you have to check the images (28)validity. What we have learned is that the heart electromagnetic field can be measured several feet from our bodies. Our emotions are constantly up and down, positive and negative, always present and affecting our energy field. Love is a powerful emotion that we have felt in our relationships with families, friends, co-workers, lovers and former lovers, school mates, casual acquaintances and strangers. Our emotions dominate us, the way we think, sleep, eat, our moods and how we perceive life.

Look what  7.7 billion people on earth  have done radiating either positive or negative vibrations, nonstop regarding the COVID19; it has affected our homes, jobs, cities, countries and our world. Our emotions are affected by everything we do, hear and see.

 Jesus said “love your neighbor as yourself.

Lao Tzu said in the Tao Te Ching, “nothing but good comes to him who loves others as he loves himself.”

“As a mother would protect her only child with her life … cultivate a boundless love towards all beings.” Buddha

Imagine 7.7 billion people radiating love and positive vibrations and how that would change our world …. Be part of the change and pass this on!!!!

The Great Realisation

The coronavirus has brought the greatest spiritual awakening the world has ever known and we are all part of it. It has affected people of all walks of life, every religion, every country and every person in some way. The awakening is unique to each individual. We begin to realize the world is not as it seems and the physical and metaphysical worlds are inseparable.

We are faced with a barrage of information trying to decipher the truth affecting each of us emotionally. We are in a battle between positive and negative energy. Our emotions generate energy creating our reality and the world we live in. COVID19 has created negative energy around the world. Neighbors turning in neighbors for not complying with the quarantine, others harassing those for not wearing a mask, mandatory vaccines vs free will, people are not aloud to gather in their religious practices, number of COVID 19 deaths being skewed or inflated to instill fear in the population. This is just some of the examples taking place creating a world of control, fear, anger, stress and greed.

On the other hand, the shutdown of industries across the world has shown how the earth is healing herself. Beginning on 25 March, 2020 the level of particle pollution considered most harmful to human health fell by nearly 60 per cent in New Delhi, India’s capital, according to an analysis by experts at the nonprofit Centre for Science and Environment. In other parts of India, the Himalayan mountain range is visible from a distance for the first time in years. Waterways choked by industrial pollution, such as Delhi’s Yamuna River, full of grey foam just months ago, are flowing unimpeded. CBS news reported on April, 11, 2020, “Just as suddenly as it first formed, a record-breaking ozone hole has healed. The largest ozone hole to ever open up over the Arctic is now closed, after first opening up earlier this spring”. Other cities around the world air quality has improved with the shutdown. The great realization tells us how we have treated our home, mother earth in the past and now is the time to evaluate how we live in the future.

The great awakening knows that love is the one emotion that will overcome all. It is about cultivating love in everything you do. Jesus said love your neighbor as you love yourself. According to the Law of One, our purpose on earth is to learn to balance love and wisdom and be of service to others. Within us all is a divine spark, some may refer to it as the Christ Consciousness and together it will be a collective consciousness. The awakening starts with the mind and the realization of the power within, a change from traditional thinking. It is just you, your higher self with help from Infinite Intelligence. The more divine energy of Love you generate, the more the awakening takes place not only you but collectively we can heal mother earth and we become one. It is time for people of all religions to understand the only thing that will save us is ourselves. It is a global event that you do do not want to miss. In your own way, from your heart, pray, meditate and contemplate and bring God back into your life. You have free-will to choose by loving others as you love yourself, treat others as you would like to be treated, help those who need help. This is a wonderful start. Know the divine power within and be part of the great awakening.




Global Spiritual Evolution

Spiritual evolution is happening around the world and your spiritual path is unique to you. There is not one size fits all. There is wonder and frustration, unbelievable to accepting. You will beginning to realize the world is not as it seems and the physical and reality-from-thoughtsmetaphysical worlds are inseparable. What we thought was true no longer applies. You begin to realize  how thoughts, emotions and actions not only create your reality but the world. Look how COVID19 has created fear and doubt around the world.

Perhaps is time to accept and realize  humanity is not alone in the universe and our purpose is to learn how to balance love and wisdom. Love is the most powerful energy in the universe. The signs are all around , we just be mindful of the moment and know that and God, Infinite Intelligence is with you always.

We all are experiencing a global spiritual awakening. There are no steps or stages that can be measure, no degree can be earned, the only thing man can do is guide you. Looking back at mans track record, makes one ponder and realize how we have been enslaved in concepts and belief systems.


“A provocative, mind-opening experience that awakens us to new realities and levels of awareness that were once known and understood by the ancients.”  Dr. James Hurtak, Academy for Future Science, Palo Alto, USA

There is a wonderful source of information and could be one of the most important books ever written. The Only Planet of Choice, has many themes covered in detail are the existence of ET civilisations and their interactions with earth, the nature of the Source of the Universe, God or Infinite Intelligence, the ancient history of humanity and so much more. Above all, for those who are prepared to read and heed its message, it explains what we are going through with the COVID19 dilemma and what we must do to have a positive outcome for earth’s future. The Law of One is another excellent source for the seeker. Both are available free.

We are all on a spiritual journey and obviously the first step to bring God, Infinite Intelligence, back into our lives. As we progress spiritually, there will be signs if you pay attention. Just trust yourself. The Only Planet of Choice and The Law of One provides the information and tools to find  your way.

Click to access OnlyPlanetChoice.pdf

Our Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening is a continuum, the neverending story. Every human being on earth is sacred and of Infinite worth; all unique in our own way with different paths leading to67639647_1335981933233962_6249562901879717888_n the same destination.

What we do have in common, is the essence of God. It lies within each of us waiting to be awakened. It has many names; divine spark, soul, or spirit to name a few. Our bodies are the temple. Perhaps the COVID-19 is the catalyst for many to begin the awakening process while others continue to enhance their spiritual awakening.

It is interesting to note that Dr. Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist, has researched the brain function and various mental states. He learned we have spiritual brains, deeply connected to something greater than ourselves. The human brain that engages in prayer and/or meditation results in a powerful spiritual experiences that have been described in every tradition and society.

discernment-of-spirits-nThere are so many different aspects regarding the spiritual and human condition since our beginning. During the years 800–200 BC was one of the most creative and influential eras in history called the Axial Age; the evolution of human thought. Religious and philosophical activity took place in Asia and the Mediterranean. During this time, Jeremiah, Isaiah, The Buddha, Confucius, Vardhamana Mahavira, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, produced the intellectual and moral matrix out of which the world religions were born. Religion developments are based in the ideas, concepts and insights from the Axial period.

And now we jump forward to March 2020, an unprecedented time of the quarantine, 0a9b9a69447b265abd17d51c39eabe50unlike the world has ever seen, based on the COVID-19. Perhaps this is our axial age, time to reflect and realize there is something greater, something more than we could ever imagine where new spiritual traditions emerge. By seeking the truth one will discover the world is not as it seems and the physical and metaphysical worlds are inseparable.

Your awakening may provide signs that are unique to each person. It is important to recognize the polarity of the signs, positive or negative entities providing the message. For those who are seeking the truth, an arduous and difficult journey, the signs may be more noticable. Common signs would be your thoughts, emotions, actions, dreams, signs in nature and numerology. Others may have mystical experiences and psychic abilities they simply do not want to discuss for obvious reasons. There may be an urging to want to know the truth or a array of other experiences unique to each person.

Quotes-About-Planting-Seeds-For-Life-02Perhaps this event is an awakening not only for ourselves, but for humanity. Now may be the time to raise the consciousness of our planet. Imagine 7.7 billion of us, thinking, feeling and feeling love and compassion while helping others around the planet. Love is the greatest and most powerful emotion, being difficult to understand, much less described. We can say it is divine energy radiating in all things. As spiritual beings having a physical experience, our understanding of love is simply from a physical perspective.

To know yourself is the same message our teachers such as Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Krishna and many others have been trying to tell us through the centuries. Lao Tzu tells images - 2019-05-19T080936.710us “Wisdom comes from knowing oneself. He who knows himself is enlightened”. In the dialogue of the Savior, Jesus said “Those who have truly found the Self within recognized that it exists everywhere.” and in Luke 17:21, KJV Jesus tells us, “, the kingdom of God is within you.” Buddha added, “Everyone has recognized the self-ones essential nature. But few have realized it.”

We are all spiritual warriors. Spiritual awakening and growth is listening and trusting your higher- self, the warrior, within. There is no better teacher. We all have Christ consciousness and Buddha nature to guide us. All we have to do is pay attention. We all have the gift of discernment or intuition, we just have to learn to trust ourselves.

image01During this time, perhaps it is time reflect how mother earth is healing herself, because of human inactivity. Maybe it is the time for us to heal, to look within ourselves through contemplation, meditation and prayer and discover our true selves and realize the world is not as it seems.