Flynn: Forget About 2024, Think Election Fraud; Bill Gates and terraforming

Years In The Making, Flynn: Forget About 2024, Think Election Fraud 

The [DS]/[CB] infrastructure plan is failing before it begins, people are beginning to realize that this is not about the infrastructure and more about payoffs, climate funding and taxes, everything the people do not want. Trumps economy has taken off since states and business opened. The [CB] now sees Crypto as a threat. The [DS]/MSM are going down the path that the patriots laid out for them. Lurking in the background is election fraud, Durham and other triggers. Trump is letting the people see first hand how bad it can get. The people are reaching the precipice. The power to the people will be returning, the legislatures are now implementing laws that will safeguard the elections. Flynn, says all those people running in 2024 can forget about it, think election fraud.

Do you get it yet? Everything this dude said in this MOVIE clip in 1981 was  true. But, it was in a MOVIE so you don’t think it’s real. I guess we can call it double reverse psychology. In this case, tell them the real truth in a “fake” setting over and over and they’ll never figure out the truth.

Bill Gates’ insane terraforming scheme blocked by reindeer herders

Depopulation advocate and anti-human globalist Bill Gates wants to block the sun, collapse photosynthesis, destroy global food crops and starve humanity to death. Harvard University scientists helped him design an experiment to accomplish that. It’s called “SCoPEx.”

In a shocking turn of events, Sweden’s government, pressured by reindeer herders and other environmental groups, has backed away from conducting this mad science experiment, handing Gates a major defeat in his quest for global extermination and genocide.

I cover this in great detail in today’s podcast. If you’ve never heard of this before, you will be blown away by the truth.

And We Know
The EXPOSURE of their EVIL is SICK! Big Month! Border. Election Integrity. PRAY!




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