Understanding What Is Happening; Nesara Gesara is Very Real and Being Implemented

Inside the Command Structure of the Alliance to Save the World

Mainstream Media Still Has a Role to Play | NESARA GESARA is very Real and Being Implemented

David Straight “Confirms it all! GESARA/ NESARA it’s Here! We MUST Demand it!


The National Economic Security and Reformation Act

Compiled by Nancy Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div., Aug. 17, 2011

1892 – Bankers adopted their Bankers’ Manifesto of 1892 in which it was declared: “We [the bankers] must proceed with caution and guard every move made, for the lower order of people are already showing signs of restless commotion. Prudence will therefore show a policy of apparently yielding to the popular will until our plans are so far consummated that we can declare our designs without fear of any organized resistance. The Farmers Alliance and Knights of Labor organizations in the United States should be carefully watched by our trusted men, and we must take immediate steps to control these organizations in our interest or disrupt them….

The courts must be called to our aid, debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible.

When through the process of the law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of the government applied to a central power of imperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders.”

1907-1917 – In order to warn Americans, the1892 Bankers’ Manifesto was revealed by US Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. from Minnesota before the US Congress sometime during his term of office between the years of 1907 and 1917.

1910 – John E. DiNardo, professor of public policy and economics at the University of Michigan, writes in his article “The Federal Reserve Act”: “On the night of November 22, 1910, a small group of surrogates of the most powerful bankers of the World met … under the veil of utmost secrecy.

Over the next few weeks these men would perpetrate, under the orders of their masters, … perhaps the most colossal and devastating fraud ever inflicted upon the American People.

This ultra-secret fraud is known as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913…. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 concocted legislation, to be foisted upon the People’s Congress of the United States, that empowered and commissioned this secret cabal of World-dominant bankers to PRINT UNITED STATES CURRENCY, a usurpation of our Constitution’s explicit edict empowering ONLY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT to print and coin currency. This world banking empire used their stolen power to print, out of thin air, paper currency which, in no way represents the gold and silver reserves that authentic currency is supposed to represent.”

1913 – The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 Complete text of Act may seen at: The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 : history and digest (stlouisfed.org)

1933 – 1934 – Prior to 1933, Federal Reserve Notes were backed by gold. This changed with the new law: Congressional Record, March 9, 1933 on HR 1491 p. 83. “Under the new law the money is issued to the banks in return for government obligations, bills of exchange, drafts, notes, trade acceptances, and bankers acceptances. The money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar, because it is backed by the credit of the nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes, and other property of all the people of the nation.”

The Bankers’ Manifesto ties in with the U.S. Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congress, 1st Session (1934), which states: “The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called ‘ownership’ is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere ‘user’ and use must be in acceptance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State.”

1970’s – The Federal Land Bank illegally foreclosed on farmers mortgages all throughout the Midwest. In each of these cases the farmers were defrauded by the banks with the approval of the Federal Reserve System. These court cases would eventually become known as the Farmer Claims Program.

1978 – An elderly ranch farmer in Colorado purchased a farm with loan from the Federal Land Bank. After he died the property was passed on to his son Roy Schwasinger, Jr., who was a retired military general. Soon after a Federal Land Bank officer and Federal Marshall appeared on his property and informed him the bank was foreclosing on his farm, ordering him to vacate within 30 days. Without his knowledge, his deceased father had signed a stipulation which reverted the property back to the Federal Land Bank in the event of the borrower’s death.

Outraged, Roy E. Schwasinger, Jr. filed a class action lawsuit in the Denver Federal Court system. The suit was dismissed on the basis of incorrect filing. This prompted Roy Schwasinger’s investigation into the inner workings of the banking system.

1982 – Roy Schwasinger was given a contract by the US senate and later Supreme Court to investigate banking fraud. But because he was under a strict non-disclosure order he was not allowed to tell the media what he discovered. In the late 80s he began sharing his knowledge with others including high ranking military personnel who helped him bring about a class action lawsuit against the federal government.

The first series of these lawsuits began in the mid 1980’s when William and Shirley Baskerville of Fort Collins, Colorado were involved in a bankruptcy case with First Interstate Bank of Fort Collins, who was trying to foreclose on their farm. At a restaurant, their lawyer informed them that he would no longer be able to help them and walked-off. Overhearing the conversation Roy Schwasinger offered his advice on how to appeal the case in bankruptcy court. So, in 1987 they filed an appeal (Case No. 87-C-716) with the United States District Court in Colorado.

1988 – On November 3, 1988, the Denver Federal Court system ruled that indeed the banks had defrauded the Baskervilles and proceeded to reverse its bankruptcy decision. But when the foreclosed property was not returned, they filed a new lawsuit.

Eventually, 23 other farmers, ranchers, and Indians swindled by the banks in the same manner would join in the case. In these cases, the banks were foreclosing on the properties using fraudulent methods such as charging exorbitant interest, illegal foreclosure, or by not crediting mortgage payments to their account as they should have but instead would steal the mortgage payments for themselves triggering foreclosure on the property. After running out of money they continued their fight without the help of lawyers. With some assistance by the Farmers Union a new lawsuit was filed against the Federal Land Bank and the Farmers Credit System. Case No. 92-C-1781

The District Court ruled in their favor and ordered the banks to return the stolen properties with help from either Federal Marshals or the National Guard. But when no payments were made, the farmers declared involuntary Chapter Seven Bankruptcy against the Federal Land Bank and the Farmers Credit System. The banks appealed their case insisting they were not a business but a federal agency therefore they were not liable to pay the damages.

So, the farmer’s legal team adopted a new strategy. According to the Federal Land Bank’s 1933 charter they are not allowed to make loans directly to applicants, but instead could only back loans as a guarantor in case of default. Because the Federal Land Bank had violated this rule the farmer’s legal team was able to successfully sue the bank for damages.

Word of the lawsuit began to spread; the legal team would teach others how to fight foreclosure and to help them file lawsuits as well (Case No. 93-1308-M). Celebrities such as Willie Nelson joined in the cause and helped raise money during his “Farm Aid” concerts.

The Baskerville case had now become the Farmer Claims Class Action Lawsuit. Worried about the legal ramifications the government retaliated against the farmers by hitting them with either outrageous IRS fees, or by imprisoning the legal team under frivolous nonrelated charges. When the farmers realized they were being unfairly targeted, they had military generals such as General Roy Schwasinger sit in the courtroom to make sure the bribed judges would vote according to constitutional law.

The farmers now with a large team of knowledgeable people of the law behind them filed a new case to claim additional damages from the fraudulent loaning activities of the Farmers Credit System.

The government tried to settle but they had already lost many cases and were now losing the appeals as well. More and more evidence was collected. According to the National Banking Act all banks are required to register their charters with the Federal and State Bureau of Records, but none of the banks complied, allowing the legal team to sue the Farmers Credit System. Not only was Farmers Credit System not chartered to do business with the American Banking Association, but so were other quasi government organizations such as the Federal Housing Administration, The Department of Housing and Urban Development, and even the Federal Reserve Bank.

1990’s – In the early 1990’s Roy Schwasinger brought the case before the United States Supreme Court. Some of the content of this case is sealed from public eyes but most of it can be viewed today.

The U.S. Supreme Court Justices ruled that the Farmers Union claims were indeed valid, therefore, all property foreclosed by the Farmers Credit System was illegal and all those who were foreclosed on would have to receive damages. In addition, they ruled that the U.S. federal government and banks had defrauded the farmers, and all U.S. citizens, out of vast sums of money and property.

Furthermore, the court ruled the shocking truth that the IRS was a Puerto Rican Trust.

In addition, the court ruled that the Federal Reserve was unlawful:

That the income tax amendment was only ratified by four states and therefore was not a legal amendment, that the IRS code was not enacted into “Positive Law” within the Code of Federal Regulations. Positive Law = Laws that have been enacted by a properly instituted and recognized branch of the government.

That the U.S. government illegally foreclosed on farmer’s homes with help from federal agencies. Irrefutable proof was presented by a retired CIA agent. He provided testimony and records of the banks illegal activities as further evidence that the Farmers’ Union claims were indeed legitimate. The implications of such a decision were profound. All gold, silver, and property titles, taken by the Federal Reserve and IRS must be returned to the people.

The legal team sought assistance from a small group of benevolent visionaries, consisting of politicians, military generals, and business people who have been secretly working to restore the constitution since the mid 1950’s. Somehow within their ranks, a four star U.S. army general received “title” and “receiver” of the original 1933 United States Bankruptcy.

When the case was brought before the U.S. Supreme Court, they ruled in his favor, giving the Army General title over the United States, Inc. Legal action was then passed on to the Senate Finance Committee and Senator Sam Nunn, who was working with Roy Schwasinger.

1991 – With the help of covert congressional and political pressure, President George H.W. Bush issued an Executive Order on Oct. 23, 1991, which provided a provision allowing anyone who has a claim against the federal government to receive payment as long as it is within the rules of the original format of the case.

Executive Order No. 12778 Principles of Ethical Conduct for Government Officers and Employees; October 23, 1991

According to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, all present and succeeding debts against the U.S. Treasury must be assumed by the Federal Reserve. Thus, the famer’s claims legal team was able to use that executive order to not only force the Federal Reserve to pay out damages in a gold-backed currency but also allow them to receive legal ownership over the bankruptcy of United States, Inc.

To collect damages the farmers legal team used an obscure attachment to the 14th amendment which most people are not aware of. After the civil war, the government allowed citizens to claim a payment on anyone who suffered damages as a result of the Federal Government failing to protect its citizens from harm or damages by a foreign government. President Grant had this attachment sealed from public eyes but somehow, someone on the farmer’s legal team got a hold of it.

If you read that carefully, it specifies damages by a foreign government. That foreign government is the corporate federal government which has been masquerading to the public as the constitutional government.

Remember this goes back to the Organic Act of 1871 and the Trading with the Enemies Act of 1933, which defined all citizens as enemy combatants under the federal system known as the United States. The Justices and farmer’s legal team recognized how evil and corrupt our federal government had become and to counteract this they added some provisions in the settlement to bring the government back under control.

a. First they would have to be paid using a lawful currency, backed by gold and silver as the constitution dictates. This would eliminate inflation and gyrating economic cycles created by the Federal Reserve System. See Article 1, Section 10 of the US Constitution.

b. Second they would be required to go back to common law instead of admiralty law under the gold fringe flags. Under common law if there is no damage or harm done then there is no violation of the law. This would eliminate millions of laws which are used to control the masses and protect corrupt politicians.

c. Lastly the IRS would have to be dismantled and replaced with a national sales tax.

This is the basis of the NESARA Law.

When the legal team finally settled on a figure, each individual would receive an average of $20 million dollars payout per claim. Multiplied by a total of 336,000 claims that were filed against the U.S. Federal Government, the total payout would come out to a staggering $6.6 trillion dollars.

The U.S. Supreme Court placed a gag order on the case, struck all information from the Federal Registry, and placed all records in the Supreme Court files. Up to that point Senator Sam Nunn had kept the Baskerville Case records within his office. A settlement was agreed to out of court and the decision was sealed by Janet Reno. Because the case was sealed, claimants are not allowed to share court documents to media outlets without violating the settlement, but they can still tell others about the lawsuit. This is why you probably have not heard about this.

1991 – Roy Schwasinger went before a senate committee to present evidence of the banks and governments criminal activity. He informed them how the Corporation of the United States was tied to the establishment of a New World Order which would bring about a fascist one world government ruled by the international bankers.

1992 – A task force was put together consisting of over 300 retired and 35 active US military officers who strongly supported constitutional law.* This task force was responsible for investigating governmental officials, congressional officers, judges, and the Federal Reserve.

*Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Jeremy Boorda

*General David McCloud

*Former Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby

They uncovered the common practice of bribery and extortion committed by both senators and judges. The criminal activity was so rampant that only 2 out of 535 members of congress were deemed honest. But more importantly they carried out the first ever audit of the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve was accustomed to giving orders to politicians and had no intentions of being audited. However, after they were informed their offices would be raided under military gunpoint if necessary; they complied with the investigation. After reviewing their files, the military officers found $800 trillion dollars sitting in accounts which should have been applied to the national debt. And contrary to federal government propaganda they also discovered that most nations had in fact owed money to the United States instead of the other way around.

These hidden trillions were then confiscated and placed into European bank accounts in order to generate the enormous funds needed to pay the farmers claims class action lawsuit. Later this money would become the basis of the prosperity programs.

Despite these death blows President George H.W. Bush and the illuminati continued on with their plans of global enslavement.

1992 – In August 1992, the military officers confronted President Bush and demanded he sign agreement that he would return the United States to constitutional law and ordered him to never use the term New World Order again. Bush pretended to cooperate but secretly planned to bring about the New World Order anyway by signing an Executive Order on December 25, 1992, that would have indefinitely closed all banks giving Bush an excuse to declare martial law.

Under the chaos of martial law, Bush intended to install a new constitution which would have kept everyone currently in office in their same position for 25 years and it would have removed all rights to elect new officials. The military intervened and stopped Bush from signing that Executive order.

1993 – In 1993 members of the Supreme Court, certain members of congress and representatives from the Clinton government meet with high ranking US military officers who were demanding a return to constitutional law, reforms of the banking system, and financial redress. They agreed to create the farm claims process which would allow the legal team to set up meetings all over the country on a grass roots level to help others file claims and to educate them about the lawsuit.

A claim of harm could be made on any loan issued by a financial institution for all interest paid; foreclosures; attorney and court fees; IRS taxes or liens; real estate and property taxes; mental and emotional stress caused by the loss of property; stress related illness such as suicide and divorce; and even warrants, incarceration, and probation could also be claimed.

1994 – But the Clinton government undermined their efforts by requiring the farm claims to use a specific form designed by the government. This form imposed an administrative fee of $300 for each claim, which was later used in 1994 as a basis to arrest the leaders of the legal team including Roy Schwasinger.

The government was so afraid of what they would say during their trial in Michigan that extra steps were taken to conceal the true nature of the case. County courthouse employees were not allowed to work between Monday and Thursday during the course of the trial. And outside the courthouse, FBI agents swarmed the perimeter preventing the media and visitors from learning what was going on as well.

Harassment and retaliation by the government increased, many were sent prison or murdered while incarcerated. Despite being protected by his military personnel the army general who acquired the original 1933 Title of Bankruptcy of the United States; was imprisoned, killed, and replaced with a clone. This clone was then used as a decoy to prevent any further claims from being filed. (I am not qualified to speak on the fact of human clones; however, that they exist is a fairly widely accepted fact among those who study behind the scenes activities.

Do not allow the thought of clones running the government cause you to refuse to consider the veracity of this history. As truth emerges, we will be shocked at much we hear.

During the first Clinton administration the military delayed many of Clinton’s federal appointments until they were sure these individuals would help restore constitutional law. One such individual who promised to bring about the necessary changes was Attorney General Janet Reno.

1993 – In agreement with the Supreme Court ruling on June 3, 1993, Janet Reno ordered the Delta Force and Navy Seals to Switzerland, England, and Israel to recapture trillions of dollars of gold stolen by the Federal Reserve System from the strategic gold reserves. These nations cooperated with the raid because they were promised their debts owed to the United States would be canceled and because the people who stole the money from the United States also stole money from their nations as well.

This bullion is to be used for the new currency backed by precious metals. It is now safely stockpiled at the Norad Complex at Colorado Springs, Colorado and four other repositories. Janet Reno’s action so enraged the powers-that-be, that it resulted in her death. She was then replaced with a clone and it was this creature that was responsible for covering-up the various Clinton scandals.

To keep the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Robert Rubin in line, he too was also cloned. For the remainder of their term in office both Reno and Rubin received their salaries from the International Monetary Fund as foreign agents and not from the U.S. Treasury. Despite these actions the legal team continued on with their fight while managing to avoid bloodshed and a major revolution.

After 1993 the farmer claims process name was changed to Bank Claims. Between 1993 and 1996, the U.S. Supreme Court required U.S. citizens to file “Bank Claims” to collect damages paid by the U.S. Treasury Department. This process CLOSED in 1996.

During this time, the U.S. Supreme Court assigned one or more Justices to monitor the progress of the rulings. They enlisted help of experts in economics, monetary systems, banking, constitutional government and law, and many other related areas. These justices built coalitions of support and assistance with thousands of people worldwide; known as “White Knights.” The term ‘White Knights’ was borrowed from the world of big business. It refers to a vulnerable company that is rescued from a hostile takeover by a corporation or a wealthy person—a White Knight.

To implement the required changes, the five Justices spent years negotiating how the reformations would occur. Eventually they settled on certain agreements, also known as Accords, with the U.S. government, the Federal Reserve Bank owners, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and with numerous other countries including the United Kingdom and countries of the Euro Zone. Because these U.S. banking reformations will impact the entire world; the IMF, World Bank, and other countries had to be involved. The reformations require that the Federal Reserve be absorbed by the U.S. Treasury Department and the banks’ fraudulent activities must be stopped and payment must be made for past harm.

1998 – The military generals who originally participated in the famer’s claim process realized that the US Supreme Court justices had no intentions of implementing the Accords. So, they decided the only way to implement the reformations was through a law passed by congress.

1999 – A 75 page document known as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA) was submitted to congress where it sat with little action for almost a year.

2000 – Late one evening on March 9, 2000, a written quorum call was hand-delivered by Delta Force and Navy SEALs to 15 members of the US Senate and the US House who were sponsors and co-sponsors of NESARA. They were immediately escorted by the Delta Force and Navy SEALs to their respective voting chambers where they passed the National Economic Security and Reformation Act.

These 15 members of congress were the only people lawfully allowed to hold office in accordance with the original 13th amendment. Remember British soldiers destroyed copies of the Titles of Nobility Amendment (TONA) in the war of 1812 because it prevented anyone who had ties to the crown of England from holding public office.

NESARA is the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only this country but our planet in its entire history. The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the shadow government, and much more.

NESARA implements the following changes:

1. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt.

2. Abolishes the income tax.

3. Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.

4. Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as old homes.

5. Increases benefits to senior citizens.

6. Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.

7. Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment.

8. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to constitutional law

9. Monitor’s elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.

10. Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.

11. Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.

12. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law.

13. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.

14. Restores financial privacy.

15. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.

16. Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.

17. Establishes peace throughout the world.

18. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.

19. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.

October 10, 2000 – Because President Clinton’s clone had no interest in signing NESARA into law on October 10, 2000; under orders from U.S. military generals, the elite Naval Seals and Delta Force stormed the White House and under gunpoint forced Bill Clinton to sign NESARA. During this time Secret Service and White House security personnel were ordered to stand down, disarmed, and allowed to witness this event under a gag order.

From its very inception Bush Sr., the corporate government, major bank houses, and the Carlyle group have opposed NESARA. To maintain secrecy, the case details and the docket number were sealed and revised within the official congressional registry, to reflect a commemorative coin and then again it was revised even more recently. This is why there are no public Congressional Records and why a search for this law will not yield the correct details until after the reformations are made public.

Members of congress will not reveal NESARA because they have been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to deny its existence or face charges of treason punishable by death.

Some members of Congress have actually been charged with obstruction. When Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone was about to break the gag order, his small passenger plane crashed killing his wife, daughter, and himself.

If fear is not enough to keep Washington in line, money is. Routine bribes are offered to governmental/military officials by the power elite/secret government.

Not surprisingly, much disinformation about NESARA can be found on the internet. Wikipedia’s article is total disinformation. Dr. Harvey Francis Barnard’s NESARA bill—National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act was rejected by congress in the 1990s. Dr. Barnard was a systems philosopher and had tried for years to interest Congress in his monetary reform suggestions.

You may also read articles by Darrell Anderson at this site. Both men were interested in monetary reform.

September 11, 2001 – The next step is to announce NESARA to the world, but it is not an easy task. Many powerful groups have tried to prevent the implementation of NESARA.

The NESARA law requires that at least once a year, an effort be made to announce the law to the public. Three then current US Supreme Court judges control the committee in charge of NESARA’s announcement.

These Judges have used their overall authority to secretly sabotage NESARA’s announcement.

In 2001 after much negotiation the Supreme Court justices ordered the 107th Congress to pass resolutions approving NESARA. This took place on September 9, 2001, eighteen months after NESARA became law. On September 10, 2001, George Bush Sr. moved into the White house to steer his son on how to block the announcement. The next day, on September 11, 2001, at 10 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Alan Greenspan was scheduled to announce the new US Treasury Bank system, debt forgiveness for all U.S. citizens, and abolishment of the IRS as the first part of the public announcements of NESARA.

Just before the announcement at 9 am, Bush Sr. ordered the demolition of the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers to stop the international banking computers on Floors 1and 2 in the North Tower from initiating the new U.S. Treasury Bank system. Explosives in the World Trade Center were planted by operatives and detonated remotely in Building 7, which was demolished later that day in order to cover-up their crime.

Remote pilot technology was used in a flyover event to deliver a payload of explosives into the Pentagon at the exact location of the White Knights in their new Naval Command Center who were coordinating activities supporting NESARA’s implementation nationwide. With the announcement of NESARA stopped dead in its tracks, George Bush Sr. decapitated any hopes of returning the government back to the people.

For the past 10 years, life in the USA, and numerous other countries, has been dictated by the staged terrorist’ attack and its repercussions. Seldom does a day go by that we do not hear mention of 9/11.

2005 – Dr. Harvey F. Barnard died on May 18, 2005.

2009 – Roy E. Schwasinger, Jr. died on 8/23/2009 at the age of 75.

2011 – The Debt Ceiling debacle kindled renewed interest in NESARA. As we watch the world economy collapse, we can know that the NESARA LAW remains in the background, ready to be announced.

Nancy B (docx)Download

Riccardo Bosi Nothing But the Truth; Big Pharma Wants to Put an End to Vitamins and Supplements

Former Australian Army Special Forces Lt. Col. Riccardo Bosi and Leader of the Australia One Party discusses the plan to defeat the totalitarian globalism which is now threatening all nations of the world.  He details his plan of action with Australia One and gives advice for people around the world on what they can do.

Wake Up World, This Could Be You

Big Pharma Wants to Put an End to Vitamins and Supplements

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola


  • One of the latest attempts to thwart your ability to access nutritional supplements comes in the form of draft legislation that would require premarket approval for dietary supplements. In short, it would require supplements — which are food — to undergo the same approval process as drugs
  • In the past, the drug industry and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has tried to ban certain supplements, including vitamin B6 and N-acetylcysteine (NAC), by reclassifying them as new drugs
  • Another strategy the drug industry has been using to gain a monopoly over the supplement industry is to buy up supplement brands. Just 14 mega corporations — many of them drug companies — now own more than 100 of the most popular supplement brands on the market
  • This monopoly over the supplement industry gives drug companies enormous regulatory influence, and that’s a way by which they could eliminate independent supplement makers who can’t afford to put their products through the drug approval process. Indeed, it seems that’s what the Durbin-Braun premarket approval proposal is trying to accomplish
  • Take action to protect widespread access to dietary supplements. Contact your Senators and urge them to oppose the Dietary Supplement Listing Act of 2022, and its inclusion in the FDA Safety Landmark Advancements Act

In the video below Alexis Baden-Mayer, political director for the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), interviews Gretchen DuBeau, the executive and legal director for the Alliance for Natural Health, who in addition to being a lawyer also has a master’s degree in applied healing arts, talk about Big Pharma’s efforts to eliminate one of its greatest competitors, namely nutritional supplements.

One of the latest attempts to thwart your ability to access nutritional supplements comes in the form of draft legislation that would require premarket approval for dietary supplements. In short, it would require supplements to undergo the same approval process as drugs.

The Durbin-Braun Premarket Approval Proposal

A discussion draft of the legislation was released by the United States Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee (HELP) in mid-May 2022. As reported by Vitamin Retailer:1

“On May 17 [2022], the United States Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee (HELP) released a discussion draft of its legislation to reauthorize FDA user fees for drugs, biologics and medical devices package, which includes the controversial and divisive Durbin-Braun premarket approval concept and more that would be damaging to the industry, according to the Natural Products Association (NPA).2

‘The NPA is significantly concerned with Chair Murray and Republican Leader Burr who failed to reject the radical and dangerous legislation from Senators Durbin and Braun that would require premarket approval for dietary supplements and weaken key privacy protections of the Bioterrorism Act, which protects the dietary supplement supply chain,’ said Daniel Fabricant, Ph.D. president and CEO of the NPA.

‘Last time I checked, dietary supplements are not drugs, biologics or medical devices, so why Congress or anyone supporting nongermane legislation that will only add costs to consumers who are doing all they can to stay healthy is extremely troubling.

Groups who [sic] have supported this legislation, have stated there are protections for technical disagreements with the FDA like those with hemp, CBD, NAC, and several other products. However, if this legislation were to pass, it is abundantly clear these products would be eliminated from the market.'”

For years, the drug industry, with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s support, has tried to get nutritional supplements off the market. One of the most often used tactics has been to try to reclassify them as drugs.

Usually, they would target specific nutrients that stood in their way of profits, but legislation such as the Durbin-Braun premarket proposal would allow the drug industry to monopolize the market in one fell swoop.

Big Pharma Tried to Ban Vitamin B6

The fight over vitamin B6 (pyroxidine) is one example of how Big Pharma tried to eliminate a natural substance that stood in the way of a drug patent. In 2007, Medicure Pharma submitted a citizen’s petition to the FDA in which it argued that any dietary supplement containing pyridoxal 5′-phosphate — vitamin B6 — were “adulterated” under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, article 402(f).3

In essence, Medicure wanted all vitamin B6 products banned, because they undermined the company’s incentive to continue development of it’s drug version of B6.

Medicure had gotten wise to vitamin B6’s effectiveness against ischemia (inadequate blood flow), and decided to make a drug out of it by simply renaming the vitamin “MC-1.” They entered it into the drug bank and then argued that B6 supplements contained “their” MC-1. The drug bank even admits the renamed vitamin B6, i.e., MC-1, is:4

“… a biologically active natural product which can be regarded as a chemical entity that has been evolutionarily selected and validated for binding to particular protein domains.”

The main reason why drug companies engage in this kind of sleight of hand is because once a substance is classified as a drug, you can jack up the price by 1,000% over the supplement’s typical retail.5

FDA Cracking Down on NAC

Perhaps the most recent example of the FDA trying to shut down easy access to nutritional supplements was its 2020 attack on N-acetylcysteine (NAC). NAC has been a widely-used dietary supplement for six decades, yet the FDA suddenly decided to crack down on it in late July 2020 — right after it was discovered how useful it was for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.6

According to the FDA, NAC was excluded from the definition of a dietary supplement because it had been approved as a new drug in 1963.7 But if that was the case, why did they wait until 2020 to take action?

As reported by NPI at the time,8 there were more than 1,170 NAC-containing products in the National Institutes of Health’s Dietary Supplement Label Database when the FDA started sending out warning letters9 to companies that marketed NAC as a remedy for hangovers.

Members of the Council for Responsible Nutrition also worried the FDA might start to target NAC more widely. So far, that hasn’t happened, but Amazon immediately stopped selling all NAC products after those warning letters went out, whether the sellers marketed it as a hangover remedy or not.

Also, the selection of “hangover” for those warning letters seemed arbitrary at best. The fact is that several scientists had called attention to NAC’s benefits against COVID, and shortly afterward, the FDA came up with this ridiculous excuse to limit the availability of it. It just smacked of conflict of interest.

Another Way Big Pharma Is Seeking to Take Over

Another strategy the drug industry has been using to gain a monopoly over the supplement industry is by simply buying up supplement brands. Nestlé Health Science, for example, has acquired Garden of Life, Vital Proteins, Nuun, Pure Encapsulations, Wobenzym, Douglas Laboratories, Persona Nutrition, Genestra, Orthica, Minami, AOV, Klean Athlete and Bountiful.10

Bountiful, in turn, owns brands like Solgar, Osteo Bi-Flex, Puritan’s Pride, Ester-C and Sundown, all of which are now under Nestlé’s control. The Bountiful brands alone generated net sales of $1.87 billion in the 12 months ending March 31, 2021, so the $5.75 billion agreement to acquire a majority stake, signed in August 2021, didn’t necessarily burn a big hole in Nestlé’s pocket. According to J.P. Morgan analyst Celine Pannuti, quoted by Natural Products Insider:11

“Through the acquisition of The Bountiful Co., Nestlé can build a ‘leading position’ in the ‘fragmented category’ for vitamins, minerals and supplements, which ‘has delivered the highest and most consistent growth in consumer health care over the past 10 years.'”

The ‘Free Market Competition’ Lie

In all, a mere 14 mega corporations — many of them drug companies — now own more than 100 of the most popular supplement brands on the market. The graphic below is from Neal Smoller, PharmD, the holistic pharmacist’s website.12

It doesn’t show the ownership of all available brands, but it gives you an idea of just how small the ownership circle has become. As noted by Smoller, many competing brands are even owned by the same corporation, rendering the notion of free market competition null and void.

14 mega corporations

Importantly, owning the lion’s share of supplement companies puts the drug industry in a unique position to get rid of them whenever they so desire. They could intentionally make the company tank simply by cutting advertising, for example. Cutting quality could have a similar effect, while simultaneously cheating customers who rely on dietary supplements for optimal nutrition and health.

Most important of all, however, this monopoly over the supplement industry gives drug companies enormous regulatory influence, and that’s a way by which they could eliminate independent supplement makers who can’t compete financially. Indeed, that seems to be what the Durbin-Braun proposal is all about.

Supplements Have Phenomenal Safety Profiles

This new proposed legislation would technically ban most supplements, as few supplement makers have the financial resources required to meet drug approval requirements. The only ones with pockets deep enough to do that would be the mega-corporations.

Putting vitamins and nutrients through the drug evaluation and approval process would automatically eliminate many supplements from the market and result in higher retail prices for whatever remains. It would also allow drug companies to rename basic nutrients, label them drugs, and jack up the price even further.

We cannot let this happen. Dietary supplements are FOOD, plain and simple. They should not be treated as drugs, which must undergo rigorous testing to evaluate effects and safety. Supplements have a long history of near-spotless safety and don’t need drug-style testing.

Supplements Are the Safest Foodstuffs Available

Deaths associated with use of dietary supplements are extremely rare compared to the death toll from prescription drugs, yet supplements are routinely singled out as being potentially dangerous,13,14 either due to lack of testing, lack of regulation or both. The thing is, supplements don’t need safety testing, as they are food, and they are, in fact, fully regulated.

In 2015, CBC News published a Marketplace report15 in which they claimed a number of supplement makers had ripped off customers by failing to live up to the claims on their labels. Two months later, they had to retract the report,16 when it was proven their tests were inaccurate. That’s just one example of how the pharma-owned media tries to give supplements a bad rap.

Meanwhile, in the real world, not a single death has ever been reported as a direct result of taking a supplement. On the contrary, data provided in a 2012 report by the UK-based Alliance for Natural Health International (ANHI), showed nutritional supplements are the safest foodstuffs available.

Your risk of dying from an herbal product or dietary supplement is less than 1 in 10 million, comparable to your risk of being killed by lighting. ANHI also calculated that adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs are 62,000 times more likely to kill you than nutritional supplements.17

So, the one thing that can be conclusively said about supplements is that they may be the safest category of any consumable product. On the whole, junk food and drugs are FAR more likely to harm or kill you.

What’s more, lack of human trials does not mean supplements are unregulated. They’re regulated by both the FDA18 and the Federal Trade Commission19 (FTC). The FDA regulates the finished product and individual ingredients, while the FTC regulates the advertising of supplements. So, while not regulated as drugs, but rather as a food, they are fully regulated.

Take Action NOW to Protect Your Supplements From Disappearing

As noted by NPA president and CEO, Daniel Fabricant:20

“The war is far from over. We need America’s health and wellness advocates to continue writing their members of Congress through the NPA Action Center. Grassroots involvement over the coming weeks is absolutely critical to defeating this radical and dangerous proposal.”

I join Fabricant in urging you to contact your senators and urge them to oppose the Dietary Supplement Listing Act of 2022, and its inclusion in the FDA Safety Landmark Advancements Act. A list of contact numbers can be found here. On that same page, the NPA also has a sample script with key talking points.

If you take supplements and you want to continue the freedom to take them in the future, it is VITAL that if you live in the U.S. that you let you representatives know. Not only would I email them in the link below (be sure to customize it and change it) but I would also call your representatives! It worked previously and will work now, but you need to be involved.

Alternatively, you can take action by sending an email. The Alliance for Natural Health makes it easy on SaveSupplements.com. Phone calls are more effective, but if for some reason you don’t want to call, Alliance for Natural Health has created a prewritten email that will be automatically sent to the U.S. president, senators and representatives.




May be an image of text that says 'THINKBIG BIG The day you plant the seed is not the day eat the fruit you Be patient Be hopeful'


The Law of One Search Results for ‘famine’

1 result found.

Search type: any match / exact term.

65.8 Questioner: Are you saying then that this possible condition of war would be much more greatly spread across the surface of the globe than anything we have experienced in the past and therefore touch a larger percentage of the population in this form of catalyst?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. There are those now experimenting with one of the major weapons of this scenario, that is the so-called psychotronic group of devices which are being experimentally used to cause such alterations in wind and weather as will result in eventual famine. If this program is not countered and proves experimentally satisfactory, the methods in this scenario would be made public. There would then be what those whom you call Russians hope to be a bloodless invasion of their personnel in this and every land deemed valuable. However, the peoples of your culture have little propensity for bloodless surrender.

The Supreme Law of the Land; Nesara/Gesara

We the people are at a crossroads of our spiritual journey. We have been subjected to fear tactics orchestrated by the people who consider themselves as the “elites”. They have trained and groomed  many elected government officials, not only in the USA, but throughout the world.  The world has been and  is experiencing corrupt and stolen elections, especially in the United States for a long time.  It is not just democrats but republicans as well. The elites  mode of operation is to divide us through our politic, religion, race, and gender just to name a few. They know when we unite, they lose the greatest spiritual battle the world has even known.

In this battle,  we need to educated ourselves of our rights in relation to the United States Constitution. This short video provides insight.

  Article VI

1: All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

2: This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

3: The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

Dylan Monroe Discusses Latest Updates with Nicholas Veniamin

The Crucial Difference Between the Fall of Sri Lanka and the Dutch Uprising

Consider, if you will, the tendency of those who are divinely happy, as you call this distortion, to have little urge to alter or better their condition. Such is the result of the mind/body/spirit which is not complex [that is, those entities existing prior to the experiment of the veil]. There is the possibility of love of other-selves and service to other-selves, but there is the overwhelming awareness of the Creator in the self. The connection with the Creator is that of the umbilical cord. The security is total. Therefore, no love is terribly important; no pain terribly frightening; no effort, therefore, is made to serve for love or to benefit from fear. – Law of One 82.22

Riccardo Bosi; Fall of the Cabal Documentary Series and More

Riccardo Bosi – The Governor General & Australia’s Urgent Need for New Government ~ 19 Apr 2022 https://zeeemedia.com/interview/riccardo-bosi-the-governor-general-australias-urgent-need-for-new-government/

THE FALL OF THE CABAL – Exposing The Worldwide Network Of Evil

Daily NESARA GESARA updates:

NESARA VS the Great Reset; Fifteen “Fully Jabbed” Tennis Players Unable To Finish Miami Open; Dangers of EMF Radiation and more

NESARA VS the Great Reset

The political system as we know it will change by the people for the people that will be known as  the National / Global Economic Security & Reformation Act (NESARA).

It will help the people by zeroing out all credit card, mortgage, and other   bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. Income tax will be abolished along with the IRS. IRS employees will be transferred into the Image result for Ne Sara CurrencyUS Treasury national sales tax. A flat rate non-essential tax of 14% to 17% will be created for revenue for the government. Constitutional Law will return to all courts and legal matters and retrains all judges and attorneys on constitutional law. We are witnessing the implementation of Constitutional Law through the Presidential Election process investigations state by state.  More Gesara news articles here. https://gesara.news/live.html

Buried Bombshell: Tennis World Rocked As Fifteen “Fully Vaxxinated” Players Unable To Finish Miami Open


Tennis fans are upset and the sporting world is reeling after an unprecedented number of players either withdrew or retired from the Miami Open this week. A total of 15 players were unable to finish, including the male and female favorites to win.

The tennis world reacted with shock after favorites Paula Badosa and Jannik Sinner had to retire during the quarterfinals of the Miami Open. Badosa, soon to be the number three in the world, became unwell during her match against Jessica Pegula and left the court in tears.

Badosa, who was comforted by her American opponent, decided to stop after consultation with her physiotherapist. Pegula reached the semifinals of the Miami tennis tournament for the first time in her career after Badosa’s resignation, reported Yahoo Sports.

In the men’s tournament, the Italian phenomenon Jannik Sinner was forced to withdraw. He gave up after 22 minutes in the game against Francisco Cerundolo, the number 103 in the world ranking. “When I served at 3-1 and 30-0, I saw him bend over. It was very strange,” Cerundolo said during an interview. “I hope he’s okay, he’s a great player.”

The 23-year-old Argentinian surprisingly reached the semifinals with his first participation in the master tournament in Miami.

It was the second game in a row that ended prematurely for the tennis fans. Fans reacted with shock to the bizarre tennis day. “What is going on?” someone asked.

Nobody is pointing to the obvious. All of the players must be “fully vaccinated” in order to compete. Just as we’ve noted for several months, most major sports have been hit with “inexplicable” medical conditions popping up in young and otherwise healthy athletes, including our report that three cyclists fell in March alone.

Folks, this is the jab. There is no other viable possibility, especially when we consider how even the CDC and other agencies have acknowledge the Covid “vaccines” cause increases in heart problems for young people, including myocarditis, pericarditis, and heart attacks.

There has never been as much gaslighting and propaganda geared towards covering up the truth than with these injections. Leaders across the country and around the world have so much wrapped into the vaccines, one has to wonder who’s pulling the strings. Some of it is personal; any politician who comes out with the truth about the jabs will be pushed out of office faster than Will Smith’s exit from Hollywood’s elite club. The same is true for journalists. Corporate media is just as invested and possibly even more complicit in spreading the lies.

But it may be worse than that. Like so many things we’ve witnessed over the last three years, there appears to be a coordinated effort to suppress the truth. Pandemic Panic Theater is still in action despite the odd February push by Democrats to lift most face mask and vaccine mandates. There are already talks of 5th and 6th jabs even as the 4th jab gets rolled out in the United States.

Is this all part of The Great Reset agenda? Is it all about control? Depopulation? The answer to all three questions is very likely, “Yes.”

These injections are dangerous. Athletes across the globe are falling. Average people are experiencing horrible adverse reactions. Tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of people are dying from them. It could even be millions; the data is so obscured. All the while, politicians and corporate media are pretending it all away is if there’s nothing to see here.


*Note We Deliberately Miss Spell Some Words or Add Capital Letters To Get Around Big Tech Censoring.

BardsFM, By and For the People – 20210119

BardsFM, By and For the People – 20210119

A must watch to understand what is happening around the world


Farewell Address of President Donald J Trump

Farewell address of President Donald J Trump 

The pandemic was  part of the continued battle between good and evil. It is and will be one of the many catalyst for change within ourselves and the world. This battle has been going on since the beginning of time but we have been asleep. We are playing the game like it or not. There is no escape, nowhere to hide. Now it is time to wake up.

The masses have been transferring wealth for years though taxes, interest payments for loans, big pharma, and energy. Our entire way of life has added to the wealth and power transfer to the few. There are many areas the truth is hidden from the public for diverse reasons, but many unsettling truths has been right in front of us, traced back to wealth and power. On our planet exists a small elite of extremely wealthy people, referred to elites or globalist who control almost everything in the world from behind the scenes. They control our governments, infiltrated our universities and schools. We were not aware because we programmed by these globalist from the very first day of our lives. They used our  educational systems and through corporate media feeding us propaganda and the narrative that suited their interest.

For those who are starting to wake up, they can feel there is change in the air. We have been exposed to things in 2020 that we never thought we would see in our lifetime, not only affecting the United States,  but the world. The pandemic was a plandemic,  the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. The politic phrase “Never let a good crisis go to waste” certainly applied.

But things are getting ready to change. President Trump is leaving Washington DC tomorrow and  the peaceful transition of power  went to FEMA and  the Military.  In the coming days, weeks and months, the military  will exposed the corruption to the world.  Drain the swamp and now it is time.

A transition to the  The National / Global Economic Security & Reformation Act (NESARA / GESARA) will begin.  It will help the people by zeroing out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. Income tax will be abolished along with the IRS. IRS employees will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax. A flat rate non-essential tax of 14% to 17% will be created for revenue for the government. Constitutional Law will return to all courts and legal matters and retrains all judges and attorneys on constitutional law. We are witnessing the implementation of Constitutional Law through the Presidential Election process.

Once announced, new elections will be established within 120 days while the interim government will cancel all national emergencies and return us back to constitutional law. Elections will be monitored and will prevent illegal election activities of special interest groups. The Federal Reserve System will be eliminated. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.

There will be release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.

All aggressive action by the U.S. government military worldwide will cease and peace will be established throughout the world. There will be releases of enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes. Finally, COVID19 will be exposed.

The President said ” Now as I prepare to hand power over the to new administration at noon on Wednesday I want to you to know that the movement we started is only just beginning. There never been anything like it.  The belief that a nation must serve it citizens will not dwindle but instead only grow stronger by the day. “

Have faith, be grateful to God and enjoy the greatest transition of power the world has ever seen.



2021 has  begun revealing the corruption, greed and satanic groups will be exposed at the highest levels. It has been reported the Pope has been arrested for child trafficking and how our political system is changing. The political system as we know it will change by the people for the people that will be known as  the National / Global Economic Security & Reformation Act (NESARA).

It will help the people by zeroing out all credit card, mortgage, and other   bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. Income tax will be abolished along with the IRS. IRS employees will be transferred into the Image result for Ne Sara CurrencyUS Treasury national sales tax. A flat rate non-essential tax of 14% to 17% will be created for revenue for the government. Constitutional Law will return to all courts and legal matters and retrains all judges and attorneys on constitutional law. We are witnessing the implementation of Constitutional Law through the Presidential Election process.

After NESARA announcement, new Presidential and Congressional elections will be established within 120 days while the interim government will cancel all national emergencies and return us back to constitutional law. Elections will be monitored and will prevent illegal election activities of special interest groups. The Federal Reserve System will be eliminated. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.See the source image

There will be release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.

All aggressive action by the U.S. government military worldwide will cease and peace will be established throughout the world. There will be releases of enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes. Finally, COVID19 will be exposed and will end.  But first, the job of draining the swamp has to be completed.

Draining  the swamp is being finalized as thousands of Military Troops have been deployed in and around Washington DC as well throughout the United States. US Naval Fleets are deployed in the Atlantic and Pacific to guard against any further foreign interference.

During the break in at the Capital on 6 January  by Antifi, or whoever you want to believe, special forces went in and took Nancy Pelosi and other  laptops exposing their treasonous acts again the American People.  Many  Democrats and Republicans have sold out America to foreign powers. There was massive election fraud. The evidence is overwhelming.  Biden as well as many others received money from China and other countries,  democrats and republicans. The corruption runs deep, from city mayors, elected state and federal Officials, governors,judges and yes, even supreme court Justices,  both conservative and liberal. Chief Justice John Roberts is one.

COVID19 was used to put fear into the American people so they would not vote in person. They used  the fraudulent mail in ballots  Nancy Pelosi incorporated in the first stimulus package. Mainstream media kept the American people in fear with their hype of the deadly coronavirus. Cities mayors and Governors continued the  charade with their lockdowns, mandatory mask, and social distancing.  Masks represent suppression to a Communist regime and can even be considered  a satanic ritual to the globalist.   Most people complied and when they started to question, corrupt mainstream media, facebook, twitter and google applied even more lies, instilling fear of the deadly coronavirus to the masses. When they did not get the death toll they were looking for, the elderly were put into nursing homes to raise the death toll, especially in New York and other democratic ran cities.   The media outlets doubled down on President Trump, calling him a racist bigot and he was not handling the crisis properly.   In the minds of many they believed it and many still do. Those people have lost the ability to think for themselves and have allowed others to think for them.

This is called Operation Mockingbird, a CIA program to See the source imagecontrol the masses. It has been implement in our country for years. Under the Obama administration it was raised to a new level.  Globalist used corrupt deep state and CIA Operatives to keep us divided using MSM, facebook,  twitter and google providing false narratives. The attacks on President Trump happened as soon as he took office. MSM has been covering up, lying  and attacking Trump for four years and for one reason; The Globalist wanted  to keep us enslaved. They want to stop him from See the source imageexposing what they have been doing to America and the world. Against all odds Trump still accomplished more than any president including the soon to be revealed NESARA/GESARA.

Image what they can do to us if they can censor the most powerful man in the world. The corrupt media, which goes around the world has divided humanity.

There will be a peaceful transition on January 20th. The transition will be from the corrupt politicians to we the people. Perhaps we should sit back, reflect and watch what unfolds in the coming days,weeks and months. We will be shown how evil has dominated our world, how they used our children  through child and human trafficking and their satanic rituals.  Pedophila runs deeps.  If you have not already realized it, our world was and is not as it seems. We cannot separate and the physical and metaphysical worlds because we are spiritual beings having a human experience. We are here to learn the ways of love and wisdom.

We are in a Spiritual battle and the battle is within ourselves. It is time to check our  moral compass.  A very wise man once said, love your neighbor as you love yourself.  It is time  to  consider why all this is happening  and realize it is time to bring God back into our lives, not just once day a week,  but everyday, every moment.





It’s time to take down the corrupt diseased system: X22 Report

Message Received, Blackout, Hello GEORGE, Time To Show The World The Truth -Ep. 2374

Ep 2374b – Message Received, Blackout, Hello GEORGE, Time To Show The World The Truth (x22report.com)

Ep. 2374a – Trump & The Patriots Are Bringing Down The [CB] Economic System (rumble.com)

Message Received, Hello GEORGE, Show The World The Truth
Click On Picture To See Larger Picture

The push is on from the [CB], they are preparing the world for the great reset, this is why the MSM has been reporting about food shortages, small homes, new currency etc. Now they are preparing the country to eat insects and weeds. Trump and the patriots are ready to take down the entire system. The [DS]/MSM are now panicking, they are rushing to impeach Trump and get him out of office because they know what is about to happen. They will start the impeachment process and Trump will then start to reveal the crimes they have committed, Treason. Trump sent a message, it’s happening, it is time to show the world the truth. It’s time to take down the corrupt diseased system.