Love, Sex and Spirituality

Love, sex and spirituality have much in common but first  “What is love?”  A question mankind has pondered and contemplated since the beginning.  And the question of  “What is sex?” is no less problematic and both are questions  we generally have answers, but is it the complete answer?  

Love is the greatest emotion. It is said Love conquers all and some believe it is better to have lost in love than to never have loved at all.   Love has different levels of emotions for each person. From loving our pet, parents, kids, friends and partners, we all experience  love differently.  Some love others freely while others try to hide their emotions.   

Love is infinitely created and available from the source of all life.   Love flows from the Spirit of God, some may refer to as the Holy Spirit. Others refer to as Universal Energy, intelligence beyond our understanding.  It is the purest form of energy encompassing all.    We all have the ability and desire to connect to the purest and highest form of love.  According to the Law of One,  our purpose  in life is to learn the many ways of love,  including love for those not close to us. Jesus’ message was love thy neighbor as yourself and love your enemies. Another interesting message from the Law of One is love and light are the same, and Jesus tells us we are from the light, in the Gospel of Thomas.   

What about sexual love. Some believe it a subject that should not be discussed. Others may consider it sinful and forbidden. A core function of religion is to regulate and control sexuality and the control of sexuality is not only a moral imperative, but a way to maintain control of followers.  Why are so many spiritual movements obsessed with eradicating the sexual aspect of our lives?    One reason may be the body and the intellect are connected and, in cases of sexuality, the body may completely overcome the intellect and the spirit.  In love and friendship, two spirits seem to feel and communicate with each other by affection and  the union of their bodies.  The body and spirit are intertwined, and as physical connection with one may lead to connection with the other. Sexuality is such a part of human nature that despite academic assertions that gender is socially constructed, there seems to be something about sexuality that transcends culture. The point at which the sexual transcends the cultural is where the sexual becomes the spiritual. 

From the book by Dr.Vladimir Antonov , The Original Teachings of Jesus Christ, according to Gospel of  Mary Magdalene, when she was blamed for adultery and brought for judging to Jesus: “They caught me and wanted to stone me. I, sinful, loved one man who was married and had three children. Relatives of his wife brought me to the square and began to shout in a loud voice, ‘Let us kill the adulteress! She desecrated the law!’ “Then… Christ told them, ‘Let him, who is without a sin, throw the first stone!’ And (He)… made the crowd disperse. 

“Then He approached me and kneeled before me. “… I was burning with shame and fear. The sublime was taking place in me, in the soul. I fell on the ground and cried. He stroked my hair and said: ‘My dear sister, find strength to listen to Me! Much evil exists on this Earth, many lies have been said by the evil one! Forget that you are a sinner and tell Me whether your heart lives when you love?’

‘It does, Lord! When I do not love, it is dead!’ ‘Then love, heavenly sister, and do not sin anymore by thinking that you are a sinner.’” Jesus also told her the following: “What is sinful in this world is righteous in My Father’s Kingdom! The (True) Life is the life of love, not the life of hatred!  “Many of the ‘righteous’ hate and condemn. But I say to you, an adulteress who does not hate will be better in the Judgement Day than the ‘righteous’ who condemn!” (Questions of Mary, 13-15)

Sexual love could be the greatest gift two people can share.   It is interesting  that many scientists and psychologists believe that desire or lust  is a bodily urge,  much like hunger or the blood’s need for oxygen. For anyone who has  had those sleepless nights,  driven to the edge of despair by an This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 46505780_1980974068616481_480245586428166144_n-300x241.jpgunquenchable desire for another, is probably very believable for many.  According to clinical psychologist Dr. Rob Dobrenski  “in many ways we can’t control what we desire because it is a hard-wired emotional and physiological response.”  Perhaps this is a prelude, not only to learn and understand love, but to love passionately; to be able to fall in love;  and learn of the powerful emotion affects of love, for us and those around us.   

According to the Law of One , there is a sexual energy transfer when two lovers who are at the  same spiritual level, merging into oneness. The energy overwhelms the lovers, emerging them with the peace, calmness and love  that cannot be found anywhere else  on earth.    An euphoria that could only be describe and the oneness when we merge  with Infinite Intelligence. 

 The Law of One discusses the beneficial energy transfer who are at the same level, when their love is in green ray, or heart chakra.   In session  26.38 discusses the transfer and how the energy transfer will be blocked if either lover has fear of possession, of being possessed, or  desiring possession or desiring being possessed.  Emotional blockages  prevent further development.

Emotional blockages come in all forms of life situations. What we have been taught about sex,  sexual abuse, using sex to control or hurt others, sexual misconduct,  or any negative sexual experience.   

It is the process of learning about love through sexuality , it is  an art of giving yourself and your love fully  to your partner through sexual relationships. And only a combination of sincere and giving love on the side of both partners can lead to energy transfer. 

Our sexuality was conceived by Infinite Intelligence not only as a means of reproduction but also as a method to  develop  spiritually.  It may facilitate the cultivation of such aspects of love as tenderness, care, self-giving, merging of two consciousnesses into one, which prepares one to the merging with Infinite Intelligence.

 Tenzin Palmo Jetsunma interviewed about romanticism that makes us confuse genuine love with attachment – and how it causes suffering in relationships.  

We are on earth is to learn and understand Love and how to balance it with wisdom.  Consider a ethically correct spiritual sexual life directly contributes to developing the ability to love. God is Love and Love is energy. If we want to merge with Infinite Intelligence,   we should transform ourselves into Love as well by living in a  state of spiritual awareness with the highest priority Be loving to yourself and others; be compassionate about  people, animals and our  planet; know and understand the Oneness of all, and consciously attempt to honor this Oneness. Radiating  love and light is the start for us all.   

Buddha said, “For hatred will never put an end to hatred; love alone can. This it the unalterable law.”  


3 thoughts on “Love, Sex and Spirituality”

    1. Thank you for reading and your comment. Love is the most powerful emotion that could change our world.

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