What We Think, We Become; Walmart Tunnels; 120 Children Children Hospitalized; Starlink and Quantum Rollout

The unthinkable is happening right before our very eyes or at least from our preferred electronic device. News and information is like the yin-yang philosophy,  that the universe is composed of competing and complementary forces of dark and light, sun and moon, male and female.  News and knowledge shapes our perception and how we see the world. Programming has been going on on since our birth and now information is being censored, revealing the elite/ globalist who want to control us. Humanity is waking up and realizing that propaganda is filling the airwaves. Most are trying to figure out what do or  how to move forward.

To move forward  we should realize the world is not as it seems; the physical and metaphysical worlds are inseparable, yet many ignore the wonders of the metaphysical world because of their perception, their programming.  The metaphysical world, the spiritual world, is all around us and can bring balance into our lives.  “What we think we become” is more accurate  today than anytime in world history.  Consider the the world we live in;  we created it based our our thoughts, emotions and actions.  See the source image

The Bible tells us not to conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  For many,  the Veil is being lifted and are evolving spiritually.  From this experience, we begin  to seek to live in harmony with our Source,  the  power that creates the cosmos. From this relationship arises a profound feeling of happiness as well as spiritual, emotional and mental freedom.    Each person has to move forward in their own way and connect with our source starting with love,  thoughts, being grateful and appreciative for this experience. In time,  synchronicity’s will become part of your life, helping with your evolution as the old ways drop away and the new ways start a new beginning. Pay attention to your thoughts, emotions and actions. You are the only one that knows what works for you and realize there are many paths going the same destination.  The video with Nicholas Veniamin and Michelle Fielding provides insight on the spiritual aspect of what is happening in our world today.

Nicholas Veniamin and Michelle Fielding

Michelle Fielding Stunning New Prophecies!

This video about Walmart Tunnels  provides evidence the world is not as it  seems.  Perhaps they were Saving the Children From the D.U.M.B.’s

120 children hospitalized, province suspends Pfizer vaccine batch.