The Power of Thought

Have you ever considered how we have created this great illusion with our  thoughts, emotions and actions. We are energetic beings and have unknowingly 10653328_10152758960998781_1168788790174634000_ncreated our own reality as well as those around us. Worldwide, there are over 7 billion of us, thinking, talking, emotional, acting and reacting, all generating positive and negative energy. To complicate the issue, as humans, we have  approximately  50,000-70,000 thoughts a day, most with unruly minds.

When a person thinks, speaks or acts negatively, or by gestures, criticizing, judging or controlling, energy is not sent only to the person intended, but into the world. The personal energy  affects everyone around even though they may not be consciously aware.  We all have experienced that moment when someone walks 558146-Buddha-Quote-Mind-is-everything-What-we-think-we-becomeinto our space smiling or crying, and how this affects the emotional  vibrations. Sporting events are a prime example of how emotions affect the masses.  A study in the Journal of Clinical Psychology studied the effects of worrying on performing a task. Thinking negatively about your problems not only doesn’t help solve anything, it actually makes it harder for you to think of a helpful solution.

On the other hand,  thinking positively generates energetic positive emotionsaffecting images negativeall of those around us and even the world.  Traditional views suggest experiences of positive emotions signal well-being and  guide positive behavior in the moment.  Positive emotions, although fleeting, have more long-lasting consequences. Positive emotions transform people for the better, providing a spiritual path for the future.

Mainstream and social media creates news, provoking thought, creating emotions  resulting in actions and reactions, fueling our monkey mind.  Energy  prevails everywhere,  in beings and objects including mother earth, creating our reality. The effects are not seen immediately, but can be defined as a garden, slowing growing and taking hold in whatever soil we have prepared.

b78b2c17eaa60aded0242c5923d3b9feBuddha said our lives are products of our mind. What we are today is a result of what we thought yesterday. What we think today influences what happens to us tomorrow. Our entire lives are products of our mind. 

Lao Tzu said the world is transformed by those who love all people, just as you love yourself. 

Jesus said in the Gospel of the Egyptians, You receive no benefit from loving only those who love you. Great benefits comes from loving those who hate you.   

Perhaps it is time to recognize we are a product of our society which we created.  Since we created it,  we are the only ones that can change it. We can begin our journey by being kind and loving. With love in your heart, be aware of your thoughts  and be of service to others in your own way.  This is your journey, along with 7 billion others, and it starts with love. Whatever you have in your heart you will become.




9 thoughts on “The Power of Thought”

    1. Thank you for reading and sharing. As you have demonstrated in your wonderful blog, we can change our world, one blogger at a time. Thank you again my friend.

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