Suppressed Cancer Cures; Crimes Against Humanity; The Power Within

The suppressed cancer cures that have been denied by the medical cartels throughout history revealed.
Taking  the COVID Vaccine is a choice. Insurance company’s may deny payment in the event of death from the Vaccine.

Fauci and Gates are Criminals and should be  tried for crimes against humanity along with many others.

As we increase our understanding of our true nature,  we begin to realize there is a  Source,  a Universal Intelligence of pure divine energy, that connects us all. Science may call it a quantum or biofield, described as “a field of energy and information, both putative and subtle, that regulates the homodynamic function of living organisms and may play a substantial role in understanding and guiding health processes.” Science also tells us that the heart electromagnetic energy  field be detected and measured several feet from the body.

Dr Joe Dispenza, a researcher  who healed himself after breaking 6 vertebrae in his back after being told he would never walk again. Through meditation, visualizations main-qimg-870c72f211d98b257e0d813911b8f9daand his belief system, after nine and a half weeks after the accident, he got up and walked, without having any body cast or any surgeries.

The late  Dr. Valerie V. Hunt, scientist, author, lecturer and Professor Emeritus of Physiological Science at the University of California confirmed electromagnetic energy is the most plentiful constant energy of our universe. It is a part of all structures living and dead, including the atmosphere. We create hqdefault (4)electromagnetic energies in the atoms of our living cells, which we enhance by the reaction with the atmospheric energy field. We know this expanded energy field as the human aura. Without this biofield life would not exist and there would be only an inner biochemical mix. Dr. Hunt was involved in research that is uncovering the various dimensions involved in the bioenergetic transactions between humans and the environment as they relate to human behaviors, emotions, health, illness, and disease, as well as scientifically quantifying the human aura and the levels of consciousness it contains., all you have to do is realize the power within you.

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