Juan O’ Savin: All Hands on Deck; Time to Know Our Enemy


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In this moving video you will hear first hand the world we live in as Juan describes in his video interview.  It is the battle of good and evil, positive and negative forces and we are all part of it. There is no sitting on the side lines. It is time to open your mind and heart and realize the world is not and never was as it seems  and our physical and metaphyseal worlds are inseparable. We are in a world wide spiritual battle. Their weapon is fear and propaganda and they have the means to promote through their media outlets, paid bureaucrats and corporations. They are organized more than we will ever know. 

Sun Tzu said in the Art of War. “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

It is time to know our enemy.

Conversation with an ex Illuminati – Ronald Bernard & Sacha Stone

The end game

Ronald Bernard, Dutch Banker Who Exposed Illuminati, Found Dead

The illuminati is real and below is their official recruitment site. 

Illuminati Official Commercial 

ILLUMINATIAM – The First Testament Of The Illuminati

Their plan is to control the whole world and it started long ago.  There has been a secret campaign by the United States Central Intelligence Agency that began in the 1950’s that continues today called Operation Mockingbird. Operation Mockingbird was created by the CIA in 1953, by CIA Director Allen Dulles who oversaw the media networks, which had major influence over 25 newspapers and wire agencies. Your seeing it today with all the misinformation in the mainstream and social media. Those that want to control us are using the media to control the masses to cover up their horrendous crimes against humanity, including children.

The other battle that rages is the battle within each of us. What we think affects our emotions resulting in action.  It’s time to look within and listen to our higher self through meditation, prayer and contemplation.  The goal is to bring balance to our physical and metaphysical worlds and to prepare for what is coming.

There is some beautiful and inspiring poetry from Nasoraean Mandaean scriptures.  The role of the Heavenly Messenger is to communicate the mystic experience of Light to souls and eventually guide them back up to the Place of Light, the Mandaean term for the highest heaven where the Great Life (God) resides: “From the Place of Light I came forth, from you, Bright Habitation. I come to touch hearts, to measure and try all minds, to see in whose heart I dwell. Whoever thinks of me, of him I think; whoever calls my Name, his name I will call. Whosoever prays my prayer from the earth, his prayer I will offer from the Place of Light.”