The Plandemic Was A Crime Against Humanity, A Violation of the Nuremberg Code and much more

The trial ran from November 1945 to October 1946 and tried the core military and political leaders of Germany for crimes against humanity. The Nuremberg code rules were established during a conference in London and were put forth in the Charter of the International Military Tribunal of August 8, 1945. The charter defined four categories by which each defendant would be judged. These basically included conspiracy or planning to commit crimes against peace or humanity; committing crimes against peace; war crimes, which included the murder, abuse, or enslavement of civilian populations, prisoners, or the deliberate destruction of property, and ‘crimes against humanity’, which meant the extermination and murder of civilians based on their political, racial, or religious affiliation. Does that sound anything like the Plandemic?

The Cutter Incident explains how the polio vaccine was the cause of Polio

The Time Of Great Exposure Is Now

 We live in a world of misinformation and corruption at the highest levels; it has been that way for a long time, we just did not know how bad. They manipulated data about the PCR test   and control the masses with fear. People are being paid to keep the confusion and misinformation going while others are trying to share what they believe is true.  The world is not was never as it seems and the physical and spiritual worlds are inseparable. Our moral See the source image compass is being tested.

COVID was a plandemic designed to divide and conquer humanity, especially the USA. When COVID started in early 2020, the main-stream-media along with government bureaucrats, Facebook, google, twitter to name a few, started the campaign of fear. They censored opposing views and opinions, labeling them conspiracy theorist, and continued to blasted their narrative across their media outlets instilling fear in the world population. They used the PCR test to detect the virus, that did not work, and ended up as a class one recall by FDA.  The Video below is the opening statement by the People Court discussion the PCR test .

Then they started peddling their so called unapproved experimental vaccine which is violation of the Nuremberg code. When that did not work the Government attempted to mandate the jab. All of this for a virus with a survival rate of over 98 percent.

So how did we get here?  We have been enslaved by our own minds making it difficult to understand what is happening in our world today. Dr. Bruce Lipton explains we have been programmed since birth and it has continued through Operation Mockingbird, implemented by the CIA in the early 1960’s. Our education, media, political and religious systems all played an integral part of our belief system. People are walking up the to the crimes against humanity. Unity it the answer.

In the Video below a Canadian Army Major sends urgent message to Canadians. The world and especially the USA needs to take heed to what he is saying  because it is coming to a city near you. It is time to stand up for freedom.

The Time Of Great Exposure Is Now

Klaus Schwab Says He Controls RELIGIOUS Leaders, Media, Scientists, Experts, etc. | The Great Reset

2/10/2022 – Freedom Convoy attacks! We knew this would happen! Markets! God Wins!! TY Canada!.mp4

 We have been taught that we have to look for answers outside of ourselves, to trust those that are called experts. Perhaps instead of looking outside, we should look within and listen. The Universe does speak to us through dreams, serendipities, premonitions,  coincidences and natural,  just to name a few. We simply have to slow down, pay attention and believe there is something far greater than ourselves; a Divine Source available to all.

Our bodies holds innate wisdom that is always available. Your body is a marvel, an incredibly complex design that performs an amazing array of functions beyond anything we can fathom, as long as we take care of it. Our minds are responsible for taking everything that we perceive in the external world and creating our own unique interpretation of it. This is the mind’s attempt to establish coherence between our internal beliefs and our external reality. The heart is our moral compass as we all struggle with the psychological battle of the truth in both the physicals and metaphysical worlds.

“The Universe is always speaking to us… sending us little messages, causing coincidences and serendipities, reminding us to stop, look around, and believe in something else, something more.” ~ Nancy Thayer


Juan O Savin Provides Updates With Michael Jaco

Juan O Savin Provides Updates With Michael Jaco

As a country, one thing people forget in this modern era is that we’ve been in a national crisis numerous times; far more than people care to recall. We do remember 9/11 and some of us were around during President Kennedy’s assassination. Then there was Abraham Lincoln’s assassination 150 years ago. But there’s a common theme that’s been going on through all of those crises that I think we need to revisit today. And that is about
who is actually behind the scene orchestrating these events that we are continually put into. Is it always unique players in new situations, or is there an underlying theme and a common group of perpetrators with these crimes against America and the world? Is there an organization of people trying to keep us enslaved?

Now, if you go back to the origins of our country, there were people who came to this continent and set up colonies, growing the population until it was eventually large enough that local jurisdictions were needed to manage and maintain the organization of streets, taxes, tariffs, property ownership, et cetera. Then came the creation of a constitutional government from groups of states aligned and working together.

But immediately upon signing the Declaration of Independence, that federal system we established, called the United States of America, essentially needed to declare war against its motherland of England and the ruler, King George. We decided we were no longer going to be ruled from afar by foreign masters; we were not going to be their slaves here, helping to keep them prosperous there.

So, we declared our independence and had the Revolutionary War that went on for a very long time; much longer than most people realize. Through the course of many battles, people were forced to pick a side. The willingness to go against England and King George was not universal from the outset. On numerous occasions, strategies and tactics were compromised by infiltrators and turn coats on both sides. But over time people’s true nature and alliances were revealed; just as is playing out once again before us today. Even some of those closest to President Washington became traitors
against him (and our newly formed country), for the gains they would earn from their British partners.

And even after we won the Revolutionary War, when the Brits had retreated, we then needed to win a second war against England. The War of 1812 was foisted upon us by people trying to get control of America again through our money and banking systems. That was a very extensive battle and bad situation that we had to again fight our way out of. By most accounts, it was a banker’s war to gain control of our banking and monetary systems. They wanted to control our currency, even though the constitution would only
allow for our own government to create our money.

As we move forward in time, what happened during Abraham Lincoln’s presidency? Early on in his administration, and instigated by monarchy agents out of Europe, a rift was accentuated between the Northern and Southern U.S. With that, another variation of the same old bankers’ wars was created. In order to get money to fight that war, Lincoln needed loans from the European banks that held monarchy money; the bloodline families’ money. Those thirteen bloodline families were repursue funds to fight this war against the South.  The kid by the Side of the Road by Juan O Savin

Absolute proof of election fraud and foreign interference the video was  Absolute Proof ( 

or this link

2020 Presidential Election Lawsuits — the Facts

Storyline of the Cabal

Storyline of the Cabal.


Youtube video

Let’s be mature about pedophilia | Madeleine van der Bruggen | TEDxSittardGeleen

PEDOPHILIA & EMPIRE Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State

 182,771 sealed, 21,381 unsealed, and 409,152 non-sealed indictments for child pedophilia and trafficking offenses. This is only the beginning.

Jesus said: Recognize what is before you, and what is hidden from you will be revealed to you; for there is nothing hidden that will not be made manifest. Gospel of Thomas saying 5

Wake up and Question Covid19

We all should be questioning Covid19, the testing, the wearing of masks and all the other false narratives put out by the medically unqualified mainstream and social media and the bureaucrats. It is all about control, not about your health.

Is it science or mass psychosis? Can’t be both. On reviewing the actual science behind facemasks, we discover there is no evidence whatsoever that they protect against any infectious disease as well as social distancing. This  YouTube. by Dr Tim O’Shea  provides information that all needs to hear.

The world is beginning to realize that this is the biggest hoax in world history. In the beginning of 2020, the unthinkable happened: the entire human race was plunged into 106002582_2690974214484040_8410294932065842345_nthe abyss of total panic, because of a virus, COVID19. Media and governments declared that many millions would die a terrible death. This virus was said to be thirty times more deadly than seasonal flu and much more contagious.

We should understand that COVID-19 is a real disease that sickens some, proves fatal to others, mostly the elderly and does not affect the vast majority. Censored  Doctors say it is no worse than the flu. But when the mainstream media, which is owned by the elites is programming the population on the seriousness of the virus, it instills fear. Fear=False Evidence Appearing Real.

H3N2, known as the “Hong Kong flu,” was an influenza strain that the New York Times90299589_882872998833224_7284176873733488640_n (1) described as “one of the worst in the nation’s history.” The first case of H3N2, which evolved from the H2N2 influenza strain that caused the 1967 pandemic, was reported in mid-July 1968 in Hong Kong. By September, it had infected Marines returning to the States from the Vietnam War. By mid-December, the Hong Kong flu had arrived in all 50 states.

But schools were not shut down nationwide, other than a few dozen because of too many sick teachers. Face masks weren’t required or even common. Though Woodstock was not held during the peak months of the H3N2 pandemic (the first wave ended by early March 1969, and it didn’t flare up again until November of that year), the festival went ahead when the virus was still active and had no known cure. But life went on and was not shut down as today.

We are involved in a psychological and propaganda war and many do not realize it. We80191650_2689225224658939_1524962855338518828_o see how people emotions are orchestrated by social and mainstream media. There is censorship by YouTube, Google and facebook like never before hiding the truth claiming it does not meet community standards. We saw people of all religions were not allowed to practice their faith by attending their preferred religious practices or those who choose to have an elective surgery are not allowed to do so while abortion clinics and liquor stores remain open. Small business owners where shut down while large corporations providing the same services were allowed to remain 106088489_2687024061545722_9205244456830423479_oopen. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

It is time for the masses to wake up and realize this is more than just a virus. It is an effort to control the world by the elites.

Learn the science that debunks the baseless propaganda and harmful public policies implemented by unqualified bureaucrats, mayors and governors at .  It is time to stand against this tyranny simply by noncompliance.   Jesus gave the following illustration: “Can one blind person lead another? Won’t they both fall into a ditch?

Where we go one, we go all.