Juan O Savin; Injection can alter DNA; X22 Report; Antitumor Effects of Quercetin

Juan O Savin on American Media Periscope

SHOCK STUDY: Injection can, in fact, alter DNA

x22 Report-Plants Need Water, Think Espionage Act, The Message Must Be Direct

Gospel of Thomas (3) Jesus  said, If your leaders tell you, “Look, the kingdom is in heaven,” then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you, “It’s in the sea,” then the fish will precede you. But the kingdom is inside you and it is outside you. When you know yourselves,  then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living father.
But if you do not know yourselves, then you dwell in poverty and you are poverty.
Elderflower extract, which is rich in quercetin, is a traditional tonic used to boost immunity. (penphoto/Shutterstock)
Elderflower extract, which is rich in quercetin, is a traditional tonic used to boost immunity. (penphoto/Shutterstock)


The Antitumor Effects of Quercetin

This remarkable compound is racking up an impressive list of research-backed therapeutic credentials

Quercetin has a wide range of benefits, which has made it useful for a variety of different health conditions. In the past two years, the antiviral benefits of quercetin have been the focus of many studies. However, there are other, lesser-known benefits, including the effects as a senolytic agent against senescence-mediated cancer growth.

Cells become senescent as we age. They stop dividing and enter a kind of stasis. Instead of dying off as cells normally do, senescent cells persist but change shape and size and secrete inflammatory molecules that cause other nearby cells to become senescent. This process is one of the hallmarks of human aging and senolytic agents used to induce the death of senescent cells.

Quercetin is perhaps most well-known as a strong antioxidant and antiviral. For example, Elderflower extract, which is rich in quercetin, is a traditional tonic used to boost immunity. In supplement form, quercetin has been used to prevent and treat the common cold and influenza.

According to Mount Sinai, quercetin should be used with caution as it may interact with certain antibiotics by reducing the effectiveness of the drug. It may also enhance the effect of some blood thinners, which can increase your risk of bleeding. In addition to these, it may interact with corticosteroids, digoxin, cyclosporine, and fluoroquinolones.

Effects on Senescence-Mediated Cancer Cells

A paper published in August 2022 in Nutrition Research analyzed the pro-apoptotic effect that quercetin has on aging cells. Apoptosis is the normal, healthy way cells are supposed to die. The paper reviewed preclinical and early phase data using quercetin as a senolytic agent and found the data showed it was effective in “preventing or alleviating cancer formation.”

The authors reviewed the importance of cellular aging in the development of cancer cells and the effect that quercetin may have on the suppression of cancer cell proliferation. Research has found that cellular aging can suppress tumor development, but paradoxically can also enhance cancer development.

Cellular senescence is a dynamic and multi-step process that is associated with alterations in metabolic activity and gene expression. This can compromise tissue regeneration and contribute to aging. On the other hand, by removing senescent cells, age-related dysfunction can be attenuated and potentially extend the lifespan.

One mini review published in Cancer Letters in 2008 looked at previous research and found that animal studies had demonstrated quercetin could prevent chemically induced cancer growth and epidemiological studies found it was associated with preventing lung cancer. One study focused on the effect that physiologically attainable doses of quercetin had on the inhibition of cancer cell proliferation. The researchers believed their study demonstrated quercetin had chemopreventive properties.

Lab studies have also demonstrated that quercetin is a strong antioxidant and has pro-apoptotic effects on tumor cells, with the ability to block growth at different phases of the cell cycle. Research has also demonstrated that quercetin can promote the loss of cell viability and autophagy through several pathways, including those involving mitochondrial function and glucose metabolism.

Data indicate that quercetin could play a role in cancer treatment as it reportedly has synergistic effects in combination with chemotherapy agents or radiation therapy. Quercetin also has shown promising results with chemoprotective and radioprotective properties, by protecting normal cells against the effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

One paper identified some of the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiproliferative properties quercetin has that enhances breast cancer treatment, while another18 evaluated its effect on the treatment of ovarian cancer, which is a serious cancer growth and threat to women’s health.

Flavonoid May Attenuate Behavior From Sleep Deprivation

The strength of the antioxidant properties of quercetin is likely one factor in the ability to improve mood-related behaviors in animal studies in which the subjects underwent sleep deprivation. A study published in 2022 used a sleep deprivation model using 30 male albino mice. The mice were split into five groups.

The intervention groups received either astaxanthin or one of two doses of quercetin. Their activities were monitored, and brain samples were later collected. Researchers found that during persistent wakefulness, the animals experienced anxiety and depression-like behavior. In the sleep-deprived group, brain samples showed increased prooxidant activity. Prooxidants induce oxidative stress.

In the group pretreated with quercetin, these behaviors were reversed. The researchers found that quercetin could reduce anxiety caused by sleep deprivation in the animals. The structure of this study was similar to another published in 2021, in which the researchers split the animals into five groups that received the same intervention and sleep deprivation just described.

The researchers hypothesized, and the data showed, that quercetin ameliorated the effects of sleep deprivation on memory performance, depression-like behavior, and against the loss of prefrontal cortex neurons. Researchers have been interested in how the powerful antioxidant effects of quercetin might mitigate the damage and impairment commonly found following sleep disruption.

In one study published in 2016, the researchers hypothesized that quercetin could reduce the manic-like behavior induced by 24 hours of paradoxical sleep deprivation in mice. Paradoxical sleep is another name given to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the deprivation of which has led to chronic conditions such as obesity and stress disorders in people.

In the animal study, the researchers found that quercetin blocked hyperactivity that was induced by sleep deprivation. In another study, researchers hypothesized that the deficits in the hippocampal area associated with sleep deprivation could be ameliorated with a preparation of grape seed polyphenol extract, concord grape juice, and resveratrol.

They found the preparation improved sleep deprivation-induced memory deficits and quercetin, found in grape seed extract and grape juice, was an important factor in attenuating cognitive impairment caused by acute sleep deprivation.

Quadruple Therapy Effective on SARS-CoV-2

Quercetin has been studied for its antiviral effect and has proven to inhibit the early stages of a flu infection. It is also a promising agent against the Epstein-Barr virus, Zika virus, Hepatitis B, and rhinovirus, the virus most often responsible for the common cold.

It was only logical then, as the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, that researchers would investigate the efficacy of quercetin against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In the early months of the declared pandemic, a review was published that found the administration of bromelain, quercetin, vitamin C, and zinc “showed promising results in improving clinical outcomes among COVID-19 patients.”

In this paper, the researchers identified the antioxidant’s ability to inhibit proinflammatory cytokines and to clinically block human mast cell cytokine release as an important property in the fight against severe COVID-19 disease, which is associated with increased levels of cytokine production. They also identified the independent actions that bromelain has in activating a healthy immune system.

However, bromelain and vitamin C play another role in the administration of quercetin. Because quercetin generally isn’t soluble in water, it can be poorly absorbed. When administered with bromelain or vitamin C, it increases the absorption and bioavailability of the antioxidant.

Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme found in the stem of the pineapple plant. Independently, it has been used as a supplement to help reduce swelling after surgery or injury, or in the nose and sinuses. It’s also applied topically to help treat burns.

The combination of quercetin with bromelain or vitamin C has also been a part of several successful protocols used to treat COVID-19. Quercetin is a zinc ionophore, which helps improve the cell’s ability to absorb zinc where it is effective as an antiviral.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko was among the first physicians to discover and implement a treatment that has been credited with saving millions of lives around the world. His early protocol used hydroxychloroquine, another zinc ionophore. However, as research data showed that quercetin was as effective as hydroxychloroquine, his early treatment options for low-risk patients included quercetin with vitamin C and zinc.

Sadly, Zelenko died on June 30, at the age of 48 after a long battle with cancer. While treating patients, he oversaw the treatment of roughly 7,500 people using his protocol, during which time only three patients died.

More Benefits of Quercetin and Bromelain

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory health benefits of quercetin likely contribute to the other lesser-known benefits of this supplement. The anti-inflammatory effects of quercetin are crucial since inflammation is at the root of many diseases, including autoimmune disorders, heart disease, and cancer.

One review of the literature found quercetin is “a strong anti-inflammatory weapon” that may be used in the fight against inflammatory diseases, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. Another revealed that supplementation could reduce systolic blood pressure, and a third animal study demonstrated that supplementation with quercetin and exercise could reduce atherosclerotic plaque formation.

Quercetin has also shown promise in relieving the symptoms of allergies. It works by inhibiting histamine release and decreasing proinflammatory cytokine production and leukotrienes creation. The combination of quercetin and bromelain or vitamin C has also been promoted to help improve athletic performance based on the antioxidant potential of both flavonoids.

Additional Benefits of Quercetin

Quercetin has also been studied for the positive health benefits it has on:

  • High blood pressure
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Certain kinds of cancer
  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
  • Mood disorders
  • Gout
  • Arthritis

Quercetin From Food and Supplements

Considering the wide-ranging benefits that quercetin has on human health, it could be a useful supplement for many, whether it’s used to treat an acute or chronic condition or as a long-term preventative measure. It’s one of the supplements I recommend keeping in your medicine chest for times when you may be feeling as if you’re getting an upper respiratory infection. If you’re prone to colds and flu, consider taking it for a couple of months before the cold and flu season hits to support your immune system.

If you feel as if you have a cold or flu, consider using quercetin with bromelain or vitamin C in addition to zinc. Over-the-counter zinc lozenges make it easy to consume zinc for the short time it’s needed when you’re feeling ill. Be sure to eat before taking zinc as it can make you nauseous.

On a long-term basis, quercetin has been useful for those with metabolic syndrome. However, it is much better to address fundamental issues to deal with metabolic syndrome, such as fixing a poor diet or getting enough exercise, and use a supplement only as an adjunctive therapy. If you have one or more conditions that make up metabolic syndrome, you would be wise to limit your total sugar intake to 15 grams per day.

For comparison, the American Heart Association61 reports that the average adult consumes 77 grams of sugar each day, which is more than three times the recommended amount for women. The number for children is even worse, with the average American child consuming 81 grams of sugar per day. Sugar-laden beverages are the leading source of added sugars in the diet.

Quercetin can function in several pathways to help reduce your risk of cancer. In addition to reducing the inflammatory response in your body and thus your risk of obesity and obesity-related cancer, it also promotes apoptosis at the cellular level to prevent cancer. When combined with exercise and reduced sugar consumption, you are making strong steps toward taking control of your health.

​​Sources and References

Know Yourself; Children Vaccines not tested for Mercury; Teachers fired for refusing Vaccination, Jaun O Savin and more

To know yourself, to become self aware, may be the most important aspect of any spiritual journey.  We live in two inseparable worlds, the physical and metaphysical, in a world that is not as it seems.    Our lives are so connected to families, friends, schools and our jobs we tend to ignored the spiritual aspect of our lives.  Today,  the corruption is being exposed in the media, government See the source image officials  from mayors to the US President, corporations, banks, big pharma, education, WHO, CDC  and the list goes on.  We are living at unprecedented times and never before has it been so important to check  our moral compass. Self awareness can simply start by being aware of our  thoughts, emotions and actions,  moment by moment and understanding the world around us, with all it chaos and distortions. 79129951_10219260512159354_4070859377123262464_nWe are in a psychological war and the prize is your soul or spirit.

In the Law of One,  the mind must be known to itself and this  is perhaps the most demanding part of self awareness.  If the mind knows itself then the most important aspect of of self awareness has occurred as consciousness is the microcosm of the Oneness.  In other words,  the Infinite macrocosmic intelligence which guides the birth and processes of the universe is reflected on a microcosmic scale in each individual being.  See the source imageAs energetic beings, we are radiating positive and negative energy by our thoughts, emotions and actions, creating our reality with all its distortions and confusion.  Our goal is to learn and have balance between love and wisdom. Perhaps we are also being  guided, even  prompting  us to wake up, to realize our potential and to stand against the world tyranny in our own way.

Lao Tzu tells us “Wisdom come from knowing oneself. He who knows himself is enlightened”. In the dialogue of the Savior Jesus said “Those who have truly found the Self within recognized that it exists everywhere.” Buddha added, “Everyone has recognized the self-ones essential nature. But few have realized it.”

Children Vaccines have not been tested for Mercury since 193o’s
Acting office director, office of vaccine research and review, spoke to the Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives on July 18, 2000

Facts Matter (Sept. 29): 7,800 Teachers Cut From Payroll Over Mandate; Protests in the Streets of NYC

In New York, the vaccine mandate for health care workers has officially gone into effect. Thousands of nurses, as well as other health care workers across the state, have either lost their jobs or were suspended because they refused to comply.

This problem does not only apply to hospitals.

As of this week, 7,800 teachers in New York City have been taken off payroll because they refused the shot.

However, 7,800 is only the number of teachers. Including the general staff, the number rises to over 26,000 people—all of them fired.

And they are not taking it lying down: in New York, protests and demonstrations have been springing up over the last several weeks.

However, you might have not heard of these events, since Youtube just changed their policy and will be deleting all content that they deem to be anti-vaccine.


🔵 American Hartford Gold (866-242-2352):


🔵 Youtube Ban:


🔵 NYC Schools:




🔵 Hospitals:


According To Public Health Data, Vaccinated People Accounted For 80% Of COVID-19 Deaths In August
More Vaccine Deaths

9.29.21: “Good will come out” of ALL of THIS. Warriors continue to SHINE and FIGHT! PRAY!

See the source image

Juan O Savin 9/29/21

When You are AWAKE, You will realize, WE are the LIGHT, WE are the TRUTH, We are the WAY, We are CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS, the second coming of CHRIST.  We are ONE! 

Juan O Savin; The Final Chapter

Juan O Savin; The Final Chapter: Our Military Is Not Going Along With The Fraud!

Juan O Savin Provides Updates With Michael Jaco

Juan O Savin Provides Updates With Michael Jaco

As a country, one thing people forget in this modern era is that we’ve been in a national crisis numerous times; far more than people care to recall. We do remember 9/11 and some of us were around during President Kennedy’s assassination. Then there was Abraham Lincoln’s assassination 150 years ago. But there’s a common theme that’s been going on through all of those crises that I think we need to revisit today. And that is about
who is actually behind the scene orchestrating these events that we are continually put into. Is it always unique players in new situations, or is there an underlying theme and a common group of perpetrators with these crimes against America and the world? Is there an organization of people trying to keep us enslaved?

Now, if you go back to the origins of our country, there were people who came to this continent and set up colonies, growing the population until it was eventually large enough that local jurisdictions were needed to manage and maintain the organization of streets, taxes, tariffs, property ownership, et cetera. Then came the creation of a constitutional government from groups of states aligned and working together.

But immediately upon signing the Declaration of Independence, that federal system we established, called the United States of America, essentially needed to declare war against its motherland of England and the ruler, King George. We decided we were no longer going to be ruled from afar by foreign masters; we were not going to be their slaves here, helping to keep them prosperous there.

So, we declared our independence and had the Revolutionary War that went on for a very long time; much longer than most people realize. Through the course of many battles, people were forced to pick a side. The willingness to go against England and King George was not universal from the outset. On numerous occasions, strategies and tactics were compromised by infiltrators and turn coats on both sides. But over time people’s true nature and alliances were revealed; just as is playing out once again before us today. Even some of those closest to President Washington became traitors
against him (and our newly formed country), for the gains they would earn from their British partners.

And even after we won the Revolutionary War, when the Brits had retreated, we then needed to win a second war against England. The War of 1812 was foisted upon us by people trying to get control of America again through our money and banking systems. That was a very extensive battle and bad situation that we had to again fight our way out of. By most accounts, it was a banker’s war to gain control of our banking and monetary systems. They wanted to control our currency, even though the constitution would only
allow for our own government to create our money.

As we move forward in time, what happened during Abraham Lincoln’s presidency? Early on in his administration, and instigated by monarchy agents out of Europe, a rift was accentuated between the Northern and Southern U.S. With that, another variation of the same old bankers’ wars was created. In order to get money to fight that war, Lincoln needed loans from the European banks that held monarchy money; the bloodline families’ money. Those thirteen bloodline families were repursue funds to fight this war against the South.  The kid by the Side of the Road by Juan O Savin

Absolute proof of election fraud and foreign interference the video was  Absolute Proof (michaeljlindell.com) 

or this link https://tv.gab.com/channel/realmikelindell/view/absolute-proof-601d73a5a5ca1b4ef4f0e602

2020 Presidential Election Lawsuits — the Facts

Juan O Savin Free Speech and Flow of Information

Juan O Savin 1-23-2021 – YouTube

107 Daily – Home to Free Speech and the Free Flow of Information Online

A five minute video you do not want to miss

Matthew 13:   14 In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: “ ‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. 15 For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears,and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.’



Jaun O Savin Message to all


We are all involved in a battle of light and dark forces, realizing we are experiencing events we have never seen before. It really hard to realize we are living in the land of  the free and home of the brave. Perhaps it is time to release materialistic, atheistic and totalitarian beliefs and take back our freedom, democracy and faith and allow that to be core of our beliefs. We have allowed fear that has been falsely dictated by mainstream  and social media. The media is just another arm of the elites to control the masses. They think they have their puppets in power.

We all have the God given gifts of discernment that will differentiate light from darkness, Unlike our emotions, God’s love is not limited. It is infinite and it is already flowing through us. We just have to realize it. Consequently, we have only to hold the frequency of love. Hold our heart open, let our mind and emotions be at peace, and feel the love flow through us and out into the world. As we feel the love flowing through us, bless it. Set our intention to serve and we all can serve beyond our wildest dreams. We are awakening the Christ Consciousness that lies within each of us. Where we go one, we go all.


Juan O Savin in the Belly of the Beast DC

Juan O Savin in the Belly of the Beast DC

Many cabal conspirators and saboteurs remain in our government throughout changing presidential administrations. These players are over and above the regular GS-level (General Schedule, or U.S. Civil Service pay scale) government employees can normally achieve up to a
GS-15. Above that are those who get to the “Senior Executive Service,” or “SES.” The SES levels used to be called “super grades” until the cabal’s agent, Jimmy Carter, created the SES in 1978. It is patterned after the English crown’s untouchable inner court of bad actors called the “Privy
Council.” Before the Privy Council, this role for the globalists was filled by Freemasons. For continuity in government, and in case of national emergencies, these SES people, at the highest level of our government, hold their positions no matter the party in power. They are the deep state core that is in control behind the scenes. Again, it’s the inner circle protecting the cabal’s interests, just as the Privy Council does for the English crown, since being set up in 1708. In fact, our SES has been infiltrated with a large number of crown agents, who have been sifted in over time.

As far as the crowd behind that assassination
of President Kennedy, the finger seems to
point to the predecessors of our SES (super
grades back then). Kennedy was triangulated
on and gunned down because he was trying
to go after the “hidden hand” that has been
constantly working to control us as a people.
You see, they weren’t just trying to bring a
president under their thumb. People keep
getting that wrong. Most focus on the fact that
this group of murders eliminated President
Kennedy because his actions were messing
with their plans. But that’s not the full picture
of why this happened. The cabal hit us as a
people because we elected this guy who was
attempting to do what we wanted done. They
couldn’t have that and risk us getting control
of our country. The guy we elected was asked
to help us rein in government and again make
it the servant of the people, as opposed to our
manager, oppressor, and overlord. His deep
state opponents decided he had to go because
the American people might start thinking they
can run their country; understanding that we
have the decision-making power and ability to
steer our own ship. They did not want the cows
running the barnyard.Kid by the side of the Road




“Who is this Q guy? He has to reveal himself! He has to come out right now and tell us who he is because this is ridiculous!! Who is Q group? How come they don’t just come out in the open, say who they are, and present the information? Why do they have to be so secretive? Nobody should be hiding like that!”

And who is pushing hardest? Of course, it’s the fake media because they want to be able to attack the Q project more directly. They constantly target anyone opposed to the false narrative, which they push every day. They want to slam those patriots against the wall and silence them.
The other countermeasure they will certainly employ is to publicly ridicule all family members of the Q team for being a part of this exposure project. That’s why the deep staters in this battle want to know “who Q is.” Kid by the side of the Road

Juan O’Savin

Juan O’Savin: The Grand Finale  

Juan O’ Savin A character surfaced during the emergence of Q, named Juan O’ Savin, who has been calling into YouTube channels and providing some pretty in-depth commentary. On these YouTube steams, the voice of Juan O’ Savin did reflect many of the qualities of JFK Jr.
