Meditation, a Powerful State of Mind

 We are a world community connected by the internet. Science is now proving what many already knew, meditation has powerful benefits.  It cannot only change the way we think, but we can learn of the power within as well. Meditation is about calming the mind, training yourself to think in a different way, connecting us to our metaphysical world. Our thoughts, emotions and actions create vibrations of energy affecting not only you but those around you as well.  Many scientists now believe the earth’s magnetic field and the human population work together to create either harmony or disharmony in our world. The earth has electromagnetic energy and every human heart generates electromagnetic energy  from our bodies to several feet away, according to our emotions.
It was reported from a scientific perspective, group meditation called “Maharishi Effect,” reduces crime. So much so that Merseyside, England, went from being the third highest recorded crime rate to the lowest ranked city in England, during the time of group meditation. Other cities around the world had similar effects when groups of people meditated at the same time each day. One was Washington DC, based on this report. When the group stopped meditating, the crime rate slowly increased.  In physics, that affect is referred to as unified field theory (UFT), waves of vibration flow from everything in the universe affecting the collective consciousness.
Bruce H. Lipton, PhD  groundbreaking work in the field of New Biology, radically changes our understanding of life. It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts.  
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
The Key to Manifestation with Gregg Braden
We are energetic beings. Our thoughts, feelings and actions have created our reality. You should realize we have been programmed since birth by our education, media, political and religious systems. All have played an integral part of who we are and who we become. But if  we created it, we can change it.  It starts with the thought; what we think everyday.  We have 50K to 90K thoughts in a day and 90% are repeat of the day before. All that energy being wasted on our monkey minds and going into the world. Are your thoughts  positive or negative, was there doubt, fear, anger, anxiety, or was their love and compassion.   

We all have a morning ritual. We wake up in our own way, some begin thinking about the day ahead. Schedules, appointments, meetings,  kids, family, all part of our daily lives. Before you start your day,  consider taking a few moment to have a conversation with God, in your own way.  The ancient Essenes taught that  prayer was the feeling.  Feel it from your heart and then sit quietly and listen.  Feel the gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity to serve and quietly reflect your intention for the day;  radiate love and compassion to all you meet. Visualize your day.  

Imagination and visualization are a great tools.  Mainstream has defined imagination as” the  faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses.  The ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful.”

Imagination is our ability to understand the mind, and is not limited to our physical body. When we awaken, we begin to understand, feel and recognize all the subtle  energetic rhythms of the life around us; moving within  our energetic field. It takes time and awareness. 

Meditation Warriors is a group that was created with the intention of positively changing our world.  The group provides encouragement for a daily meditation practice. Meditation can be standing, walking, sitting, and laying down.  It is a about changing the way we think, a new way of thinking and  how we see the world.   Practicing mindfulness during the day is being aware of your thoughts, feelings and actions with your focus on what you are doing.  Moving meditation, like qigong or tai chi is helpful for cultivating energy throughout the body. Lying meditation can be done before you rise and before you go to sleep at night and even when you wake up during the night.  Sitting meditation for just 5 to 20 minutes a day with the right intentions sends positive vibrations into the world.  There is no right or wrong way to meditate.  The  Kirtan Kriya method may be of some assistance for those with the real unruly mind.

We are not of different races, but one race, the human race, with a divine power within each of us. United we are one and could positively change our world! 

 If there is to be peace in the world, There must be peace in the nations. If there is to be peace in the nations, There must be peace in the cities. If there is to be peace in the cities, There must be peace between neighbors. If there is to be peace between neighbors, There must be peace in the home. If there is to be peace in the home, There must be peace in the heart. chinese philosopher – Lao Tzu


Imagine a world  with love, compassion,  peace, and tranquility.  A world with no sickness, fear or hate and  in tune with nature. Sounds like a song.    We are learning our thoughts, emotions and actions affect not only us but the world around us.

Zoroastrianism, one of the oldest religions in the world,  believed all events of the world are based on cause and effects, teaching the three principles,  good reflection, good word, and good deed.  Science now tells us that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts.  We live in an energy field, a mental and spiritual Universe, with our thoughts and emotions creating our reality.

With that in mind, Buddha teachings become more clear when he said “Guard your thoughts, words and deeds . These three disciplines will speed you along the path of wisdom.” and “The wise can direct their thoughts, subtle and elusive, wherever they choose: a trained mind brings health and happiness”. Just two of many teachings.

Pure positive thoughts are not only  good for us, but for everyone and everything including nature. It is the only way to create balance within ourselves, in all people and nature.  Imagine people of all faiths,  religions and belief systems,  dedicating  15 minutes each day, a time of their own choosing  to radiating positive and loving thoughts using the following intention.

Our love and light illuminates the darkest corners and hearts of humanity and the world in which we live. Our love radiates from  our very core,  filling our world with love and compassion, people helping  each other, our rivers and waters are sparkling clean, our planet is clean from pollution and our air is fresh and clean .  There is no sickness, starvation, greed or anger, only love and compassion.

Our goal is to positively change our world with the tools we have been given through daily meditation. Meditation Warriors are group working on that purpose. Through a daily meditation practice, and focusing on the daily attentions we can change our world through love, the absolute power.

Sitting in a comfortable position, breathe naturally and place the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth, creating an energy circuit. Slowly take deep breaths, focusing on clearing your mind. As the mind slows down, clearing all thoughts, begin visualizing love not only from the mind but the heart making the two one. You’re connecting with the source, feeling the love and compassion.  Your mind is not in or outside your body, it is unlimited.  You become aware of the light within your chest, our life source, radiating from the center of our body, shining brightly. It is the life to our heart beat, our breath, and our essence.   Each person should go at their own pace  and method remembering,  meditation is God’s gift and gateway to find our way home.

Spiritual Healing and Our Health

As we go through life, sooner or later we will face disturbing effects of illness, diseases and failing health.  The medical system is failing, ran by the pharmaceutical  corporations; our food supply is being replaced by nutrient  deficient food;  genetically modified foods and, glyphosate has been found in the water supply.  Even the air we breathe is questionable. When we are  focused on all the obstacles we face daily, it is difficult to stay committed to a healthy lifestyle.  Sometimes it helps to remember we are here for a purpose; to discover our true selves. 

With falling health, our human bodies become frail, our minds become confused with fear and anger, feeling defeated.  But our spirit, our higher self,  tells us to keep going, to not give up. Most do not realize that we have been programmed since birth. Our education, media, political and religious systems play an integral part of who we have become and how we think. Our lives are connected to family, friends, work, school and the material world, all affecting our health;  positively and negatively. 

As we begin to discover our true selves,  spiritual healing begins with the realization there is a Source,  Universal Intelligence of pure sacred energy,  that connects us all.  We begin to think and believe we can heal ourselves.  Controlling the mind is key, not only for our health be for our spiritual journey. 

Buddha said, “Hard it is to train the mind, which goes where it likes and does what it wants. But a trained mind brings health and happiness. The wise can direct their thoughts, subtle and elusive, whenever they choose: a trained mind brings health and happiness.”  

We have to deprogram ourselves, so to speak, and perhaps think differently.  There is another world that is inseparable from our physical world that cannot be detected with the five senses; our metaphysical  world.  It is the world of the Source, pure energy simply beyond our understanding. It is the energy generated by our  hearts and minds. Science is beginning to study what we already know.  One  study makes a striking correlation between heart rate and the electromagnetic energy from the sun and earth.  Even  health care providers are understanding the correlation between spirituality, religion and mental health. 

The Source is our life line.   In Chinese cultures, this is known as  chi or qi and other cultures ki, prana, chakras and kundalini.  Our  body, mind, and spirit have a life force  we call electromagnetic energy or energy that cannot even be measured or thoroughly understood.   Sunlight  is something we cannot live without. Light is the food for all life on earth. The human body, according to the doctrine of chromotherapy, is basically composed of colors.  Isn’t that what Jesus said, We are from the Light?  We know insufficient sunlight will result in low Vitamin D deficiencies, leading to the development of prostate and breast cancer, memory loss, and an increased risk for developing dementia and schizophrenia.  We have been told to wear sunscreen to protect ourselves but what is really happening?    We are light beings with chakras and the energy of the sun has the colors of the rainbow. Every creature and plant on earth is engulfed in light that affects its health conditions.

Grounding, as we all know when we go to the beach, improves sleep and reduces stress.  Grounding is bare skin to the earth, perhaps walking or performing Qigong or chi gong,   or any meditative practice outside barefoot. It is an excellent way to cultivate energy. We all wear shoes and that prevents us from getting the benefits from the earth. Grounding is a simple way to prevent and help inflammation with these techniques.

Emotions control who we are and what be become. Paracelsus, Father of Modern Medicine  said “The spirit is the master, imagination the tool, and the body the plastic material . . . The power of the imagination is a great factor in medicine. It may produce diseases in man and in animals, and it may cure them . .. Ills of the body may be cured by remedies or by the power of the spirit acting through the soul.” Thoughts and emotions control our destiny, so think what you want to become and do it in love, the strongest of all emotions.  

Meditation and prayer  are our connection to the Source but also essential in controlling the overactive mind. According  to Dr. Andrew Newberg,   meditation and prayer positively changes our brains. He also said that the brain has two primary functions that can be considered from either a biological or evolutionary perspective. Essentially,  we are hard-wired  for God, the Source. 

  A 12 minute exercise, called the Kirtan Kriya is a type of meditation, practiced daily for 8 weeks, will improve cognition and activate parts of the brain that are central to memory. 

The power of visualization is a tool we can use for healing.  Your brain is constantly using visualization in the process of simulating future experiences.   This happens so naturally we generally aren’t even aware it is happening, much like we are unaware of our breathing or heart beating.  If you are not aware  of it then you are not actively directing the process. You can learn to use visualization to actively create future simulations that can help you improve goals that you set for yourself, such as healing.  The same thing may apply to the lost mode of prayer.  Visualizing your prayer  as if it has already happened instead of  asking for it. 

We live in a world of distractions. Fear, anger, stress and greed will wear the body down, but love is the one emotion that will overcome all.  In your own way, try to cultivate love in everything you do.  Jesus said love your neighbor as you love yourself. According to the Law of One, our purpose on earth is to learn to balance  love and wisdom and be of services to others.    Healing  starts with the mind and the realization of the power within, a change from traditional thinking.   It is  just you, your higher self with help from the Source. All the same divine energy connecting as one.  All waiting on you.         





Know Yourself

Religion teaches us rituals, tradition and belief systems. Have they misinterpreted the message regarding  looking within yourself to find God by not teaching the concept?  In Luke 17:21 Jesus said “nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.”  There are many interpretations of that one verse.

To know yourself may seem simple, but do we really know ourselves.  Our lives are connected to  families and friends  living in the physical world of  media, religion, governments, corporations, banks and education. We are living it everyday,  all day, every week, month and year, year after year. That is all we know. We have been made to believe we are advanced technologically,  but in reality,  we are mere children, playing in the world playground.  We have world information at our fingertips, to study, to learn and inspire.   In the meantime we are watching our home, mother earth,  being destroyed, and even allowing it by remaining silent. Are we the meek?  Have we have lost our way?  Perhaps we have forgotten who we are, why we are here and where we are going.  Even though your  part in this great illusion may seem small, you have no idea of the importance of your presents on this planet at this time in our history.

There are 7.7 billion of us on this planet and within each is a Divine Spark, Spirit or Soul  waiting to be awaken and find their Way.   Most disregard this concept simply because it is not something the  five senses nor scientific evidence can detect.  Our emotions, feelings and thoughts create our reality more than we will ever realize. Many seekers have found the Way to the metaphysical world that exists right before our eyes. Their studies included studying and contemplating the many ancient teachings and recent information available to us today.

One of the many teachings are the Secret Teachings of Jesus found in the Gospel of Thomas,  discovered in 1945 with other ancient texts.   Jesus’ message was of love and enlightenment and not of sin and repentance as taught by the Church. In his sayings, Jesus tells us to look within, to know ourselves; to seek the truth; we are from the light; Recognize what is in our sight, and that which is hidden from us will become plain to us. For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest. He had many messages of his 114 sayings first interpreted in 1959 and more translations in the 70’s.

The wisdom teaching of  Buddha, who could have been King but chose the Way as the path of seeking enlightenment by looking within. His teachings provide much insight into mindfulness  and meditation techniques putting our lives into perspective. He also tells us to look within, to know ourselves.  Buddha said, “Seeking within, you will find stillness. Here there is no more fear or attachment-only joy.”

The Tao Te Ching is probably one of the wisest ancient books, reported to be written by the sage named Lao Tzu over 2500 years ago. It is about living in unity with nature, the Way and teaches us to look within. One saying from the Tao Te Ching, “He who knows the Way does not let it show. Neither does he seek to be rewarded by anyone. Those who know the Way find their reward within themselves.”

The fundamental teaching of Hinduism  is that a human being’s basic nature is not confined to the body or the mind. Beyond both of these is the spirit or the spark of God within the soul. In the Katha Upanishad,  Krishna said ” God allowed man to look outward, but in seeith the outer the inner ignored  Those who see the eternal, turn their gaze within.”

Rumi was a 13th-century Sufi Mystic and  Persian poet, jurist, Islamic scholar and theologian. His quotes are transforming,  based upon love, hope, inspiration, and awakening.  Rumi said “Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.”

The Law of One, is  a channelling event that occurred in 1981–84. It is  recorded and documented in a  question and answer format taking over 3 years.    It has been said it was the greatest spiritual message since Jesus. It reveals our purpose, the consequences of our behavior and what even  happens at death.  It has intense teachings and one is of our  energy channels, Chakras, how to  balance ourselves. To balance is to know ourselves,and to know ourselves is  our foundation.

To know yourself is the message from our teachers. The language that the Divine Matrix recognizes prayer as imagining it already happened instead of wishing for  it to  happen. Remember our thoughts, emotion and actions create our reality.  Be surrounded by your prayer as if it already has been answered. Ask without judgement whether right or wrong or ego and ask from the heart and feel the results as if it already has happened .

You do not have to be of any particular religion or any religion. Open your heart and seek within. To know yourself is unique to each of us. This uniqueness evolves as we seek the truth with love and service to others.  When you know yourself,   there will be no more fear, only understanding of your purpose.   Meditation, contemplation, study, thanksgiving and prayer are tools for the great journey.

The Most Sacred

Have you ever considered what is the most sacred of our world?  Most  believe it to be an object such as a temple, building, monument, church, synagogue  or mosque or  high-ranking religious leaders.  A structure or object  is just that and our religious leaders are simple human beings, just like us.

The most sacred is every human being on earth. Within each of us lies a divine light, the essence of Infinite Intelligence, waiting to be awakened . Our bodies are the temple. Every human being is of infinite worth and at some point in time, each will come to that realization.

Sacred ancients texts and mystics called it the divine spark. Christians and Jews call it the soul, Muslims rooh, Hindu atman and there are many other names used through the centuries. Perhaps we are at a place  when it is time to realize who we are, why we are here and where we are going.

We live in a material world full of confusion and distortion. It is the world of positive and negative energy, good and evil, continually fighting for the most sacred prize, our essence. It divides us through our beliefs systems by judging, condemning and threats of forever punishment by not following a certain belief system.  It  divides  us when we should be united  with love, compassion, wisdom and helping one another.

There is much to learn from each other with an open heart and mind. Instead of listening to what others tell us,  perhaps it is time to seek and discover  the truth for ourselves.  There is much truth in religions but no religion has all the truth.  It is why we are here, to learn.

The Law of One in 4.17  says our purpose is to learn. First, the mind must be known to itself. Second, understand the concept of the balance between love and wisdom in the use of the body in its natural functions. And the third is spiritual  and contact with Intelligent Infinity.

Buddha taught us meditation, how to silence the mind, to know ourselves. Meditation is God’s gift, our gateway to find our way home. Jesus taught us love, to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Both Jesus and Buddha teach us to look within ourselves. Buddha tells us the way is not in the sky but is in the heart. Jesus also says the kingdom is within you and the one who knows himself will find it. Other teachers provide the same message.

 There is nothing  more sacred on the planet than the divine light within each of us,  waiting to be awakened.

What is God?

What is God,  the age-old question and it certainly has been mine.  Since the beginning of time,  as we understand it, man has struggled with the God concept. Most of us have chemistryour core beliefs from our childhood;  others seek to understand through contemplation, reflection, meditation and prayer; all have a  desire to have  a personal relationship with God.  

God is  known by many names and according to religions of the world, in order to know God,  we should follow their beliefs, rules and rituals.  Based on my childhood and how I was taught about the Bible, God would be on a throne judging us for our behavior and our purpose was to worship God.  Each of us have our own imaginations and beliefs about God, mostly from our childhood.  

Through the centuries, different religions with  different Gods making our 10635869_10152764748543781_2989172388846140521_nunderstanding of  God even more confusing.  I always believed there was only one God, just called by many different names.  Furthermore, in Judaism and Christianity alone,  there is much confusion for me.  Yahweh, is the God of the Old testament and Jewish Tanakh, is known as the God of the Israelites.  The name was revealed to Moses as four Hebrew consonants (YHWH) called the Tetragrammaton.   Consistent with Old Testament narratives,  Yahweh or Jehovah was regarded as the stern creator God who justly punishes humanity for disobedience. 

The Gnostics referenced Yaldabaoth, the old testament god as a  ‘false god of this world’ and was known for his evil  deeds.  They believed the god of the Jews was the true devil who claimed for himself the title of ‘creator god’ and inverted the roles of good and evil through deception, presenting himself as the ‘benevolent father’ of mankind and slandering the Chakra symbolSerpent of wisdom as ‘the devil’ and ‘enemy of man’. This accusatory inversion began with the creation of the Christian Bible at the end of the 1st century and has deceive many generations throughout the millennia.  It should be noted our medical  community uses a staff medical imaginesor rod with a snake curled around it, call the Rod of Asclepius, the ancient mythical god of medicine . 

In the Law of One, Yahweh is mentioned 19 times  and provides quite an  in-depth detail about Yahweh’s involvement on earth. The Orion Group, the negative entities of our universe also plays a role in what happened in the old testament as well as today. Perhaps In Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness”  Was that God,  Yahweh or Yaldabaoth?   Who was Jesus talking about when the Jews said  Abraham was their father.   Jesus said in John 8:44   “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father The-Ra-Material-The-Law-of-One-quote-love-service-to-others-heart-chakra-spirituality-consciousness-3of lies.” 

Some Gnostic groups saw Jesus as being sent by the supreme being, to bring gnosis or knowledge to the Earth. The Law of One referenced Jesus  22 times  and said  “This entity was desirous of entering this planetary sphere in order to share the love vibration in as pure a manner as possible.” 

Now let’s look at the New testament and how the church leaders constructed the concept of God. The Trinity  a formal doctrine and foundation of the Christian faith, the father, Jesus and the Holy Ghost, meaning one God in three.   The term trinity is not found in the Bible. The only reference of the three in the bible is  Matthew 28:19 after Jesus resurrection.  “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Of course we all know how easily this could have been added by a church father or scribe.   

The formal doctrine of the Trinity was the result of early church fathers attempts to explain the Christian God. It was first used by Tertullian at the close of the 2nd century. It was discussed, debated and finally clarified as divinity of the spirit and  affirmed at the Council of Constantinople  in 381.  However scholars today  generally agree that there is no doctrine of the Trinity as such in either the Old or New Testaments.  The Trinity was a way church fathers could cff285a056c19538eb9d01c42865898cexplain Jesus as the son of God if not God. A search of the Nag Hammadi Library  of the Father, son and the holy spirit did not come up with any results.  With the possibility of the corruption of the message of  two major religions, perhaps it is time to pause,  and seek the truth in our own way.  Jesus was the messenger of love and in the message he was telling us what the church fathers have failed to teach.

In John 10:34, Jesus tells the Pharisees that it is written in the Law that “you are gods”. He is quoting from Psalm 82:6 where it says, “I said you are gods, sons of the Most High. All of you.” 

In John 14:12  Jesus said , “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” 

bring forth what is in youIn the Gospel of Thomas Jesus said in saying 3,   If your leaders tell you, “Look, the kingdom is in heaven,” then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you, “It’s in the sea,”  then the fish will precede you.  But the kingdom is inside you and it is outside you. When you know yourselves,  then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living father. But if you do not know yourselves,
then you dwell in poverty and you are poverty.

The Gnostics believe that within each of us is a divine spark, a part of God.  Some may  call it soul or spirit.  Regardless of what label man uses, God is a Divine Universal Energy within each of us waiting to be awakened by our acknowledgement  by seeking the truth.   

According to the Law of One , we are on earth to learn the ways of love, compassion, wisdom and be of service to others. We get as many opportunities as we need to learn the required lessons. If not, we die and do it again until we get it right. The big problem for us when we do it again, we do not remember anything from our previous lives, unless you’re a child,   and then you may remember for a short period before Lao-Tzu-3.jpgforgetfulness sets in. 

 Regardless of the number of past lives, God, or the Great Universal Energy never leaves and is just waiting for us to discover the power within. I cannot emphasise the importance of the  a recent discovery in 1945, 114 secret sayings of Jesus known as the Gospel of Thomas and 50 other Gnostic texts.  According to scholars, the discovery provided striking differences from orthodox beliefs. Instead of being separate from God, we are One with God. Instead of sin and repentance, Jesus speaks of illusion and enlightenment. And finally, Instead of Jesus being Lord and God, we are all from the same source, and Jesus is our spiritual guide.

Another saying of Jesus,  “I shall give you what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has never occurred to the human mind.” (Saying 17 Gospel of Thomas). This saying is for each of us to ponder and consider as each of Jesus wisdom sayings in the Gospel of Thomas. 

Buddha, another master teacher said before you set foot on the path master yourself; DfEgwEEWkAAQ2jIand Lao Tzu said, ” The Way (God) is complete in itself. All blessings come from it and it holds nothing back from anyone.” Krishna said in the Bhagavad Gita, “Those who seek to find the One without ceasing, will find the Lord dwelling in their own hearts.”

With love and compassion in your  heart,  thoughts, emotions and actions, look within; through meditation, contemplation, prayer and study, you will find that Great Universal Energy that we call God.    

  “The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you plant there?”


We Are Connected

We are all connected to the same source, the One Infinite Creator,  and we are all trying to images tefind our way back home. Even scientific research has suggested that we are wired with spiritual brains and how meditative prayers actually changes our brain.

According to various sacred texts and the more recent contact, the Law of One, “All things, all of life, all of the creation is part of one original thought.” We move our body, mind, and spirit in somewhat eccentric patterns because we have not grasped the concept that we are part of the original thought, that we are all one. To know the truth is to know yourself.

quote-if-you-want-to-be-wrong-then-follow-the-masses-socrates-85-17-67.jpgOur ancient teachers provided the message over the years, but man has misinterpreted the meaning and the masses follow. We are condemn by religions and those  who follow that religion if our beliefs are different than theirs.

The Christian Gnostics, who lost the battle with orthodox Christianity tells us a Divine spark exist within us and is also taught by the Syriac Christians mystics as other world belief systems and religions. Edgar Cayce said Christian Gnosticism was the highest form Rumi-Quotes-1of Christianity.

Buddha taught us that the Universal mind is not subject to birth and death. It is beyond all concepts of duality and Divine matter is eternal, it contains within itself all reality and all truth. Buddha taught us meditation, the gateway to find our way home, an essential part of our spiritual journey.

Krishna from the Hindu Religion said, “the Lord dwells in the heart of all things. He is the only reality so do not be deceived by appearances.”

Lao Tzu in the Tao Te Ching said the Tao (God) never answers with words. It does not reach out for things, but all things come to it. The unspoken plan unfolds slowly. It gathers all things as if in a net, so nothing is lost.

images1Jesus, the messenger of love, said we are from the light in the Gospel of Thomas, discovered in 1945 and can be found in saying 50 in the Nag Hammadi library. The discovery provided striking differences from orthodox beliefs. Instead of being separate from God, we are One with God. Instead of sin and repentance, Jesus speaks of illusion and enlightenment. And finally, instead of Jesus being Lord and God, we are all from the same source, and Jesus is our spiritual guide. We all have the power within. In the Gospel of Thomas saying (3) Jesus said: If those who lead you say to you: See, the kingdom is in heaven, then the birds of the heaven will go before you; if they say to you: It is in the sea, then the fish will go before you. But the kingdom is within you, and it is outside of you. When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will know that you are the sons of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty, and you are poverty.all-religions-one3

God is spirit of pure unknowable energy encompassing all. We are all connected spiritual beings , all from the same source. According to the Law of One, no religion has all the truth, but all religions  have some truth.  Our requirements are the same regardless of religion or no religion, to  learn the ways of love, wisdom and be a service to others. Meditation, contemplation, prayer and study will help with that endeavor. If you fail to learn the lessons in this life perhaps you will in the next, but eventually we all find our way back home.





Spiritually Wired Comes With Rainbows

Research has suggested that we are wired with spiritual brains and how meditative prayers actually changes the brain. 149689_10151201865818781_517019379_n Dr Andrew Newberg is a neuroscientist who studies the relationship between brain function and various mental states. His research suggests we have spiritual brains, with a feeling of connectedness to something greater than ourselves, developing  intense beliefs about God.  Using brain scans Dr Newberg measured brain activity of Franciscan Nuns while they were engaged in a type of meditative prayer. It showed measurable effect on the brain providing evidence that meditative prayer has an effect on the brain.   Science has proven,  what many of us already believed, meditation has a profound impact on our brains by meditative prayers.

There is an advanced spiritual practice investigated by Father Francis Tiso, author of Rainbow Body and Resurrection.  He investigated a specific case of the Tibetan Buddhist, Khenpo A Cho and his practice of the “Rainbow Body, “. In 1992 and at the age of 74,  Cho devoted himself to retreat practices. He recited more than 400 million of the mani-mantra, Om mani padme hum.   Over and over he recited and images rainbow monkpromoted the recitation of the Long Life Prayer of the Protector of the Snow Ranges and the Heart prayer of the Enlightened Activities pervading space  related to his holiness the Dalai Lama and Avalokiteshvara.

The day,before his death, in 1997, Khenpo responded to young  and old people of his entourage with great pleasure and without hurry he gave instructions on what is to be done in the future. The next day he ate very little, showed no signs of bodily sickness or fatigue. At noon, he laid on his right side, turned his head to the north and face to the west, reciting the six-syllable Mantra, Om mani padme hum, and died.

According to Father Tiso, his face immediately became youthful, smooth and pinkish all signs aging disappeared. A fragrance smell was not only around the body but outside the house. Above the house five colored rainbow lasted for days witness by many including monks and father Tiso. Father Tiso also reported  the afternoon of the day of his death, just before dark, a light similar to that of sun rays was shining for a long time from the (25)

His body remained under a cloth and each day it would get smaller and smaller. On the seventh day there was manifested the stainless rainbow body the viajar body..

Other reports regarding the rainbow body state that  when a person dies, rainbows suddenly appeared in the sky and after several days their bodies disappeared. Sometimes fingernails and hair were left. Sometimes nothing was left.

Father Tiso  discusses  his research and  investigation  known as the Rainbow Body that Tibetan Buddhist have known for years.  Some believe these stories reflect upon the resurrection of Jesus Christ. A rainbow light has been witnessed by thousands of people after death. Attaining ‘rainbow body’   is discussed in Zen texts, as well as Zoroastrian, Christian, Manichean, Muslim, Bonpo, and of course, Vedic texts, among others. Attaining the ‘light body’ is for everyone with ample proof that it exists now and in ancient times.


Early Christianity spoke of a Divine spark within each of us and Jesus said we are from the light.  In the Gospel of Thomas (50) Jesus said, “If they say to you, ‘Where did you come from?’, say to them, ‘We came from the light, the place where the light came into being on its own accord and established itself and became manifest through their image.’ If they say to you, ‘Is it you?’, say, ‘We are its children, we are the elect of the living father.’ If they ask you, ‘What is the sign of your father in you?’, say to them, ‘It is movement and repose.'”  

“Strange is our situation here upon this earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to a divine purpose.” Albert Einstein

Our Spiritual World

images (50)We live in inseparable physical and metaphysical worlds. In our physical world, we are limited by our five senses, see, feel, hear, taste and smell.  To us, the metaphysical world is unseen or under the veil but from the spiritual realm we  are visible.   To understand the spiritual realms, we should grasp the concept our physical world is shaped by the positive and negative entities of the spiritual realm.   It has been happening all over the world since ancient times.

Hindu and Buddhist texts speak of gruesome, fanged asuras and rakshasa that candownload (24) corrupt a person’s soul. Muslims spend time, energy and money trying to prevent bad things from happening from their spirits known as Jinn. Judaism has never had a richly developed notion of demons, but Jewish folklore does speak of the troubles caused by unhappy or angry spirits. In Christianity, the Vatican has officially recognized a group of 250 priests who operate in 30 countries to rid believers of demonic possession. Father Gabriele Amorth was ordained a Catholic priest in 1954 and became an official exorcist 32-years later. Now 88-years-old Amorth images111states that he has performed 160,000 exorcisms in the course of his ministry, some of which were conducted on the same person more than once, with some of the rites lasting just a few minutes or up to several hours.

John 4:1 states, Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

In the medical field, Dr. Richard Gallagher, psychiatrist, professor and demonic possession believes some the mental illness is related to negative spirits in this report. There have been a number of documented incidents resulting in murder using a Ouija board as outlined this article.

Consider spirits as either positive or negative energy, battling for your polarity, your essence, to ensure you do not attain 51% positive in all aspects of your life.   There are negative entities,  such as  Orion,  striving to control our thoughts, emotions and actions. Each person is playing the game, aware or unaware,  the battle that has been going on since ancient times. They even influence on our sacred texts, including the 10 commandments. 

A recent example of how negativity affects us all is Buddhism. Buddhism used to be universally revered as a peaceful and tolerance belief system. However, put it in power or ally it to those who politically rule, and what once was peaceful turns violent. As a example, the self-identified Buddhist government of Sri Lanka and its campaign against the Tamils in the north of that country. Likewise, you can find Buddhists allied to the government of Myanmar crying for the blood of the country’s Rohingya, a Muslim minority. Negative forces are at work around the world, but if you look deeper, all the resources of the world are owned by the few.

When we look at the physical world in isolation, we miss so many opportunities from the spiritual aspect.  The spiritual world is an important concept to grasp, to recognize our daily  battle with the negatives of the spiritual realm that try to affect our thoughts, emotions and actions.

Dreaming is probably the easiest, most natural ways to connect with the spiritual world. imagesz1Scientists have continued to study the science behind dreaming and have not come up with any real concrete answers. Scientists have been baffled for years, and will continue to do so. It is beyond their understanding because they are looking for the answers in all the wrong places.  Your dreams are spoken in a language for you interpretation regardless if they are negative or positive. It can reveal so much about your spiritual journey.   It is not an easy task to remember the details of the dream much less interpret them, but I assure you, it can provide a wealth of information in time.   Consider dreams as a message to you from the spiritual realm, from God.

According to the Law of One, they use our thoughts, our monkey minds, to deceive, confuse and control. Loving thoughts, feeling compassion and grateful, helps our essense positively. On the other hand, if you are thinking of yourself more than others, quick to anger, greedy and want to control things, is negative. We are in the school of life, trying to learn the way of love and wisdom, essentially learning how to play well with each other and trying to find our way home.

Life is the the opportunity for a person to evolve spiritually, to learn the ways of love and wisdom and be of service to others. It helps to knowledge  the world is full of distractions, distortions and confusion, all catalysts to help with our evolution. It is all about free-will, to choose your path, seek the truth. What one is seeking may be found by simply looking within.

 JB-Rumi-QuoteJesus  and Buddha,  were our spiritual masters,  provided much guidance.  Look  within, know yourself  through meditation, contemplation and prayer. You may be amazed at what you find . Love  is the key.   Knowing about the negative element can inspire us to learn and take steps to protect ourselves and understand the power within.  It is a personal battle not just for one, but for all.

Our Ability to Heal

The placebo effect has been proven. Our mind, our belief system, actually controls our pain and can heal many ailments we suffer. In short, the placebo images (6)effect relies on your body’s own chemicals, released in response to or in accordance with your mental or emotional expectations or beliefs.  You  have the ability to heal yourself,  all you have to do is sincerely believe and engage and energize the power within.  Our thoughts, emotions and actions have a huge impact on our lives more than any of us ever imagined. We live in the material world, not realizing the unseen forces of metaphysical world undetected by the five senses.  Our unruly mind does not help. Most of us realize we are energetic beings who do not comprehend the power within. Much like newborn babies, we are just discovering there may be something much more to ourselves than just a physical body.  Jesus even said  ” Truly, truly, I tell You, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I am doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. He was telling us to believe and understand his true message and we could perform the same good deeds.  

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We have the ability but where do we start?  Mystical and psychic abilities have been depressed and discouraged for centuries and most are reluctant to even discuss. We have been made to believe psychic ability was something from the dark ages, something negative.

Witches were burned at the stake for practicing so-called magic and of spells of invocation of spirits, all psychic abilities.  Channeling, another psychic ability  has been going on since biblical days. Parts of the Old Testament says kill the messenger and the New Testament says do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God.    This list of psychic abilities  have been attributed to real-world people and there are different types.    World governments have been recruiting operatives with psychic abilities for years.

We all have some degree of psychic ability.  One ability most have and may not realize it is knowing something and your not sure how you know;  known as discernment. Call it  instinct or intuition we have the ability if we pay attention.   A  psychic has the ee2c9aa37eb3dda8e3d572006e469858--chakra-meditation-chakra-healing the ability to perceive information hidden from the normal senses through extrasensory perception (ESP). To me,  it is the development of our  third eye, our sixth sense. The sixth sense  is the 6th Chakra of the 7 energy centers, running from the base of our spine to the top of our head.  Another message  Jesus  left us was he said   “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your   vision is clear, your whole body will be full of light.”  Light is energy and once your vision is clear, you understand the power within,  the kind that can heal not only yourself but others.


Andrew Newberg, MD Director of Research, Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital has being doing research and suggest that Human beings appear to have spiritual brains; brains that are capable of feeling deeply connected to something greater than themselves and that we can develop intense beliefs about God. His research reveals the fascinating relationship aa4e14dac3ffc117d01edb7a55496384--buddha-quote-buddha-buddha between the universal spiritual urge and the intricate workings of the human brain. He did brain scans of Franciscan Nuns while they were engaged in a type of meditative prayer called centering prayer. The brain scans showed many different changes, including changes in he parts of the brain that are involved in the sense of self, providing evidence that meditative prayer has a measurable effect on the brain.

Other research also suggests meditation may physically change the brain and body and could potentially help to improve many health problems and promote healthy behaviors. Science has established 12 science-based benefits of meditation that can be easily obtainsdownload (3) with daily practice.

Buddha said “Meditation brings wisdom; lack of mediation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.”

We all have the potential to heal ourselves and develop  our God-given abilities.  With positive and loving thoughts, emotions and actions, we  create our reality. Daily meditation provides wisdom. A great start to understanding our true selves.

Changing old habits that do not serves us in our endeavor is probably the most difficult task to overcome, so one should begin  gradually.  This is about transformation, changing bad habits that have been ingrained for years into beneficial ones. Your thoughts, emotions and actions create your reality. Media can be your friend or foe, so you should realize what you watch or read, affects you.  Adding more positivity in your life is a plus.   Qigong, yoga, Tai Chi exercises may increase your positive energy and your overall well-being.

A daily meditation practice is probably the single most important aspect of any spiritual 829a51cb669f43bc4f0468bd90de3a77--walking-paths-into-the-woodsjourney.  It is just you and One Infinite Intelligence or God.  Daily meditation turns your attention away from distracting thoughts and unhealthy habits and focuses on the present moment,  the power within each of us, that divine spark.

Healing is not just about the body,  but the mind and spirit.  It about our connection to God and how to make positive life changes in order to connect.  It is a journey, and as humans we make mistakes. We simply learn and find our way back to our path.  Eventually you will look back and be glad you took that first step. With wisdom and compassion, we love others unconditionally, be of service to others, nurture and care for all of nature  and becoming one with our Infinite Creator, developing that true power within.