Hillary Clinton Pedophile Sex Ring; Dr. Dean: Exposing the Truth

Hillary Clinton Pedophile Sex Ring Continues To Be Exposed By Insiders – FBI and NYPD Confirming Hillary Clinton’s Massive Crime Syndicate in Washington DC  Link to Story


DR DEAN: EXPOSING THE TRUTH;  an enlightening  conversation with Dr. Jason Dean and Jess Weber about vaccines, culture, medical community  and much more. 

Love the whole world as a mother lovers her only child.

Juan O Savin -Call to Action; Acts of Treason and Fraud Will be The Case of The Century

Supreme Court: Brunson v. Alma S. Adams; et al., Case Summary and Timeline
  • The case involves the possible removal of a sitting President and Vice President of the United States along with 388 members of the United States Congress.

  • Respondents were properly warned and were requested to make an investigation Into a highly covert swift and powerful enemy, seeking to destroy the constitution in the United States of America.

  • The case alleges that Congress failed in their Constitutional duties by ignoring the protection of critical infrastructure (election systems) during a National Emergency.

  • US courts have consistently held that fraud vitiates everything (US v Throckmorton, 1878).

  • The refusal of the respondents to investigate The Congressional claim (the enemy) is an act of treason and fraud by respondents.

  • The successful manipulation of US elections constitutes an act of war.

The petitioner, Raland J. Brunson, has created a website containing a case summary and timeline of events: Seven Discoveries Book – 7discoveries

Supreme Court of the United States Case No 22-380

Do your part and click below, sign, date and send to the United States Supreme Court

Click to access BrunsonV2.pdf

Brunson v. Alma S. Adams et al, Action against 388 federal officers who refused 10 day delay in Electoral vote count, Act of treason and fraud by Respondents


Gnosticism is Alive

Gnosticism is one of the most fascinating and perplexing phenomena in western  theological history.   At the heart was the Greek word gnosis meaning,  “Knowledge or Direct knowledge of God”.  Existing far before its Christian descendants, Gnosis in Classical Greek meant true knowledge or wisdom depending on which ancient slide_3philosopher one reads. According to Plato, reality as perceived by the five senses is merely the surface of a highly complex and structured system. The act of seeing and recognizing this system Plato calls “ideas.” A key element in his philosophy, which would later transfer to Gnosticism and Gnostic, is the  concept that every human had a previous and thorough understanding of the structures of reality. Unfortunately, this knowledge was somehow lost. The reclaiming of this knowledge through the comprehension of reality underlying structures is Gnosis.

Gnosis in the first century was a quiet movement, adapting to the situations and locations of the societies it encountered. From early Christian literature, there is an impression that Gnosis was a threat to subvert Christianity, even though there seems to be no unified front of Gnosis during this time. The Gnostics were just a variety of independent, small sects that on the whole seem very different from each other. However, these different sects even debated the same metaphysical,  cosmologic, soteriological, and ethical themes as their more mainstream Christian counterparts.  Gnostics were the early movement of Christianity and lost the early E9F625CB-1D92-43E3-A3FC-33CC72001CE7Christian struggle to define orthodoxy.  

So who were the Gnostics?  Irenaeus of Lyon, a bishop in the late 2nd century was an enemy of the Gnostics whom he called heretics.  Irenaeus claimed that a single true Christianity originated with Jesus  and the apostles. In his view other groups, such as the Gnostics, may claim to be Christians, but they were false deviations for the one true Christianity, and all competing Christians were heretics.  Today we know Christianity was diverse from the very beginning.  Even the original apostles did not agree on a single Christian message.

One of the most striking features of the Gnostic myth as Irenaeus tells it is that the God of Genesis is  lower than the ultimate God and is arrogant, ignorant and evil. He is hostile to humans beings because humans beings have a share of the divine spirit that belongs to the  higher God.  The real name of the god who created this world is Ialdabaoth, a spiritual being who runs this universe like a tyrant.

This biblical father god of the Old Testament, also known as Yahweh or Jehovah, was hostile to human beings when he AdamEve-600x397commanded Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, preventing them from knowing the spiritual truth.

When Adam and Eve eat from the tree, they gain gnosis, knowledge of the true God.  Eve was  encouraged to eat the fruit from a female deity  known as Sophea, (Wisdom).   As human beings continue to see true spiritual knowledge,  Yahweh grows jealous of their devotion to the higher God and causes a flood to wipe out humanity.  The higher God,  Universal Intelligence, saves Noah and his family from the Yahweh evil plot.

Finally, human beings begin to lose the knowledge that Adam and Eve gain when they ate from the tree, but Universal Intelligence sends Jesus to restore this lost gnosis and rescue them from Yahweh and his fellow rulers. 5a4da62576d47c9081ee29e510cd504e

The Gnostic Version of the Garden of Eden is much like the Sumerian Tablets and  the Law of One Yahweh is mentioned 19 times and agrees with much of what the Gnostics said about the God of the Old Testament.

Orthodox Christianity created the idea of heresy to condemn the Gnostics quest for higher knowledge because of the different belief system. Early Christians wanted a single harmonious system and considered themselves as a single body of Christ and did not want any division. Overtime, people who followed the Gnostics were considered godless and imperious members of a school of thought and therefore heretics. Some in the Christian religion still believe that today. The destruction of their sacred texts was inevitable, so some hid them in caves and various other places so they could not be found.

In 1945, one of the most important archaeological discoveries in the 20th century occurred. Thirteen ancient codices containing over 50 texts of Gnostic works were found in caves in Upper Egypt untouched by scribes. All of these can be found in the Nag Hammadi Library.

The discovery in 1945 provides a new and refreshing school of thought about spiritualitygnostic-christ-1024x791 and Jesus’s message. The discovery also came at a time when it could be shared with the world and not suppressed as it was for the last twenty centuries. Jesus is a teacher of wisdom and understanding, speaking in metaphors and parables of love and enlightenment. Much different from the sin and repentance as the Church teaches. Since the discovery and publications, the Gospel of Thomas has been the most celebrated of the 50 ancient texts discovered in 1945.

 Jesus said in saying 5 of the Gospel of Thomas,  “Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you . For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest.”  Have we come to a time when all the secrets of the world are manifesting?  Gnosticism was not confined to the Christians but is part of the belief systems of Sufism and the Saints of India and other eastern mystics. Gnosticism is not only alive but reemerging in a world that needs much love and wisdom in todays greatest   spiritual battle the world has even known.

Forbidden Cures; Adrenochrome; More Twitter files released; Senator Gerard Rennick from Australia Speaks Outs

FORBIDDEN CURES – Why is this “universal antidote” hidden from humanity?


Fruit extract may kill cancer. Big pharma will make sure this don’t get out.


More Twitter files released

Senator Gerard Rennick from Australia

mRNA is Transferring from the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated; CGI Technology; Government Knows Children are Being Trafficked 

Shedding Concerns: “It Looks Like the mRNA is Transferring from the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated”

Could you actually take a vaccine inadvertently through close contact, kissing, sexual contact, or breastfeeding? Dr. McCullough (http://t.me/c19expertchannel) says, “it looks like the answer is YES.”

Western media have been using CGI technology to sell the narrative to their audiences that Russia is targeting civilian residential areas. This is not the case as we can see.

The Supreme Court Case Could Overturn the 2020 Presidential election

Government knows children are being trafficked

The Pineal Gland

Meditation, being of service to others, love God with all your heart and love others as you love yourself are some steps that could help us find our way during these times.  Our world today provides more than enough catalyst and opportunities to grow spiritually. Pay attention to your thoughts, speech and actions. Are they positive or negative?

Spiritual growth is why we are here. It is a lifetime endeavor of seeking the truth and to know our true-selves. We live in a world that is not what it seems and our physical and metaphysical worlds are inseparable. Spiritual growth is listening and trusting our higher- self. We all have guides or angels ready to assist, if we pay attention. We all have the gift of discernment or intuition, we just have to learn to trust ourselves.

Daily meditation, even if it is just five minute will help calm the mind and in time, provide a path the the higher self. There is no one method of meditation better than another. Buddha said “Meditation brings wisdom; lack of mediation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.

Once a person realizes we live in divine energetic field, they begin to experience the energy fields of nature including plants, animals and humans. You feel more love and compassion to all living things. As we grow, so will our awareness, purpose and understanding. The Chinese sage Lao Tzu “ A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”

Criminals of US Government; The Spiritual Significance of an Eclipse

How the Criminals of US Government Work


What is the meaning and impact of a Solar or Lunar Eclipse?

The next lunar eclipse is on 7-8th November, 2022. Did you know that solar and lunar eclipses have harmful spiritual side effects ? This article elucidates about the negative effects eclipses can have on you and your loved ones and what you can do for your protection.

What is an eclipse ? : An eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs when one object in the sky moves into the shadow of another. The term is most often used to describe either a solar eclipse, i.e. when the Moon’s shadow crosses Earth’s surface, or a lunar eclipse, i.e. when the Moon moves into the shadow of Earth.

Abstract : Solar and lunar eclipses are significant events at a spiritual level. There is an increase in Raja-Tama which has negative effects on humanity. Ghosts take advantage of the heightened Raja-Tama to create a variety of issues that have global negative repercussions. Regular spiritual practice ensures that we are insulated from its subtle (intangible) harmful effects.

Please note : To understand this article you need to be familiar with the article on Sattva, Raja and Tama – the three subtle basic components of the Universe.

You can watch a video summarising the spiritual meaning of an eclipse here:

1. Introduction

Every year we witness a number of solar and lunar eclipses that are either partial or total. The visibility of any given eclipse is usually limited to some geographic area on Earth. Viewing an eclipse generates much interest in the wider community and this prompted us to also understand if there is a spiritual or subtle intangible significance to it. We conducted spiritual research to understand the spiritual meaning and the effect of eclipses on mankind.

2. Type of eclipses

The first thing that came to light through spiritual research is that physical (apparent to our eyes) eclipses as mentioned above are not the only type of eclipses. There are subtle (intangible) eclipses too. These subtle eclipses are caused by the powerful ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) called subtle-sorcerers (māntriks) from the 5th to 7th region of hell by the use of their supernatural powers and are only apparent to those with an advanced and active sixth sense.

Powerful ghosts create subtle eclipses by creating a barrier of subtle black negative energy between either the gross, physical Sun and the Earth or between the subtle Sun and the Earth.

Every heavenly body that we can see such as the Earth or Sun also has a subtle body. This is akin to the subtle body that a human has that envelops the physical body. Refer to the section on subtle body and what we are comprised of.

Solar eclipse and meaning of Sun deity


The physical and subtle Sun are governed by the Sun Deity. The Sun Deity is that aspect of God that controls the functioning of all the Suns and other stars in the Universe. The Sun Deity in its source form is unmanifest. The Sun Deity manifests through the Absolute Cosmic Fire Principle (Tējtattva) and materialises as the Sun we see in the sky, lightning and fire on Earth. All living beings are dependent on the Sun as one of the Sun Deity’s main functions in the Universe is to provide light and radiance in the Universe.

There are subtle eclipses on the moon too but their impact on the Universe is much less as compared to that of the solar eclipse.

By creating a barrier between the Sun and the Earth in a subtle eclipse, powerful subtle-sorcerers interfere with the function of the Sun and hence increase the Raja-Tama on Earth.

Cause of eclipseOut of all the eclipses that take place 70% are subtle eclipses and 30% are physical eclipses. Humankind (including the best astronomers) is only aware of the 30% physical eclipses. Thus humankind is in total ignorance about the subtle eclipses.

Only people who are above the 50% spiritual level and with an advanced and active sixth sense can perceive the presence and the subtle effect of the subtle eclipse. The average person cannot perceive the subtle intangible effects of a subtle eclipse.

The negative impact of a subtle eclipse on humankind is 9 times more powerful than that of a normal physical solar or lunar eclipse.

3. Spiritual significance and meaning of a Solar or Lunar eclipse

Spiritual research has shown that in the case of all eclipses there is a rise in the Raja-Tama and a reduction in the Sattva component. This rise in Raja-Tama has many detrimental side-effects at a subtle (intangible) level which may not be noticeable in the physical plane initially. However these Raja-Tama laden conditions are made use of by ghosts to harm society.

Due to the Sun being obscured by a subtle barrier in front of the gross or subtle Sun during an eclipse, there are two significant spiritual impacts:

  • The environment becomes conducive for negative energies to amass black energy. Black energy is a type of spiritual energy that is the primary weapon of attack of ghosts.
  • The environment is most conducive for negative energies to utilise their black energy to harm humankind during the period of the eclipse as well as to sow the seeds of destruction of humankind. Refer to section 4.4

3.1 Why is there an increase in Raja-Tama with a solar or lunar eclipse?

The increased Raja-Tama happens due to two reasons:

  • In the case of physical eclipses, the reason for increased Raja-Tama is due to the fact that during an eclipse the light from the Sun or the Moon is obstructed even before it reaches the Earth. This darkness is an anomaly in the general cycle of day and night wherein a period that should have been in light is now in darkness. In fact, the spiritually detrimental effect of the phenomenon of night is equivalent to just 2% as that of an eclipse. This is insofar as the negative energies’ ability to use the darkness and its resulting increase in Raja-Tama to harm society.
  • In the case of a subtle eclipse, a higher order of ghosts creates a black negative energy barrier between the Sun and the Earth and also directly attacks the subtle Sun. This obstruction again causes an increase in Raja-Tama.

3.2 Why do solar eclipses cause more Raja-Tama?

The Sun is far more important to life on Earth than the Moon. By obstructing it at a subtle or physical level, the environment on Earth becomes far more vulnerable at a subtle intangible level and thereby more conducive for ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.)

3.3 What is the relative increase in Raja-Tama from an eclipse?

The following table gives the difference in the proportion of the three subtle basic components on average in the current era of the Universe (i.e. Kaliyug) and in the event of an eclipse. The figures are indicative of Raja-Tama generated in event of a partial eclipse of 30% severity and which occurs at a physical level.


Solar and Lunar Eclipse and meaning of 3 basic subtle components


The percentage increase in Raja-Tama varies depending on the type of eclipse i.e. partial or total, whether it is a solar eclipse or a lunar eclipse and whether it is a physical or subtle eclipse. The following chart gives the increase in Raja and Tama components as a physical eclipse goes towards being a total eclipse.


Lunar and solar eclipses - increase in raja-rama

In the case of subtle eclipses the Raja-Tama will be about 5% more.

3.4 How long does the effect of the increased Raja-Tama from a solar or lunar eclipse last?

The Raja-Tama increase during an eclipse has a residual effect that subsides over many months. In the chart below, we have shown how long the excess Raja-Tama generated by a partial eclipse of 30% takes to subside.

Reduction of raja tama effect from Solar and Lunar eclipse


4. Repercussions of a solar or lunar eclipse

4.1 Where is the subtle impact of the eclipse maximum?

The maximum subtle impact of an eclipse on humans depends on where it is most visible. The more visible it is, the greater the subtle impact on people in that region.

Thus if an eclipse were to be most visible in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, it would have least subtle impact as it is a minimally populated area.

4.2 Raja-Tama increase assists activities of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies etc.)

During an eclipse period, the power of distressing energies increases by 1000 times as compared to other times. This is because ghosts harness the excess Raja-Tama generated by the eclipse to amass black energy either by utilising the conditions to do more spiritual practice to gain negative spiritual black energy or by stealing the spiritual energy of seekers of God. Black energy is spiritual energy which is used to harm society. The following is a drawing based on subtle-knowledge that shows how black energy is collected.


What happens during solar or lunar eclipses

Refer to the section on ‘why we have protective borders’.

The above subtle vision explains what happens at a subtle intangible level during an eclipse. In the subtle negative regions of Hell (Pātāl), higher order ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies etc.) called subtle-sorcerers (i.e. from the 2nd region of Hell downwards) make use of the increased Raja-Tama during the eclipse to do spiritual practice like sacrificial fires (yadnyas) or meditation to harness spiritual black energy. The black energy generated by various subtle-sorcerers flows towards the 7th region of Hell where it is stored. These flows of black energy are all interconnected.

In the subtle positive regions, the subtle bodies of Sages are engaged in meditation. Divine consciousness (Chaitanya) flows from the higher positive regions to combat the increased Raja-Tama on Earth. Thus a subtle battle between the forces of good and evil ensues on the Earth plane.

4.3 Impact of Solar and Lunar eclipses at an individual level

At the time of an eclipse, people are more likely to be affected by their departed ancestors. In many cases, departed ancestors create problems in their descendants’ lives. To do this departed ancestors take advantage of the excess Raja-Tama and the heightened black energy created by ghosts at the time of an eclipse.

Refer to the article on ‘Why would my departed ancestors want to trouble me?

It is for this reason people may experience lethargy, tiredness, sickness etc. at a physical level. At the psychological level, there are excess emotional and negative thoughts, especially about spiritual practice. The moon is known to affect the mind. During a full moon, the effect is even more pronounced. This is further accentuated when there is a lunar eclipse. Thus the combination of the full moon and lunar eclipse is severe. However it happens at a subtle intangible level, i.e. people suffer distress by negative energies.

There is a general decline in decision-making capacity and people are more likely to make incorrect decisions as the intellect is also affected.

4.4 Impact of eclipses at the level of humankind

As mentioned earlier, ghosts use the excess Raja-Tama generated from an eclipse to collect black energy. They use this black energy to harm humankind in various ways. They do this by sowing seeds of destruction and harm at a subtle intangible level that only manifest in the physical plane after a gestation period. This gestation period can be anywhere from a few days to several years. Examples of this would be sowing seeds of pandemics of contagious diseases like Bird Flu and the Ebola Virus or sowing seeds of the third World War.

Eclipses contribute in a large way by providing circumstances conducive to amassing the black energy that ghosts have. In our article on World War 3 Predictions, we mentioned that the world will go through a World War and major natural disasters between the years 2018 and 2023. It will be accompanied by an unprecedented loss of human life. The main catalyst at a subtle intangible level for World War III will be higher-level ghosts. They will orchestrate these events through their black energy influencing man to wage war against his fellowmen. Up to 30% of all their black energy will be gathered at the time of eclipses. The following table shows a breakdown of the factors that will help make the environment conducive for ghosts to create their black energy.

Ghosts and eclipses


  1. By present era we mean the present times of the Era of Strife (Kaliyug). The Universe goes through cyclical stages of destruction caused primarily due to excess Raja-Tama. The Raja-Tama on Earth having reached a peak between the years 2002 to 2012 has primed Earth for a spiritual cleansing period.
  2. By humanity’s actions we mean the Raja-Tama predominant evil deeds of humankind. Refer to the section ‘The three subtle basic components and our lifestyle’.

5. Practical do’s and don’ts to counteract or minimise the negative effect of an eclipse

During an eclipse there is a heightened amount of black energy flowing around and hence an excess of Raja-Tama. Even if we do not have the sixth sense to perceive it, it is best that we modify our actions during an eclipse to counteract the subtle (intangible) harmful effects.

Natural disasters and Eclipse: Earthquakes, floods, epidemics, famines, etc. take place when the collective sin increases, to punish the ones responsible (for the increase in sin) and the ones who do not take any measures to overcome the situation. These disasters come suddenly. As a result one does not get the time to think of saving oneself from such disasters. On the contrary, for known events such as an eclipse we can save ourselves from its ill-effects by doing spiritual practice. For this it is necessary that during the period of the eclipse (i.e., from the start to end of the eclipse) one should do spiritual practice.

– H.H. Dr Athavale (Inspiration to SSRF)


  • Doing spiritual practice helps to nullify the effect of the increased Raja-Tama and black energy in the environment due to an eclipse.So if a person is doing intense spiritual practice (as per the six basic principles of spiritual practice) during an eclipse:
    • He will still be affected by the adverse spiritual effect of the eclipse up to 20%.
    • However, to counteract the rise in Raja-Tama and black energy, the amount of divine energy from God that can be accessed by him is 50% more.
    • Thus the net total is a positive 30%.

Accordingly, people who make the effort to do intense spiritual practice during the time of an eclipse will benefit up to 30 % more spiritually.


  • Don’t plan important functions: All actions and thoughts come under the purview of the subtle basic components, i.e. they are either sāttvik, rājasik, tāmasik or a combination of them, e.g. rajasik-tamasik. All good and auspicious actions are predominantly sattvik or rajasik-sattvik. As a lot of Raja-Tama frequencies are transmitted during the eclipse period, good actions done during this period do not yield expected results. Hence it is advisable to avoid all important actions like inaugurations, important business deals etc. during an eclipse period.
  • Reduce Raja-Tama activities: Avoid doing things like sleeping, going to the toilet, having a meal or sexual intercourse as they are Raja-Tama predominant and only leave us more vulnerable to getting affected by departed ancestors and ghosts.
  • Avoid Eating: The increase in the subtle basic Raja-Tama in the atmosphere during the period of an eclipse affects food as well as the digestive processes. Hence it is advisable to avoid meals during the period of the eclipse.The time period when we should avoid meals depends on the type of eclipse. This is because the amount of sunlight or moonlight reaching Earth depends on the percentage area of the Sun or Moon covered during the eclipse.

The amount of time one should avoid meals during an eclipse:

    • Total eclipse                12 hours prior to the onset of eclipse
    • If it is ¾ covered           9 hours
    • If ½ covered                  6 hours
    • If ¼                                3 hours

If during moonrise, the moon is going to be eclipsed then one should not have food in the previous 12 hours. So also, if the sunrise is going to be in a state of eclipse (irrespective of the type of eclipse), then the period of fasting should start 12 hours earlier. This is because various subtle processes are set into motion approximately 12 hours before an eclipse. If the sun or moon sets in a state of eclipse, then one should have meals only on the next day after taking a bath. Small children, elderly and ill people can observe this period for just 4 and 1/2 hours.

6. In summary

  • An eclipse is an important spiritual event that has lasting adverse effects that are capitalised upon by ghosts.
  • One needs to take all spiritual precautions especially if the eclipse is visible over where one lives.
  • Regular spiritual practice done throughout the year, helps to reduce the adverse effect of an eclipse. In addition if one does intense spiritual practice during the eclipse it can even be positive, so far as individual spiritual growth goes.


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spiritual journey and eclipse           spiritual practice protects us from eclipse

Megyn Kelly Reveals Her 58-Year-Old Sister Died; John Young from Apollo 12 was Asked to Swear He Was Really on the Moon; Spike Protein Disrupting Immunity

Megyn Kelly Reveals Her 58-Year-Old Sister Died Suddenly Over the Weekend of a Heart Attack

John Young from Apollo 12 was asked to put his hand on the Bible and swear if he was really on the moon.

See for yourself how he reacted.

This is how ELITE is vaccinated in front of the cameras

Spike Protein Disrupting Immunity in Millions After COVID Infection or Vaccination: Here’s How It’s Being Treated

The spike proteins cause inflammation, turn off type 1 interferon response, and reduce autophagy among other things, all of which adds up to a dysregulated immune system MARINA ZHANG Oct 23 2022

Multiple studies have shown that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is a highly toxic and inflammatory protein, capable of causing pathologies in its hosts.

The presence of spike protein has been strongly linked with long COVID and post-vaccine symptoms. Studies have shown that spike proteins are often present in symptomatic patients, sometimes even months after infections or vaccinations.

The numbers of long COVID and post-vaccine cases have been climbing in the United States, increasingly posing as a healthcare problem.

Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that around 7 percent of Americans are currently experiencing long COVID symptoms, which would be over 15 million people. Some people with long COVID have been so debilitated that they cannot go to work, the same has been reported in people experiencing post-vaccine symptoms.

Over 880,000 adverse events have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database for possible post-COVID vaccine symptoms.

However, statisticians argue that the number of people suffering from post-vaccine syndromes is much higher.

Canadian molecular biologist Jessica Rose estimated an underreporting factor of 31, adding up to an estimation that more than 27 million Americans may have suffered from adverse events following vaccination.

“The vaccine-injured are vast,” said Dr. Pierre Kory on Oct. 15 at a Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) conference.

“The numbers are massive … they are underserved and their needs are not being met.”

However, many doctors are looking to change this situation. The FLCCC has been at the forefront in treating COVID-19, long COVID, and post-vaccine symptoms.

No large-scale studies have been done on treatment for post-vaccine symptoms. Based on clinical observations, patient feedback, and extensive research, the FLCCC has released its updated treatment recommendations.

The FLCCC co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Paul Marik told The Epoch Times that recommendations are always subject to change based on patient feedback, as well as research on a new treatment option.

However, to understand the treatment options, one first needs to understand how the spike protein is causing damage.

Pathology of Spike Proteins

Long COVID and post-vaccine syndrome share a high degree of overlap as the two conditions have both been linked to long-term spike protein presence, and the symptoms are often similar too.

“The core problem in post-vaccine syndrome is chronic ‘immune dysregulation,’” Marik shared at the FLCCC conference.

Spike proteins can cause chronic inflammation. Studies have shown that inflammation can lead to cell stress, damage, and even death.  Cells make up tissues, different tissues form organs, and organs are part of our own physiological systems. Therefore spike protein injuries are a systemic syndrome.

Spike proteins trigger chronic inflammation by causing immune dysregulation. Spike proteins enter immune cells, switch off normal immune responses, and trigger pro-inflammatory pathways instead.

The normal immune response for infected immune cells is to release type 1 interferons, this gives signals to other immune cells to enhance defense against viral particles. But spike protein reduces this signaling in infected cells, and uninfected cells will also take in and become damaged by the spike protein as the infection goes out of control.

Marik said that a critical aspect of long-term spike protein damage is that it inhibits autophagy, your body’s way of recycling damaged cells. Usually, when cells have been infected with viral particles, the cells will try to break these particles down and remove them as waste.

However, studies on SARS-CoV-2 viruses have shown that autophagy processes are reduced in infected patients, with spike proteins present many months after the initial exposure.

“The spike protein is a really wicked protein,” said Marik. “It switches off autophagy, that’s why the spike can stay in the cells for such a long time.”

Epoch Times Photo
Dr. Paul Marik, co-founder of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) and former Chief of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School, at the FLCCC conference “Understanding & Treating Spike Protein-Induced Diseases” in Kissimmee, Fla. on Oct. 14, 2022. (The Epoch Times)

Immune Cell Dysfunction

The immune dysfunction caused by spike protein not only causes inflammation, but also may also contribute to cancer proliferation, and autoimmunity.

Studies have shown that spike proteins can reduce and exhaust the action of T and natural killer cells. These two cell types are responsible for killing infected cells and cancerous cells. Therefore a reduced cellular immunity from T and natural killer cells can contribute to an untimely clearance of spike-infected cells.

Damage from spike proteins can lead to damaged DNA, and studies have shown that spike proteins can also reduce DNA repair. Psychological and environmental stress such as ultraviolet light, pollutants, oxidants, and many other factors, can routinely damage DNA, requiring constant repair.

Damaged DNA puts cells at risk of becoming cancerous, and these cells should be killed to prevent cancer formations. However, with reduced T and natural killer cell activity, this may lead to unchecked proliferation of potentially cancerous cells.

Other dysfunctions that have been reported following vaccinations include autoimmune diseases.

These diseases may be linked to the spike proteins having a high level of molecular mimicry, meaning spike proteins have many regions similar to other proteins in the human body.

So when the immune system attacks the spike protein, due to structural similarities, the antibodies produced against spike protein regions may also react against the body’s own proteins and tissues. Studies have shown that antibodies made against the spike protein can also bind to and attack self tissues.

Spike Protein Causes Fatigue

The spike protein is also linked with dysfunction in the mitochondria. Colloquially known as the powerhouse of the cell, mitochondria are responsible for harnessing energy from the sugar we ingest.

Human neural cells treated with spike protein have been shown to produce more reactive oxygen species, and this is an indication of mitochondrial dysfunction, suggesting possible reduction in energy production.

People with long COVID and post-vaccine syndromes often experience chronic fatigue, brain fog, exercise intolerance, and muscle weakness. These symptoms are also often seen in people with mitochondrial dysfunction, indicating a possible link.

Epoch Times Photo
Dr. Paul Marik’s slides presented at the FLCCC Conference in Orlando Florida (Courtesy of the FLCCC)

Spike Protein Damage to Blood Vessels and Organs

Spike proteins have shown to be particularly damaging to cells that line blood vessels. Spike proteins can bind to ACE2 and CD147 receptors and trigger inflammatory pathways.

These receptors are particularly abundant in cells of the blood vessels, heart, immune system, ovaries, and many other areas. Spike protein can therefore trigger inflammation and damage in blood vessels and its related organs, leading to systemic injury.

Marik said that spike protein injury is closer to a systemic syndrome rather than a disease.

“It’s not a disease. It doesn’t fit the traditional model of a disease. This is a syndrome which affects every single organ … the spike goes everywhere … so this is a multi-systems disease and it doesn’t follow the traditional paradigm of a disease which is one symptom, one diagnosis.”

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Dr. Pierre Kory’s slides presented at the FLCCC conference in Kissimmee, Fla. (Courtesy of the FLCCC)

FLCCC’s First Line Treatments

Since long COVID and post-vaccine symptoms are both associated with spike protein presence, the first line treatments recommended by the FLCCC therefore focus on two main steps.

The first step is to remove spike protein, the second step is to reduce its toxicity.

The body will then heal itself, and this is “the primary treatment goal,” said Marik.

Most of the first line treatments have focused on clearing out the spike protein by reactivating autophagy—a process that is downregulated by spike protein.

Lifestyle implementations can boost autophagy through intermittent fasting, and photobiomodulation. Photobiomodulation can be done by exposing oneself to the sun, since sunlight contains infrared rays that boost autophagy in cells.

Intermittent fasting can result in multiple health benefits including improved insulin sensitivity, weight loss, reduced inflammation and autoimmunity, and many more.

However it should be noted that intermittent fasting is not recommended for people younger than the age of 18, as it can prevent growth. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are also not recommended to fast intermittently. People with diabetes and kidney disease are also recommended to check with their primary care physicians before considering intermittent fasting.

While intermittent fasting may not be suitable for everyone, there are other treatment options that can boost autophagy and reduce spike protein toxicity.

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(Sonis Photography/Shutterstock)


Ivermectin has been highly recommended by the FLCCC and many doctors treating COVID, long COVID, and  post-vaccine syndrome, on the basis that it is inexpensive, highly accessible, has a high safety profile, and a high response rate.

The drug is highly dynamic and has also been documented with a variety of functions: antiviral, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory, and also boosts autophagy.

Ivermectin can help with the removal of spike protein. Studies have shown that ivermectin has a higher affinity for the spike protein and will bind to its regions, effectively neutralizing and immobilizing it for destruction.

Ivermectin also directly opposes the pro-inflammatory pathways that are triggered by the spike protein including NF-KB pathway that activates inflammatory cytokines and toll-like receptor 4.

FLCCC doctors reason that ivermectin and intermittent fasting can act “synergistically” to remove the body spike protein, and recommends taking ivermectin with or just after a meal.

Ivermectin is also able to bind to ACE2 and CD147, and therefore blocks spike protein from entering and triggering inflammation in cells that display these receptors. Studies have also shown that ivermectin can maintain the energy produced by mitochondria even under conditions of low oxygen.

Kory said that around 70 to 90 percent of his post-vaccine syndrome patients respond to the drug, generally within 10 days.

“Patients can be classified as ivermectin responders or non-responders … the non-responders—[are] actually a group of patients that are more difficult to treat,” said Marik.

Patients that are non-responsive—typically after four to six weeks of treatment—are recommended to go on a more aggressive treatment.

When overdosed, ivermectin can cause confusion, disorientation, and possibly even death. However, the drug has a high safety profile when used in reasonable doses. There is little literature on its use in pregnant women so the FLCCC cautions against the use of it during pregnancy.

“Ivermectin has continually proved to be astonishingly safe for human use,” wrote Dr. Satoshi Ohmura, the discoverer of ivermectin in his co-authored study.

“Indeed, it is such a safe drug, with minimal side effects, that it can be administered by non-medical staff and even illiterate individuals in remote rural communities, provided that they have had some very basic, appropriate training.”

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Screenshot of a photo of naltrexone, a medication approved for opioid and alcohol addiction that is used in low dose to treat long COVID. (innovationcompounding.com/screenshot by The Epoch Times)

Low Dose Naltrexone

Low dose naltrexone (LDN) has recently made the news as an option for long COVID treatment.

“We’ve been using it for many, many months,” said Marik. “Low dose naltrexone is a very potent anti-inflammatory drug. It’s been used in many chronic inflammatory diseases.”

Clinically, FLCCC doctors have seen many of their patients’ symptoms improve following treatment with LDN, though it may take months for the benefits to be clearly visible.

Normal naltrexone is commonly used to prevent overdose in narcotic users. However, when reduced to around a 10th of its normal concentration, to 1 mg to 4.5 mg in LDN, the drug’s mechanism changes dramatically.

LDN has an anti-inflammatory effect; studies show that it is able to block inflammatory toll-like receptors, reduce the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and block inflammatory cascades.

LDN works to balance the activity between Th1 and Th2 type cytokines.

Th1 type cytokines tend to produce pro-inflammatory response to kill intracellular parasites and propel autoimmune activities. Th2 type cytokines typically have more of an anti-inflammatory activity and can counteract the activity of Th1 cytokines.

LDN selectively modulates this balance by reducing Th1 activity and increasing Th2 cytokine activities.

Clinically, LDN has been shown to be effective against post-COVID and post-vaccine neurological symptoms. It has been listed by the FLCCC to be effective against neuropathic pain, brain fog, fatigue, bell’s palsy, and facial paresthesia.

This is because LDN also reduces neuroinflammation. It is neuroprotective and is able to cross the blood-brain barrier and reduce inflammatory actions of the microglia, which function as immune cells in the brain.

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Blueberries on a wooden table; focus on single blueberry (Shallow DOF)


Resveratrol is a nutraceutical commonly found in fruits. It can be found in peanuts, pistachios, grapes, red and white wine, blueberries, cranberries, and even cocoa and dark chocolate.

It can also be obtained through vitamins, though there is generally a low bioavailability of resveratrol, and therefore the FLCCC recommends it to be taken with quercetin.

Resveratrol is anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidizing. Studies have shown it to be selective in killing cancer cells. It activates DNA repair pathways and therefore can reduce cellular stress and prevent the formation of cancerous cells.

In stressed cells, resveratrol can reduce reactive oxygen species produced by the mitochondria and promote autophagy. In animal studies on fruit flies and nematodes, the use of resveratrol increased their lifespan, indicating the molecule’s anti-aging and life-extending properties.

An arrangement of aspirin pills in New York. (Patrick Sison/File Photo via AP)

Low Dose Aspirin

Similar to ivermectin, aspirin is another drug that has been found to be multifaceted in its effects on health.

Aspirin is anti-inflammatory and an anticoagulant. The drug therefore reduces the chance of micro-clot formation in the blood vessels. Studies have shown that it can also reduce pro-inflammatory pathways, oxidative stress, and is also neuroprotective.

Neurocognitive impairment has been a major complaint of many people suffering from post-COVID vaccine syndromes. This includes brain fog and peripheral neuropathic pain.

Studies on Alzheimer’s disease patients have shown that taking aspirin was associated with slower cognitive decline, though results have been conflicting across different studies.

Animal studies showed that rats that were given aspirin had lower cognitive decline. Studies in rats with damaged nerves suggested that aspirin may also be neuroprotective due to its anti-inflammatory nature.

The use of aspirin may cause side effects in pregnancy and such as bleeding.

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Molecule Of Melatonin. By Sergey Tarasov/Shutterstock


Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland to promote a restful sleep. It has both anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidizing properties.

In cells, melatonin promotes mitochondrial health by reducing active oxygen species. Because the mitochondria uses a lot of oxygen, when it is stressed through environmental toxins such as radiation or spike protein exposure, it may produce reactive oxygen species.

Melatonin, an antioxidant, can therefore prevent oxidative damage. Studies show that it also prevents leakage of electrons from mitochondria and therefore maximizes energy production.

It also promotes autophagy by unblocking the autophagy pathway, helping the cell to break down spike proteins and boost the removal of these toxic proteins.

Due to its anti-oxidizing property, melatonin repairs DNA damaged by free radicals. Melatonin and its metabolites also activate genes that promote DNA repair, and suppress gene activity that may lead to damaged DNA.

Melatonin also has anti-cancerous properties. Animal studies on melatonin have shown that animals that were administered melatonin had a lower rate of tumor generation.

Melatonin has also been recommended by the FLCCC in treating tinnitus, a symptom of post-vaccine and long COVID. The symptom is a ringing in the ears, and can disturb sleep if severe. Melatonin can help reduce the ringing and help people to get a good night’s sleep.

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A bottle is shown reading “Vaccine COVID-19” and a syringe next to the Pfizer and Biontech logo on Nov. 23, 2020. (Joel Saget/AFP via Getty Images)

Differences Between Long COVID and Post-Vaccine Syndrome

Both long COVID and post-vaccine syndrome are driven by spike protein load and damage from spike exposure, and therefore share a high degree of overlap in treatment.

However, doctors notice slight differences in certain clinical presentations between the two conditions, and therefore the FLCCC have prioritized different treatments.

“It seems that with the vaccine injured, the predominant symptom and the predominant organ is neurological,” said Marik. In his observation, roughly “more than 80 percent of patients with vaccine injury have some degree of neurological impairment.”

Marik said post-vaccine symptoms can also be harder to treat than long COVID, and are more persistent, with some patients presenting with debilitating symptoms for almost two years.

Therefore treatment for people with post-vaccine symptoms are “more aggressive and more brain targeted,” said Marik.

“It seems like long COVID gets better with time. While some patients persist, it seems to be somewhat self resolving to a degree,” said Marik. “The problem with the vaccine-injured is that it can persist. We have patients who were vaccinated in December of 2020 … [who] are still severely, severely injured.”

“The two are similar, but we’ve put much more emphasis on the vaccine-injury because it’s a much more difficult disease to treat.”

Marina Zhang is based in New York and covers health and science. Contact her at marina.zhang@epochtimes.com.
We’ve Had 25 Million Covid Jab Deaths So Far: Analyst

“Peter Halligan, whom Dr. Roger Hodkinson says in the video above (https://rumble.com/v1o5csw-october-15-2022.html) ‘is a most-experienced analyst in the financial industry and is very skilled at looking at and translating statistics into a summary statement,’ estimated global deaths related to Covid vaccines at (https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/20-million-saved-or-20-million-killed) 20 million and vaccine injuries at 2.2 billion through August 2022.

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Epic Message to The Unvaccinated

Epic Message To The Unvaccinated


The world is currently going through a mass spiritual awakening. Humanity is realizing and beginning to understand that our world is not as it seems, and physical and metaphysical worlds are inseparable. Perhaps it is time for a greater understanding of God, to expand our concept, not to correct our previous understanding, but to expand our consciousness.   There is only one God, omnipotent, a force of Divine energy encompassing not only our world, but all worlds of the Universe. Perhaps the awakening is necessary to understand God as Infinite Intelligence which includes all life within this world, and extends into all other worlds in the Universe. This Divine Force of Energy is available to all.

It is important not to confuse God with religion or religion with God. Religion was created by man in order to understand the Divine. God exists far beyond all religions, far beyond human intellect, imagination, invention and human corruption. God is beyond comprehension, beyond any definition and beyond our histories and great teachers and the great messengers from God, great spiritual books and testimonies. There is one God, one Creator, the Great Spirit, the Divine Force that rules over the all.

It is interesting to note that science has proven electromagnetic energy is the most plentiful constant energy of our universe. It is a part of all structures living and dead, including the atmosphere. We create electromagnetic energies in the atoms of our living cells, which we enhance by the reaction with the atmospheric energy field. We know this expanded energy field as the human aura. Within this energy we all have the ability to experience the Divine Reality by discovering our true nature.

As energetic beings, our thoughts, feelings and actions generate energy that radiates into the world, as we unknowingly create our reality. Energy has both positive and negative charges. Fear, control, hate, judging others are considered negative. The most positive emotion is Love which includes kindness, compassion, helping others and treating others as you would like to be treated. It is seeing God in everyone and everything. We are all co-creators and that is the paradigm shift of the global spiritual awakening.

Buddha said our lives are products of our mind. What we are today is a result of what we thought yesterday. What we think today influences what happens to us tomorrow. Our entire lives are products of our mind.

Lao Tzu said the world is transformed by those who love all people, just as you love yourself.

Jesus said in the Gospel of the Egyptians, You receive no benefit from loving only those who love you. Great benefits comes from loving those who hate you.

May be an image of tree and text that says 'Ego. complain dishonest sadness selfish Awareness giving forgiving lazy confused jealousy hate procrastinate honesty trust love fake calm hopeless regret motivated stress efficient worried gratitude passionate happy superficial self-center ego bravery joy arrogant greed ignorant anger violent inspired loyal selfless fear proactiver diligent impatient inferiority indecisive indifferent Ioneliness kindness creative responsible confidence supportive peaceful'

A Sub-Human Species Enslaved Us For 6000 Years; The Body Is the Best Doctor

A Sub-Human Species Enslaved Us For 6000 Years

Dr. Christiane Northrup FULL INTERVIEW

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The Body Is the Best Doctor: How to Harness Your Natural Ability to Heal Yourself


The average person who finds out they have cancer is faced with a frightening number of decisions. Those of us who have been there, understand that standing at the precipice of a cliff is not only scary, it’s mind-numbing.

But don’t let the fear paralyze you. The first thing to do is to take a deep breath. Understand you’re likely in a state of shock. Recognize that while you’ll not want to put off treatment indefinitely, you do have time to learn about your options. Cancer is something that often takes years to develop, and it’s not likely to kill you next week.

I recently interviewed Dr. Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD, a brilliant naturopath who has successfully treated thousands of patients and guided them through the process of healing. He uses the analogy of a firefighter who is dealing with a burning building.

What Is Causing the Building to Burn?

A naturopath like Dr. Karlfeldt will look for the fires first. What is causing the building to burn, i.e., what is driving the cancer? There are often many answers to this question. Are you exposed to a parasite, pathogen, or other toxin? Are certain foods you’re eating negatively impacting your immune system? What are the causes of the inflammatory markers and what are the numbers they show?

In other words, what is the root cause of your disease? Cancer didn’t just happen in a vacuum, there’s always an underlying cause.

What tests does a naturopath perform? It depends on the individual. Do you live in an old house with present mold? What kind of diet do you have? What other health issues do you have? What is your emotional state? Tests might include:

  • An antibody test with 3 different panels for food, heavy metals, and pathogens such as Lyme, mold, viruses, and bacteria.
  • Urine test (chronic inflammation test) to determine the level of inflammation we’re dealing with.
  • Nutritional or mineral tests to determine deficiencies or excess overload (lead, copper, fluoride, etc.).

Bring In The Construction Crew to Rebuild the Body

Much like firefighters, a naturopath will assist you in using the body’s natural ability to CLEAR the cause. Then he’ll bring in the construction crew to rebuild the body with basics like nutrition, vitamins, and supplements.

He’ll also utilize some of the most cutting-edge treatments available today. Some of the treatments Dr. Karlfeldt recommends include:

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) – a treatment that uses the power of light to destroy cancer cells. It involves using light-sensitive medicine and a light source to destroy abnormal cells and utilizes a photosensitizer that can be injected into or around the therapy location to pull light to itself as a stronger concentration. By matching the frequency of a laser with the photosensitizer so that it triggers oxidation within the cancer cells, it kills them in a very targeted manner.

Oxygen Therapies – these types of therapies are designed to create an oxygen-rich environment within the tumors. Research like a study by the University Georgia shows that “low oxygen levels in cells may be a primary cause of uncontrollable tumor growth in some cancers.” Oxygen therapies are highly effective when combined with other therapies. For example, a lot of time chemotherapy is not effective because it isn’t combined with oxygen therapy.

High-dose vitamin C IV, mistletoe IV, and other therapies can also be highly effective in treating cancer. Learn more about Dr. Karlfeldt’s recommended therapies, including the innovative platelet derived nanoparticle delivery system of substances, in the video interview below.

Putting the Fire Out

It has been proven that people who feel in control of their own health experience better outcomes than those who don’t. Being in charge of your own journey is not only your right, but it is to your advantage. When you’re dealing with something as important as cancer, a can-do attitude is paramount. Choosing a health coach or a team of professionals you trust is critical to your success in many ways. Working with someone you trust and are comfortable with helps to reduce your stress, a very important factor in fighting any disease. Just having someone in your corner can confirm the success you’re making and put to rest any doubts you have.