The Pandemic Narrative Is Crumbling, Perhaps it is Time to Look Within.

 The Pandemic Narrative Is Crumbling, Walls Are Closing In On Fauci
The ENEMY is losing LEADERS, LEGAL battles, DEMONIC TV shows and MORE! Hold the LINE! Pray!

Humanity has struggled to understand the concept of God. I like to think that God is the entire Universe, one Universal Mind, Infinite Intelligence, one single consciousness, known by many different names, concepts and ideas.  It is the Mind of the Absolute, the All-knowing, All-Powerful, All- Creative and All- Present, it is The All of all times and dimensions.  Perhaps it is time to consider  the concept of God  may be beyond our  comprehension in our limited state of spiritual evolution.   

Humanity has lost its way, not realizing both the physical and metaphysical worlds, which are inseparable. Perhaps that is why we are experiencing  global events around the world, to assist us to return us to the Universal Mind.   We have forgotten what our ancient teachers were trying to tell us. We have we been living in the physical realm, forgetting and ignoring our spiritual side.

It is interesting to note that Buddha was concerned with the working of the human mind. Prince Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha, was born and raised with every possible advantage. His father, King Suddhodana made every possible effort to keep his son shielded from the unpleasant world and even knowing about death. Gautama, after seeing the real world, knew there was more to life and wanted to seek the spiritual truth. He had to become a samara, a life of severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence. He left against his family wishes and spent years in search of the truth. While sitting under a tree his mind expanded as he gained deeper insights into the human condition.

Buddha said  “The mind is everything. What you think you become.” and “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” 

In the Gospel of Thomas, discovered in 1945 in Egyptian desert has  114 sayings of Jesus.   In saying 50 Jesus said: “If they say to you: Whence have you come?, say to them: We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being of itself.” In the Apocryphon of John Jesus said “The All is beyond limitations. It cannot be comprehended with the human mind. It cannot be measured by any rule. It cannot been seen or talked about. It has no name”. The Spirit lowed for it like the water of life and Light. It alone understood it own image. This One filled with Blinding Light is pure mind.

Another event that went unnoticed occurred in 1981 through 1984 known as the Law of One. The contact by advanced extraterrestrials from another dimension. The purpose was made so the group could ask questions and answers were given, to provide the truth much Jesus and Buddha tried to do in their time. The group recorded and documented over 2360 questions and answers in 106 sessions from 1981 to 1984. Answers were given in a scientific and metaphysical vocabulary. This work was said to be “One of the most important spiritual documents since Jesus”. .

It is available for anyone with the will and desire to study the advanced spiritual teachings. Not only does the Law of One provide spiritual insight but it may also provide a better understanding of what is happening in our world today. Regardless of your beliefs or religion, the Law of One resonates with all those on there spiritual journey. The Universe it talking to us, perhaps it is time to listen.

With our minds, we can create our future. Unfortunately, we have been enslaved by our own minds making it difficult to understand what is happening in our world today and not realize or understanding the power within. Dr. Bruce Lipton explains we have been programmed since birth and it has continued through Operation Mockingbird.

In order to come to terms with ourselves and the Universe we should calm our unruly mind and correct our perception of ourselves and the Universe. Meditation, contemplation, and prayer is the master-key to the gateway. Accept that we create our future in every moment with our thoughts, emotions and actions. Now is the time to see the world  as it is.   Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. It is up to use to create a world of love and joy for all.  This is our time,  our spiritual awakening.

“Everyone is Ignoring This!” – They Don’t Want It Out

“Everyone is Ignoring This!” – They Don’t Want It Out

Never before have so many  starting seeking the truth, trying to understand the  meaning of our existence, to know our true selves.  We are spirits born with a into a world blessed with a  mind and body. We are eager to learn but then as  Dr. Bruce Lipton explains,   we have been programmed since birth.  Our education, media, medical, political and religious systems play an integral part of who we are and become. We have lost sight of our true selves because we have been guided daily through a world wide messaging system. Buddha tells us what we think we become. Have our thoughts, emotions and actions created our reality. Have we feel into the worldwide system of control that is keeping us sick, through the air we breathe the food we eat and  vaccinations   in the pretense of keeping us healthy.

We are now learning the global elites controls these systems and many are asking why?  Perhaps it is the same story that humanity has faced since the beginning, the battle of good vs evil, positive and negative energy.


Perhaps is time to accept  humanity is not alone in the universe and our purpose is to learn how to balance love and wisdom. Love is the most powerful energy in the universe. The signs are all around , we just have to be mindful of the moment and know that  God, Infinite Intelligence is with us always.

We are experiencing a global spiritual awakening. There are no steps or stages that can be measure, no degree can be earned, the only thing man can do is guide you. Looking back at man’s track record, makes one ponder  how we have been enslaved in concepts and belief systems, so now it is time to know our true selves.

In the Gospel of Thomas(3) Jesus said, “If those who lead you say to you, ‘See, the kingdom is in the sky,’ then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty.”


We are in unprecedented times.  Never before has there been such a time that has affected the entire world.  Using your discernment, watch ” The MOVIE…the FINAL ACT! Satanic STRONGHOLDS are being DEMOLISHED! PRAY! by Castle Rock. Open your mind as it  discusses the final act and how we are involved and  participating in the battle of good and evil.

This is not about Biden or Trump, it is about us, who we are as individuals, as a nation and most importantly,   spiritually. We come from all walks of life, different cultures, beliefs and religions.  One thing we all have in common is we started as a miracle.  Scientist have discovered at the moment of conception, there is a literal flash of light. At death they have discovered something  leaves our body based on this video and  article. 

In the Gospel of Thomas, saying 83Jesus said: The images are revealed to man, and the light which is in them is hidden in the image of the light of the Father. He will reveal himself, and his image is hidden by his light.

Spiritual evolution is happening around the world and your spiritual path is  unique to you. There is wonder and frustration, disbelief and believing. We are being put to the test, realizing the world is not as it seems and the physical and metaphysical worlds are inseparable. We have been keep in the dark.  What we thought was true no longer applies. There is this  realization that our thoughts, emotions and actions not only create our reality,  but the world. Look how COVID19 has created fear and doubt around the world.

We have not been told the truth for decades by MSM, our governments, religions and now we are being openingly reality-from-thoughtscensored. We have been in the Dark Night of the Soul.  It is time to seek the truth and this video may be the first step to expand your mind. 

Do not believe anything simply because you have heard or read it somewhere  especially on MSM and social media. They are trying to control you.  You have a gift. It is time to use it. Call it discernment or intuition but it is God’s  gift to us to be used at this time and space.

Do not believe in anything simply  because it is found written in some sacred text or books based on the specific authority of certain spiritual teachers or elders. Do not believe in anything just  because it has been traditionally handed down from many generations.

After great observation, contemplation, and analysis,  go to the place where you have a special wisdom. Call it meditation and prayer, connect to our Source in your own way. Open your heart and mind and allow God to illuminate your innermost spirit. When you realize the power within,  accept it,  train it and embody its teachings for the benefits of yourself and others.

Jesus said is the Gospel of Thomas in saying 2  “Let one who seeks not stop seeking until that person finds; and upon finding, the person will be disturbed; and being disturbed, will be astounded; and will reign over the entirety.”

Juan O Savin: An Exclusive Interview | Flyover Conservatives

Juan O Savin: An Exclusive Interview | Flyover Conservatives

 We are  involved and participating in the great awakening. The fog of war is is very dense and at times we get a glimmer of light.  Reconnection to our  source, God by many names is a process. It is much like waking from a deep sleep, a state of prolonged unconsciousness. We have to use our own unique experiences and perspectives. We are in a paradigm shift that reconfigures the way we think, feel and act and how we experience everything.

Our awakening is realization of  something greater, something more than we could ever imagine,  the power within, our true nature.  The world is not as it seems and we live in two inseparable worlds, the metaphysical and  the physical. It started with COVID19. There are so many aspects how each of us experienced the last year. It was and is an arduous and difficult journey.

Humanity as a whole, have experienced indoctrination and programming since birth. Our culture, education, religion and political systems have conditioned us in our belief and thought processes. People have been drawn to churches, synagogues, temples, monasteries, mosques and other places to seek the truth. No religion or belief system has all the truth but all have some aspects of the truth. The awakening is to help us remember who we really are, why we are here.

Matthew 12:25-26 25 Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. 26 If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand?

Just in the last 100 years we had two world wars, with estimated deaths from 78-103 million that ended in 1945. Add another 8-10 million for the Korean and Vietnam wars; not counting the countless other battles and conflicts around the world. Then we look at the casualties of today’s societies around the world, unknowingly controlled by the corporations; owned by the few. With 95 % of the world wealth, they certainly have the means to continue their programming and indoctrination programs with bio, geo and hi-tech engineering.

World wide, we are 7.7 billion strong, as our positive and negative thoughts, emotions and actions have helped created the world we live in today. The energy pulsating from our hearts vibrates into world. We have been divided by politics and religion, with continuous messaging from the media. We have been medicated, believing it will heal us, while unknowingly, we each have the ability to heal ourselves. Our beliefs and intentions are very powerful and the proof is right before your eyes; the world we have today. We are co- creators, the children of our Divine Source!

Our Spiritual awakening is a gradual and intentional process of seeking the truth. As we begin to realize the divine power within, we begin to connect to our source. Divine energy begins to flows throughout our body through energy centers known as the seven Chakras; the pineal gland known by Ancient traditions as the third eye. They knew of the pineal role in our spiritual development and communication with spiritual beings. Within Taoist self cultivation, the third eye, known as Ancestral Cavity, is located between and behind the eyes and serves as the cavity of profound and ancient knowledge and can be accessed through meditation and contemplation.

In Buddhism, the third eye refers to Eye of Consciousness, seeing the world beyond physical eyes. In Hinduism the third eye is the eye of spiritual wisdom and knowledge..

The third eye is mentioned in Matthew 6:22 when Jesus said, “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.”

In the Law of One, the third eye, the indigo-ray or 6th chakra is our gateway to connect with our Source, Infinite Intelligence. In order to connect, we have to unblock our lower energy centers, by dealing with the negative and positive, thoughts and emotions that has shaped our lives and freeing the pathways for the flow of energy.

The world outlook is dependent on each one of us. Each person is given a purpose by God, and the spiritual awakening will help define that purpose. It should be considered an honor.

You can start simply by consciously making God part of your day. You are energy and, the best way to tap into our source is a quiet mind. Prayer and meditation seem to be conflicting to many, but in actuality, prayer is your communication with our Source and meditation is listening.

It is up to humanity to raise the collective consciousness of the planet. Collective consciousness is our thoughts, emotions and actions which operates as a unifying force. Whatever you think, feel and do is felt by everyone, creating not only your reality, but the world. We all experienced it on January 20, 2020.   Our society as a whole is a culmination and reflection of our attitudes and how we display them internally and externally. We are  playing a role in collectively creating our own reality.

We are a world community connected by the internet and heavily censored, but we are working around it.  Science is now proving what many already knew, meditation has powerful benefits.  It cannot only change the way we think, but we can learn of the power within as well. Meditation is about calming the mind, training yourself to think in a different way, connecting us to our metaphysical world, and at time for you to connect to the Source.  Many scientists now believe the earth’s magnetic field and the human population work together to create either harmony or disharmony in our world. The earth has electromagnetic energy and every human heart generates electromagnetic energy from our bodies to several feet away, according to our emotions. It was reported from a scientific perspective, group meditation called “Maharishi Effect,” that this practice reduces crime. So much so that Merseyside, England, went from being the third highest recorded crime city to the lowest ranked crime city in England, during the time of group meditation. Other cities around the world had similar effects when groups of people meditated at the same time each day. One was Washington DC, based on this report. When the group stopped meditating, the crime rate slowly increased. In physics, that affect is referred to as unified field theory (UFT), waves of vibration flow from everything in the universe affecting the collective consciousness.

The new outlook of the world starts with us.

A New World is Coming

Michelle Fielding Discusses Latest Updates with Nicholas Veniamin



Many are seeking the truth and the meaning of our existence, to know our true selves.  First,  Dr. Bruce Lipton explains  we have been programmed since birth.  Our education, media, political and religious systems play an integral part of who we are and become.  We have been guided daily through a world wide messaging system,  vaccinations, GMO foods, pesticides and chemicals, as well as the air we breathe.    It is a worldwide system of control that is keeping us sick, possibly with  vaccination   in the pretense of keeping us healthy and making it a better world.  We have geoengineering under the pretense of global warming. Who controls these systems and why do they want control?  The truth is so unbelievable for many that most will simply discard it, until now!


Approximately 84 percent of the world populations  go to churches, synagogues, temples, monasteries, mosques and other places to seek divine guidance and the truth.  The truth is elusive and there is a realization that all religions have some truth, but no religion  has all the truth.

Consider a relationship with God is the same as having a loving relationship with our 70444051_498887950951344_4587249759047122944_nfamilies, friends, neighbors as well as everyone in the world, even our enemies. It’s about taking care of nature, Mother Earth and all its life sources. God is divine energy encompassing all things. The essence of God is within each of us and called by many names world wide;  higher self, spirit, soul,  rūḥ, Tao,  chi, prana, kundalini and chakras to name a few. The Abrahamic Religions refer to the Holy Spirit of God which resides within the center of each of our eternal spirits as the voice of God and answers directly to God.  The divine essence of God is within each of us waiting to be awakened.

Imagine your religion contains truths that can be used as stepping stones for the path of your spiritual journey, the higher truth.  Religion has been used to  divide us when it should unite us.   One core belief of all religions  is love, compassion, wisdom and service to others.

Like politics, religion can be changed by the people but again, most do not realize they have been program to believe what they have been taught at a very young age.  In the  video below,  you see people from all walks of life – Jewish, Muslim, Christian, some religious, some secular. It is evident that the participants are moved by this experience as you will be.  It is truly  inspirational and emotional and one day is NOW.

Charlie Ward A must watch


2021 Year of the Boomerang 11/1 Trump declares war on China – Must Watch – Dr. Charlie Ward


Understanding what is happening by Lorie Ladd  

The world is about to change with Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward and Nicholas Veniamin

Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward and Nicholas Veniamin

This is a wonderful positive video.  We have been living in a world of distortions,  creating   fear, anger, stress  greed controlling our thoughts, emotions and actions.  We seem to forgotten how love is the one emotion that will overcome all.  In your own way, cultivate love in everything you do.  Jesus said love your neighbor as you love yourself. According to the Law of One, our purpose on earth is to learn to balance  love and wisdom and be of services to others.  Within us all is the Christ Consciousness and together we will be a  collective consciousness.    Healing  starts with the mind and the realization of the power within, a change from traditional thinking.   It is  just you, your higher self with help from Infinite Intelligence.   The more divine energy of Love you generate, the more healing takes place not only for you,  but collectively we can heal our world.    It is time for people of all religions, cultures and nations that together  we can change our world by returning to God in your own away   From your heart, pray, meditate and contemplate and bring God back into your life. We all have free-will  to choose by  loving others as you love yourself, treat others as you would like to be treated, help those who need help. As our world transforms into greatness realize the divine power within  and be part of the great awakening.   It is our time!!!!!

Shot Heard Around The World, It Had To Be This Way, The Crime Of Treason Has Been Completed

X22 report

Ep. 2372b-Shot Heard Around The World,It Had To Be This Way,The Crime Of Treason Has Been Completed (

Ep. 2372b-Shot Heard Around The World,It Had To Be This Way,The Crime Of Treason Has Been Completed (

Shot Heard Around The World,It Had To Be This Way,The Crime Of Treason Has Been Completed-Ep. 2372

Greatness has a Transition!!! Let it begin


Greatness has a Transition!!! Let it begin

Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast


China’s Religious Suppression Could Spread if Not Challenged—Interview with William L. Saunders

China’s Religious Suppression Could Spread if Not Challenged—Interview with William L. Saunders

Many religious groups are targeted for persecution in China, including Christians, Catholics, Falun Gong practitioners, Muslim Uyghurs, and Tibetan Buddhists, and if these persecutions are not challenged, the regime’s programs for religious suppression risk spreading around the world. To learn more about this we’ve invited to speak with us William L. Saunders, religious liberty and human rights scholar at The Catholic University of America, and chair of the Religious Liberties Practice Group of the Federalist Society. #China #HumanRights #ReligiousLiberty 📣 Subscribe to Crossroads:…