We Are The Most Important

We live to discover our true selves through our self awareness. We live in two inseparable worlds, our physical and metaphysician. We are spiritual beings having a human experience and we have forgotten our spiritual side.

To know yourself may be the most important aspect of our life. Our lives are so connected to families, friends and our jobs, living in the physical world of media, religion, governments, corporations, banks and education. We are living it everyday, all day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Then one day there is a feeling, “is this it”, and a desire to want to “know the truth”. Who are we really, why are we here, where are we going. It becomes a lifetime endeavor of seeking the truth and to know our true-selves.

Self awareness can simply be aware of our thoughts, emotions and actions moment by moment and understanding the world around us. Realizing we live in the inseparable

physical and metaphysical worlds and the world is not as it seems can be helpful. There is a vibrating constant energetic motion within all things, we can call Universal Intelligence, our source or God.

Our mind must be known to itself and this is perhaps the most demanding part of self awareness. If the mind knows itself then the most important aspect of of self awareness has occurred as consciousness is the microcosm of the Oneness. In other words, the macrocosmic intelligence which guides the birth and processes of the universe is reflected on a microcosmic scale in each individual being. As energetic beings, we are radiating positive and negative energy by our thoughts, emotions and actions, creating our reality with all its distortions and confusion. Our goal is to learn and have balance between love and wisdom.

To know yourself is the same message Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Krishna and many others

have been trying to tell us through the centuries. Lao Tzu tells us “Wisdom come from knowing oneself. He who knows himself is enlightened”. In the dialogue of the Savior Jesus said “Those who have truly found the Self within recognized that it exists everywhere.” Buddha added, “Everyone has recognized the self-ones essential nature. But few have realized it.”

We all have the divine gift of discernment, the act or process of exhibiting keen insight and good judgment. In its broadest sense, discernment is closely related to wisdom as an expression of our source. Discernment alone can bring about a sense of balance between the worldly and the spiritual.

Each individual is responsible for their own awakening by whatever means they deem appropriate. Spirituality is understanding and loving the One by loving yourself, loving others, nature and helping others. Meditation, contemplation and prayer, are the gateway to Infinite Intelligence. Being aware of your thoughts, emotions and actions, moment by moment, then analyze your own character, feelings, motives, and desires may be a good start to anyone’s self awareness.

What is Q? Discovering our True Selves through Self Awareness; A Message To All

Riccardo Bosi of AustraliaOneParty explains Q

We live to discover our true selves through our self awareness. We live in two inseparable worlds, our physical and metaphysician. We are spiritual beings having a human experience and we have forgotten our spiritual side. 

To know ourselves yourself may be the most important aspect of our lives. Our lives are so connected to families, friends and our jobs, living in the physical world of media, religion, governments, corporations, banks and education. We are living it every day, all day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Then one day there is a feeling, “is this it”, and a desire to want to “know the truth”. Then the plandemic hits the world. This is the time we stopped and wondered who we are really, why are we here, where are we going. More than ever before it has become a lifetime endeavor of seeking the truth. 

Self-awareness can simply be aware of our thoughts, emotions and actions moment by moment and understanding the world around us. Realizing we live in the inseparable physical and metaphysical worlds.

The world was never as it seems and knowing that can be helpful. There is a vibrating constant energetic motion within all things, we can call Universal Intelligence, our Source or God. It is available to each and every one of us. Our mind must be known to itself, and this is perhaps the most demanding part of self-awareness. If the mind knows itself then the most important aspect of self-awareness has occurred as consciousness is the microcosm of the Oneness. In other words, the macrocosmic intelligence which guides the birth and processes of the universe is reflected on a microcosmic scale in each individual being. As energetic beings, we are radiating positive and negative energy by our thoughts, emotions and actions, creating our reality with all its distortions and confusion. Our goal is to learn and have balance between love and wisdom and negative and positive energies.  

To know yourself is the same message Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Krishna and many others have been trying to tell us through the centuries.

Lao Tzu tells us “Wisdom come from knowing oneself. He who knows himself is enlightened”. In the dialogue of the Savior Jesus said “Those who have truly found the Self within recognized that it exists everywhere.” Buddha added, “Everyone has recognized the self-one’s essential nature. But few have realized it.” In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells us “If you would become perfect, discover the self within. Seek the awareness, not the intelligence.”  

We all have the divine gift of discernment, the act or process of exhibiting keen insight and good judgment. In its broadest sense, discernment is closely related to wisdom as an expression of our source. Discernment alone can bring about a sense of balance between the worldly and the spiritual.

Each individual is responsible for their own awakening by whatever means they deem appropriate. Spirituality is understanding and loving the One by loving yourself, loving others, nature and helping others. Meditation, contemplation and prayer, are the gateway to Infinite Intelligence. Being aware of your thoughts, emotions and actions, moment by moment, then analyze your own character, feelings, motives, and desires may be a good start to anyone’s self-awareness.

Interesting message in the video below I wanted to share with you. 

What Does it Mean to Have Hope

Hope is something we expect and want to happen. Today there is no better time to hope for a better world. A world full of love, compassion and understanding with people caring and helping each other and nature. No more wars or rumors of wars, greed and corruption.

The world does have hope and that hope is us. We can start by realizing everything is energy including us. Even our thoughts are energy that help create not only our reality but the world we live. If our thoughts are positive, we create harmony, negative thoughts create disharmony. My hope is enough of the world population will have harmonious thoughts that include love, compassion and joy and that will change our world.

Returning to God

Spirituality is a broad concept for anyone trying to define their belief system. We are all spiritual seekers looking for ways to enhance and bring us closer to our Source. Many start by seeking the truth from wisdom teachings, world religions, philosophies, and belief systems. The study of energy, meditation, science, metaphysics, extraterrestrial, and the esoteric teachings of Jesus, Buddha and many others also provided a good foundation. The Law of One, an event that occurred in 1981 through 1984, provides an understanding of our world, our universe and most importantly, Infinite Intelligence, the Source we call God and relates to the video above.

Our Divine Source, our Creator, God by many different names is pure universal energy with an intelligence beyond our comprehension. This energetic source encompasses and resonates with everything in the universe, down to the molecules in our bodies. Within each and everyone of us is a divine spark of universal energy, waiting to be awakening. This energy can provide healing, discernment, synchronicity’s and much more that can guide us through our lives if we pay attention.

Our spirituality is one that looks for our Creator within ourselves through meditation, contemplation and prayer. It puts love over fear, service to others over service to self and the unity of all. We should consider how our thoughts, emotions and actions not only create our own reality but contribute to the world’s reality.

Do you believe?

Both videos are amazing and moving

We should remember we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Religion is part of that experience providing rules, concepts, dogma and various other human concepts.

We all have free-will to chose our spiritual path, any religion or no religion. We are here to learn the ways of love and wisdom and to help others. Whatever helps you with that task is your decision.

One way that may help is meditation. The proper way to meditate is just start. Meditation is a natural relaxation state of the mind and the most important mental exercise to practice during our lifetime. Meditation is actually our natural state, but with all chaos in the world, makes it more difficult.

The best way to establish a regular meditation practice is just start. Mindfulness meditation can be practice all the time. Simply focuses on the current moment, not yesterday or tomorrow but the present moment, paying attention to what you are doing. Pay attention and be aware of your thoughts, emotions and actions in all aspect of your day. Our thoughts, emotions and action generate energy affecting us and those around us.

When your ready to develop to develop a regular meditation practice start with what works for you. Start with 5 to 20 minute sessions and do it consistently each day. Sitting in a chair or floor with good posture, close your eyes, take 5–10 slow deep breaths, following your breath. Your relaxing your mind so try not to think of anything. Just focus on a point in the front of eyes. You will find your thoughts drifting to problems just bring the focus back to the point in front of the eyes. The time you meditate is up to you.

According to Hindu Scripture, meditation has been practiced since 1500 BCE, starting as a religious practice. The practice spread to China and India around the fifth century BCE and other forms of Meditation developed in several, including Taoism, Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity.

In the Bible, Psalm 1:1-2 says “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; (2) but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.”

In Joshua 1: 8 states “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it.”

Buddha said “Meditation brings wisdom; lack of mediation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.”

Meditation is a wonderful way to learn to control that unruly mind that always seems to get us in trouble. Starting a practice and sticking to it requires dedication, but if you succeed, the rewards are great.


Robert Kennedy Tells It Like It Is; Big Pharma In Your Face; Corrupt FBI Revealed; Dark Night of the Soul  

Robert Kennedy tells it like it is.

Big Pharma In Your Face

Corrupt FBI Revealed

Dark Night of the Soul

As we go through this particularly difficult and dark time, we could say we are having a “dark night of the soul.” During such a period, we may be plunged into an emotional realm marked by feelings of despair, loss of meaning, and deep uncertainty about life and its purpose.

The Dark Night of The Soul can be called a spiritual crisis as we take our arduous journey toward understanding and union with the Divine. It is has been described as a period of painful suffering through a long spiritual darkness, by releasing the old and transforming into the new. We are all unique, with our own set of circumstances that must be resolved in order to gain higher levels of consciousness, understanding and wisdom.

We may confront our suppressed shadow and begin to let go of attachment to our outward identity and “worldly objects”. When we start to let go of the outer layers, we start to become more deeply acquainted with our true selves, and we also can become more in tune with our God given gift of discernment and many other spiritual gifts that many have. Many may experience ego death, a reorganization, and a reinterpretation of the boundaries between ourselves and our Divine Source. It provides insight to the inseparable physical and metaphysical worlds and the divine that lies within our hearts, waiting to be awaken.

As the veil lifts and more truths are revealed, we obtain a greater awareness and understanding of our true selves; our relationship with a life force greater than ourselves; to expand our concept, not to correct our previous understanding, but to expand our comprehension and consciousness. It is important not to confuse God with religion or religion with God. Religion was created by man in order to understand the Divine. God, our Creator, the Life Force, Infinite Intelligence, and many other names, exists far beyond all religions, far beyond human intellect, imagination, invention and human concepts. This Life Force is beyond comprehension, beyond any definition and beyond our histories and great teachers, great spiritual books and testimonies. The life force dwells within each of us, and we unknowingly are co-creators of our reality and world , with our thoughts, emotions and actions. We are radiating positive and negative energy into the world. The ancients spoke of it as good and evil.

Consider your thoughts for a moment. Are you living in fear as a result of COVID19, judging and criticizing others in an effort to control? Especially those who do not think like you, or chose not to wear a mask or not comply with unlawful mandates.

Or are you loving, compassionate and kind, helping others? Are you in the eye of the storm where its calm while working on yourselves, observing, waiting to assist when it is needed. Humanity is slowly awaking and realizing the Life Force within.

Based on the teaching of the Masters, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha and Lao Tzu, they tell us to look within ourselves to find the kingdom of God. Jesus said the Kingdom of God is within you and all around you, yet you do not see it.

Krishna tell us that those who seek to find the One without ceasing, will find the Lord dwelling in their own hearts while Buddha said Before you set foot on the path, master yourself. Lao Tzu explains the way is empty, the way is full. There is not way to describe what it is. Find it within yourselves.

As we progress through the Dark Night of the Soul, many realizations will begin to emerge with the understanding the world was never as it seemed. Our education, religion, medical and government communities may not telling all the truth, if at all. You may come to understand that our physical and metaphysical worlds are inseparable and there is a divine potential within you. You may experience ego death, a reorganization, and a reinterpretation of the boundaries between yourself and Infinite Intelligence.

You may realize when your alone, that you are never alone and things become clearer and more connected. You have an understanding of the importance of solitude, contemplation, prayer and meditation. You may also grasp that you create your own reality with your thoughts, emotions and actions and how that not only affects you, but those around you.

The dark night of the soul is your journey and yours alone. It is your way to connect to the divine by releasing the old and transforming into the new.

Twitter Slammed by Congress for Censoring; An Important Statement Regardless of Politics; What is Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Hiding? Brunson Case Accepted by the Supreme Court Against 388 Members of the House of Representatives and Senate.

The FBI controlled Twitter

An important opening statement by Tulsi Gabbard for all to hear regardless of politics. Simply listen and let it sink in.

A Loy Brunson update,  who, together with his brothers, filed a court case that was accepted by the supreme court against 388 members of the House of Representatives and Senate.
CASE link: https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/22/22-380/24373…

Loy Brunson’s Website: https://7discoveries.com
Brunson Brothers Website: https://brunsonbrothers.com
Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@OfficialBrunsonBrothersSCOTUS
Telegram: https://t.me/BrunsonBrothersSCOTUS
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/BrunsonBrothersSCOTUS
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrunsonSCOTUS



More Than 217,000 Americans Killed by the COVID Jab: Medical Marijuana; Nature Is Free Medicine for Many Chronic Diseases, 1 Way Enhances Healing Effects; Supreme Court No. 22-380

More Than 217,000 Americans Killed by the COVID Jab: Survey Estimate

You’ll never guess how many have been killed or seriously injured in just the first year. Yet, the FDA and CDC keep pushing the shots, despite their own trial data showing they have no benefit in terms of reducing your risk of hospitalization or death.

  • According to a December 2021 survey of 2,840 Americans, between 217,330 and 332,608 people died from the COVID jabs in 2021.
  • Survey results also show that people who got the jab were more likely to know someone who experienced a health problem from COVID-19 infection, whereas those who knew someone who experienced a health problem after getting the jab were less likely to be jabbed.
  • Of the respondents, 34 percent knew one or more people who had experienced a significant health problem due to the COVID-19 illness, and 22 percent knew one or more people who had been injured by the shot.
  • Fifty-one percent of the survey respondents had been jabbed. Of those, 13 percent reported experiencing a “serious” health problem post-jab. Compare that to Pfizer’s six-month safety analysis, which claimed only 1.2 percent of trial participants experienced a serious adverse event.
  • In December 2022, Rasmussen Reports polled 1,000 Americans. In this poll, 34 percent reported experiencing minor side effects from the jab and seven percent reported major side effects.

While it’s clear that the experimental COVID shots have killed a considerable number of people, the total death toll remains elusive, thanks to U.S. health agencies obfuscating, hiding, and manipulating data.

That said, the most recent survey1,2—published in the peer-reviewed journal BMC Infectious Diseases—puts the death toll from the COVID jabs somewhere between 217,330 and 332,608 in 2021 alone. As noted by Steve Kirsch:3

“[We’ve] killed at least 217,000 Americans and seriously injured 33 million … in just the first year, and the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and FDA [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] want to give you more shots … Since deaths from the vaccine were higher in 2022, most experts would estimate the all-cause mortality death toll from the COVID vaccines to be in the range of 500K to 600K.

“So the global cost of life from these vaccines is on the order of 10 to 12 million people … These [data] are consistent with the numbers I’ve been saying for a long time. It’s not a coincidence.”

Survey: Why People Did or Did Not Get the Jab

Now, the slant of this paper is kind of interesting. The primary aim of it was to “identify the factors associated by American citizens with the decision to be vaccinated against COVID-19.”

The author was curious about why 31 percent of the U.S. population had declined the jab or not completed the primary series by November 2022, nearly two years into a massively advertised “vaccination” campaign.

Calculating the proportion of fatal events from the jab was secondary. As explained by the author, Mark Skidmore,4 Ph.D., an economics professor at Michigan State University:5

“A largely unexplored factor is the degree to which serious health problems arising from the COVID-19 illness or the COVID-19 vaccines among family and friends influences the decision to be vaccinated.

“Serious illness due to COVID-19 would make vaccination more likely; the perceived benefits of avoiding COVID-19 through inoculation would be higher.

“On the other hand, observing major health issues following COVID-19 inoculation within one’s social network would heighten the perceived risks of vaccination. Previous studies have not evaluated the degree to which experiences with the disease and vaccine injury influence vaccine status.

“The main aim of this online survey of COVID-19 health experiences is to investigate the degree to which the COVID-19 disease and COVID-19 vaccine adverse events among friends and family, whether perceived or real, influenced inoculation decisions. The second aim of this work is to estimate the total number of COVID-19 vaccine-induced fatalities nationwide from the survey.”

Here’s an excerpt describing the methodology:6

“An online survey of COVID-19 health experiences was conducted. Information was collected regarding reasons for and against COVID-19 inoculations, experiences with COVID-19 illness, and COVID-19 inoculations by survey respondents and their social circles. Logit regression analyses were carried out to identify factors influencing the likelihood of being vaccinated.”

Survey Findings

A total of 2,840 people completed the survey between Dec. 18 and Dec. 23, 2021. The mean age was 47, and the gender ratio was 51 percent women, 49 percent men. Just over half, 51 percent, had received one or more COVID jabs.

As Skidmore suspected, results showed that people who got the jab were more likely to know someone who experienced a health problem from COVID-19 infection, whereas those who knew someone who experienced a health problem after getting the jab were less likely to be jabbed.

Of the respondents, 34 percent knew one or more people who had experienced a significant health problem due to the COVID-19 illness, and 22 percent knew one or more people who had been injured by the shot. So, as noted by to the author:7

“Knowing someone who reported serious health issues either from COVID-19 or from COVID-19 vaccination are important factors for the decision to get vaccinated.”

As for the types of side effects experienced by people within the respondents’ social circles, they included (but were not limited to) the “usual suspects,” such as:

  • Heart and cardiovascular problems.
  • Severe COVID infection or other respiratory illness.
  • Feeling generally unwell, weak, fatigued, and out of breath for weeks.
  • Blood clots and stroke.
  • Death.

Hundreds of Thousands Killed for No Reason

“… the total number of fatalities due to COVID-19 inoculation may be as high as 278,000 (95 percent CI 217,330-332,608) when fatalities that may have occurred regardless of inoculation are removed.”

Were COVID-19 an infection with an extremely high mortality rate, perhaps high rates of death from a vaccine would be acceptable. But COVID-19 has an exceptionally low mortality rate, on par with or lower than influenza, hence the risk associated with the COVID jabs ought to be equally low.

The global cost of life from these vaccines is on the order of 10 to 12 million people.
— Steve Kirsch

As it stands, the risks of the shots are very high, while Pfizer’s own trial data, with more than 40,000 participants, show they offer no benefit in terms of your risk of hospitalization and/or death. The absolute risk reduction is so minute as to be inconsequential.8

High Rates of Side Effects

The death toll from the jabs isn’t the only disturbing part of this paper, though. Skidmore’s findings also suggest side effects from the jab may be more common than previously suspected.

As mentioned, 51 percent of the respondents had been jabbed. Of those, 15 percent reported experiencing a new health problem post-jab and 13 percent deemed it “serious.” Compare that to Pfizer’s six-month safety analysis,9 which claimed only 1.2 percent of trial participants reported a serious adverse event.

Now, as suggested by Kirsch,10 “we need to discount that by a factor of two because people report less severe adverse events as adverse events.” Still, that means serious adverse events from the jab are five times higher than what Pfizer reported.

“This is why the FDA never does after-market surveys on the drugs it approves. Because reality hurts,” Kirsch writes.11 “It is the FDA that should have discovered this before Mark Skidmore. The FDA is asleep at the wheel and they just believe everything the drug companies tell them, hook, line, and sinker. This is a major miss. Why aren’t they doing surveys like this to see if the reality matches the study?”

More Side Effect Rate Comparisons

For additional comparison, here are the findings of several other investigations:

  • Rasmussen Reports12: In December 2022, Rasmussen Reports polled 1,000 Americans. In this poll—taken one year after Skidmore’s survey—34 percent reported experiencing minor side effects from the jab and seven percent reported major side effects.
  • CDC’s V-Safe data13: In October 2022, ICAN [Informed Consent Action Network] obtained the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s V-Safe data. This is a voluntary program to monitor adverse vaccine reactions. Of the 10.1 million COVID jab recipients who used the app, 7.7 percent had to seek medical care post-jab.
  • Kirsch-funded survey14: A June 2022 U.S. survey by the market research company Pollfish found that 16.3 percent of COVID jabbed respondents experienced an injury, and 9.7 percent required medical care.

The graphic below, which visually compares Skidmore’s findings to the findings of the Rasmussen, V-Safe, and Pollfish surveys, was created by InfoGame on Substack.15 As noted by InfoGame:

“Skidmore’s article serves as another sign that the rate of COVID-19 side effects is extremely high and that the COVID-19 vaccines are an unprecedently risky medical product.”

covid-19 vaccines side effects

Menstrual Irregularities Are Common Post-Jab

While we’re on the topic of reported side effects, several surveys have also focused on the frequency of abnormal menses in women who got the jab, which could be indicative of reproductive harm. For example:

  • A British survey published in early December 2021 found 20 percent of women experienced menstrual disturbances following their jab.16
  • A study published in Science Advances in mid-July 2022 found 66 percent of “fully vaccinated” postmenopausal women experienced abnormal breakthrough bleeding. In total, 42.1 percent reported heavier menstrual flow post-jab (this included women of all ages, as well as transgenders on hormone treatments).17
  • An Italian peer-reviewed study published in March 2022 found that “50-60 percent of reproductive-age women who received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine reported menstrual cycle irregularities, regardless of the type of administered vaccine.” After the second dose, abnormal menses were reported by 60 percent to 70 percent.18

People in High Places Seek Retraction

Not surprisingly, people in high places are already trying to force a retraction of the paper. A special notice from the editor, dated just two days post-publication, states:

“Readers are alerted that the conclusions of this paper are subject to criticisms that are being considered by editors. Specifically, that the claims are unsubstantiated and that there are questions about the quality of the peer review.”

As noted by Kirsch:19

“They are actively trying to get the paper retracted because it destroys the narrative. I’m certain they will succeed because journals are under intense pressure to censor any anti-narrative paper. The problem is that Mark’s survey was entirely consistent with my surveys.

“If they want to have the paper retracted they need to show us THEIR surveys. But of course, they don’t have any surveys because they are too afraid of the results.

“So they will use hand-waving arguments like “I don’t like the methodology” or some nonsense like that instead of gathering their own data. They will NEVER show us survey data that supports their narrative because it isn’t there.

“That’s why there are no success anecdotes. NOBODY can give me the name of a U.S. geriatric practice where all-cause deaths plummeted after the vaccines rolled out. In every case, they went the wrong way. The narrative is unraveling at an accelerated pace but the medical community is still fighting the truth.”

Originally published Feb. 07, 2023, on Mercola.com

 Sources and References

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times. Epoch Health welcomes professional discussion and friendly debate. To submit an opinion piece, please follow these guidelines and submit through our form here.

Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder of Mercola.com. An osteopathic physician, best-selling author, and recipient of multiple awards in the field of natural health, his primary vision is to change the modern health paradigm by providing people with a valuable resource to help them take control of their health.

Multiple Sclerosis and Medical Marijuana

Nature Is Free Medicine for Many Chronic Diseases, 1 Way Enhances Healing Effects

If you don’t know where to go on vacation, there is no harm in getting in touch with nature. Not only does it relieve stress, but it may also help reduce the need for prescription medications for conditions like high blood pressure and asthma. It’s best to take off your shoes and step on the grass with your bare feet—you may gain some unexpected benefits.

Green Space Is Free Medicine, Can Improve Many Chronic Diseases

Do you like green spaces? The British Medical Journal published a two-year study in Finland that revealed that frequent visits to green spaces such as forests, gardens, parks, and meadows can help people reduce the use of prescription medication for depression, insomnia, high blood pressure, and asthma. These medicines are mainly used to treat common and potentially serious health problems.

The study analyzed about 7,300 people, and the results found that compared with those who visited green spaces less than once a week, those who visited green spaces three to four times a week were 33 percent less likely to use psychotropic medication, 36 percent less likely to use antihypertensive medication, and 26 percent less likely to use asthma medication.

Exposure to natural environments is widely believed to be beneficial for human health, and this study actually provides another piece of evidence. Dr. Gyaltsen Lobsang, a preventive medicine expert and director of Dr. Lobsang Preventive Medicare Clinic, said that he often encourages people to go into the forest; this advice is even included in his “prescription” because nature has so many health benefits to offer.

1. Reduce chronic inflammation

Plants release a lot of oxygen and produce a lot of bioactive substances during photosynthesis, which helps you resist oxidation and reduce chronic inflammation.

Many people suffer from chronic inflammatory conditions. When the cells in the body do not get enough oxygen, the hypoxic cells will emit “reactive oxygen species,” which can damage cells and organs, resulting in body oxidation and chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation will then lead to weakened immunity, making it difficult for the body to fight against foreign viruses and bacteria.

Hypoxemia (insufficient oxygen in the body) can be caused by environmental, physiological, and pathological factors. Lobsang pointed out that symptoms such as muscle stiffness, poor sleep, and dizziness may indicate a lack of oxygen in the body.

2. Boost immunity and prevent cancer

People can also breathe in phytoncides when they are in green spaces, especially forests. Phytoncides, also known as “exterminators of the plant,” are chemicals that plants release into the air with antimicrobial properties to protect themselves from insects.

A study found that the activity of natural killer (NK) cells in the body increased by about 50 percent after people breathed in phytoncides while walking in nature. These cells can kill tumor cells and virus-infected cells in the body.

Lobsang believes that the air in the forest can help cleanse the lungs. Therefore, he will ask patients, especially lung cancer patients, to get in touch with nature, preferably in areas with forests, at least two to three times a month.

4. Relieve stress, improve mood, and regulate autonomic nervous system

A natural environment filled with plants promotes the relaxation of the body and mind. The director of Lohasiinfra Clinic in Taiwan, Shih-Heng Chang pointed out that there are more sounds in the forest than at the seaside, such as the chirping of insects and birds, and the sound of the wind. These sounds are called white noise, and they can block out real noise, helping to relieve stress, and are more relaxing than total silence.

Studies have also found that forest landscapes can reduce psychological stress and mental fatigue, and induce positive emotions, thereby improving anxiety, depression, and anger. This has preventive and therapeutic effects on depression. At the same time, forest bathing also helps to reduce stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, thus relieving people’s stress.

Stress is also closely related to autonomic nervous system disorders; forest bathing can increase the activity of the parasympathetic nerves and reduce the activity of the sympathetic nerves, allowing the autonomic nervous system to return to a stable and balanced state. Consequently, sleep quality can also be improved.

The natural environment full of plants can relax the body and mind, and regulate the autonomic nervous system
The natural environment full of plants can relax the body and mind, and regulate the autonomic nervous system. (Ovidiu Hrubaru/Shutterstock)

5. Lower blood pressure and manage diabetes

Studies have found that the forest environment can effectively lower blood pressure, reduce pulse rate, and improve cardiac-pulmonary and metabolic functions, which can help improve the quality of life of pre-hypertensive or hypertensive patients.

Speculated reasons why forests may reduce blood pressure include the positive effects of phytoncides on the body, and the modulating effect of the forest environment on the autonomic nervous system.

Walking in a forest environment increases adiponectin, which helps lower blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. High levels of adiponectin have been linked to resistance to diabetes, weight loss, and the prevention of atherosclerosis.

5. Manage ADHD and improve concentration

In addition to improving concentration in the general population, natural environments can also enhance attention in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A walk in the park is sufficient to elevate concentration in children with ADHD.

Lobsang also found in his clinical treatment that the symptoms of 80 to 90 percent of children with ADHD or autism can be gradually improved when the children are exposed to nature.

6. Manage asthma and improve lung function

Asthma has been linked to exposure to air pollution. For children with allergic diseases such as asthma, exposure to a forest environment can help improve symptoms. A study published in the European Respiratory Journal showed that children who grew up with increased exposure to green spaces had improved respiratory health and often had better lung function.

Lobsang believes that plants are very effective in purifying the air, saying that “plants are the best air purifiers.” He pointed out that many studies have found that simply having a lot of plants (such as sansevieria) indoors can help clean the air.

7. Improve eye health

Looking at a green environment after intense eye use can relax the eyes. Chang explained that green light’s wavelength can relax the eye muscles. The eyes will directly affect the brain, and the discomfort of the eyes will cause pain in the head. Computer vision syndrome refers to the discomfort in the eyes caused by prolonged viewing of the computer, which will extend to the brain, resulting in symptoms such as headache and nausea.

Take off Your Shoes and Perform ‘Earthing’ to Increase Natural Healing Power

When walking into green spaces, it is best to take off your shoes if possible, and step barefoot on grass, dirt, and sand to perform “earthing,” as doing so allows you to receive nature’s medicine—electrons from the Earth’s surface.

Scientist Clint Ober discovered the health benefits of earthing by accident. In his book “Earthing,” co-authored with Dr. Stephen Sinatra and others, it is stated that people live on an electrified planet and live an electrified life—the heart, brain, muscles, nervous system, and immune system are all dynamic electric circuits. The purpose of earthing is to connect the weak current on the surface of the earth with the physiological current of the human botos to restore the body’s electrical balance.

Earthing can manage many diseases by connecting the weak current on the surface with the physiological current of the human body
Earthing can manage many diseases by connecting the weak current on the Earth’s surface with the physiological current of the human body. (Me dia/Shutterstock)

Numerous studies have now documented the many benefits of going barefoot on the ground, including reduced chronic inflammation, pain and stress, improved blood flow, vitality and sleep, enhanced wound healing, and the prevention and treatment of autoimmune diseases.

A case study (pdf) by the International Academy of Clinical Thermography mentioned that an 85-year-old man with severe inflammation and chronic pain woke up stiff and sore every day, and his pain completely disappeared after four weeks of earthing therapy.

Earthing can also speed up the healing of difficult-to-heal wounds in diabetic patients and relieve wound pain.

To maximize the benefits of performing earthing to the body, going barefoot for as little as 30 or 40 minutes daily can significantly reduce pain and stress.

Lobsang said that the body is the structure of energy, and earthing can not only release bad energy from the body, but also massage the soles of the feet at the same time. There are many acupoints on the soles of the feet, such as the Yong Quan acupoint, which is an excellent acupoint for relieving stress, stabilizing emotions, and improving sleep. Additionally, the stimulation of the sole muscles can promote microcirculation.

Lobstang brings his patients to places with clean grass for earthing. In particular, grass that has been exposed to the sun is best. However, people with wounds on the soles of the feet, especially diabetics, have to be careful; they should avoid earthing when there are wounds on the soles of the feet.

In addition, traditional Chinese medicine believes in the concept of the unity of man and nature, and earthing is in line with the concept. Wu Kuo-pin, superintendent of Taiwan Xinyitang Heart Clinic, said that the ground is a part of the Earth (in the Five Elements); the Earth element is associated with the spleen and stomach, and the spleen and stomach are part of the digestive system in traditional Chinese medicine. People can strengthen their spleen and stomach by performing earthing and absorbing the qi of the Earth element. The immune system will improve as the function of the spleen and stomach improves.

Kuo-pin once heard of a case in which a cancer patient recovered from cancer by walking barefoot in the mountains. He emphasized that the energies of the human body, the Earth, and the universe are inherently interconnected. Stepping on the ground with bare feet can adjust the energy of the body, which is beneficial to overall well-being.

Camille SuCamille Su 






Loy Brunson speaks about case Supreme Court No. 22-380. Feb. 17, 2023 Conference date

This case could change the course of our country and the world. Loy Brunson explaining the power of the people.

Loy Brunson’s Website: https://7discoveries.com
Brunson Brothers Website: https://brunsonbrothers.com
Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@OfficialBrunsonBrothersSCOTUS
Telegram: https://t.me/BrunsonBrothersSCOTUS
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/BrunsonBrothersSCOTUS
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrunsonSCOTUS

Loy Brunson speaks about case Supreme Court No. 22-380. Feb. 17, 2023 Conference date

This case could change the course of our country and the world. Excellent video by Loy Brunson explaining the power of the people.

Loy Brunson’s Website: https://7discoveries.com
Brunson Brothers Website: https://brunsonbrothers.com
Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@OfficialBrunsonBrothersSCOTUS
Telegram: https://t.me/BrunsonBrothersSCOTUS
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/BrunsonBrothersSCOTUS
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrunsonSCOTUS


Aimee Herd : Feb 3, 2023  BrunsonBrothers.com

“We have good news! We are back on the docket!” the tweet read. “SCOTUS has updated our motion for reconsideration and has set a conference date of 2/17, just two weeks from Friday!…” -Brunson Brothers tweet

[Breaking Christian News] The case brought by Utah brothers Raland and Loy Brunson—(Raland Brunson v. Alma Adams) had been making its way through the US court system. After the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) initially agreed to hear the case, it was rejected without explanation on January 9th, of this year. (Screengrab image)

However, on February 1st, the Brunson Brothers shared on Twitter that the case was back on:

“We have good news! We are back on the docket!” the tweet read. “SCOTUS has updated our motion for reconsideration and has set a conference date of 2/17, just two weeks from Friday! We told you we were ready for anything, we are still in the fight. Keep the prayers coming!”

The Brunson v. Adams case, if won, would essentially reverse the presidential results of the 2020 election.

On Raland Brunson’s website a description reads:

Both lawsuits include defendants Biden, Harris, former V.P. Pence and 385 members of congress for breaking their oath of office by voting AGAINST the proposition (that came from members of congress) to investigate the claims that there were enemies of the constitution who successfully rigged the election.

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”

How can you support, and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign, and domestic? Answer: You investigate. If there are claims that there is a threat, even if you don’t believe there is a threat, you investigate. How else can you determine if there is a threat unless you investigate? You can’t. Were there claims of a threat to the Constitution? Yes. Where did these serious claims come from? 100 members of Congress. What was the threat? That there were enemies of the Constitution who successfully rigged the 2020 election. Is this lawsuit about a rigged election? No, it’s about the members of Congress who voted AGAINST the investigation thereby thwarting the investigation. Was this a clear violation of their oath? YES.

That defendants be permanently removed from office, and not allowed to hold a public office again.

The brothers have asked those who agree with the lawsuit to write letters to SCOTUS, supporting the case.

@BrunsonSCOTUS tweeted, “…strength in numbers is such an empowering tool that We the People can use to our advantage, so come on over to our new website http://brunsonbrothers.com as we continue to grow this historic movement! We feel we are on a divine mission, and the inspiration this has brought to people along with some of the breaks we’ve caught along the way proves that any “average” American can make a world of difference. All it takes is a vision, a plan, and most importantly faith and prayer.” Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

On their Twitter account, the brothers added, “We truly feel that somehow, someway, all we have done in our lives has been for a purpose. We weren’t quite sure what that purpose was, until now…”

To find out more about the case visit: www.ralandbrunson.com and to see how you can write to SCOTUS and be a part of this historic grassroots movement, log onto: www.brunsonbrothers.com 

May be an image of text that says 'Often is the deepest pain that empowers US to grow. Change is inevitable, but transformation happens solely through conscious choice.'

Great Interview; Re-truth; Know Your Rights; Houston Medical Staff Fired for Not Taking the Jab Speak; Geo-Engineering is Part of the Swamp  



Trump Re-truth

Know your rights

Houston Medical Staff Fired for not taking the Jab speak.

Geo-Engineering is part of the swamp

Law of One

11.18 Questioner: Then we have crusaders from Orion coming to this planet for mind control purposes. How do they do this?

Ra: As all, they follow the Law of One observing free will. Contact is made with those who call. Those then upon the planetary sphere act much as do you to disseminate the attitudes and philosophy of their particular understanding of the Law of One which is service to self. These become the elite. Through these, the attempt begins to create a condition whereby the remainder of the planetary entities are enslaved by their own free will.

16.17 Questioner: What was their purpose in doing this?

Ra: I am Ra. The purpose of the Orion group, as mentioned before, is conquest and enslavement. This is done by finding and establishing an elite and causing others to serve the elite through various devices such as the laws you mention and others given by this entity.

18.21 Questioner: Why did they want larger and stronger organisms?